Post-Stormblood Main Story Quest
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Official English
Nach dem Befreiungskampf
After the liberation fight
Go to scene:
- Patch 4.1 - The Butcher's Blood
- Patch 4.2 - Elation and Trepidation
- Patch 4.2 - A Guilty Conscience
- Patch 4.3 - Gosetsu and Tsuyu
- Patch 4.3 - Gone like the Morning Dew
- Patch 4.3 - Fruits of her Labor
- Alisaie's optional commentary after meeting with Asahi and his parents at Castrum Fluminis.
- Yotsuyu kills her parents.
- Alisaie's optional commentary after learning Yotsuyu killed her parents.
- Patch 4.3 - The Primary Agreement
Planned content:
- 1 very specific raubahn scene
Patch 4.1 - The Butcher's Blood - Visiting Fordola in her cell.
Seelische Abgründe
Abysses of the Soul
The Butcher's Blood
Fordola: Oh, die strahlenden Helden. Seid ihr gekommen, um euch an meinem Elend zu ergötzen?
Fordola: Oh, the radiant heroes. Did you come to gorge yourselves on my misery?
Fordola: Well, well, well... So many visitors. Come to have a good laugh, have you?
Fordola: Oder seid ihr endlich so gnädig, meinem sinnlosen Dasein ein Ende zu machen?
Fordola: Or are you finally merciful enough to end my miserable existence?
Fordola: Or do you mean to put me out of my misery? To finish what you started? It's about bloody time.
Lyse: Weder noch.
Lyse: Neither.
Lyse: That's not why we're here, no.
Lyse: Du wirst leben. Wir haben nicht vor, ein Exempel an dir zu statuieren.
Lyse: You will live. We have no intention of making an example out of you.
Lyse: Do you remember what I said? How I promised you you'd live long enough to see us win our freedom? Well, I meant it. And not to mock you, either.
Fordola: Warum tut ihr mir das an?
Fordola: Why are you doing this to me?
Fordola: You're wasting your time.
Fordola: Mein Leben hat keinen Sinn mehr. Was soll ich noch auf dieser Welt?
Fordola: My life has no meaning anymore. What's left for me to do in this world?
Fordola: All of this is pointless. There's no reason to keep me alive, and you know it!
Fordola: Ich habe meine Kameraden geopfert, und es hat trotzdem nicht zum Sieg gereicht. Das wird mich mein Leben lang verfolgen. Lieber sterbe ich!
Fordola: I sacrificed my comrades, and it didn't even lead to victory. That'll haunt me for the rest of my life. I'd rather die!
Fordola: I killed your men─I killed my men! And you know what my only regret is? That I didn't kill you when I had the chance!
Arenvald: Pah! Mir machst du nichts vor!
Arenvald: Pah! You can't fool me!
Arenvald: That's a lie, and you know it! You think we can't tell what you're trying to do? That we're blind?
Arenvald: Du wolltest nie sterben! Du wolltest frei sein!
Arenvald: You don't want to die! You want to be free!
Arenvald: You're a fool, but you're not stupid. You're ruthless. Relentless. You'd give up anything and everything to get what you want.
Arenvald: Dafür hast du gekämpft! Mit grausamen Mitteln. Dafür hast du deine Freunde geopfert!
Arenvald: That's what you fought for! With gruesome means. That's what you sacrificed your friends for!
Arenvald: You didn't come this far, climbing over the bodies of your own brothers and sisters, just to piss it all away!
Arenvald: Und glaub mir, ich weiß ganz genau, wovon ich spreche.
Arenvald: And trust me, I know very well what I'm talking about.
Arenvald: I see you, Fordola! I see you for what you are!
WoL gets an Echo vision.
Fordolas Mutter: Fordola, trödle nicht rum! Wir verspäten uns noch! Willst du Legatus Gaius etwa warten lassen?
Fordola's mother: Fordola, don't dawdle around! We'll be late! You don't want to make Legatus Gaius wait, right?
Fordola's Mother: Come along, Fordola! We mustn't be late! The imperial viceroy will be attending today's banquet!
Fordola: Bin schon unterwegs!
Fordola: I'm coming!
Fordola: All right...
Fordola: Wer ist dieser Regalfuß Gaius eigentlich, Papa? Sag schon!
Fordola: Who is this legal-tush Gaius actually, papa? Tell me!
Fordola: Father, what's Lord Gaius like? Is he nice? Are you friends?
The way she mispronounces Legatus directly translates to "shelf-foot."
Fordolas Vater: Regalfuß Gaius? Lass das bloß nicht seine Leibwächter hören.
Fordola's father: Legal-tush Gaius? Don't let his bodyguards hear that.
Fordola's Father: There you go again with all your questions...
Fordolas Vater: Legatus Gaius ist ein edler und äußerst einflussreicher Mann. Er herrscht über ganz Ala Mhigo. Es ist eine große Ehre, an seinem Bankett teilnehmen zu dürfen.
Fordola's father: Legatus Gaius is a noble and very influential man. He rules over all Ala Mhigo. It's a great honor to be allowed to participate in his banquet.
Fordola's Father: Lord Gaius is a great and honorable man who looks after all of Ala Mhigo. He's very busy, and if we don't hurry, we'll miss our chance to see him.
Grollender Mhigit: Ts ... Verräter!
Angry Ala Mhigan: Tch... Traitor!
Ala Mhigan Malcontent: Filthy tinhead-lovers...
Fordola: Verräter? Hast du ein Geheimnis verraten, Papa?
Fordola: Traitor? Did you tell someone's secret, papa?
Fordola: Father, what did that man call us?
Grollender Mhigit: Schön wär's, Kleine. Deine Eltern haben ihr Land verraten und ihre mhigischen Brüder und Schwestern gleich mit! Damit sie sich ein Stück vom dreckigen garleischen Kuchen abschneiden können. Ersticken sollen sie daran, diese gierigen Hunde!
Angry Ala Mhigan: That's right, kid. Your parents betrayed their country and their Ala Mhigan brothers and sisters with it! All so they could eat some nasty crumbs from the Garlean table. Hope they choke on them, these greedy dogs!
Ala Mhigan Malcontent: The little tinhead-lover doesn't know what she is, eh? A traitor, sweetheart. A backstabbing bitch who'd gladly betray her kith and kin to gnaw on what few scraps the imperials deign to toss her. Like your bastard father and whore mother!
Fordola: Wie gemein! Meine Eltern sind die liebsten auf der ganzen Welt!
Fordola: How mean! My parents are the nicest in the whole world!
Fordola: That's not true! My parents are good people! They've never done anything like that!
Grollender Mhigit: Zu dir vielleicht, aber uns treten sie mit Füßen ... Verhätschelte Göre!
Angry Ala Mhigan: To you maybe, but they walk all over the rest of us... Pampered brat!
Ala Mhigan Malcontent: Oh but they were quick to help themselves and their bitch spawn, weren't they? You're just as guilty as them!
The Ala Mhigan throws a rock at Fordola, and several bystanders join in.
Fordolas Vater: Fordola!
Fordola's father: Fordola!
Fordola's Father: Fordola!
Fordola's Mother runs to an imperial soldier for help.
Fordolas Mutter: So helft doch! Haltet diesen Abschaum auf!
Fordola's mother: Please help! Stop this scum!
Fordola's Mother: Please! You have to do something! My husband and daughter are in danger!
Pilus Prior: Die Armee des Kaisers hat keine Zeit für die nichtigen Streitigkeiten des Pöbels. Ihr mhigischen Köter könnt euch gerne gegenseitig zerfleischen.
Pilus Prior: The emperor's army has no time for the petty conflicts of the masses. You Ala Mhigan dogs are free to maul each other.
Imperial Pilus Prior: Soldiers of the imperial army are under no obligation to intervene in the disputes of Aan.
Fordolas Mutter: Aber wir sind Bürger! Wir haben Rechte!
Fordola's mother: But we're citizens! We have rights!
Fordola's Mother: We're citizens! We have rights!
Fordola: Papa! Wieso machen die das?
Fordola: Papa! Why are they doing this?
Fordola: Father, I'm scared!
Fordolas Vater: Keine Sorge, mein Kind. Eines Tages ... werden auch sie verstehen, dass unser Weg der richtige ist.
Fordola's father: Don't worry, dear. One day... they'll understand that our way is the right one.
Fordola's Father: It's all right, it's all right. They don't understand. But they'll see in time. They'll see that this is the only way to survive.
One imperial soldier moves to step in, but the Pilus Prior stops them.
Pilus Prior: Lass sie. Die sollen sich ruhig ein bisschen austoben. Dann machen sie uns weniger Ärger.
Pilus Prior: Leave them. Let them blow off some steam, they'll be less trouble for us.
