Heavensward: Dragonsong Main Story Quests
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Official English
Drachenkrieg - Epilog
Dragon war - Epilogue
Go to scene:
- Patch 3.2 - The Word of the Mother
- Patch 3.2 - For Those We Have Lost
- Patch 3.2 - Consequences
- Patch 3.2 - For Those We Can Yet Save
- Patch 3.3 - An End to the Song
- Patch 3.3 - Littany of Peace
Patch 3.2 - The Word of the Mother - Minfilia tells the WoL about the sundering
Zwiesprache mit dem Planeten
Dialogue with the Planet
The Word of the Mother
???: Ich habe nicht einen Augenblick daran gezweifelt, dass du kommen würdest ...
???: I did not doubt for a moment that you would come...
???: Through time and space hast thou journeyed unto me...as I knew thou wouldst.
Stimme Hydaelyns: Ich bin die Stimme Hydaelyns und trage ihre Worte hin zu dir. Minfilia war mein Name, nun bin ich ihre Mittlerin.
Voice of Hydaelyn: I am the Voice of Hydaelyn and carry her words to you. Minfilia was my name, now I am her intermediary.
The Word of the Mother: We are the Word of the Mother. We who were once called “Minfilia.”
Stimme Hydaelyns: Wie lange liegt es doch zurück, dass wir von jener listig inszenierten Feier flohen ... Damals erreichte mich Hydaelyns Wort.
Voice of Hydaelyn: How long it has been since we fled from that cunningly staged feast... That was when the word of Hydaelyn reached me.
The Word of the Mother: Much time hath passed for thee, since the bloody banquet. Since...since I hearkened to Her word.
Stimme Hydaelyns: Sie wies mich an, Y'shtolas Teleport zu nutzen und mich dem Ätherfluss zu überlassen. So gelangte ich hierher.
Voice of Hydaelyn: She instructed me to use Y'sthola's teleport and surrender to the aethereal flow. That is how I came here.
The Word of the Mother: Mother... Hydaelyn guided me...towards Y'shtola and Thancred, that I might be swept up in their Flow...and delivered unto the aetherial sea...
Stimme Hydaelyns: Ich sah, wie Hydaelyns Kräfte schwanden ... Um ihre Klage zu hören, bat ich darum, mit ihr zu verschmelzen.
Voice of Hydaelyn: I saw how Hydaelyn's power faded... To answer her laments, I asked to fuse with her.
The Word of the Mother: There, adrift and alone, Her voice silent once more, I prayed... For those we have lost. For those we can yet save. To Her I would make an offering...
Stimme Hydaelyns: Nun bin ich Teil ihrer Seele - Teil des Urkristalls. So brennend wollte ich dir die Wahrheit über den Planeten anvertrauen, doch meine Stimme drang nicht zu dir durch.
Voice of Hydaelyn: Now I am a part of her soul - part of the Origin Crystal. So desperately did I want to entrust you with the truth about the planet, but my voice did not reach you.
The Word of the Mother: We speak now with one Voice. One Will. One Word. Unto thee we bequeath the most precious of gifts: the truth which lieth at the heart of this world.
Stimme Hydaelyns: Aber jetzt bist du hier. Hör zu, fühl Hydaelyns Wesen und begreife ihr Werden ... mein Werden.
Voice of Hydaelyn: But now you are here. Listen, feel Hydaelyn's being and understand her becoming... my becoming.
The Word of the Mother: Thus do we beseech thee once more... Hear... Feel... Think...
Stimme Hydaelyns: Bevor alles Leben entstand, war dieser Planet von zwei Kräften beseelt: von mir, Hydaelyn, dem Licht; und Zodiark, der Dunkelheit.
Voice of Hydaelyn: Before all life came to be, this planet was animated by two powers: by me, Hydaelyn, the light, and Zodiark, the darkness.
The Word of the Mother: Before there was life, in the depths of the aetherial sea, Light and Dark did once dwell as one.
Stimme Hydaelyns: Doch Zodiark erstarkte und brachte das Gleichgewicht in Gefahr. So riss ich ihn aus unserem Planeten und fesselte ihn an den Himmel, fern, für immer im Orbit gebannt.
Voice of Hydaelyn: Yet Zodiark grew stronger and brought the balance in danger. Thus I tore him from our planet and chained him to the heavens, far away, forever banished into orbit.
The Word of the Mother: But the Darkness coveted power, and the balance was broken. Thus was I forced to banish Him unto the distant heavens, to forever remain apart. A moon bound.
Stimme Hydaelyns: Er ist der Mond, der mich seither umkreist ... Doch unsere Seelen zu entzweien, verletzte das Gefüge unseres Seins.
Voice of Hydaelyn: He is the moon that circles me since then... But to separate our souls injured the structure of our being.
The Word of the Mother: In sundering the star did we cry out, and the barriers 'twixt planes chance to falter.
Stimme Hydaelyns: Unsere Wirklichkeit fächerte sich in vierzehn Dimensionen auf, über die sich die Kraft von Licht und Dunkelheit verteilte. Eine davon ist deine Welt, die ursprüngliche.
