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Stormblood Main Story Quest

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MSQ level 62 - To Bend with the Wind - Yotsuyu introduction scene
Alisaie: Das Dorf wird ungewöhnlich stark bewacht, selbst wenn man bedenkt, dass ein Aufstand stattgefunden hat. Das gefällt mir ganz und gar nicht ...
Alisaie: The village is unusually strongly guarded, even when you consider there's been a revolt. I really don't like the look of this...
Alisaie: Even accounting for the rebellion, such indiscriminate shows of force seem pointlessly excessive...
Gosetsu: Mh, ja, ich war lange nicht mehr hier, aber das erscheint mir auch ungewöhnlich. Hoffentlich bedeutet es, dass wir noch nicht zu spät sind ...
Gosetsu: Hm, yes, I haven't been here in a long time, but it seems unusual to me too. Hopefully it means we're not yet too late...
Gosetsu: If only you knew how commonplace such scenes have become. Hmm... Are we too late?
Lyse: He, da kommt jemand!
Lyse: Hey, someone's coming!
Lyse: Over there─someone's coming!
Gosetsu: Oh! Das ist sie, unsere Erzfeindin, die schändliche Statthalterin Yotsuyu, die Doma verraten und verkauft hat!
Gosetsu: Oh! It's her, our archenemy, the shameful viceroy Yotsuyu, who betrayed and sold Doma!
Gosetsu: ...It is she! Sworn enemy of Doma─of my master! The traitor who sold her homeland to the Garleans─Yotsuyu!
Lyse: Yotsuyu, die beim letzten Aufstand mit den Garlearn kooperiert hat. Und da, der Hüne hinter ihr, den kennen wir doch.
Lyse: Yotsuyu, who cooperated with the Garleans during the last revolt. And there, the big guy behind her, don't we know that one?
Lyse: The viceroy herself. And look─behind her! Isn't that...?
Yotsuyu: Ah, was für ein erbärmliches Dorf. Die Armut widert mich an. Von dem Gestank nach fauligem Fisch wird mir ganz übel.
Yotsuyu: Ah, what a pitiful village. All this poverty disgusts me. The stench of rotten fish is making me sick.
Yotsuyu: Filth and squalor everywhere I look. How very Doman. What I wouldn't do for a drink...
Yotsuyu: Warum fürchtet ihr euch so sehr? In den letzten fünfundzwanzig Jahren garleischer Herrschaft ist es euch doch gar nicht so schlecht ergangen.
Yotsuyu: Why are you all so scared? The last twenty-five years of Garlean rule haven't treated you all that badly.
Yotsuyu: Come now, you've no reason to look so afraid! You have lived through a quarter of a century of Garlean rule, remember?
Yotsuyu: Es ist besser, sich dem Wind zu beugen, als von ihm gebrochen zu werden. Nur so könnt ihr hoffen, zu eurem jämmerlichen Leben zurückzukehren.
Yotsuyu: It's better to bend to the wind than be broken by it. That's the only hope you have to return to your miserable lives.
Yotsuyu: 'Tis better to bend with the wind than stand tall and be broken. Therein lies...hope. Therein lies freedom.
Yotsuyu: Doch zuvor muss ich mich vergewissern, dass ihr Hungerleider mir gegenüber loyal seid. Habt ihr eine Idee, wie wir das anstellen könnten?
Yotsuyu: But before then I have to make sure you starving lot are loyal to me. Do you have an idea of how we can arrange that?
Yotsuyu: I come before you today seeking affirmation. A heartfelt declaration. You are free to answer me as you see fit─yet even the least among you should know the correct response. Should.
Yotsuyu: Heute Morgen wurde dieser Mann aufgegriffen. Ist er nicht ein Bewohner dieses Dorfes? Wollte er etwa nach Kugane abhauen?
Yotsuyu: This man was apprehended this morning. Isn't he an inhabitant of this village? Did he perhaps want to escape to Kugane?
Yotsuyu: A resident of your village─one of your neighbors, mayhap your friend─was detained by the Kojin this morning. They say he was attempting to flee to Kugane, but we both know that simply isn't true, don't we? Have you anything to say?
Yotsuyu: Nun, hat es euch etwa die Sprache verschlagen? Gibt es niemanden, der für euch sprechen will?!