Imperial Pilus Prior: Let the savages have their fun. They'll be more compliant once they've tired themselves out.
The flashback skips to a grown-up Fordola.
Fordolas Mutter: Fordola, ich flehe dich an! Geh nicht! Du besitzt das garleische Bürgerrecht bereits! Es gibt keinen Grund, der Armee beizutreten!
Fordola's mother: Fordola, I'm begging you! Don't go! You already have Garlean citizenship! There's no reason to join the army!
Fordola's Mother: Fordola, please! You already have citizenship! Why would you want to become a soldier!?
Fordolas Mutter: Was ist das für eine Tätowierung?
Fordola's mother: What kind of tattoo is that?
Fordola's Mother: Oh gods, what have you done to your face!?
Fordola: Das weißt du genau. Das traditionelle mhigische Muster, das Vater auch trug.
Fordola: You already know. It's the traditional Ala Mhigan design that father also wore.
Fordola: Forgotten it already, have you? I'm honoring Father's memory.
Fordolas Mutter: Willst du etwa, dass man dich als Wilde beschimpft?
Fordola's mother: Do you want them to dismiss you as a savage?
Fordola's Mother: By telling the world that you're no better than a common savage!?
Fordola: Davor brauche ich mich als Bürgerin doch nicht zu fürchten. Oder etwa doch, Mutter?
Fordola: I don't have to worry about that as a citizen, or do I, mother?
Fordola: Am I, though, Mother? Are any of us?
Fordola: Da hast du es! So viel ist das Bürgerrecht eines Mhigiten wert. Die Garlear werden immer auf uns herabblicken.
Fordola: There you have it! That's how much an Ala Mhigan's citizenship is worth. The Garleans will forever look down on us.
Fordola: Can't you see? Citizenship means nothing to them. If you're not a pureblood Garlean, you're no different from any other savage.
Fordola: Wollen wir doch mal sehen, ob sich die Leute noch trauen, mich schief anzugucken, wenn ich erstmal Pilus Prior bin. Wie Vater will ich jedenfalls nicht enden.
Fordola: We'll see if these people will still dare to look at me wrong once I'm Pilus Prior. I don't want to end up like father in any case.
Fordola: So I'll play the part. I'll join the legion and I'll make them respect me. And when the mob see that, they'll think twice before throwing their stones.
Fordola: Ansfrid, Hrudolf, Emelin! Seid ihr bereit?
Fordola: Ansfrid, Hrudolf, Emelin! Are you ready?
Fordola: Ansfrid, Hrudolf, Emelin. It's time!
Fordola: Es wird hart, keine Frage. Sie werden versuchen, uns fertigzumachen, uns zum Aufgeben zu zwingen. Aber das schaffen sie nicht! Wir werden bluten für sie - sterben, wenn es sein muss. Wir werden alles tun, um frei zu sein!
Fordola: It'll be hard, no doubt. They will try to end us, to force us to give up. But they won't get to! We will bleed for them - die if we must. We'll do anything to be free!
Fordola: It'll be hard. Humiliating. They'll try to break us─send us crawling back to our “own kind.” But we won't, no matter what. We'll bleed for them─die for them if we have to. We'll do whatever it takes to be free!
The flashback ends.
Arenvald: Du willst dich opfern, nicht wahr? Du lädst alle Schuld auf dich, wirst zum Tode verurteilt und erlaubst deinen Landsleuten so einen Neuanfang.
Arenvald: You want to sacrifice yourself, don't you? You pile all the blame on yourself, get sentenced to death, and so give your countrymen a fresh start.
Arenvald: So, you mean to play the part one last time, eh? The unrepentant traitor, whose death will serve to unite the people?
Fordola: Du irrst dich.
Fordola: You're wrong.
Fordola: Shut up!
Arenvald: Wenn du einfach nur sterben wolltest, hättest du es längst tun können. Ein Strick ist schnell geknüpft.
Arenvald: If you just wanted to die you could've done so already. A noose is easy to make.
Arenvald: You had every chance to kill yourself. Fashion a noose from your clothes, wait for the guards to leave you alone long enough to slip it over your neck─
Fordola: Halt's Maul!
Fordola: Shut up!
Fordola: I said shut up!
Arenvald: Wie soll ich schweigen, nach allem, was ich gesehen habe!
Arenvald: How am I supposed to stay silent after what I've seen!
Arenvald: But then it would all have been for nothing, wouldn't it? Whatever it takes. That's what you said.
Fordola: Verstehe. Ihr habt in meiner Vergangenheit rumgeschnüffelt, was?
Fordola: I get it. You rummaged around in my past, huh?
Fordola: ...Been in my head, have you? Had a little peek at my past?
Fordola: Was auch immer ihr gesehen habt: Glaubt nicht, mich zu kennen!
Fordola: Whatever it is you saw, don't think you know me!
Fordola: And what, a few stolen memories tell you everything you need to know, do they?
Fordola: Ich bin nicht die, für die ihr mich haltet!
Fordola: I'm not who you take me for!
Fordola: Don't you dare patronize me! You don't know a godsdamned thing about the life I've led!
Fordola: Alles, was ich wollte, war Rache für den Tod meines Vaters. Rache an denen, die ihm feige das Leben nahmen, und denen, die ihn elend verrecken ließen. Dafür hab ich mir sogar diese dämliche Kraft verleihen lassen!
Fordola: All I wanted was revenge for my father's death. Revenge on those bastards who killed him, and the bastards who let him get beat to death like a dog. I even got myself this stupid power for that!
Fordola: The bastards that killed him, the bastards that let it happen─my father deserved better! I swore I'd do whatever it took to make them pay!
In German she uses three different words for a miserable death and doesn't give any emphasis to the perpetrators, but I couldn't really figure out how to keep that anger in her words while also keeping the emphasis on the same parts without sounding super awkward or just rewriting the whole sentence from the ground up. I settled for having her call the perpetrators bastards, but she appears more hung up on the horrific way her father died than on who exactly did it.
Fordola gets an Echo vision of WoL's past.
Fordola: Wie kannst du mit dieser Gabe den Verstand behalten?
Fordola: How are you not losing your mind with this ability?
Fordola: You...y-you... All that power...all that pain... It's too much... Too much for anyone!
Fordola: Du blickst in die Herzen wildfremder Leute! Du siehst, wie das Leben sie umherschubst, wie sie leiden und verraten werden. Wie erträgst du das?
Fordola: You look into the hearts of complete strangers! You see how life pushes them around, how they've suffered and been betrayed! How can you bear it?
Fordola: The things they've done to you. The lies, the betrayal, the endless fighting...yet there you stand, unbroken. How...? Why...?
Story selection
Du hast es selbst gesehen.
You've seen it yourself.
You know why. You saw.
Es ist mir vom Schicksal bestimmt.
Because it's my fate.
For those I have lost. For those I can yet save.
Ich will diese Welt beschützen.
I want to protect this world.
Because I chose to.
Fordola: Ich ... Ich hasse euch alle!
Fordola: I... I hate all of you!
Fordola: Damn you... Damn you all...
Lyse: Wir wollen die Dinge nicht überstürzen. Überleg dir in Ruhe, was du wirklich willst. Wir geben dir etwas Bedenkzeit.
Lyse: We won't rush things. Think carefully about what you really want. We'll give you some time.
Lyse: You still have time, Fordola. Think about how you want to spend it.
Lyse: Gehen wir.
Lyse: Let's go.
Lyse: Let's go.
Patch 4.2 - Elation and Trepidation - Hien comments on Jifuya's behaviour at the end of the quest.
Der lange Arm der Vergangenheit
The Long Arm of the Past
Elation and Trepidation
Hien: Vielen Dank, dass du den Verwalter zurückgebracht hast. Gosetsu hat mir schon erzählt, was passiert ist.
Hien: Thank you for bringing back the manager. Gosetsu has already told me what happened.
Hien: I thank you for your help in the search. Gosetsu has told me all that transpired.
Hien: Wie Jifuya wird es vielen Domanern gehen. Die Furcht vor Yotsuyu sitzt tief. So tief, das sie trotz ihrest Zustands die Leute mit ihrer bloßen Anwesenheit in Angst und Schrecken versetzt.
Hien: Many Domans will feel the same as Jifuya. The fear of Yotsuyu sits deep. So deep that, despite her condition, her mere presence inflicts fear and terror on the people.
Hien: I would not presume to defend the life Jifuya led before he joined the Front. Nor will I condemn it. Frankly, it is not my place to judge. I will only say this: the Jifuya I know has ever been a man of courage. That he should feel driven to flee bespeaks the depth of his terror. Even now, Yotsuyu casts a shadow over the realm...
