Heavensward: Post-Dragonsong Main Story Quests
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Official English
Nach dem Drachenkrieg
After the dragon war
Go to scene:
- Patch 3.4 - One Life for One World
Patch 3.4 - One Life for One World - The Warriors of Darkness reveal their past failure
Weltenübergreifendes Schiksal
Worlds-spanning Fate
One Life for One World
Alphinaud: Alisaie! Alles in Ordnung?
Alphinaud: Alisaie! Are you alright?
Alphinaud: Alisaie! Are you hurt?
Alisaie: Ich habe mich schon besser gefühlt, aber es geht schon. Wir haben es geschafft.
Alisaie: I've felt better, but I'm okay. We did it.
Alisaie: A touch dizzy, but otherwise fine. Thank you.
Thancred: Das war's. Der Punkt geht an die Helden unserer Welt.
Thancred: That's it. The heroes of our world score this point.
Thancred: And there you have it. Our friend is too stubborn to die.
Krieger der Dunkelheit: Für ein Endergebnis ist es allerdings noch zu früh ...
Warrior of Darkness: It's a little too soon to call the final score...
Warrior of Darkness: Hmph. We are far from finished.
Krieger der Dunkelheit: Habt ihr mal darüber nachgedacht, wie wir überhaupt in eure Welt gekommen sind?
Warrior of Darkness: Did you ever think about how we came to your world in the first place?
Warrior of Darkness: Or have you never considered how we came to this world?
Thancred: Mit ... einem Kristall?
Thancred: With... a crystal?
Thancred: Crystals? You mean...like the Ascians?
Urianger: So ist es. Ein Lichtkristall, um die Seele über Dimensionsgrenzen hinwegzuheben. So, wie die Ascians Kristalle der Dunkelheit benutzen, um zwischen die Welten zu fliehen und die Auflösung der Seele zu verhindern.
Urianger: Indeed. A Crystal of Light, to carry the soul across the borders between dimensions. As the Ascians employ Crystals of Darkness to flee between the worlds and avoid the dissolution of their soul.
Urianger: Just so. As the Ascians flee unto the rift 'twixt planes with Crystals of Darkness, so did these warriors come hither with Crystals of Light.
Krieger der Dunkelheit: Schön erklärt, Verräter. Anders gesagt: Wir sind noch lange nicht erledigt. Der Tod kümmert uns nicht!
Warrior of Darkness; Nice explanation, traitor. In other words: We're far from done. Death doesn't bother us!
Warrior of Darkness: Eloquent, as always. Aye, like the Ascians, we too are beyond death! You cannot defeat that which is eternal!
Alphinaud: Nein ... Warte!
Alphinaud: No... Wait!
Alphinaud: Wait!
Alphinaud: Bedeutet das etwa, dass ihr euren Körper in eurer Welt zurückgelassen habt? Also dass ihr ...?
Alphinaud: Does that mean you left your bodies behind in your world? That you're...?
Alphinaud: Such methods as the Ascians employ require the renunciation of the flesh. You...you would have had to...
Krieger der Dunkelheit: Ja. Wir haben unser Leben für unsere Mission geopfert.
Warrior of Darkness: Yes. We gave our lives for our mission.
Warrior of Darkness: At long last, you see. To save our world, we gave our lives.
Krieger der Dunkelheit: Dabei waren wir anfangs einfache Abenteurer, nichts weiter. Wir wollten nur helfen - Leuten, die uns nahestanden und in Bedrängnis waren.
Warrior of Darkness: We started as just simple adventurers, nothing more. We just wanted to help - people close to us who were in trouble.
Warrior of Darkness: We were just adventurers trying to make our way. An odd job here, a favor there─we never aspired to be Warriors of Light.
Krieger der Dunkelheit: Helden oder „Krieger des Lichts“ wollten wir nie sein, aber Hydaelyn hatte uns einfach zu stark gemacht. Bald waren wir lebende Legenden.
Warrior of Darkness: We didn't want to be heroes or "Warriors of Light", but Hydaelyn simply made us too strong. Soon enough we were living legends.
Warrior of Darkness: But word of our deeds spread, and soon people were calling us heroes. They placed their hopes and dreams on our shoulders and bid us fight for all that was good and right.
Krieger der Dunkelheit: Wir kämpften und kämpften, bis es nichts mehr zu bekämpfen gab. Das Licht wurde übermächtig, und jetzt droht alles darin unterzugehen.
Warrior of Darkness: We fought and fought, until there was nothing left to fight. The light became all powerful, and now it threatens to swallow everything.
Warrior of Darkness: We fought and we fought and we fought...until there was no one left to fight. We won...and now our world is being erased from existence.
Krieger der Dunkelheit: Verdammt, warum haben wir es nur so weit kommen lassen?
Warrior of Darkness: Damn it, why did we let it get this far?
Warrior of Darkness: We did everything right, everything that was asked of us, and still─still it came to this!
Krieger der Dunkelheit: Du wirst das ja wohl verstehen ... „Held“ Eorzeas! Nach allem, was wir angerichtet haben, können wir nicht aufgeben.
Warrior of Darkness: You understand, don't you... Eorzea's "hero"! After everything we've caused, we can't give up.
Warrior of Darkness: You of all people should understand! We cannot─we will not falter. We brought our world to the brink of destruction, and now we must save it.
Paladin der Dunkelheit: Niemand versteht das, Arbert, wenn er es nicht selbst durchgemacht hat. Der Tod ist hart, aber aus Einfalt eine Welt zerstört zu haben ...
Paladin of Darkness: Nobody understands that, Ardbert, not unless they lived it themselves. Death is harsh, but to destroy a world out of short-sightedness...
Knight of Darkness: I've died before, Arbert. I'm not afraid to die again.
Priesterin der Dunkelheit: Lass uns weiterkämpfen. Für unsere Kameraden zu Hause. Es ist noch nicht zu spät.
Priestess of Darkness: Let's keep fighting. For our comrades at home. It's not too late yet.
Devout of Darkness: No matter how many times we fall, we must rise and carry on the fight. For those we left behind.
Urianger: Nach so viel Leid die Opfer noch weiter vermehren? Es gibt einen anderen Weg.
Urianger: To further increase the number of victims even after so much suffering? There is another way.
Urianger: To have known the depths of sorrow and embrace the highest sacrifice─nonetheless...Master Louisoix, guide my hand, I pray you, as fate's thread spinneth upon this most capricious spindle.
Urianger: Benutz deinen Lichtkristall! Schnell!
Urianger: Use your Crystal of Light! Quickly!
Urianger: Quickly! Thou must needs invoke the power of thy crystal!