Yotsuyu: Now, did you all lose your tongues? Is there nobody who wants to speak for you?!
Yotsuyu: ...A bit slow, this one. Is there anyone more sensible among you? Have any of you anything to say? To swear?
Junge aus Isari: A-Also, w-wir ... schwören dem G-Garleischen Kaiserreich bedingungslose Treue. Wir werden uns ... keinem Befehl widersetzen.
Boy from Isari: W-we... swear unconditional loyalty to the G-Garlean empire. We won't... refuse any order.
Isari Youth: M-My lady, I...I swear to serve the Empire! To do...whatever is asked of me...and never disobey...
Yotsuyu: Ah, schön gesagt. Dann wollen wir doch mal sehen, ob du deine Worte ernst meinst.
Yotsuyu: Ah, nicely said. Then let's see whether you really mean those words.
Yotsuyu: Well said that man. Of wouldn't do to simply take you at your word.
Yotsuyu: Töte den Verräter! Sein Fluchtversuch ist Beweis seiner Schuld. Welch gute Gelegenheit, deine Treue zu demonstrieren.
Yotsuyu: Kill the traitor! His attempt to flee is proof of his guilt. What a good opportunity to prove your loyalty.
Yotsuyu: Kill him. Surely you can do that much? He must be guilty of something or other, or he wouldn't have attempted to flee the Empire.
Junge aus Isari: I-Ich ... muss an meine Familie denken ... E-Es tut mir so leid ...
Boy from Isari: I... have to think about my family... I- I'm so sorry...
Isari Youth: I...I have a family... Kami forgive me... Kami forgive me...
Yotsuyu: Ah, sehr schön! Du gefällst mir!
Yotsuyu: Ah, very nice! I like you!
Yotsuyu: Very, very good! I've always had a soft spot for men like you.
Yotsuyu: Als Nächstes tötest du die beiden Alten. Für hungrige Mäuler, die nicht mehr arbeiten können, hat das Kaiserreich keine Verwendung.
Yotsuyu: Next you'll kill those two elderly. The empire has no need for hungry mouths that can no longer work.
Yotsuyu: Next, I want you to shoot those two over there. Too old to work, you understand─a burden on the Empire, and we can't have that.
Junge aus Isari: A-Aber, d-das sind meine Eltern! D-Das kann ich doch nicht tun ... A-Alles, nur das nicht ...
Boy from Isari: B-But, th-those are my parents! I-I can't do that... E-Everything, but not that...
Isari Youth: But...they're my parents. You can't expect me to...
Story choice 1
Los, Gosetsu, genug ist genug!
Go, Gosetsu, enough is enough!
...We will show them no mercy.
Alisaie: Wartet! Egal wie stark ihr seid, ihr bringt die Dorfbewohner in Gefahr. Sie könnten als Geiseln genommen werden.
Alisaie: Wait! No matter how strong you are, you'll put the villagers in danger. They could be taken hostage.
Alisaie: Stop and think for a moment! If you go charging in now, every one of those villagers is as good as dead!
Story choice 2
Halt, Gosetsu, nicht so voreilig!
Wait, Gosetsu, not so hasty!
We can't. Not now.
Alisaie: Ja, nicht so schnell. Was ist, wenn sie die Dorfbewohner als Geiseln nehmen?
Alisaie: Yeah, not so fast. What if they take the villagers hostage?
Alisaie: [They're] right. They would simply take the villagers hostage.
Alisaie: Außerdem, wenn wir unvorsichtig sind und die Aufmerksamkeit der Garlear auf uns ziehen, wird es noch schwieriger, den Widerstand zu kontaktieren. Ganz zu schweigen von den Strafmaßnahmen, die die Dorfbewohner erdulden müssten.
Alisaie: Besides, if we're careless and catch the attention of the empire, it'll be even harder to contact the resistance. Not to mention the punitive measures the villagers will have to suffer.
Alisaie: We must consider the wider picture. If we act recklessly, we risk alerting the Garleans to our presence here, making it that much harder for us to work with the local rebels─to say nothing of the reprisals ordinary civilians would be made to suffer.