Voice of Hydaelyn: Our reality spread out into fourteen dimensions, across which the power of light and darkness was divided. One of these is your world, the original one.
The Word of the Mother: Across ten and three were we then divided. Reflections of the Source, each possessed of a shard.
Stimme Hydaelyns: Zodiark versucht, mithilfe seiner Jünger, der Ascians, die Dimensionen aufs Neue zu verschmelzen, um wieder zu vollen Kräften zu gelangen.
Voice of Hydaelyn: Zodiark attempts, with the help of his disciples, the Ascians, to meld the dimensions together anew and return to full power once more.
The Word of the Mother: Zodiark longeth to be made whole. For His restoration, for His resurrection, His servants labor without cease.
Stimme Hydaelyns: Wenn die Verschmelzung vollbracht ist und alle Welten in ihre Urgestalt einer einzigen Welt zurückgeführt sind, vermag Zodiark mich mit Sicherheit zu überwinden.
Voice of Hydaelyn: Should the fusion be completed and all worlds be returned to their original state as a single world, Zodiark will surely be able to overpower me.
The Word of the Mother: They seek to tear down the barriers which surround the Source.
Stimme Hydaelyns: „Nova“ nennen die Ascians die Löschung einer Dimension, das Einreißen der Mauern zwischen unserer Welt und einer anderen. Dramatische Ereignisse, die wir als „Katastrophen“ kennen.
Voice of Hydaelyn: "Nova" is what the Ascians call the extinguishing of a dimension, the tearing of the walls between our world and another. Dramatic events that we know as "calamities".
The Word of the Mother: Thus do they rejoice in their Ardor─in your calamities─for each marks a Rejoining.
Stimme Hydaelyns: Sieben sind schon geschehen - die Siebte Katastrophe vernichtete jüngst wieder eine Welt.
Voice of Hydaelyn: Seven have already passed - the seventh calamity recently destroyed another world.
The Word of the Mother: Seven times have they succeeded. Seven times hath the Darkness grown stronger. Seven times have I failed.
Stimme Hydaelyns: Du musst das Werk der Ascians vereiteln und die Vereinigung der letzten Welten um jeden Preis verhindern ... Das ist ... mein letzter ...
Voice of Hydaelyn: You have to thwart the work of the Ascians and prevent the unification of the remaining worlds at all cost... That is... my final...
The Word of the Mother: The Ascians cannot be suffered to continue. This...this is my final...
Stimme Hydaelyns: Die Kraft deines Kristalls geht bald zur Neige ... Ich sende dich zurück!
Voice of Hydaelyn: The power of your crystal will soon run out... I will send you back!
The Word of the Mother: The Crystal's power is all but spent. With what remains, I will return you to the shore of the aetherial sea.
Stimme Hydaelyns: Mein Kind des Lichts ... Bewahre diese Welt!
Voice of Hydaelyn: My child of light... Preserve this world!
The Word of the Mother: Blessed children, go forth and seek...seek...
Patch 3.2 - For Those We Have Lost - Emmanellain accidentally orders the barmaid's execution
Ein unvergessliches Ereignis
An Unforgettable Event
For Those We Have Lost
Thancred: He, wach auf! Was ist bloß los mit dir?
Thancred: Hey, wake up! What's going on with you?
Thancred: Hey! Hey! This is no time for napping!
Thancred: Geht es wieder? Dann komm mit nach draußen! Da geht's drunter und drüber!
Thancred: You alright? Then come outside, things are getting out of hand!
Thancred: Do you have your wits about you? Good. Come with me─we have a crisis on our hands!
Schankmaid: Volk von Ishgard, lasst euch nicht für dumm verkaufen! Glaubt nicht den Lügnern, die uns Frieden versprechen. Wehrt euch gegen den Betrug!
Barmaid: People of Ishgard, don't let them play you for fools! Do not believe the lies that promise us peace! Defend yourself against the deceit!
Earnest Maid: Hear me, brothers and sisters! Do not be fooled by the honeyed words of the Dravanians! The peace they promise is but a prelude to slaughter!
Schankmaid: Denkt an eure Verwandten, die von den Drachen zerfleischt worden sind, an ... an eure gefallenen Freunde ... an eure Geliebten, die ihr nie wieder in die Arme schließen könnt!
Barmaid: Think of your relatives torn to shreds by the dragons, of... of your fallen friends... of your loved ones, who will never be in your arms again!
Earnest Maid: Remember your husbands and wives, never returned from war! Your children, torn apart by fang and claw! All your loved ones, shown no mercy!
Schankmaid: Dass unsere Herzen noch schlagen, liegt einzig und allein an der flammenden Wut, die darin brennt! Die Rache an den Drachen hält uns am Leben!
Barmaid: That our hearts still beat is solely and only because of the blazing anger that burns within them! Vengeance on the dragons is what keeps us alive!
