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Heavensward Main Story Quests

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General Heavensward translation notes

The Dragonsong War is simply called the Dragon War in German. I like the sound of Dragonsong though, so that's what I'm sticking with. The Heavens' Ward is called "die Azurgarde", which would be "the Azure Guard". It doesn't land as well as being able to use the expansion title does, but going for Azure rather than something like Heavenly makes it line up with how the Azure Dragoon is the highest rank of dragoon while still keeping a loose association with the sky.

The German term for the Ishgardian trial by combat is "Gottesurteil", which translates to "divine judgement". I think this kicks ass and lends a lot more weight to the threat they represent. In general I feel like the Ishgardians' fantasy catholicism is more realistically reflected in their dialogue in German than it is in English, but that could also just be my European cultural bias.

The Steps of Faith are called "Der Schicksalsweg" (the Path of Fate). German Heavensward often calls on this imagery of "the path of fate" by having characters use phrases like an unceartain path, the right way, etc. when talking about Ishgard's future, culminating in how most trials in German follow a standardised naming scheme, but they deviated from it for the Final Steps of Faith to call it "Der Letzte Schicksalsweg" (The Final Path of Fate).

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MSQ level 50 - At The End of Our Hope - Speaking with Ysayle in the heretic hideout
Spuren im Schnee
Traces in the Snow
At The End of Our Hope
Ysayle: Hast du die Jagd auf mich noch immer nicht aufgegeben?
Ysayle: You still haven't given up on hunting me down?
Iceheart: Looking for me, I presume.
Midgardsormr: Die Sterbliche, die einen Blick auf die Wahrheit erhaschte ...
Midgardsomr: The mortal who caught a glimpse of the truth...
Midgardsormr: Ahhh, the child who glimpsed the truth.
Ysayle: Bist du es etwa ...?
Ysayle: Could it be you...?
Iceheart: No, it cannot be!
Midgardsormr: Ja. Er suchte mich auf, so wie du.
Midgardsomr: Yes. They sought me out, as you did.
Midgardsormr: [They] cameth unto me, as didst thou.
Midgardsormr: Ihr tragt dieselbe Kraft in euch, doch eure Wege könnten unterschiedlicher kaum sein. Was für rätselhafte Geschöpfe ihr doch seid ...
Midgardsomr: You carry the same power within you, but your paths could hardly be more distinct. What mysterious creatures you are...
Midgardsormr: Alike in gifts, yet set upon different paths.
Ysayle: So ist es, Krieger des Lichts. Ich trage ebenfalls die Kraft des Transzendierens in mir.
Ysayle: So it is, Warrior of Light. I also carry the power of the Echo in me.
Iceheart: He speaks true, Warrior of Light. Like you, I have been blessed with the Echo.
Ysayle: Zuerst waren es Visionen ... Rückblenden in eine fremde Vergangenheit, deren Bedeutung ich nicht verstand.
Ysayle: First it was visions... Flashes of a strange past, the meaning of which I did not understand.
Iceheart: The visions terrified me at first. They came without warning. I wondered what I had done to deserve them...
Ysayle: Aber mit der Katastrophe vor fünf Jahren änderte sich alles.
Ysayle: But with the calamity five years ago everything changed.
Iceheart: But I had no time to ponder such things once the Calamity came.
Ysayle: Das Eis kam ... und schnitt mein Heimatdorf, Falkenhorst, vom Rest der Welt ab.
Ysayle: The ice came... and cut my hometown, Falcon's Nest, off from the rest of the world.
Iceheart: The land turned against us, and in a matter of hours, Falcon's Nest was buried under ten fulms of ice and snow. We had no choice but to flee for Ishgard.
Ysayle: Wir wollten nach Ishgard fliehen, doch ein Teil der Eiswand brach vor unseren Augen ab und ... Meine Eltern wurden nie aus ihrem eisigen Grab geborgen.
Ysayle: We wanted to flee to Ishgard, but part of the wall of ice broke off before our eyes and... My parents were never recovered from their icy grave.
Iceheart: We came to the wall, and while we searched for a way through, there was an avalanche. And then I was alone.