Gosetsu: Versucht nicht, mich aufzuhalten! Ich werde dieser Hexe hier und jetzt Einhalt gebieten.
Gosetsu: Don't try to stop me! I will make this witch stop here and now.
Gosetsu: Open your eyes, girl─they are already suffering! Let me go─I am putting an end to this madness!
Gosetsu: Ich bin ein Samurai und habe für den Widerstand gekämpft. Wenn ich mich ihnen stelle, werden sie sich erst einmal mit mir beschäftigen. Ich habe keine Angst davor, gefangen und gefoltert zu werden. In der Zwischenzeit wird euch schon etwas einfallen.
Gosetsu: I am a samurai and have fought for the resistance. If I face them they will prioritise dealing with me. I don't fear being captured and tortured. You'll come up with something in the meantime.
Gosetsu: I will approach the village alone and identify myself. As a former leader of the rebellion and a known fugitive, they will wish to detain me until they are certain they have learned all I know. Use this time to make your plans!
Lyse: Sie werden es nicht bei der Folter belassen. Dein Leben steht auf dem Spiel, und wenn du hier stirbst, wirst du nichts mehr für die Befreiung Domas tun können.
Lyse: They won't leave it at just torture. Your life is at stake, and if you die here you won't be able to do anything more for Doma's liberation.
Lyse: You saw what those monsters did to the villagers! Who knows what they'll do to you─assuming they don't kill you where you stand!
Gosetsu: Sollte mich hier mein Schicksal ereilen, bin ich bereit zu sterben, doch ich glaube nicht, dass dieser Tag gekommen ist. Es wäre nicht das erste Mal, dass ich gefangen genommen werde.
Gosetsu: If this is where I meet my fate I am prepared to die, but I don't think that day has come. It won't be the first time I've been captured.
Gosetsu: We live and die at the pleasure of the kami. My fate is in their hands, and no other's. If it be of any comfort, I am no stranger to chains.
Lyse: Redest du von Kugane? Das hier ist viel ernster. Ich will nicht noch einen Gefährten verlieren!
Lyse: Are you talking about Kugane? This is way more serious. I don't want to lose another companion!
Lyse: You can't expect us to stand idly by as a comrade goes marching off to his death! And this is nothing like Kugane!
Alisaie: Lyse, das möchte keiner von uns, aber die Trauer darf uns nicht lähmen. Wir sollten nach vorne blicken.
Alisaie: Lyse, none of us want that, but we can't let the grief paralyze us. We need to look forward.
Alisaie: ...Nor is it like the Reach, Lyse─or the Wall. Let him go.
Alisaie: Gosetsu, tu, was du tun musst! Damit werden wir zumindest etwas Zeit gewinnen. Versprich uns nur, dass du dem Tod aus dem Weg gehst!
Alisaie: Gosetsu, do what you have to do! It'll buy us some time at the least. Just promise us you'll stay out of death's way!
Alisaie: Hold out for as long as you can, but remember: noble sacrifices are to remain an absolute last resort. I wish I could say it won't come to that, but only the gods know how we're going to get you and the others out in one piece. A miracle, perchance...
Gosetsu: Ha, keine Sorge! Mir passiert schon nichts. Geht zu dem Turm im Nordosten und sucht dort nach Hilfe!
Gosetsu: Ha, don't worry! I'll be fine. Go to the tower in the northeast and seek help there!
Gosetsu: A great tower stands to the north and east. Look to its occupants for aid and succor. Together, you may yet find your miracle.
Gosetsu: Dann mal los!
Gosetsu: I'm going!
Gosetsu: Now, leave this place. I must go.
Yotsuyu: Warum müssen alle Domaner immer so unvernünftig sein? Moral hin oder her ... tot kann niemand etwas bewirken.
Yotsuyu: Why must all Domans always have to be so stupid? Morals here or there... nobody can achieve anything when they're dead.
Yotsuyu: Tsk tsk... Another idiot like all the rest. I'm beginning to think it may be something fundamental, something intrinsic, something quintessentially Doman to ignore the simple truth: you can't do a damn thing if you're dead.
Gosetsu: Halte ein, Yotsuyu!
Gosetsu: Stop this, Yotsuyu!
Gosetsu: Enough, Yotsuyu!