Earnest Maid: Does not your heart cry out for vengeance!? Your blood boil at the injustice!? Remember the face of your enemy, brothers and sisters! Remember it and strike back!
Emmanellain: Steh nicht rum! Halt sie auf, los, los, los!
Emmanellain: Don't just stand around! Stop her, go, go, go!
Emmanellain: You there! Don't just stand around gawping! Do something, man! Stop her!
Verwirrter Ritter: Zu Befehl!
Confused knight: Yes sir!
Panicked Knight: Yes, yes, my lord!
The knight shoots an arrow at the maid.
Schankmaid: Uhh ... Seht ... ihr wahres Gesicht! Sie unterdrücken, was ihnen nicht passt ... töten alle, die nicht gehorchen!
Barmaid: Uhh... See... their true face! They oppress what doesn't suit them... kill all that don't obey!
Earnest Maid: See! See here the true nature of the highborn! With lies and deception they lead us to our doom, and dare we raise our voices in dissent─death is our reward!
Schankmaid: Erst führen sie uns in einen unheilvollen Krieg, dem unsere Liebsten zum Opfer fallen, und dann predigen sie Frieden und nehmen uns auch noch die Gelegenheit zur Rache!
Barmaid: First they lead us into a disastrous war that takes our loved ones, and then they preach peace and take our chance for revenge as well!
Earnest Maid: This is the choice they have given us, brothers and sisters! Death by dragon's fang or death by nobleman's command! Death to all we hold dear!
Schankmaid: Der Krieg gegen die Drachen ist alles, was mir geblieben ist, der Sinn meines Lebens!
Barmaid: The war against the dragons is all that I have left, the meaning of my life!
Earnest Maid: I spit on your choices, nobleman! You will take no more from me... No more! NO MORE!
Emmanellain: Verdammt, du solltest sie doch nicht gleich töten!
Emmanellain: Damn it, you're not supposed to just kill her!
Emmanellain: What have you done!?
Verwirrter Ritter: A-Aber ... Ihr habt doch befohlen ...
Confused knight: B-but... You ordered...
Panicked Knight: I─ I only did as you ordered, my lord...
Emmanellain: Nein, nein, nicht doch! Ich habe das nicht befohlen ... Ich wollte nicht, dass sie stirbt!
Emmanellain: No, no, no way! I didn't order that... I didn't want her to die!
Emmanellain: I gave no such order! I did not! I...I never meant for anyone to...
Patch 3.2 - Consequences - Thancred rebukes Emannellain
Die Last der Verantwortung
The Burden of Responsibility
Emmanellain: Honoroit!
Emmanellain: Honoroit!
Emmanellain: Honoroit!
Emmanellain: Honoroit, du Dummkopf, wage es nicht, vor meinen Augen zu sterben!
Emmanellain: Honoroit, you idiot, don't you dare die before my eyes!
Emmanellain: No, no! What have they done to you!? Honoroit! Honoroit!
Honoroit: Herr Emmanellain ...? Ihr seid wohlauf? Welch ein Glück ...
Honoroit: Lord Emmanellain...? You are well? How fortunate...
Honoroit: Is that you, my lord? You...you seem rather flustered.
Emmanellain: Ja, mir geht es gut. Was ist mit dir geschehen? Wer hat dich bloß so zugerichtet?
Emmanellain: Yes, I'm fine. What happened to you? Who did this to you?
Emmanellain: Because of you, you imbecile! What in the seven hells happened to you!?
Honoroit: Verzeiht, Herr ... Als sich plötzlich so viele Leute abwandten und gehen wollten, bat ich sie, doch noch zu bleiben ...
Honoroit: Forgive me, sir... When so many people suddenly turned around and wanted to leave, I asked them to stay...
Honoroit: My...my apologies... Some few of the guests expressed a wish to leave...and I implored them to stay.
Honoroit: Aber sie wollten nicht hören ... Sie nannten mich einen Verräter, weil ich den Fortemps diene ...
Honoroit: But they didn't want to listen... They called me a traitor, because I serve the Fortemps...
Honoroit: It would seem they took issue with my request.
Emmanellain: Mein armer Honoroit! Es ist alles meine Schuld!
Emmanellain: My poor Honoroit! It's all my fault!
Emmanellain: Gods forgive me... If I had only been more careful with my words!
Honoroit: Nein, nein, Herr. Ihr habt redlich gehandelt. Ich glaube an Euch und an Herrn Artoirel!
Honoroit: No, no, sir. You acted reasonably. I believe in you and Lord Artoriel!
Honoroit: D-Do not blame yourself, my lord... I know... I know that you and your brother have Ishgard's best interests at heart.
Honoroit: Die arme Frau muss sehr gelitten haben, wie so viele von uns. Schmerzhafte Erinnerungen sind tief in unser Gedächtnis gebrannt.
Honoroit: The poor woman must have suffered immensely, like so many of us. Painful memories are burned deep into our thoughts.
Honoroit: That poor woman... She lives in the past, clinging to the memories of the lost.
Honoroit: Doch der Frieden, den wir anstreben, wird neues Leid verhindern. Für diese Hoffnung danke ich Euch, Herr Emmanellain.