Ysayle: Ich kehrte um und floh, bedroht von Eiseskälte und umherstreifenden Drachen, Richtung Westen, nach Dravania.
Ysayle: I turned around and fled, threatened by freezing cold and roaming dragons, towards Dravania in the west.
Iceheart: So I set forth for Dravania. I knew full well what might happen were I found, but I could not survive on my own.
Ysayle: Doch ich wurde gefunden - von Hraesvelgr, einem der sieben Hohen Drachen.
Ysayle: But I was found - by Hraesvelgr, one of the seven high dragons.
Iceheart: I was found, of course─and not by a mere dragon, but by the great wyrm Hraesvelgr!
Ysayle: Und von ihm erfuhr ich die ganze Wahrheit, die hinter dem Drachenkrieg steckt!
Ysayle: And from him I learned the whole truth behind the Dragonsong War!
Iceheart: And it was then that I knew why I had been given this gift, for with it I heard his voice, and saw the truth through his eyes!
Ysayle: Seither kämpfe ich für Versöhnung und gegen den Irrglauben, dem dieses Land unterliegt.
Ysayle: Since then I fight for reconcilation and against the mistaken beliefs at the foundation of this country.
Iceheart: I was chosen to deliver this revelation to the people─to bring dragon and man together, as they once were, and should ever be!
Story choices
Deswegen tötest du Unschuldige?
That is why you kill innocents?
Killing civilians won't bring them together!
Aber die Angriffe richten großes Leid in Ishgard an.
But the attacks cause great suffering in Ishgard.
What of the innocents who died when you attacked Foundation?
Ysayle: Ich weiß, ich weiß ...! So hätte es nicht enden dürfen. Dass die Ishgarder die Drachen verabscheuen, ist nicht ihre eigene Schuld ...
Ysayle: I know, I know...! It shouldn't have ended like that. It's not the Ishgardians' own fault that they loathe the dragons...
Iceheart: It wasn't supposed to be like that! You have to believe me! It was...beyond my control...
Ysayle: Der Hass wurde uns von klein auf anerzogen. Und dass es edel ist, im Kampf gegen die Drachen zu fallen.
Ysayle: We are taught to hate from a young age. And that it's noble to fall in battle against the dragons.
Iceheart: Children taught to fear the skies, who saw their loved ones slaughtered...
Ysayle: Und die Drachen erwiderten den Hass, obwohl sie wussten, dass ihr wahrer Feind schon vor langem untergegangen war.
Ysayle: And the dragons return that hatred, even though they know their true enemy has long since fallen.
Iceheart: Yet the Dravanians─though they know where the fault truly lies─fell upon them with such fury...
Midgardsormr: Euer Wissen geht so schnell verloren ... nur ein Bruchteil wird an eure Kinder überliefert. Wir Drachen dagegen leben fort ... und in uns die Erinnerung.
Midgardsomr: Your wisdom is lost so fast... only a fragment is passed on to your children. We dragons on the other hand live on... and memory within us.
Midgardsormr: Men die, and their children forget. But we are everlasting. To us, then is as now.
Midgardsormr: Wie viel Zorn und Verachtung sich über die Jahrhunderte ansammelte, vermögt ihr nicht zu verstehen.
Midgardsomr: You cannot begin to understand how much rage and contempt accumulate over the centuries.
Midgardsormr: Thou canst not comprehend the violation. The outrage. The fury.
Ysayle: Ich werde für meine Sünden Buße tun.
Ysayle: I will repent for my sins.
Iceheart: I will make this right.
Ysayle: Ja, ich habe gesündigt - selbst die Heilige Halone kann mich nun nicht mehr retten. Doch ich werde beenden, was ich begonnen habe, und dem Land seinen wohlverdienten Frieden bringen.
Ysayle: Yes, I have sinned - even the holy Halone cannot save me anymore. But I will finish what I started, and bring the land its well deserved peace.
Iceheart: I am neither a saint nor a savior─just another sinner. Yet I will not forsake this cause. I cannot. I will see this cycle broken and peace restored.
Ysayle: Denn ich bin nicht länger nur ich selbst. Ich bin auch Shiva, die einst einen Drachen liebte ...
Ysayle: For I am no longer only myself. I am also Shiva, who once loved a dragon...
Iceheart: I... We can do naught else, for we are now as one...