Hien: Aber im Moment gibt es Wichtigeres. Die Garlear rühren sich wieder. Ich fürchte, ich werde dich wieder um deine Hilfe bitten müssen.
Hien: But there are more important matters for the moment. The Garleans have stirred again. I fear I will have to ask for your help again.
Hien: But the question of what is to be done with her must wait. The Empire is on the move once more.
Patch 4.2 - A Guilty Conscience - Gosetsu argues for Tsuyu's innocence.
Das Wesen der Schuld
The Nature of Guilt
A Guilty Conscience
Hien: Während ihr mit Asahi unterwegs wart, habe ich sie heimlich aus der Klause hierhergeholt.
Hien: I had her transferred here in secret while you were out with Asahi.
Hien: I had her brought here in secret while the three of you kept our guest company.
Hien: Ich habe schon einmal das Schwert gegen sie geführt, um sie für ihre Verbrechen zu bestrafen. Der Schmerz sitzt noch tief, ihre Sünden sind nicht gesühnt.
Hien: I have raised my blade against her once before already, to punish her for her transgressions. The pain still sits deep, her sins have not been absolved.
Hien: The world has not been kind to you, it is true. But that does not excuse your sins. You should be at the bottom of the river.
Hien: Beim Kampf in der Burg ist sie ihrer gerechten Strafe entkommen, doch als Herrscher von Doma ist es meine Pflicht, sie zu richten, und das gedenke ich auch zu tun.
Hien: She escaped her just punishment in the battle at the castle, but as ruler of Doma it is my duty to see it done, and that is my intention.
Hien: Yet here you are, the living, breathing proof of my failure. A failure for which I would now make amends.
Yotsuyu: Was habe ich denn getan? Ich erinnere mich nicht ...
Yotsuyu: But what did I do? I don't remember...
Yotsuyu: What did I do? I don't remember.
Yotsuyu: Wenn ich etwas Schlimmes getan habe, dann sagt es mir. Bitte! Ich will es wissen!
Yotsuyu: If I did something bad then tell me. Please! I want to know!
Yotsuyu: Was it really so terrible? Tell me, please! What did I do!?
Gosetsu: Was ist das Wesen der Schuld?
Gosetsu: What is the nature of guilt?
Gosetsu: You speak of sins, my lord, but at whose feet do those sins lie?
Gosetsu: Steckt sie in unserem Körper, unseren Muskeln und Sehnen? Dann aber kann man dem listigen Hintermann, der seine Schandtaten gewollt, aber nicht mit eigener Hand ausgeführt hat, nichts anlasten.
Gosetsu: Is it in our bodies, beneath muscle and sinew? In that case the cunning man behind the scenes, who wanted his misdeeds done but did not enact them by his own hand, cannot be blamed.
Gosetsu: With the soldiers who committed the crimes, or those who commanded them to do so?
Gosetsu: Oder steckt sie in unseren Seelen? Verschwindet dann auch die Schuld, wenn einer seine Taten nicht mehr im Herzen trägt, weil er sich nicht mehr an sie erinnert?
Gosetsu: Or is it in our souls? Does the guilt then disappear when one no longer carries their deeds in their heart, for they no longer remember them?
Gosetsu: With both, I would say, for all have a conscience, and all must choose. But with no memory of who she is or what she has done, what sin remains to be cleansed?
Hien: Worauf willst du hinaus, Gosetsu?
Hien: What are you getting at, Gosetsu?
Hien: You ask that I show mercy?
Gosetsu: Ich weiß es selbst nicht. Der Himmel hat mich vor dem sicheren Tod gerettet, aber er hat mir die Kraft über meinen Körper genommen.
Gosetsu: I don't know myself. Heaven has saved me from certain death, but it took me the power over my body.
Gosetsu: I ask why the heavens saw fit to deny me my rest.
Gosetsu: Und Tsuyu? Auch sie hat der Himmel gerettet, aber ihr die Seele geraubt. Warum, das übersteigt meine Vorstellungskraft.
Gosetsu: And Tsuyu? Heaven saved her too, but robbed her of her soul. The reason why is beyond me.
Gosetsu: Why Yotsuyu was spared not only death but the bitter memories of her life.
Hien: Es war der Himmel, meinst du?
Hien: You think it was the will of heaven?
Hien: You truly think it the will of the kami...
Hien: Dann werde ich die Entscheidung dem Himmel überlassen. Gosetsu, du wirst fürs Erste auf Yotsuyu aufpassen.
Hien: Then I will leave the decision to heaven. Gosetsu, you will take care of Yotsuyu for now.
Hien: If so, her life is not mine to take. It is yours to safeguard.
Hien: Wenn ihr Gedächtnis am Tag des Gefangenenaustausches nicht zurückgekehrt ist, darf sie wie jede andere Domanerin ein freies Leben führen. Als Tsuyu.
Hien: If her memories haven't returned by the day of the prisoner exchange, she'll be allowed to live a free life like any other Doman. As Tsuyu.
Hien: Come the hour of the exchange, if her memories have not returned, she may remain here in Doma to live out her days as Tsuyu.
Hien: Wenn sie sich aber erinnert, werden wir sie mit den anderen Gefangenen an die Garlear übergeben. Sie hätte es verdient, in Doma bestraft zu werden, aber die Heimkehr unserer Söhne und Töchter ist wichtiger.
Hien: But if she remembers, she'll be handed to the Garleans with the other prisoners. She deserves to be punished in Doma, but the return of our sons and daughters is more important.
Hien: But if they do, the Garleans shall have their viceroy. Though the people will protest, they will come to accept my decision when they have been reunited with their loved ones.
Gosetsu: Einverstanden.
Gosetsu: Understood.
Gosetsu: Thank you, my lord.
Hien: Gut, gehen wir. Asahi wird bestimmt schon ungeduldig.
Hien: Good, we're leaving then. Asahi must be getting impatient by now.
Hien: Now, then. I believe we have kept our guest waiting long enough.
Everyone leaves Gosetsu and Tsuyu in their room, and Hien turns to WoL.
Hien: Ich mache mir Sorgen um Gosetsu. Er hat sich verändert.
Hien: I'm worried about Gosetsu. He's changed.
Hien: Did Gosetsu not seem strange to you?
Hien: Damit meine ich nicht seine Haltung gegenüber Yotsuyu. Ich meine seine körperliche Verfassung. Er hat stark abgebaut.
Hien: I don't mean his attitude towards Yotsuyu. I mean his physical condition. It's strongly declined.
Hien: His sympathy for Yotsuyu apart, I mean.
Hien: Den Einsturz des Burgturms hat er nur wie durch ein Wunder überlebt, und allein die Irrfahrt danach hätte die meisten Männer zu Tode erschöpft. Er hat noch nie sonderlich viel Rücksicht auf sich selbst genommen, aber das war vielleicht sogar für ihn zu viel.
Hien: He only survived the collapse of the castle tower by a miracle, and just the wandering afterwards alone would have exhausted most men to death. He's never been very considerate of himself, but that might've been too much even for him.
Hien: I know his powers of endurance only too well, but after all he has suffered, even he should not be on his feet.
Hien: Er gibt sich alle Mühe, seine Schwäche zu verbergen, aber ich fürchte, in diesem Zustand kann er kaum sein Schwert sicher führen.
Hien: He's doing everything he can to hide his weakness, but I fear in this state he can barely wield his sword.
Hien: He puts on a brave face for our sakes, but it would not surprise me if he lacked the strength to raise his blade.
Hien: Gosetsu und Yotsuyu sind auf gewisse Weise im Schicksal vereint. Es wäre ihnen zu wünschen, wenn beide aneinander genesen könnten.
Hien: Gosetsu and Yotsuyu are tied by fate, in a way. It'd be nice for them if they could heal each other.
Hien: ...Though I suppose if he and Yotsuyu are to enjoy a life of peace and quiet, he will have little use for it.
Hien: In der Zwischenzeit werde ich mir alle Mühe geben, den Frieden zu wahren. Damit Gosetsu nicht so schnell wieder in die Schlacht ziehen muss.
Hien: In the meantime I'll direct all my efforts to preserving the peace, so that Gosetsu won't have to return to battle any time soon.
Hien: It falls to us to shape that future. One in which he need never again set foot on the battlefield.
Patch 4.3 - Gosetsu and Tsuyu - Tsuyu washes Gosetsu.
A Change of Heart
Gosetsu and Tsuyu
Yotsuyu: Schön den Mund aufmachen, Herr Samurai. Aaah ...!
Yotsuyu: Open wide now, mister samurai. Aaah...!
Yotsuyu: Open wide, now...
Gosetsu does what she says, but backpedals when the Scions open the door.
Gosetsu: Ach lass doch, Tsuyu. Ich kann schon noch alleine essen.