Honoroit: But the peace we strive for will prevent new pain. I thank you for this hope, Lord Emmanellain.
Honoroit: But the future holds so much promise. So much joy. And you...you know that better than any...
Honnoroit loses consciousness.
Emmanellain: Honoroit?!
Emmanellain: Honoroit?!
Emmanellain: Honoroit?!
Thancred: Keine Sorge! Er wird es überstehen, wenn seine Wunden rasch versorgt werden.
Thancred: Don't worry! He'll make it if his wounds get treated fast.
Thancred: Calm yourself. The boy will live. But it's imperative we get him inside and into the care of a chirurgeon without delay.
Emmanellain: Warum muss alles so kompliziert sein?!
Emmanellain: Why does everything have to be so complicated?!
Emmanellain: Gah! We were so close! Why does it all have to fall to pieces!?
Emmanellain: Wollen wir nicht alle das Gleiche? Glücklich und zufrieden leben? Trotzdem stürzen wir uns gegenseitig ins Unglück!
Emmanellain: Don't we all want the same thing? To live happy and content lives? But still we plunge each other into misfortune!
Emmanellain: Don't they want to live in peace!? Don't they want to be happy!? We all want the same thing, and still─STILL it falls to pieces!
Emmanellain: Aber ... was hätte ich denn auch machen sollen?! Wieso war niemand da, um mir den richtigen Weg zu zeigen?!
Emmanellain: But... what was I supposed to do?! Why was nobody there to show me the right way?
Emmanellain: Tell me: what─what was I supposed to do, hm!? Someone, anyone, tell me: what was I supposed to do!?
Thancred: Auch wer andere für sich entscheiden lässt, muss die Verantwortung für seine Taten tragen
Thancred: Those who let others make their decisions still have to bear responsibility for their actions.
Thancred: Stop looking to others. You make your choice and you live with the consequences.
Emmanellain punches Thancred.
Emmanellain: Du hast gut reden! Ein mächtiger Held wie du braucht ja nichts zu fürchten!
Emmanellain: Easy for you to say! A mighty hero like you has nothing to fear!
Emmanellain: And what would you know about consequences!? You who always know just what to say, and just what to do! Your every deed is greeted with a round of applause!
Thancred punches him back.
Thancred: „Mächtiger Held“ ...! Aber das, was mir am meisten am Herzen lag, konnte ich nicht beschützen.
Thancred: "Mighty hero"...! But I couldn't protect what was most important to me.
Thancred: You know nothing about me. I have fought tooth and nail for the people I hold dear─done everything in my power to save them...and I have failed.
Thancred: Und doch habe ich die Zähne zusammengebissen und weitergemacht. Ja, Vorwürfe werde ich mir immer machen; aber mein Ziel gebe ich nicht auf.
Thancred: And yet I gritted my teeth and kept going. Yes, I'll forever blame myself, but I won't give up on my goal.
Thancred: Learn to live with it. I have.
Patch 3.2 - For Those We Can Yet Save - Nidhogg attacks Vidofnir at the peace conference
Gegen die Unversöhnlichkeit
Against Unforgiveness
For Those We Can Yet Save
Lucia: Es ist fast so weit. Vidofnir wird kommen, ganz bestimmt.
Lucia: It's almost time. Vidofnir will come, definitely.
Lucia: The appointed hour approaches.
Aymeric: Ja, da bin ich mir sicher.
Aymeric: Yes, I'm sure of that.
Aymeric: Aye.
Aymeric looks over the crowd and sees the barmaid.
Lucia: Ja, das ist die Schankmaid, die das Volk aufhetzen wollte. Die Schüsse hat sie überlebt, aber Schaden wird sie nun keinen mehr anrichten. Sie soll die Zeremonie ruhig mitansehen.
Lucia: Yes, that is the barmaid who tried to incite the people. She survived being shot, but she won't cause any more harm. She will calmly watch the ceremony.
Lucia: She begged leave to watch the proceedings. I saw no reason not to grant it.
Aymeric: Lucia. Ich werde bei meiner Ansprache vom Manuskript abweichen.
Aymeric: Lucia. I am going to deviate from the script with my speech.
Aymeric: Should I choose to deviate from my prepared remarks, I ask that you trust in my judgment.
Lucia: Sehr wohl, Großmeister. Bitte sprecht, wie es Euch angemessen erscheint.
Lucia: Very well, lord commander. Please speak however you deem appropriate.
Lucia: Have I ever done otherwise?
Vidofnir: Ich hoffe, ich habe euch nicht warten lassen. Ihr messt den Lauf der Zeit so viel genauer als wir.
Vidofnir: I hope I haven't made you wait. You measure the passage of time so much more precisely than we.
Vidofnir: Ah, how long it hath been since our peoples met thus, children of Thordan. Even by our reckoning.
Aymeric: Keineswegs, große Vidofnir. Wir heißen dich willkommen und danken dir, dass du unserer Einladung gefolgt bist.