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MSQ level 57 - A Knight's Calling - Haurchefant's death
Um Ishgards Willen
For Ishgard's Sake
A Knight's Calling
Aymeric: Vater! Bitte!
Aymeric: Father! Please!
Aymeric: Father, please!
Estinien: Wir haben den Großmeister in einer Zelle gefunden und konnten ihn befreien.
Estinien: We found the Lord Commander in a cell and were able to free him.
Estinien: For a mercy, we were not too late.
Aymeric: Wieso, Vater? Wieso tust du das?
Aymeric: Why, father? Why do you do this?
Aymeric: Why must you do this, Father!?
Aymeric: Nidhogg ist tot! Jetzt ist der Zeitpunkt, die Geschichte richtigzustellen und das Gespräch mit den Drachen zu suchen! Wir müssen eine neue Ära des Friedens einläuten!
Aymeric: Nidhogg is dead! Now is the time to set history right and seek dialogue with the dragons! We have to call in a new era of peace!
Aymeric: Nidhogg is fallen! There is no need for further deception! Now is the time to renounce the lies which led us down this path─to start anew!
Papst Thordan VII.: Und die Grundfesten unserer Gesellschaft niederreißen? Du hast keine Ahnung, närrischer Junge. Glaubst du, das Volk verwirft einfach so eine über tausend Jahre gehegte Überzeugung?
Pope Thordan VII: And tear down the foundation of our society? You are clueless, foolish boy. Do you believe the people will simply cast off convictions cultivated over a thousand years?
Archbishop Thordan VII: And tear down the very pillars of our society─our history, our values─everything we have built over a thousand years? <sigh> A fool to the last.
Haurchefant: Pass auf!!!
Haurchefant: Watch out!!!
Haurchefant: Look out!
Papst Thordan VII.: Los! Auf nach Azys Lla!
Pope Thordan VII: Go! To Azys Lla!
Archbishop Thordan VII: Go. Azys Lla awaits.
Aymeric: Haurchefant!
Aymeric: Haurchefant!
Aymeric: Lord Haurchefant!
Alphinaud: Die Wunde ist zu tief! Ich kann sie nicht schnell genug schließen!
Alphinaud: The wound is too deep! I can't close it fast enough!
Alphinaud: It's no good... The wound is too deep. It refuses to mend...
Haurchefant: Seltsam ... Endlich sind wir uns so nah, und doch fühle ich dich kaum ...
Haurchefant: Strange... We're finally this close, and yet I can barely feel you...
Haurchefant: are unharmed? F-Forgive me... I could not bear the thought of...of...
Haurchefant: Sei doch nicht traurig ...
Haurchefant: Please don't be sad...
Haurchefant: Oh, do not look at me so.
Haurchefant: Das steht dir nicht ... mein Held ...
Haurchefant: It doesn't suit you... my hero...
Haurchefant: A smile better suits a hero...