Yotsuyu: Oooh, sieh an, da ist uns ja ein dicker Fisch ins Netz gegangen.
Yotsuyu: Ohhh, look at that, we've caught a real big fish here.
Yotsuyu: Well now...this is a surprise.
Gosetsu: Yotsuyu, tu diesen Leuten kein Leid mehr an! Verschone sie, dann ergebe ich mich. Sonst wirst du und deine Soldaten meine Klinge zu spüren bekommen.
Gosetsu: Yotsuyu, do not harm these people any further! Spare them, and I will surrender. Else you and your soldiers will come to feel my blade.
Gosetsu: Hear me, Yotsuyu: cease this farce, here and now, and I shall surrender myself to you. Refuse, and all shall answer to my blade.
Yotsuyu: Nehmt ihn fest! Wir werden ihn im Gasthaus verhören.
Yotsuyu: Capture him! We'll interrogate him in the tavern.
Yotsuyu: ...Bring him to the tavern.

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MSQ level 63 - Forever and Ever Apart - Yotsuyu interrogates Gosetsu
Yotsuyu: Red schon! Ich bin diese schäbige Spelunke und die schlechte Gesellschaft allmählich leid.
Yotsuyu: Talk already! I'm sorely tired of this shabby tavern and bad company.
Yotsuyu: I tire of this filthy tavern and its still filthier clientele.
Gosetsu: Ha, glaubst du, dein Verrat hat dich zu etwas Besserem gemacht?
Gosetsu: Ha, did you think your betrayal would get you something better?
Gosetsu: 'Tis scant reward for your treachery, aye. A painted woman of your rich experience deserves a better class of customer.
Yotsuyu: Ahhh, neidest du mir meinen Erfolg? Ich bin das ewige Gejammer von euch Verlierern allmählich leid.
Yotsuyu: Ahhh, are you jealous of my success? I'm sorely tired of the endless whining of you losers.
Yotsuyu: Name-calling? Is that what we've been reduced to?
Gosetsu: Waisenkind der Naeuri ... Witwe Sashihai ... Die Rache an deinen Landsleuten muss dir ja eine große Genugtuung bereiten.
Gosetsu: Orphan of the Naeuri... Widow of Sashihai... Taking vengeance on your countrymen must bring you great satisfaction.
Gosetsu: Orphan of the Naeuri, widow of Sashihai─what joy it must have brought you to be revenged upon us all.
Yotsuyu: Ich bin mit meinen Landsleuten noch nicht fertig, noch lange nicht.
Yotsuyu: I'm not done with my countrymen yet, not by far.
Yotsuyu: Not enough. Not nearly enough.
Yotsuyu: Mein Hunger nach Vergeltung ist bodenlos und unstillbar.
Yotsuyu: My hunger for retribution is bottomless and insatiable.
Yotsuyu: My appetite for your agony is as an abyss─bottomless. Insatiable.
Yotsuyu: Ich werde nicht aufhören, bis ihr alle vor mir im Staub kriecht. Und du, mein Freund, wirst noch jämmerlich um Gnade flehen.
Yotsuyu: I won't stop until all of them crawl in in the dust before me. And you, my friend, will snivel for mercy yet.
Yotsuyu: Before you die, you will cry and beg and prostrate yourself upon the earth. You will crawl on your belly through the muck and the piss, and debase yourself for my amusement. All of you.
Yotsuyu: Du bist ein harter Hund, aber vielleicht machst du ja dein Maul auf, wenn ich dir Kaiens abgetrennten Kopf präsentiere.
Yotsuyu: You're a tough dog, but perhaps you'll open your mouth if I present you with Kaien's severed head.
Yotsuyu: But you think you are made of sterner stuff. Hm. Rather than have him beat you, mayhap I should have my oaf go and fetch your master's head...?
Yotsuyu: Armer Kaien, mögen die Kami seiner Seele gnädig sein. Nachdem die Garlear sein Land erobert hatten, gab er so eine feine Marionette ab.
Yotsuyu: Poor Kaien, may the kami have mercy on his soul. After the Garleans conquered his country he made for such a fine puppet.
Yotsuyu: Poor, poor Lord Kaien─kami rest his soul! Noble leader of a fallen nation... A fine puppet he made for the viceroy─for a time.