Aymeric: Not at all, great Vidofnir. We welcome you and thank you for answering our invitation.
Aymeric: Vidofnir, daughter of Hraesvelgr, we give thanks for your visit and bid you welcome to Falcon's Nest.
Vidofnir: Mein Vater hat sein Einverständnis gegeben, und so konnte ich meinem Herzen folgen. Wir alle sehnen uns schließlich nach Eintracht und Frieden.
Vidofnir: My father gave his approval, and so I could follow my heart. All of us long for unity and freedom after all.
Vidofnir: Our sire bade us hearken unto the whispers of our hearts. They spoke to us of a paradise lost─of bonds of brotherhood which they yearn to see restored.
Aymeric: Wie sehr du mir damit aus der Seele sprichst! Lass uns diesen Wunsch am heutigen Tag allen kundtun und unser Bündnis besiegeln.
Aymeric: You take the words straight from my soul! Let us make this wish known to all today and seal our alliance.
Aymeric: Ours too yearn for such a restoration. And they have guided us here this day, that they might yearn no longer.
Aymeric: Völker von Coerthas und Dravania! Heute werdet ihr Zeugen einer Sternstunde unserer gemeinsamen Geschichte.
Aymeric: People of Coerthas and Dravania! Today you will be witness to a highlight of our joint history.
Aymeric: Brothers and sisters, ye who stand as witness, hearken to me!
Aymeric: Die Freundschaft, in der Ishgarder und Drachen vor langer Zeit verbunden waren, wurde jäh durch einen Verrat zerstört, der uns bis zu diesem Tag verfolgt.
Aymeric: The friendship that had long ago joined Ishgardians and dragons was abrubtly destroyed by a betrayal that haunts us to this day.
Aymeric: Since the days of eld, when the bonds betwixt man and dragon were sundered by our hand, our peoples have known only war.
Aymeric: Er brachte Leid, Bitterkeit und schmerzliche Verluste auf beiden Seiten, die uns zu immer neuen Gräueltaten trieben. Auch heute noch können wir sie kaum verwinden.
Aymeric: It brought suffering, bitterness, and painful losses on both sides, that led us to commit ever more atrocities. Even now we can barely overcome them.
Aymeric: Bloodshed without end, losses beyond counting─and still we fought. And still we fought.
Aymeric: Ja, die Wunden, die sie schlugen, sind tief und mögen vielleicht niemals völlig heilen. Und wir sind auch nicht hier, um sie zu leugnen.
Aymeric: Yes, the wounds they struck are deep and perhaps will never fully heal. And neither are we here to deny them.
Aymeric: Some wounds do not heal. The dead cannot be returned to us.
Aymeric: Doch wir alle, die wir schon so lange wehklagen: Lasst uns ein Mal innehalten und über unseren Schmerz hinausblicken.
Aymeric: But all of us who have been lamenting for so long: Let us pause for once and look beyond our pain.
Aymeric: But we the living can yet choose another course. Here and now, we can lay down this burden─this hatred, this vengeance.
Aymeric: Die Gefallenen kehren nicht wieder zurück. Doch wir sind hier, am Leben. Werfen wir dieses Leben nicht weg! Ziehen wir einen Schlussstrich, damit nicht auch unsere Kinder und Kindeskinder ihr Leben für unsere Unversöhnlichkeit hingeben müssen.
Aymeric: The fallen will not return. But we are here, alive. Do not throw away this life! Let us put an end to it, so that our children and our children's children do not have to give their lives for our unforgiveness.
Aymeric: Our forebears fought not so that we could die, but that we might live! So let us honor their sacrifice and spare our children this death sentence. Let us gift them a new legacy. Life!
Vidofnir: Die Kluft zwischen unseren beiden Völkern ist tief. Wir werden große Hindernisse überwinden müssen. Hindernisse in uns selbst.
Vidofnir: The divide between our peoples is deep. We will have great hurdles to overcome. Hurdles within ourselves.
Vidofnir: Betwixt our peoples yawneth a divide deeper than the deepest abyss; wider than the widest sea.
Vidofnir: Seid ihr bereit, das auf euch zu nehmen, Generation um Generation, bis der Friede jedem zur Natur geworden ist? Werdet ihr mit ganzer Seele versuchen, die Drachen zu respektieren und ihnen in Freundschaft zu begegnen?
Vidofnir: Are you prepared to take this upon you, generation after generation, until peace has become your nature? Will you attempt with your entire soul to respect the dragons and approach them with friendship?
Vidofnir: Generations will live and die ere this divide is bridged. Knowing this, doth thy heart yet yearn for peace, son of Thordan?
Aymeric: Ja, das werden wir. Wir werden uns an die Schrecken der Vergangenheit erinnern, um daraus zu lernen, und an die Zeiten, in denen der Friede Realität war, nach dem wir uns heute so sehnen.
Aymeric: Yes, we will. We will remember the horrors of the past, so that we might learn from them, and the times in which the peace we so long for today was a reality.