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MSQ level 59 - Matoya's Cave
???: Und was seid ihr für ein dreistes Pack? Sind das etwa gute Manieren, einfach in anderer Leute Wohnung zu platzen?!
???: And what shameless thugs are you? Is this supposed to be good manners, just waltzing into someone else's house?!
Matoya: Don't you know it's rude to enter without knocking? Hmph, the youth of today─no manners at all...
Y'shtola: Wir haben doch angeklopft. Hast du die Schläge auf die Köpfe deiner Helferlein nicht gehört?
Y'shtola: We knocked though. Didn't you hear us beating your helpers over the head?
Y'shtola: Though we neglected to knock, we did create something of a commotion. I had hoped that would suffice.
Matoya: Oh Shtola! Musstet ihr gleich alles kaputtschlagen?! Immer noch der gleiche Wildfang wie früher und keinen Respekt vor gar nichts!
Matoya: Oh, Shtola! Did you have to break everything right away?! Still the same unruly child as always and no respect for anything at all!
Matoya: Heavy-handed as ever, I see. And still not a hint of grace. Some things never change.
Y'shtola: Das wird wahrscheinlich dein schlechter Einfluss sein. Ich habe dich vermisst, Matoya.
Y'shtola: That's probably your bad influence. I missed you, Matoya.
Y'shtola: To give credit where credit is due─I learned from the best. It has been too long, Master Matoya.
Matoya: Gut siehst du aus, Kind! Hast dich zu einer schneidigen jungen Dame gemausert!
Matoya: You look great, child! Made a real dashing lady out of yourself!
Matoya: Indeed it has. It's good to see you again, my girl, and with your fiery spirit unquenched. But look at you─all grown up and womanly.
Matoya: Und du bist wohl der Enkel des alten Louisoix?
Matoya: And you must be old Louisox's grandson?
Matoya: ...The one there in the fancy duds─that's Louisoix's granddaughter, I take it?
Alphinaud: J-Ja ... Ihr kanntet meinen Großvater?
Alphinaud: Y-yes... You knew my grandfather?
Alphinaud: Ahem. Grandson, begging your pardons. You knew my grandfather, my lady?
Alphinaud is using formal pronouns for Matoya because he's a polite young man.
Matoya: Ob ich ihn kannte? Wir lagen uns ständig in den Haaren! Ein Dickkopf ersten Ranges. Aber langweilig wurde es nie mit ihm, das muss man ihm lassen. Und dich, mein Junge, kenne ich schon, seit du in den Windeln gelegen hast!
Matoya: Knew him? We were constantly in each other's hair! A first rate bullhead, but it was never boring with him around, I'll give him that. And you, my boy, I've known you since you were in diapers!
Matoya: ...Knew him? We were constantly at each other's throats! Like rabid dogs, we were! He was a stubborn bugger, was your grandfather. Never a dull moment when he was around, though, I'll give him that. As for you, boy, I've known you since you were a rosy-cheeked babe at the teat.
Alphinaud: Verzeiht mir, dass ich mich nicht mehr daran erinnere.
Alphinaud: Forgive me for not remembering that.
Alphinaud: And my sister, too, I gather. May I say what an honor it is to meet you again, my lady.
Matoya: Schon gut, Junge. Und jetzt mal raus mit der Sprache. Was wollt ihr von einer alten Einsiedlerin wie mir? Ihr seid doch nicht hierher gekommen, nur um zu plaudern, hm?
Matoya: All good, boy. And now out with it, what do you want from an old hermit like me? You didn't come all the way here just to chat, hm?
Matoya: Spare me the hollow pleasantries, boy. I'll wager my remaining good teeth you didn't come to a forgotten corner of Eorzea to flirt with a wrinkly old woman. Now, out with it─what is it you need of me?

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MSQ level 59 - The First Flight of the Excelsior - Ysayle's death
Flug ins Ungewisse
Flight into the Unknown
The First Flight of the Excelsior
???: Die Zeit ist gekommen, dein Geschenk einzusetzen, Hydaelyn ...
???: The time has come to put your gift to use, Hydaelyn...
Ysayle: The time is come to use Hydaelyn's gift.
Ysayle: Für all die Opfer, die mein einfältiger Glaube an meine selbsterschaffene Gerechtigkeit forderte ...
Ysayle: For all the victims my simpleminded faith in my self-made righteousness has claimed...
Ysayle: Much blood has been spilled in my name. And for what? For a false cause that I created for want of the warmth of companionship.
Ysayle: Shiva ... Hraesvelgr - Bitte verzeiht mir ...
Ysayle: Shiva... Hraesvelgr - Please forgive me...
Ysayle: Saint Shiva...Hraesvelgr... Pray forgive this fool.
Ysayle: Selbst jetzt wünsche ich mir nur, dass all die kalten Herzen sich erwärmen ... in einer Zeit des wahren Friedens.
Ysayle: Even now I only wish for all cold hearts to be warmed... in a time of true peace.
Ysayle: But even now, I cannot let go of my dream─my dream of a tomorrow in which no child need freeze alone in the snow.
Ysayle's lines change to a voiceover without textbox.
Danke, Hraesvelgr.
Thank you, Hraesvelgr.
Thank you, Hraesvelgr.
Alphinaud: Ist ... Ist das Ysayle?! Was hat sie vor?
Alphinaud: Is... Is that Ysayle?! What is she planning?
Alphinaud: Is that...Ysayle? What does she mean to do!?
Oh Göttin, Geschöpf meiner Wünsche und Träume - noch einmal bitte ich dich!
Oh goddess, creation of my wishes and dreams - one more time I beseech you!
O goddess born of mine own hopes and dreams. For the last time, I beseech you!
Erfülle meinen Körper mit göttlicher Kraft, o Shiva! Für den wahren, immerwährenden Frieden!
Fill my body with divine power, o Shiva! For true, everlasting peace!
Fill this vessel with your light! Still the hatred within our hearts and bless us with eternal grace!
Leb wohl, Krieger des Lichts! Du hast mir den Weg gezeigt.
Farewell, Warrior of Light! You have shown me the way.
Farewell, Warrior of Light. And thank you─for showing me the way.
Alphinaud: Ysayle!
Alphinaud: Ysayle!
Alphinaud: NOOOOOO!
Y'shtola: Dieser Äther ...! Sie hat einen Lichtkristall benutzt ...
Y'shtola: This aether...! She used a Crystal of Light...
Y'shtola: This aether... It was a Crystal of Light.
Y'shtola: Auch sie war geführt von Hydaelyn ...
Y'shtola: She too was guided by Hydaelyn...
Y'shtola: She, too, was one of Hydaelyn's chosen...
Estinien: Ruhe in Frieden, Eisherz.
Estinien: Rest in peace, Iceheart.
Estinien: Fare you well, my lady.