Gosetsu: Oh, leave it, Tsuyu. I can still eat by myself.
Gosetsu: Please, Tsuyu. I am not so frail that I cannot feed myself.
Gosetsu: Für diese fade Grütze kann ich mich ohnehin nicht begeistern.
Gosetsu: I can't get excited for this bland gruel anyway.
Gosetsu: Ah, I grow weary of the taste of gruel...
Yotsuyu: Magst du keinen Reisbrei? Was willst du denn dann essen?
Yotsuyu: You don't like rice porridge? What do you want to eat then?
Yotsuyu: You don't like it? Can I fetch you something else?
Gosetsu: Tja ... Um diese Zeit reifen in Namai die Kaki-Früchte. Was gäbe ich darum, jetzt ihren süßen Saft zu schmecken ...
Gosetsu: Hmm... Around this time the persimmons in Namai are ripening. What I'd give to taste their sweet juices right now...
Gosetsu: Aye. Wine! Or if that is not “wholesome” enough─I don't know...a sweet persimmon from Namai? I enjoyed them in my youth.
Yotsuyu: Kakis ...
Yotsuyu: Persimmons...
Yotsuyu: A persimmon.
Gosetsu: Jetzt haben wir aber genug vom Essen geredet.
Gosetsu: But we've talked enough about food for now.
Gosetsu: Nay, pay me no mind─I am full. Besides, we have guests.
Alisaie: Wir wollten dir einen Krankenbesuch abstatten. Aber wie ich sehe, wirst du bereits bestens versorgt ... Herr Samurai. <kicher>
Alisaie: We'd intended to visit your sickbed, but from the looks of it you're already well taken care of... mister samurai. <snicker>
Alisaie: I hope we are not interrupting your meal. We had heard you were confined to bed, and thought you might welcome some visitors.
Gosetsu: E-Es geht mir gut, danke.
Gosetsu: I-I'm doing fine, thank you.
Gosetsu: Confined to─ A gross exaggeration!
Gosetsu: Ich war nur etwas erschöpft, weiter nichts. Ich werde bald wieder meinen Dienst antreten.
Gosetsu: I'm just a bit tired, nothing more. I'll be back on duty soon enough.
Gosetsu: A trifle drained from my exertions, perhaps. But with a little rest, I shall be fighting fit again in no time!
Yotsuyu: Hast du dich schon ausgezogen, Herr Samurai?
Yotsuyu: Did you get undressed yet, mister samurai?
Yotsuyu: Take off your clothes.
Alisaie: A-Ausgezogen?
Alisaie: U-Undressed?
Alisaie: Gosetsu! Is this how you've been spending your time!?
Gosetsu: Es ist doch nur ...!
Gosetsu: It's just...!
Gosetsu: My lady, I assure you, this is not─
Yotsuyu: Nun mach schon. Waschen muss sein. Du stinkst!
Yotsuyu: Well go on. Time to wash. You stink!
Yotsuyu: Off with them. We need to wash you─you stink!
Yotsuyu sees the gunshot wounds on Gosetsu's back as she washes him.
Yotsuyu: Hast du dir wehgetan?
Yotsuyu: Did you get hurt?
Yotsuyu: What are all these scars? There are so many of them...
Gosetsu: Ein Leben als Krieger hinterlässt nun mal Spuren.
Gosetsu: A life as warrior simply leaves its traces.
Gosetsu: A life of battle will leave its mark upon a man...
Yotsuyu remembers flashes of when she shot Gosetsu.
Gosetsu: Hast du was, Tsuyu?
Gosetsu: Something wrong, Tsuyu?
Gosetsu: Is something wrong, Tsuyu?
Yotsuyu: Nein. Nichts.
Yotsuyu: No. Nothing.
Yotsuyu: It's nothing. I'm fine.
Gosetsu: Gib her, das kann ich selbst. Noch bin ich kein altersschwacher Tattergreis!
Gosetsu: Give that here, I can do this myself. I'm not some feeble old coot yet!
Gosetsu: Bah, leave me be, woman! I will not be fussed over like some newborn babe!
Patch 4.3 - Gone Like the Morning Dew - Tsuyu visits Namai in search of a persimmon.
Findet Tsuyu!
Find Tsuyu!
Gone Like the Morning Dew
Tsuyu: Entschuldigung ... Kann ich eine Kaki haben? ... Warte! Lauf doch nicht weg!
Tsuyu: Excuse me... Can I have a persimmon? ...Wait! Don't run away!
Yotsuyu: Greetings. Might I have one of y─ Wait! Please! ...I only wanted a persimmon.
Verängstigter Dorfbewohner: Sie ist wieder da! Mögen die Götter uns beistehen!
Frightened villager: She's back! Gods help us!
Frightened Villager: Kami save us! Her spirit has returned!
Panische Dorfbewohnerin: Sie ist zurück! Rette sich, wer kann!
Panicked villager: She returned! Save yourselves!
Panicked Villager: She's back from the dead to seek her revenge!
Isse: Das ist doch ... Yotsuyu! Sie lebt!
Isse: Isn't that... Yotsuyu! She lives!
Isse: It can't be! She couldn't have survived!
Tsuyu has a flashback of her tormenting Isse.
Tsuyu: Was ... Was habe ich getan?
Tsuyu: What... What did I do?
Yotsuyu: What did I... Wh-What did I do?
Isse: Was du getan hast? Du ...!
Isse: What you did? You...!
Isse: As if you don't know!
Hien: Beruhigt euch! So beruhigt euch doch!
Hien: Calm down! Everyone please calm down!
Hien: Good people of Namai─be at ease, I pray you! You have naught to fear!
Isse: König Hien! Ist sie es wirklich? Wir dachten, sie wäre tot.
Isse: King Hien! Is it really her? We thought she was dead.
Isse: My lord, forgive me but─what is that monster doing here!? They told us she was dead!
Hien: Das dachte ich auch.
Hien: I thought so too.
Hien: I too was surprised to learn of her survival.
Hien: Ich habe sie beim Kampf um die Burg niedergestreckt und hielt die Wunde für tödlich.
Hien: I struck her down during the battle for Doma Castle and took her wounds for lethal.
Hien: More even than you, I would hazard. 'Twas I who cut her down. I who left her to her fate.
Hien: Aber sie hat überlebt, meinen Schwertstreich und sogar den Einsturz des Burgturms. Doch dabei verlor sie ihr Gedächtnis.
Hien: But she survived, both my sword and the collapse of the castle tower. She lost her memory in the process however.
Hien: But it would seem the kami had other plans. By some miracle, both she and Gosetsu were spared when the keep collapsed─though Yotsuyu's preservation came at the cost of her memory.
Isse: All das, was sie uns angetan hat ... Das hat sie vergessen?
Isse: Everything she did to us... She forgot?
Isse: You're saying she's forgotten? Forgotten everything she's done!?
Panische Dorfbewohnerin: Die lügt doch! Lasst euch von der Hexe nicht täuschen!
Panicked villager: She's lying! Don't let this witch deceive you!
Panicked Villager: Lies! Lies, my lord! She would say anything to escape punishment!
Verängstigter Dorfbewohner: Wen interessiert's, an was sie sich erinnert! Wir vergessen ihre Verbrechen jedenfalls nicht! Tötet sie, König Hien!
Frightened villager: Who cares what she remembers! We won't forget her transgressions in any case! Kill her, king Hien!
Frightened Villager: What does it matter!? We have not forgotten her crimes! And we demand justice! I beg of you, Lord Hien, draw your blade and rid us of this canker!
Tsuyu: Warum hassen mich alle ...? Was ... Was hab ich getan?
Tsuyu: Why does everyone hate me...? What... What did I do?
Yotsuyu: What I saw, then. It's all true.
Tsuyu gets on her hands and knees.
Tsuyu: Es tut mir leid! Es tut mir so leid! Bitte verzeiht mir!
Tsuyu: I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!
Yotsuyu: I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry...
Isse: Es tut mir leid? Nach alledem?
Isse: I'm sorry? After everything?
Isse: You're “sorry”!? And what, we're supposed to forgive you?
Azami approaches Tsuyu and hands her a persimmon.
Azami: Wein doch nicht.
Azami: Please don't cry.
Azami: Here, there's no need to cry.
Azami: Sie tut doch keinem mehr was. Seht doch, wie sie zittert ... Die Arme.
Azami: She won't hurt a fly anymore. Look at how she's shaking... Poor girl.
Azami: Can't you see how scared she is? How can you be scared of her? She's not the same.
Hien: Solange Yotsuyu nicht genesen ist, werden wir sie wie jede andere Domanerin auch behandeln.
Hien: As long as Yotsuyu hasn't recovered, we will treat her like any other Doman.