Aymeric: Look now on the legacy we would leave to our children. A dream of peace inscribed in stone for generations to come.
Aymeric reveals the monument.
Vidofnir: Hraesvelgr und Shiva ...
Vidofnir: Hraesvelgr and Shiva...
Vidofnir: Father and his beloved. As they were so long ago. Happy and at peace.
Vidofnir: Das ist wahrlich ein Ideal, das es anzustreben lohnt. So sei es denn, Kinder Ishgards.
Vidofnir: That is truly an ideal worth striving for. So it will be, children of Ishgard.
Vidofnir: The dream they shared shall be ours once more.
Estinien: Hah! Wie lachhaft!
Estinien: Hah! How laughable!
???: Never!
Nidhogg, in Estinen's body, attacks Vidofnir.
Aymeric: Den Bogen!
Aymeric: The bow!
Aymeric: Your bow!
Aymeric tries to shoot Nidhogg to no avail.
Estinien: Wie tief seid ihr gesunken! Brüder will ich euch nicht mehr nennen, ihr Würdelosen!
Estinien: How deep you've sunken! I no longer want to call you my bretheren, undignified as you are!
Estinien: Child of Dravania! Art thou grown so forgetful that thou wouldst forsake kith and kin, and consort with the spawn of Thordan? That thou wouldst dare contemplate peace!
Estinien: Bei den Mördern eurer Ahnen biedert ihr euch also an? Bei den Schlächtern eurer Kinder? Dann gilt mein nächster Kriegsruf auch euch.
Estinien: So you will suck up to the murderers of your ancestors? The butchers of your children? Then my next call to arms goes out to you as well.
Estinien: Hearken unto me, all of you! The final chorus is nigh, and all will be held to account! All will bathe in the flames of retribution!
Estinien: Seid versichert, es wird der letzte sein - und er kündet vom letzten Tag eurer erbärmlichen Geschichte. Bis dahin zittert und heult, klammert euch an eure Hoffnung! Auf dass ich sie endgültig zunichte machen kann.
Estinien: Rest assured, it will be the last - and it marks the last day of your pitiful history. Tremble and cry until then, cling to your hope! So that I may destroy it once and for all.
Estinien: Till the coming of that day, look you on your sins and despair! For none shall 'scape my wrath! None shall 'scape my revenge!
Alphinaud: Estinien!
Alphinaud: Estinien!
Alphinaud: Seven hells!
Estinen transforms into Nidhogg and flies away.
Alphinaud: Es ist wirklich geschehen ... Er ist zu Nidhogg geworden!
Alphinaud: It really happened... He turned into Nidhogg!
Alphinaud: Damn you, Nidhogg...
Verbissener Mann: Der schwarze Drache ist an allem schuld! Wenn er nicht wäre, hätten wir jetzt Frieden!
Stubborn man: The black dragon is at fault for all of this! If it weren't for him we would have peace by now!
Disillusioned Lord: Hells take that wyrm! While he lives, we'll never know peace!
Aufgebrachte Frau: Genau! Gerade, wo wir uns mit den Drachen versöhnen wollten!
Provoked woman: Exactly! Just when we wanted to reconcile with the dragons!
Distraught Lady: Aye, there'll be no end to this war till Nidhogg is dead and gone!
Finster blickender Mann: Von wegen warten! Wir werden ihn zuerst erwischen! Wir werden Nidhogg töten!
Dark looking man: Why wait! We'll kill him first! We'll kill Nidhogg!
Furious Man: So let's kill the bastard and be done with it! Death to Nidhogg! Death to Nidhogg! Death to Nidhogg!
Verbissener Mann: Tötet Nidhogg! Tötet Nidhogg!
Stubborn man: Kill Nidhogg! Kill Nidhogg!
Angry Mob: Death to Nidhogg! Death to Nidhogg!
Death to Nidhogg! Death to Nidhogg!
Death to Nidhogg! Death to Nidhogg!
Patch 3.3 - An End to the Song - Alphinaud and WoL tear Nidhogg's eyes off Estinien
Auge in Auge mit Nidhogg
Eye in Eye With Nidhogg
An End to the Song
Alphinaud: Estinien!
Alphinaud: Estinien!
Alphinaud: Estinien!
Nidhogg: Ugh ... Nhu ... Ah ... Ha ... Das kann nicht sein ...
Nidhogg: Ugh... Nh... Ah... Ha... This cannot be...
Nidhogg: Is this...to be...mine end?
Nidhogg: Ihr könnt ... mich nicht besiegen! Ich bin ein Hoher Drache - der wildeste und dunkelste. Ich bin Nidhogg!
Nidhogg: You cannot... defeat me! I am a high dragon - the wildest and darkest. I am Nidhogg!
Nidhogg: Nay... I will not allow it... I am of the first brood... I am vengeance incarnate... I am Nidhogg!
Nidhogg: Stirb ... Elender!
Nidhogg: Die... you miserable-!
Nidhogg: Thou shalt die by my hand!
Nidhogg attempts to attack, but Estinien wrestles control of the body to stop him.