Yotsuyu: Fünfundzwanzig Jahre lang diente er dem Gouverneur untertänigst, bis dieser dumme Aufstand ausbrach, der in einem Blutbad enden musste. Wirklich eine unerfreuliche Geschichte.
Yotsuyu: Twenty-five years he obediently served the govenor, until that dumb uprising broke out and had to end in a bloodbath. Truly an unpleasant story.
Yotsuyu: Twenty-five years he was content to serve his masters as a dog. And then everyone had to rise up and get themselves killed.
Yotsuyu: Erzähl doch mal, wie hast du dich damals gefühlt - unfähig, deinen Herrn zu beschützen? Wie war es für dich, ihn sterben zu sehen und selbst mit dem Leben davonzukommen?
Yotsuyu: Tell me though, how did you feel then - unable to protect your lord? How was it for you to watch him die and escape with your life yourself?
Yotsuyu: Tell me, how did it feel to fail him that day? To live with the disgrace of his death.
Yotsuyu: Na ja, es war ja nicht das erste Mal, dass du als Beschützer deines Herrn und deines Landes versagt hast. Hilf mir doch bitte auf die Sprünge. Wann haben dich die Garlear überwältigt und eingekerkert? Vor fünfundzwanzig Jahren?
Yotsuyu: Oh well, it wasn't the first time you failed as protector of your lord and country. Please remind me, when was it the Garleans overpowered you and tossed you in a dungeon? Twenty-five years ago?
Yotsuyu: Not that you were a stranger to living with disgrace, of course. In the, what was it, twenty-five years since you were humiliated and tossed into an imperial gaol, you had plenty of time to get used to it.
Yotsuyu: Um zu entkommen, sollst du dich zum Strafdienst in der garleischen Armee gemeldet haben. Die Erzählungen von den Massakern, die du für sie angerichtet hast, sind legendär!
Yotsuyu: To escape, you supposedly applied for criminal service in the Garlean army. The stories of the massacres you enacted in their name are legendary!
Yotsuyu: Oh yes, I heard the stories. About the samurai who would do anything to return to his master's side─even if it meant pledging his blade to his sworn enemy. They say he walked with death─that he slew a thousand men in the Empire's name. Truly a tale for the poets.
Gosetsu: Beides ist wahr, aber ich bin dir keine Rechenschaft schuldig.
Gosetsu: Both are true, but I don't owe you any justification.
Gosetsu: I do not deny my sins. But I will not be reproached by the likes of you.
Yotsuyu: Sei doch nicht gleich so eingeschnappt! Dir war jedes Mittel recht, um zu überleben und dein Ziel zu erreichen. Das gefällt mir! Wir sind uns ähnlicher, als dir lieb ist.
Yotsuyu: No need to be so snappy! You're justified in using any means to survive and reach your goal. I like that! We're more similar than you'd like.
Yotsuyu: Oh, I mean not to reproach you, but to praise you! You're a survivor, samurai.
Yotsuyu: Ich glaube, wir beide können uns einig werden. Die Garlear machen mir Druck, ich soll für sie endlich den Prinz von Doma fangen.
Yotsuyu: I believe the two of us can reach an agreement. The Garleans are pressuring me to finally capture the Doman prince.
Yotsuyu: So let us not dwell on the past, you and I, and instead give thought to the future. To wit, I would ask you again to help me resolve this vexing matter of Doma's missing heir.
Yotsuyu: Du weißt, wen ich meine - Kaiens Sohn Hien, mit dem du damals geflohen bist. Sag mir, wo ich ihn finde, und wenn es nur seine Leiche ist!
Yotsuyu: You know who I mean - Kaien's son Hien, who you had fled with back then. Tell me where I can find him, and whether it'll be just his corpse!
Yotsuyu: Living or dead, it makes no difference really─but the Garleans are most insistent that we put this problem behind us, and I know you helped him flee. So, tell me: what became of Lord Hien?
Gosetsu: Ha ha ha, das ist mir doch glatt entfallen, als mich dein Schläger verprügelt hat.
Gosetsu: Ha ha ha, that completely slipped my memory when your thug beat me up.