Hien: Until such time as her memories return, this woman shall be known as “Tsuyu,” and treated as a citizen of Doma.
Hien: Sie wird bewacht werden und dieses Dorf nicht ungebeten betreten. Dafür verbürge ich mich.
Hien: She will be guarded and will not enter this village uninvited. I guarantee you this.
Hien: I will, however, see that she is watched at all times. Rest assured that there will be no more unannounced visits to the village. As your lord, I ask that you leave her fate in my hands, and suffer her to live. For now.
Azami: Ja, Isse?
Azami: Alright, Isse?
Azami: Please, Isse...
Isse: Gut. Wenn du meinst, dass es gerecht ist, bin ich einverstanden.
Isse: Fine. If you think it's right then I'll agree.
Isse: All right. I'll keep my peace.
Isse: Hauptsache, du musst dich nie wieder vor etwas fürchten.
Isse: The most important thing is that you don't have to be scared of anything anymore.
Isse: As long as you're happy. That's all that matters.
Patch 4.3 - Fruits of her Labor - Alisaie's optional commentary after meeting with Asahi and his parents at Castrum Fluminis.
Blutige Heimkehr
Bloody Return
Fruits of her Labor
Alisaie: Alphinaud nennt sie immer noch Yotsuyu, aber für mich heißt sie jetzt Tsuyu. Ich frage mich, wie lange wir sie noch hier im Landhaus verstecken wollen, schließlich soll sie ja bald ganz normal unter den anderen Domanern ein freies Leben führen.
Alisaie: Alphinaud still calls her Yotsuyu, but to me she’s Tsuyu now. I wonder how long we want to keep hiding her in the mansion, she should be living a normal free life among the other Domans soon after all.
Alisaie: I suppose "Tsuyu" is to become an official Doman citizen. But what then? Will they keep her hidden here forever? Or might she one day be allowed to walk amongst her countrymen?
Patch 4.3 - Fruits of her Labor - Yotsuyu kills her parents.
Yotsuyu: Wenn ich mich doch nur nicht erinnert hätte ...
Yotsuyu: If only I hadn't remembered...
Yotsuyu: If only I hadn't remembered.
Yotsuyu: Den Hass der Domaner hätte ich ertragen.
Yotsuyu: I could have endured the hatred of the Domans.
Yotsuyu: He should hate me.
Yotsuyu: Aber mit der Güte des Mannes, den ich töten wollte, kann ich nicht länger leben!
Yotsuyu: But I can't live with the kindness of the man I wanted to kill any longer!
Yotsuyu: But I will not suffer his kindness. Not after what I did to him.
Asahis Vater: Wer ist da? Wer bist du?
Asahi's Father: Who's there? Who are you?
Asahi's Father: Who's there!?
Asahis Mutter: Yotsuyu! Erschreck uns doch nicht so!
Asahi's Mother: Yotsuyu! Don't scare us like that!
Asahi's Mother: <gasp> ...Oh, it's you. What are you doing out here in the dark?
Asahis Vater: Was soll das alles? Wo sind wir hier? Der Soldat hat uns einfach rausgeworfen und gesagt, dass wir jetzt in Doma wohnen. Und was machst du hier?
Asahi's Father: What's going on? Where are we? The soldier just threw us out and said that we live in Doma now. And what are you doing here?
Asahi's Father: This is the enclave, is it? When the soldiers dragged us back to Doma, you were the last person I expected to see.
Asahis Mutter: Es ist immer das Gleiche! Nichts als Ärger hat man mit dir!
Asahi's Mother: It's always the same! Nothing but trouble with you!
Asahi's Mother: You're the bane of our existence, Yotsuyu! A font of misery!
Asahis Mutter: Ah! Nie machst du etwas richtig! Du bereitest uns nichts als Schande!
Asahi's Mother: Ugh! You never do anything right! You bring us nothing but shame!
Asahi's Mother: You couldn't even do us the simple courtesy of dying, could you! Oh no, you had to live and taint us with the shame of your failure!
Asahis Mutter: Wir hätten ein bequemes Leben in der Kaiserstadt haben können, aber dank dir stehen wir jetzt mitten in diesen trostlosen Ruinen!
Asahi's Mother: We could have had a comfortable life in the imperial capital, but thanks to you we're standing in the middle of these desolate ruins!
Asahi's Mother: We had a perfect life in the capital! And now they're making us wallow in this muddy ruin like common swine! I don't deserve this!
Asahis Vater: Ach lass, sie kann sich ja an nichts erinnern. Wir sollten uns lieber überlegen, was wir jetzt machen sollen.
Asahi's Father: Oh leave it, she can't remember a thing anyway. We should be thinking about what to do next.
Asahi's Father: Now, now, dear, that'll do. There seems little point in berating the girl when she scarcely remembers her own name. Our time would be better spent contemplating how we're to survive this unhappy predicament.
Asahis Vater: Hm. Eigentlich macht sie immer noch was her. Wenn wir sie an ein Freudenhaus verkaufen, könnten wir von dem Geld in Kugane neu anfangen. Vielleicht einen Laden aufmachen ...
Asahi's Father: Hm. Actually, she still looks pretty nice. If we sell her to a brothel we could use the money to start over in Kugane. Maybe start a business...
Asahi's Father: You've kept your looks at least. I suspect you'd fetch a handsome price with the right buyer. Maybe enough to get us to Kugane and start a new business...
Yotsuyu: Sie haben sich nicht verändert. Überhaupt hat sich nichts verändert. Ich wache auf, und die Welt ist immer noch die gleiche Hölle.
Yotsuyu: They haven't changed. Nothing's changed at all. I wake up, and the world is still the same hell.
Yotsuyu: Ah, my beloved parents. No sooner do I wake from gentle slumber than the world returns in all its cruelty. Yes, this is how it always was. How it was meant to be.
Yotsuyu: All die Heuchelei von einem gerechten Doma ... Diese Welt kennt und will nichts anderes als das Böse, und sie soll es bekommen.
Yotsuyu: All that hypocricy about a righteous Doma... This world knows and wants nothing but evil, and it will receive it.
Yotsuyu: Very well. If I cannot escape my nature, then I shall embrace it.
Yotsuyu: Ich bin in die tiefsten Abgründe dieses Landes gefallen. Meine Seele wurde vom Neid seiner Bewohner zerfressen! Ich bin das Böse dieser Welt!
Yotsuyu: I have fallen into the deepest pits of this land. My soul has been eaten away by the envy of its inhabitants! I am the evil of this world!
Yotsuyu: To the very depths I have sunk, my soul steeped in spite and rotten to the core. The self-righteous hide behind “justice,” but I need no such mask.
Yotsuyu: So ist es doch, nicht wahr? Ich bin an all dem Elend schuld. Das habt ihr immer gesagt! Ihr habt mich zu der gemacht, die ich bin!
Yotsuyu: That's how it is, right? I am to blame for all your misery. That's what you always said! You made me into who I am!
Yotsuyu: Father. Mother. Was it not you who made me into this monster? Who taught me the truth of this miserable world?
Yotsuyu: Aber irgendwann ist jeder an der Reihe! Irgendwann muss jeder in die Abgründe blicken! Jeder Domaner ... Jeder Peiniger ...
Yotsuyu: But sooner or later it's everyone's turn! Sooner or later everyone has to look into that abyss! Every Doman... Every tormentor...
Yotsuyu: For years I knew naught but the taste of pain and humiliation, but the time has come to savor my vengeance against Doma. Against all my enemies.
Yotsuyu: Und vor allem ... ihr!
Yotsuyu: And most of all... you!
Yotsuyu: And it begins...with you!
Asahis Vater: Yotsuyu!
Father: Yotsuyu!
Asahi's Father: Yotsuyu...?
Asahis Vater: Nein! Argh!
Father: No! Argh!
Asahi's Father: What...?
Asahi: Willkommen zurück, Schwester. Ich wusste, du würdest mich nicht enttäuschen.
Asahi: Welcome back, sister. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me.
Asahi: Well done, dear sister. Did I not say you would come back to us?
Yotsuyu: Du steckst also dahinter ...
Yotsuyu: So you're behind this...
Yotsuyu: Brother dearest. What a surprise.
Yotsuyu: Ich hätte es mir ja denken können. Nur du bist so skrupellos, mich auf dein eigen Fleisch und Blut zu hetzen.
Yotsuyu: I could've known. Only you are unscrupulous enough to set me on your own flesh and blood.
Yotsuyu: You always were a cold-blooded little worm. I doubt you thought twice about sending our parents to their deaths.
Asahi: Na komm, es waren auch deine Eltern. Du hast mich überrascht, Schwester. Du hast Vater und Mutter mit deinen eigenen Händen getötet.
Asahi: Come now, they were your parents too. Your surprised me, sister. You killed father and mother with your own hands.