Estinien: Nein, Drache!
Estinen: No, dragon!
Estinien: This is not your hand, wyrm!
Estinien: Du ... hast keine Macht ... über mich!
Estinien: You... have no power... over me!
Nidhogg: Thou...wilt...obey!
This textbox has the shape used for dragon voices.
Estinien: Freunde ... ich bitte euch ... solange ich Nidhogg widerstehe ... gebt mir den Gnadenstoß!
Estinien: Friends... I'm begging you... while I resist Nidhogg... put me down!
Estinien: I would ask one last favor of you, Warrior of Light... Finish me─now, while I have the beast subdued!
Alphinaud and WoL attempt to remove Nidhogg's eyes from Estinien's body.
Estinien: Lasst! Es hat keinen Zweck ... Erfüllt meinen letzten Wunsch: Tötet den Drachen!
Estinen: Don't! There's no point... Fulfil my last wish: Kill the dragon!
Estinien: You waste your time. Kill me! It is the only way! Ending Nidhogg...will be my final duty...
Alphinaud: Niemals! Wir geben dich nicht auf!
Alphinaud: Never! We're not giving you up!
Alphinaud: No! You can't die like this! I won't let you!
Alphinaud and WoL successfuly remove Nidhogg's eyes, and Nidhogg's spirit rises to the sky.
Nidhogg: Diese Willenskraft ... ist ... unfassbar ...
Nidhogg: This willpower... is... incomprehensible...
Nidhogg: Undone by mortal will. Whither now...?
Patch 3.3 - Littany of Peace - Estinien wakes up after Nidhogg's defeat
Das Ende eines langen Weges
The End of a Long Road
Littany of Peace
Alphinaud: Estinien ... Estinien ...!
Alphinaud: Estinien... Estinien...!
Alphinaud: Oh... Estinien...
Estinien: Hör doch schon auf mit dem Geflenne ...
Estinien: Stop it with the whining already...
Estinien: Cease your mewling, boy. It grates my ears.
Alphinaud: E-Es tut mir leid, ich ... ich kann einfach nicht ... Ich bin nur so erleichtert!
Alphinaud: I-I'm sorry, I... I just can't... I'm just so relieved!
Alphinaud: Forgive me. When I saw you awaken, I could not─ It was such a relief! We feared you might never wake up!
Aymeric: Sei nicht so grob, Estinien. Wenn Alphinaud und unser Held dich nicht zurückgeholt hätten, würdest du diesen Moment nicht erleben.
Aymeric: Don't be so rough, Estinien. If Alphinaud and our hero hadn't brought you back, you wouldn't get to experience this moment.
Aymeric: Now, now, Estinien. If Master Alphinaud thought any less of you, you would still be Nidhogg's plaything─or dead.
Estinien: Ich weiß, ich weiß.
Estinien: I know, I know.
Estinien: Aye, aye. 'Twas but a jest.
If you have dragoon unlocked:
Estinien: Ich schätze, ich stehe in deiner Schuld, Alphinaud. Und in deiner auch, mein Freund. Gut zu wissen, dass ein zweiter Azur-Drachenreiter zur Stelle ist, falls der erste gerade von seinem Erzfeind besessen ist.
Estinien: I guess I'm in your debt, Alphinaud. And yours too, my friend. Good to know there's a second Azure Dragoon on the job in case the first one is possessed by his mortal enemy.
Estinien: I thank you, Alphinaud...and you too, Warrior of Light. Quite how you managed to persuade Hraesvelgr to aid in his brood-brother's downfall, I cannot imagine─but full glad am I that you did. 'Tis an honor to share the mantle of Azure Dragoon with one such as you.
If you don't have dragoon unlocked:
Estinien: Ich schätze, ich stehe in deiner Schuld, Alphinaud. Und in deiner auch, mein Freund. Dir Hraesvelgrs Kräfte zu leihen, um Nidhogg zu bezwingen ... nicht schlecht. Du wirst deinem Ruf mehr als gerecht, Krieger des Lichts.
Estinien: I guess I'm in your debt, Alphinaud. And yours too, my friend. To borrow Hraesvelgr's power to defeat Nidhogg... not bad. You more than live up to your reputation, Warrior of Light.
Estinien: I thank you, Alphinaud...and you too, Warrior of Light. Quite how you managed to persuade Hraesvelgr to aid in his brood-brother's downfall, I cannot imagine─but full glad am I that you did. Yet again, you have achieved the impossible.
Aymeric: Estinien ... bitte vergib mir. Ich war bereit, dich zu opfern - dich, meinen Freund und Vertrauten ...
Aymeric: Estinien... please forgive me. I was prepared to sacrifice you - you, my friend and confidant...
Aymeric: I, for my part, owe you an apology. When last we met, I did willingly loose an arrow at your heart. Can you forgive me?
Estinien: Lass, Aymeric. Du hast es für das Volk von Ishgard getan, das wissen wir beide.
Estinien: Leave it, Aymeric. You'd have done it for the people of Ishgard, we both know that.