Gosetsu: To my dismay, the details escape me at present. Mayhap your dog could jog my memory?
Yotsuyu: Quetsch es aus ihm heraus! Wenn du nicht einmal dazu in der Lage bist, wirst du ans Ende der Welt versetzt.
Yotsuyu: Beat it out of him! If you can't manage even that I'll have you relocated to the end of the world.
Yotsuyu: Get on with it! And mark me, brute: there is no limit to how far you can fall.
Grynewaht: Oh nein, nicht noch weiter weg. Ich will zurück nach Eorzea und bittere Rache üben!
Grynewaht: Oh no, not even further away. I want to go back to Eorzea and get my bitter vengeance!
Grynewaht: Of all the bloody... <mumble> <mumble> When I get back to Eorzea, I'm going to find that little shite and I'm gonna make [them] pay...

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MSQ level 65 - The Heart of Nations - Lyse talks about national identity with the Mol children
Lyse: Danke für deine Hilfe, [Name]. Konntest du dich mit den Kindern anfreunden?
Lyse: Thanks for your help, [Name]. Did you get along with the kids?
Lyse: Good work. I hope you took the time to talk to the children while you were at it.
Frecher Junge: Lyse! Ich habe ganz viele Fladen gefunden! Und du?
Cheeky boy: Lyse! I found a ton of dung! And you?
Boisterous Mol Boy: Lyse! Lyse! Look how much dung we have!
Lyse: Ich auch. [Name] hat mir dabei geholfen.
Lyse: Me too. [Name] helped me with it.
Lyse: Wow, I'm impressed! I thought we'd gathered a lot, but it looks like we'll have to admit defeat!
Ruhiges Mädchen: Dorbei wird sich bestimmt freuen!
Calm girl: Dorbei will be happy for sure!
Willowy Mol Girl: Dorbei will be happy we found enough...
Selbstbewusstes Mädchen: Ganz bestimmt! Früher konnten wir im Wald Feuerholz sammeln, aber da, wo wir jetzt wohnen, gibt es nicht viele Bäume. Ohne Feuer können wir aber auch keinen Käse machen!
Confident girl: Definitely! We could gather firewood in the forest before, but there's not many trees where we live now. But without fire we can't make cheese either!
Bright-eyed Mol Girl: Not just Dorbei! Now we can continue making chese! Not that I was worried-it was easier when we were living near that forest, but dung works just as well as wood.
Lyse: Ach so, Ich versehe. Ihr Mol könnt euch euren neuen Wohnort nicht selbst aussuchen, sondern er wird wie alles andere durch das Orakel bestimmt. Es muss anstrengend sein, so zu leben.
Lyse: Ah right, I understand. You Mol can't pick a place to live yourself, since it's decided by the Oracle like everything else. It must be hard to live like that.
Lyse: I heard the Mol move from place to place─that the gods tell you where to go. That must be hard on you all...
Frecher Junge: Anstrengend? Das ist doch normal!
Cheeky boy: Hard? It's normal though!
Boisterous Mol Boy: Hard? I do not understand. Why is it hard?
Frecher Junge: Es gibt zwar auch Stämme, die nicht herumziehen, aber immer am gleichen Ort zu bleiben ist doch doof! Die Tiere wollen schließlich auch weiter, wenn sie alles Gras gefressen haben.
Cheeky boy: Sure, there's tribes that don't travel, but it's stupid to stay in one place forever! The animals also want to move on once they've eaten all the grass.
Boisterous Mol Boy: It is better for the animals to move-to have more food to eat and land to roam. To stay in one place is harder, no?
Schüchterner Junge: Mama sagt immer, der Regen, der auf die Erde fällt, und der Himmel, von dem er herunterfällt, sind dieselben, wohin man auch geht.
Shy boy: Mama always says the rain that falls to earth and the sky from which it falls are the same wherever you go.
Reserved Mol Boy: ...From the heavens comes the rain which nourishes the soil. From the soil comes the grass which nourishes the beast. From the beast comes the flesh which nourishes the Xaela. Ours is the soil of one and all.
Selbstbewusstes Mädchen: Ich weiß, dass es viele Leute gibt, die immer am gleichen Ort wohnen. Diesen Ort nennen sie dann „Heimatland".