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Singularity Reactor victory - Thordan's final words
Du willst der Welt den Frieden verweigern - um deiner „Wahrheit" willen? Soll das Leben Tausender durch dein Ethos der Ehrlichkeit zerstört werden?!
You want to deny peace to the world - for the sake of your "truth"? Will the lives of thousands be destroyed by your ethos of honesty?!
How.. how can this be? A millennium of prayer and the Eye's power combined-and still you stand?
Was bist du für ein Narr!
What kind of fool are you!
Who-what are you?

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MSQ level 60 - Heavensward - Estinien gets possessed
Estinien: Dann ist das Ende also gekommen. Leider nicht durch meine Hand.
Estinien: So it's over then. Sadly not by my hand.
Estinien: ...It is over, then? I had hoped that mine would be the hand to end it...but knowing you, there was little chance of that.
Estinien: Meine Leihgabe. Schön, dass sie dir von Nutzen war.
Estinien: My loan. Glad it was of use to you.
Estinien: 'Twould seem the Eye has served you well.
"Leihgabe" refers specicially to an item that is loaned out in order to be displayed in an exhibition.
Estinien: Das zweite Auge. Endlich sind sie beide in meiner Hand ...
Estinien: The second eye. Finally they're both in my hand...
Estinien: Its twin... At long last...
Estinien: Nun muss ich nur noch dafür sorgen, dass weder Ishgarder noch Drachen sie jemals wieder finden.
Estinien: Now I just need to make sure that neither Isgardians nor dragons ever find them again.
Estinien: All that remains is to take them beyond the reach of man and dragon both. With this task accomplished, my toils shall finally be at an end.
Nidhogg: Lange hast du meiner Kraft widerstanden, obwohl du mein Auge am Leibe trugst und in meinem Blut gebadet hast.
Nidhogg: Long have you withstood my power, despite having carried my eye on your body and bathed in my blood.
Nidhogg: Thou hadst done well to resist mine influence, bathed in my power and blood as thou wert.
Nidhogg: Aber schließlich wuchs in dir ein Wunsch, Drachenreiter! Die Last möge von dir genommen werden, endlich möge man dir Ruhe gönnen!
Nidhogg: But finally a wish grew within you, dragoon! May your burden be lifted, may you be granted rest at last!
Nidhogg: Alas, in thine anticipation of comfort, thou hast lowered thy guard!
Nidhogg: Tief in deinem Herzen schwelte das Verlangen nach Rache ... hallte noch immer das Wehgeschrei der Opfer nach, die du im Drachenkrieg sterben sahst.
Nidhogg: Deep in your heart swelled the longing for vengeance... the cries of those you saw sacrificed to the Dragonsong War still echoed.
Nidhogg: The keening of my fallen kindred... Their smoldering desire for vengeance...
"Opfer" translates to both "victim" and "sacrifice". A more direct translation is "...[in your heart] still echoed the cries of pain of the [victims/sacrifices] that you saw die in the Dragonsong War" but that beats all the elegance out of it.
Nidhogg: Mein Auge hat alles gesehen, alles ... Lass mich den Anblick mit dir teilen.
Nidhogg: My eye has seen it all, everything... Let me share the sight with you.
Nidhogg: Mine eyes have partaken of a thousand years of pain─a pain which I shall bestow upon thee.
Nidhogg: Nimm meinen Zorn tief in dich auf, Sterblicher ... und werde zu mir!!!
Nidhogg: Take my wrath deep within you, mortal... and become me!!!
Nidhogg: Drink deep of my rage, mortal...AND BECOME ME!

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