Estinien: There is naught to forgive, Aymeric. You but acted in defense of Ishgard, as is your duty.
Estinien: Gerade weil du in jeder Lage objektiv bleibst, habe ich immer an dich geglaubt und bin dir gefolgt.
Estinien: It's precisely because you stay objective in any situation that I always believed in you and followed you.
Estinien: Were you any less single-minded about it, I would not follow you into battle─nor trust you at my back.
Estinien: Ich habe nie erwartet, dass du mich rettest. Aber Überleben ist nun mal meine Spezialität. Also fang mir jetzt nicht auch noch an zu heulen wie der Kleine.
Estinien: I didn't expect you to save me. But surviving is just my speciality. So don't you also start wailing like the kid here.
Estinien: Besides, I had come to the selfsame conclusion─that I would have to perish for Nidhogg to be stopped. So let us dispense with the hand-wringing. I have heard enough mewling for one day.
Alphinaud: Ich habe nur etwas feuchte Augen.
Alphinaud: I'm just a little misty eyed.
Alphinaud: Oh!
Estinien: Auch als Nidhogg meinen Körper in Besitz genommen hatte, war noch ein Funken meines eigenen Bewusstseins in mir. Alles, was ich denken konnte, war, dass ich ihn aufhalten muss.
Estinien: Even when Nidhogg had possessed my body, there was still a spark of my own consciousness in me. All I could think of was that I had to stop him.
Estinien: The tendrils of Nidhogg's foul presence bound up every fiber of my being, usurping my senses, but I yet retained some trace of awareness.
Estinien: Aber ich habe auch gespürt, wie tiefschwarz seine Seele war. Den Schmerz über den Mord an seiner Schwester und den unstillbaren Durst nach Rache.
Estinien: But I also saw how deep black his soul was. The pain of his sister's murder and his insatiable thirst for vengeance.
Estinien: The wyrm's mind was as a vast and tumultuous sea. Endlessly its black waters churned, his grief and despair at Ratatoskr's murder never calming, never receding. And driven by this surging current came wave upon wave of unrelenting rancor.
Estinien: Hm! Eigentlich fühlte er genau wie ich. So, wie ich seit dem Tag fühlte, als er mir meine Familie raubte.
Estinien: Hm! He actually felt just like me. How I felt ever since the day he took my family from me.
Estinien: It was the very image of my own heart. There I saw the dark reflection of the hatred I felt after Nidhogg slew my family, when no path remained save vengeance against dragonkind.
Estinien: Aber im Unterschied zu ihm hatte ich Gefährten ... auch wenn ich sie ständig vor den Kopf stieß. Leute, die mich stützten und leiteten und mir auch widersprachen, wenn es sein musste.
Estinien: But unlike him I had companions... even if I constantly butted heads with them. People who supported and guided me and also disagreed with me when needed.
Estinien: Neither one of us had a choice. But I was blessed with something Nidhogg was not─comrades and teachers to console and admonish me.
Estinien: Nidhogg hatte niemanden, der ihn hätte aufhalten können. Eine einsame Existenz ...
Estinien: Nidhogg had nobody who could have stopped him. A lonely existence...
Estinien: Had I not had them to gainsay my obsession, it would surely have consumed me, as Nidhogg's did him, and we would have been in all respects alike.
Estinien: Nun ist sein Schatten zerstreut und der Mord an meiner Familie vergolten. Aber ich fühle keine Freude ... Mein Herz bleibt schwer.
Estinien: Now his shadow is destroyed and the murder of my family absolved. But I feel no joy... My heart remains heavy.
Estinien: Though his shade is banished, his spirit scattered upon the Sea of Clouds, I feel no joy at his passing. Where once I craved vengeance, I now crave rest.
Estinien: Damit ist die Drachenjagd jedenfalls zu Ende. Mein Freund - ich lege mein Amt als Azur-Drachenreiter nieder.
Estinien: At least with that the dragon hunt is at an end. My friend - I step down from my duty as Azure Dragoon.
Estinien: Lord Commander, my hunt is at an end. I would lay down the mantle of Azure Dragoon.
Estinien falls asleep.
Aymeric: Estinien ...
Aymeric: Estinien...
Aymeric: My friend...
Oberster Hospitaliter Abel: Ich denke, ihr habt ihn für heute genug strapaziert.
Hospitaler Captain Abel: I think you have put enough strain on him for now.
Hospitalier Captain Abel: He has tired himself with too many words.
Oberster Hospitaliter Abel: Er wird sich bald erholt haben, keine Sorge. Ich kümmere mich um ihn.
Hospitaler Captain Abel: He will recover soon, don't worry. I'll take care of him.
Hospitalier Captain Abel: I doubt not that he will make a full recovery, but he must be allowed some few days of quiet.
Aymeric: Ruh dich aus, mein Freund. Wir sind beide am Ende eines langen Weges angelangt ...
Aymeric: Rest well, my friend. We have both reached the end of a long road...
Aymeric: I too must see my path to its end. Sleep well, my friend.