Asahi: Your dagger yet drips with their blood and you presume to judge me? To be frank, I didn't think you had the strength to slay them so cleanly. A single thrust each... I'm impressed!
Asahi: Sonst musst du dich doch immer irgendwelcher Handlanger bedienen. Sag ... willst du nicht eigene Kräfte besitzen? Ungeheuerliche Kräfte ...
Asahi: You've always had to rely on some henchman or the other before haven't you. Say... don't you want your own power? Incredible power...
Asahi: But surely you can't be satisfied with murdering a pair of doddering elders. You yearn for a deeper vengeance...and the power to see it through.
Patch 4.3 - Fruits of her Labor - Alisaie's optional commentary after learning Yotsuyu killed her parents.
Alisaie: Yotsuyu ist wieder die Alte und hat gleich zum Einstand ihre Eltern ermordet. Dieses Biest! Dabei hatte ich gerade angevangen, MIttleid mit ihr zu haben. Ich fühle mich richtig verraten. Und das alles nur wegen diesem hinterhältigen Asahi!
Alisaie: Yotsuyu is back to her old self and immediately killed her parents as her debut. This animal! Just when I’d started to feel bad for her too. I feel genuinely betrayed here. And all that only because of that underhanded Asahi!
Alisaie: So Asahi got his way in the end, and at an unspeakable price. He really is a vile little worm, isn't he.
Patch 4.3 - The Primary Agreement - Meeting with Asahi for the prisoner exchange.
Der Gefangenenaustausch
The Prisoner Exchange
The Primary Agreement
Asahi: Es ist so weit. Der heutige Tag ist der erste Schritt auf dem Weg zu einem dauerhaften Frieden zwischen Doma und Garlemald. Ein großartiges historisches Ereignis!
Asahi: It's time. This day is the first step on the path to a lasting peace between Doma and Garlemald. A major historical event!
Asahi: At last, the hour has come. The conclusion to these negotiations will mark a new beginning for Doma and the Empire─a first step on the road to peaceful coexistence!
Hien: Ich sehne auch den friedlichen Abschluss des Gefangenenaustauschs herbei.
Hien: I also look forward to a peaceful conclusion to the prisoner exchange.
Hien: Indeed. We are ready to proceed with the exchange when you are.
Hien: Übrigens ... Dürfte ich fragen, was sich in diesen Behältern befindet?
Hien: By the way... May I ask what is in these containers?
Hien: Forgive my curiosity, Ambassador, but is there a purpose to these containers you bring with you?
Asahi: Ach, darin ... Nur ein paar Dinge, die ich euch letztes Mal schon geben wollte. Güter, die ihr zum Wiederaufbau eures Reiches verwenden könnt.
Asahi: Ah, those... Just a few things that I wanted to give you last time already. Goods you can use to rebuild your kingdom.
Asahi: Oh, the supply crates? They are filled with materials we hoped might be of use in Doma's restoration. I meant to gift them to you at our last meeting, but we had so much else to discuss...
Hien: Das wäre nicht nötig gewesen.
Hien: You didn't have to.
Hien: How very generous. I confess, I had not expected such compassion, welcome though it is.
Hien: Ihr habt die Erfüllung eines Teils der Abmachung ja schon selbst in die Hand genommen. Ein Detail, über das wir keine weiteren Worte verlieren müssen.
Hien: You took part of the fulfilment of our agreement into your own hands already after all. A detail we need not spend any more words on.
Hien: ...But then I was also surprised by the news that one of our captives had delivered herself into your custody ahead of time─a minor discrepancy I shall overlook in the spirit of the occasion.
???: Sprecht ihr von mir?
???: Are you talking about me?
Yotsuyu: Are you perhaps referring to me, Lord Hien?
Hien: Yotsuyu ...
Hien: Yotsuyu...
Hien: Yotsuyu.
Yotsuyu: Ganz recht. Yotsuyu, Tochter der Naeuri, Witwe des Sashihai ...
Yotsuyu: That's right. Yotsuyu, daughter of the Naeuri, widow of Sashihai...
Yotsuyu: Orphan of the Naeuri, widow of Sashihai...
Yotsuyu: Und die Statthalterin von Doma! Eure Geißel und Unterdrückerin!
Yotsuyu: And the viceroy of Doma! Your bane and oppressor!
Yotsuyu: ...And acting viceroy of Doma! You and your people are mine to govern; mine to punish!
Hien: Da sie ihr Gedächtnis offenbar wiedererlangt hat, soll sie zurückkehren. So, wie es abgemacht war.
Hien: As she has evidently regained her memory, she will return. As agreed.
Hien: Well, well. It would seem your shattered mind is mended. As per our agreement with the ambassador, you are free to return with him to the Empire.
Hien: Aber eines vergesst nicht: Doma hat keine Statthalterin!
Hien: But don't forget this: Doma has no viceroy!
Hien: Your authority as acting viceroy, however, is no longer recognized here.
Yotsuyu: Ahahaha! Schweig, Aufständischer!
Yotsuyu: Ahahaha! Silence, insurgent!
Yotsuyu: My position is not for you to decide, little lordling.
Yotsuyu: Jeder, der sich gegen die Herrschaft des Kaiserreichs auflehnt, wird ausradiert! Das ist die Aufgabe, die Zenos mir erteilte!
Yotsuyu: Everyone who rebels against the Empire's rule will be eradicated! That is the task that Zenos gave me!
Yotsuyu: All who resist the rule of the Empire must be purged. Such was the order given to me by Lord Zenos himself!
Yotsuyu: Ich beabsichtige, diese Aufgabe zu erfüllen und wieder über dein kümmerliches Land zu herrschen.
Yotsuyu: I intend to fulfil this task and once more rule over your pitiful country.
Yotsuyu: I will reign here in this putrid, pestilent swamp until the last of you has been broken!
Yotsuyu: Niemals werdet ihr das Licht der Freiheit erblicken. Die Finsternis in meinem Herzen wird alles verschlingen, und ein Land der Finsternis erschaffen. Nur einen eisigen Mond werdet ihr sehen - und das werde ich sein!
Yotsuyu: Never again will you see the light of freedom. The darkness in my heart will consume everything and build a land of darkness. You will see nothing but an icy moon - and it will be me!
Yotsuyu: This land shall know no dawn. I will spew forth darkness and drown all in eternal night. And high above you I shall shine uncaring, cold and distant as the moon!
Hien: Was ist das für ein Licht?
Hien: What is that light?
Hien: What has she done!?
Alphinaud: Ist das etwa ein Primae?
Alphinaud: Could it be a primal?
Alphinaud: Oh, gods... This is a summoning!
Asahi: Eine Domanerin hat einen Primae beschworen. Ein klarer Verstoß gegen die Abmachung. Dieses Treffen ist beendet. Bereitet den Abflug vor!
Asahi: A Doman has summoned a primal. A clear breach of the agreement. This meeting is over. Prepare to depart!
Asahi: A Doman citizen has called forth an eikon in direct violation of our primary agreement. The negotiations have failed. Abandon the captives, and make preparations to withdraw.
Maxima: Aber was wird aus dem Frieden?
Maxima: But what of the peace negotiations?
Maxima: But, Ambassador...
Asahi: Widersetzt du dich dem Befehl eines kaiserlichen Gesandten? Wir fliegen ab!
Asahi: Are you going against the order of an imperial representative? We're leaving!
Asahi: Disobey me, Pilus, and you disobey the Emperor. Make preparations to withdraw─now.
Maxima: Grrr ... Zu Befehl!
Maxima: Grr... As you command!
Maxima: ...As you command.
Yugiri: König Hien, wir müssen uns zurückziehen!
Yugiri: King Hien, we must retreat!
Yugiri: My lord! You must fall back!
Hien: Nein! Macht euch kampfbereit!
Hien: No! Prepare to fight!
Hien: You ask me to run!?
Story selection 1
Überlasst das mir! Mit Primae ist nicht zu spaßen.
Leave it to me! Primals are no joke.
Leave this to me!
Hien: Grrr ... Du hast Recht. Einem Primae bin ich nicht gewachsen ... Ich vertraue auf dich!
Hien: Grrr.... You're right. I'm no match for a primal... I'm counting on you!
Hien: Bah... Against such a foe, I would be more hindrance than help. The field is yours!
Story selection 2
Zieht euch zurück! Dies ist kein gewöhnlicher Gegner!
Fall back! This is no ordinary opponent!
A strategic withdrawal!
Hien: Ja, einem Primae bin ich nicht gewachsen ... Ich vertraue auf dich!
Hien: Yes, I'm no match for a primal... I'm counting on you!
Hien: Spare my pride, would you? I know this foe is beyond me. The field is yours!
Hien: Wir ziehen uns zurück! Aber nicht ohne die Gefangenen! Seht zu, dass niemand zurückbleibt!
Hien: We're retreating, but not without the prisoners! Make sure nobody stays behind!
Hien: We will withdraw...but not without our countrymen. I want every soul accounted for. Every soul!
Yugiri: Jawohl!
Yugiri: Yessir!
Yugiri: My lord!
???: Jetzt sind nur noch wir übrig. Die Göttin der Nacht und der Krieger des Lichts.
???: And now only we remain. The goddess of night and the warrior of light.
???: I knew you would not flee. I see now the strength which flows from that baleful light of yours.
???: Deine verwunschene Gabe wird dir nichts nutzen. Denn ich bin Masokagami entstiegen ... Ich bin die Herrscherin der Nacht und des Mondes ... Ich bin Tsukuyomi!
???: Your enchanted power won't help you. For I have surpassed Masokagami... I am the ruler of the night and the moon... I am Tsukuyomi!
Tsukuyomi: But I am become Tsukuyomi, goddess of the moon and divinity of night. What power can compare to such celestial majesty!?
Tsukuyomi: Mit diesen Kräften kann ich alles und jeden auslöschen, und nicht einmal du wirst mich aufhalten!
Tsukuyomi: With these powers I can obliterate everything and everyone, and not even you will stop me!
Tsukuyomi: I shall plunge all I despise into darkness! And within that black abyss, even your light shall flicker and fail.
Tsukuyomi: Ein weiterer Kampf auf Leben und Tod. Doch diesmal werde ich gewinnen! Domas Zukunft ... ist die Nacht!
Tsukuyomi: Another battle for life and death. But this time I will win! Doma's future.. is the night!
Tsukuyomi: Come, let us cast the stalks and look upon the fate of Doma. I see a future in which the sun sets on this wretched land once and for all!
Patch 4.3 - Trial - Castrum Fluminis
Tsukuyomi: Feiern wir die Nacht!
Tsukuyomi: Let us celebrate the night!
Tsukuyomi:'s going to be a long night.
Tsukuyomi: Viele Gefahren lauern in der Nacht ... Lass mich eine davon enthüllen!
Tsukuyomi: Many dangers lurk in the night... Let me reveal one of them!
Tsukuyomi: Let's share the torment, shall we...?
Tsukuyomi: Das ist noch nicht alles ... Die Nacht kennt noch mehr Gefahren!
Tsukuyomi: That isn't all... The night knows far more dangers!
Tsukuyomi: Enough of that. I wouldn't want the pain to grow familiar.
Tsukuyomi: Beeindruckend ... Aber ich bin noch nicht am Ende!
Tsukuyomi: Impressive... But I'm not finished yet!
Tsukuyomi: Struggle all you wish─I encourage it! Your death will be all the sweeter...
Tsukuyomi: Meine Kraft ... Sie schwindet ...
Tsukuyomi: My power... It fades...
Tsukuyomi: Why does it fade away...?
Tsukuyomi: So ist es also. Es ist der Hass, der mich stärkt. Der Hass und das Leiden.
Tsukuyomi: So that's how it is. It is hatred that empowers me. Hatred and suffering.
Tsukuyomi: ...Ah. I understand. It feeds on my spite. On my suffering...
Yotsuyu: Kommt nur raus, Schatten meiner Vergangenheit! Erinnert mich an die schwärzesten Flecken auf meiner Seele!
Yotsuyu: Come forth, shadows of my past! Remind me of the blackest stains on my soul!
Yotsuyu: Come forth, shades of the dead! Curse my name! Strike my body! Fill my soul with blackest malice!
Yotsuyu's parents appear.
Yotsuyus Ziehvater: Nichts als Schwierigkeiten macht einem dieses Kind.
Yotsuyu's Stepfather: Nothing but trouble with this child.
Specter of the Patriarch: Worthless excuse for a daughter. You're nothing but trouble.
Yotsuyus Ziehmutter: Wir hätten ein bequemes Leben führen können!
Yotsuyu's Stepmother: We could have had a comfortable life!
Specter of the Matriarch: A font of misery, that's what you are!
Yotsuyu: Ja! Ich bin euer Verderben! Ich stoße euch in die gleiche Dunkelheit wie dieses Land!
Yotsuyu: Yes! I am your demise! I will cast you into the same darkness as this land!
Yotsuyu: Yes, my dearest parents. I was the bane of your existence unto the very end!
The Domans and Imperials appear.
Domaner: Womit haben die armen Naeuri dieses Unglückskind verdient?
Doman: What did the poor Naeuri deserve this misfortune for?
Specter of the Homeland: Naeuri's cursed orphan!
Garleischer Soldat: Emporgekommene Wilde!
Garlean soldier: Upstart savage!
Specter of the Empire: Your fall from grace is long overdue, savage!
Domaner: Sie hat den armen Sashihai ins Grab gebracht! Soll sie ihm dahin folgen!
Doman: She put poor Sashihai in his grave! She'll follow him into it!
Specter of the Homeland: Widow of Sashihai... Witch of Doma!
Garleischer Soldat: Die domanische Hure hat ihre Karriere doch nur im Bett gemacht!
Garlean Soldier: The Doman whore built her carreer purely on her skill in bed!
Specter of the Empire: Artful wiles won't save you now!
Asahi appears.
Asahi: Du solltest für mich kämpfen, nichtsnutzige Schwester! Steh auf und kämpfe für mich!
Asahi: You will fight for me, useless sister! Get up and fight for me!
Specter of Asahi: Fight like your life depends on it, dear sister. You wouldn't want to disappoint me...
Yotsuyu: Hinterhältiger Heuchler! Benutzt hast du mich!
Yotsuyu: Underhanded liar! You used me!
Yotsuyu: If it isn't the cold-blooded little worm. Always crawling through my rotten heart.
Asahi: Nur mir steht es zu, Prinz Zenos zu dienen!
Asahi: Only I am allowed to serve Prince Zenos!
Specter of Asahi: I should have been the one!
Yotsuyu: Asahi... Elender Asahi!
Yotsuyu: Asahi... Miserable Asahi!
Yotsuyu: Asahi... You, more than any other...
Zenos appears.
Zenos: Du hast auf ganzer Linie versagt, Wilde! Ein garleischer Straßenköter hätte Doma besser verteidigt!
Zenos: You have failed at every point, savage! A Garlean street dog would have defended Doma better!
Specter of Zenos: Your pitiful fortunes can bring you no lower...
Yotsuyu: Bist du gekommen, um mich für mein Versagen zu richten? Dann versuch es doch!
Yotsuyu: Did you come to discipline me for my failure? Then go ahead and try!
Yotsuyu: You have come to deliver judgment for my failure? Cut me down, then. Surely it is a simple task!
Gosetsu appears to block Zenos' strike.
Gosetsu: Lass sie in Frieden! Tsuyu, ich komme!
Gosetsu: Leave her alone! Tsuyu, I'm coming!
Specter of Gosetsu: Stay behind me, Tsuyu!
Yotsuyu: Wie ist es möglich? Was machst du hier?
Yotsuyu: How is this possible? What are you doing here?
Yotsuyu: Why...? You have no place here...
Zenos: Ich spiele dein Spiel nicht mehr mit!
Zenos: I won't play along with your game any longer!
Specter of Zenos: Tedious...
You will note this specter of Zenos is wildly out of character in German. Yotsuyu never talked with him much beyond receiving orders so she has no idea what he's like, he's just here to represent the threat of punishment from the empire.
Gosetsu manages to defeat Zenos.
Gosetsu: Tsuyu, bitte bleib! Es gibt so viel, das ich dir zu sagen habe.
Gosetsu: Tsuyu, please stay! There is so much I have to tell you.
Specter of Gosetsu: You must survive, Tsuyu! The kami spared us, and we cannot repay that boon in death!
Yotsuyu: Du hast mir Kraft versprochen...
Yotsuyu: You promised me power...
Yotsuyu: How did it come to this?
Zenos: Erbarmlich...
Zenos: Pathetic...
Specter of Zenos: Savor your hollow victory...
Gosetsu: Verlässt du mich heute für immer?
Gosetsu: Will you leave me forever today?
Specter of Gosetsu: Tsuyu...Must...Survive...
All the remaining specters fade.
Yotsuyu: Nein. Es ist zu spät. Es gibt keine Erlösung für mich.
Yotsuyu: No. It's too late. There is no salvation for me.
Yotsuyu: Perhaps... But it is too late for me. There can be no redemption.
Yotsuyu: Trage mich fort, schöne Blüte des Mondlichts!
Yotsuyu: Carry me forth, beautiful blossom of moonlight!
Yotsuyu: A nightbloom shall flower here upon the site of my demise...
Tsukuyomi: Meine Bosheit erblüht im Mondeslicht ...
Tsukuyomi: My wickedness blooms in the light of the moon...
Tsukuyomi: In darkness blooms the spider lily...
Tsukuyomi: Blickt in den Abgrund meiner Rache!
Tsukuyomi: Glance in the abyss of my vengeance!
Tsukuyomi: From mortal husk I rise anew!
Casting and dismissing Selenomancy.
Tsukuyomi: In Licht und Schatten tänzelt der Mond.
Tsukuyomi: In light and shadow, the moon dances.
Tsukuyomi: Suffused with night, I shall prevail!
Tsukuyomi: Erfüllt von Licht lächelt der Mond.
Tsukuyomi: Filled with light, the moon laughs.
Tsukuyomi: In moonlight's chill, shine petals pale...
Tsukuyomi: In Licht und Schatten tänzelt der Mond.
Tsukuyomi: In light and shadow, the moon dances.
Tsukuyomi: Suffused with night, I shall prevail!
Tsukuyomi: Bar von Licht trauert der Mond.
Tsukuyomi: Devoid of light, the moon mourns.
Tsukuyomi: In sunless gloom, black tendrils trail...
When below 25% hp.
Tsukuyomi: Meine Rache ... Ich will ... meine Rache ...
Tsukuyomi: My revenge... I want... my revenge...
Tsukuyomi: No. No... Not yet. Not. Yet.
Tsukuyomi: Es ist noch nicht vorbei! Meine geschändeten Hände sind euer Verderben!
Tsukuyomi: It's not over yet! My defiled hands will be your doom!
Tsukuyomi: This is far from over! My bloodied hands have much left to accomplish!
When defeated.
Tsukuyomi: Endlich ... Endlich ist es vorbei ...
Tsukuyomi: Finally... Finally it's over...
Tsukuyomi: Am I sunk to my lowest, then...?
When using her tankbuster.
Ihr widert mich an!
You disgust me!
When placing her fans for Zashiki-Asobi.
Wie die Freier geiferten und glotzten, wenn ich meinen Fächer senkte...
How the suitors oggled and drooled when I lowered my fan...
A courtesan has her tricks!
Freier is an old word for suitor that is also used as euphemism for clients of a brothel.
When using her cone AOE.
Wie lang wollt ihr euch noch quälen?
How much longer do you want to torture yourselves?
Your end is near!
When using Midnight Haze.
Verlogenes Doma! Es soll in ewiger Nacht versinken!
Lying Doma! It will sink into eternal night!
Just a puff or two before we go on!
When using her multi-hit party stack in phase 3.
Ich werde euch zerquetschen!
I will obliterate you!
I'll grind you under my heel!
Patch 4.3 - The Primary Agreement - After the Tsukuyomi trial.
Asahi shoots Yotsuyu as her transformation fades.
Asahi: Wolltest du sie etwa schon wieder davonkommen lassen?
Asahi: Did you perhaps want to let her get away with it again?
Asahi: You really must learn to finish the job.
Asahi: Sie war zwar nicht mehr als eine primitive Götze, hervorgezaubert aus einem alten Kojin-Spiegel und ein paar Kristallen - aber sie war doch ein Primae.
Asahi: Sure, she was nothing more than a primitive idol, magicked out of an old Kojin mirror and a few crystals - but she was still a primal.
Asahi: 'Tis true that a gaudy mirror and a handful of crystals make for a feeble summoning, but even the weakest eikon is a god of sorts. A threat that must be put down.
Asahi: Sieh mich nicht so an. Sie musste sterben, das war dir doch klar. Die Primae sind eine Bedrohung für uns alle.
Asahi: Don't look at me like that. She had to die, it was obvious. The primals are threat to us all.
Asahi: My, my, such hostility! These beings are the sworn enemies of the Empire─I merely did my duty as an imperial officer.
Asahi: Du willst mich töten, nicht wahr? Nur zu. Gib deinen Gefühlen nach. Töte mich! Aus Rache oder für die Gerechtigkeit! Streck mich nieder!
Asahi: You want to kill me, right? Go on. Follow your heart. Kill me! For vengeance or justice! Cut me down!
Asahi: Will you surrender to anger, then? Slay an anointed emissary to avenge a fallen foe?
Asahi: Dann ist der Friede für alle Zeiten begraben!
Asahi: Then your peace will be buried forever!
Asahi: You cannot, of course. To do so would burn the bridges we have labored so hard to build!
Asahi: Ach, ich vergaß ... Doma hat das Abkommen ja schon gebrochen. Wie konntet ihr nur zulassen, dass eine Domanerin einen Primae beschwört?
Asahi: Ah, I forgot... Doma already broke the agreement. How could you allow a Doman to summon a primal?
Asahi: Ah, but I'm forgetting: they're already ash! This Doman woman has seen to that! The Empire cannot ally itself with any nation that refuses to renounce summoning. I believe I was most clear on that point!
Asahi: Eigentlich war es ja meine Berufung.
Asahi: It was my calling, actually.
Asahi: It should have been mine.
Asahi: Ich hätte Statthalter von Doma werden sollen. Unter meiner Herrschaft hätten wir die Provinz nie verloren!
Asahi: I should have been viceroy of Doma. Under my rule we never would've lost the province!
Asahi: The power he bestowed upon her... I should have been the one to govern Doma! I would have repaid his faith!
Asahi: Nur mir stand es zu, Prinz Zenos' Willen auszuführen!
Asahi: I'm the only one allowed to execute prince Zenos' will!
Asahi: No one alive loves him more than I!
Asahi: Zu nichts bist du zu gebrauchen! Gar nichts!
Asahi: You're good for nothing! Absolutely nothing!
Asahi: Instead, this harlot betrayed his trust!
Asahi: Du wertloses Stück Dreck!
Asahi: You worthless piece of trash!
Asahi: Useless...piece of...filth!
Asahi: Straßendreck!
Asahi: Gutter garbage!
Asahi: Worthless whore!
Yotsuyu impales Asahi on her swords.
Yotsuyu: Danke, Asahi ... Ich danke dir.
Yotsuyu: Thank you, Asahi... I'm grateful.
Yotsuyu: Thank you, dear brother...for this precious gift. Vengeance.
Yotsuyu: Deine Demütigungen haben mir beigebracht, zu hassen. ... Du warst der erste Domaner, den ich hasste.
Yotsuyu: Your humiliation taught me how to hate... You were the first Doman I hated.
Yotsuyu: These people...our people...they ignore the corruption which festers beneath the surface. Cast aside that which is dirty and broken. Speak not of things which would disrupt their dreary little lives.
Yotsuyu: Dank dir konnte ich meine Rache nehmen, an dem niederträchtigen, verlogenen, schäbigen Doma.
Yotsuyu: Thanks to you I could take my revenge on that vile, lying, shabby Doma.
Yotsuyu: Like you, Asahi...always pretending not to see. You were the first...the first I swore to kill.
Yotsuyu: Ich dachte, mein Hass würde niemals enden ... Doch jetzt ...
Yotsuyu: I thought my hatred would never end.. But now...
Yotsuyu: Ahhh...such bliss. I had thought my hunger insatiable...but I am satisfied.
Yotsuyu: Meine Rache ist getan ... Du bist mein letztes Opfer ...
Yotsuyu: My vengeance is done... You are my last victim...
Yotsuyu: You should feel honored, dear brother. I saved the last of my strength just...for you.
Yotsuyu turns to address WoL
Yotsuyu: Du hast gewonnen. Ich sterbe und du lebst. Das Gute hat gesiegt. Freust du dich denn nicht?
Yotsuyu: You won. I die and you live. Good has prevailed. You're not happy about it?
Yotsuyu: What's the matter? The witch of Doma will soon be dead.
Story selection 1
Gosetsu wird um dich trauern.
Gosetsu will mourn you.
Gosetsu will mourn you.
Yotsuyu: Ach ... der Herr Samurai ...<hust> ...
Yotsuyu: Ah... Mister samurai... <cough>...
Yotsuyu: He will mourn Tsuyu, perhaps...
Story selection 2
Doch. Weil das Gute gesiegt hat.
I am. Because good has prevailed.
Tsuyu deserved a kinder fate.
The implication being good has prevailed because she finally completed her revenge.
Yotsuyu: Ob der Samurai sich auch freuen wird?
Yotsuyu: I wonder if the samurai will be glad too?
Yotsuyu: Her happiness was never to be... Not in this world.
Yotsuyu: Kaki ... E-Er aß so gerne Kaki ...
Yotsuyu: Persimmons... H-He loved to eat persimmons...
Yotsuyu: I wonder... Was the fruit as he remembered...?