Confident girl: I know there are many people who always live in the same place. They call this place "homeland".
Bright-eyed Mol Girl: But you Westerners are like the Domans-you live in the same place. In villages. And all the villages in one place are part of a "nation," yes?
Selbstbewusstes Mädchen: Das weiß ich von Hien! Er war ganz schrecklich verletzt, als er herkam, und hat immer „Mein Heimatland ... Doma ..." gestöhnt.
Confident girl: I know that from Hien! He was really hurt when he came here and kept groaning "My homeland... Doma..."
Bright-eyed Mol Girl: Hien talks aboutt nations sometimes. When he was injured, he spoke of Doma in his sleep, but I did not understand his words.
Ruhiges Mädchen: Ich weiß, dass er innen drin noch traurig ist, auch wenn seine Verletzungen verheilt sind und er meistens lächelt. Er schaut aber oft Richtung Süden, wo dieses Doma liegt. Dann hat er immer diesen seltsamen Blick.
Calm girl: I know he's still sad inside, even though his wounds healed and he's usually laughing. He often looks to the south, where this Doma is. He always has this strange look then.
Willowy Mol Girl: Whenever I ask him about Doma, he just smiles and looks to the south...
Ruhiges Mädchen: So wie eine Frau, die auf ihren Geliebten wartet. Warum sehnt er sich so nach seineim „Heimatland"? Wird er uns verlassen, um dorthin zurückzukehren?
Calm girl: Like a woman waiting for her lover. Why does he long so much for this "homeland"? Will he leave us to go back there?
Willowy Mol Girl: It reminds me of my mother when she waits for my father to return from a long journey... But Hien will not wait any longer, will he? Because you came for him. To take him back...because his nation is more important...
Lyse: Du stellst schwierige Fragen ...
Lyse: You ask difficult questions...
Lyse: Um...I'm not sure how to answer this...
Lyse: Das Heimatland ist mehr als nur ein Ort, an dem bestimmte Leute leben und bestimmte Dinge vorkommen.
Lyse: A homeland is more than just a place where certain people live and certain things happen.
Lyse: A a place, I suppose. A place...and the people in it...and maybe the things, too...
Lyse: Es steht für die Geschichte, Kultur und Sprache, die seine Bewohner hervorgebracht haben. Für all diese unzähligen Spuren eines Volkes.
Lyse: It stands for the history, culture, and language that its inhabitants have created. For all these countless traces left by a people.
Lyse: But more than that, it's the history, the traditions, the words. The stories we tell ourselves and our children. Everything that came before and everything that comes after.
Lyse: Wir werden in unser Heimatland hineingeboren und saugen diese Spuren in uns auf. Selbst wenn wir uns von der Heimat entfernen, sind wir doch innerlich mit ihrem Erbe und den Vorfahren, die es geschaffen haben, verbunden.
Lyse: We are born in our homeland and absorb these traces within ourselves. Even if we're far away from our home, we're still deeply connected to its heritage and the ancestors that made it.
Lyse: The place we were born is part of who we are. We carry it with us, no matter where we go. Whoever...whatever we become, that part remains-that link to our fathers and their fathers before them...
Lyse: Und deswegen ist da diese Sehnsucht oder ... Liebe, die Hien antreibt. Er liebt sein Heimatland sehr.
Lyse: And that's why there's this longing, or... love, that drives Hien. He deeply loves his homeland.
Lyse: It''s not important to everyone, I supose, and that's fine. But it's important to Hien. And to me.
Schüchterner Junge: So, wie ich meine Familie und meine Freunde liebe? Die anderen machen sich zwar lustig über uns Mol, weil wir schwach sind und unser Leben nach dem Götterorakel richten, aber ich mag unseren Stamm.
Shy boy: So, like how I love my family and friends? The others often make fun of us Mol because we're weak and arrange our lives around the Oracle, but I like our tribe.
Reserved Mol Boy: ...Some call the Mol fools for listening to the elder gods, but it is our way. Our pride. Our...nation?
Lyse: Ja, so ähnlich. Es ist gut, das du deinen Stamm liebst.
Lyse: Yeah, something like that. It's good that you love your tribe.
Lyse: Something like that. It's something precious that you and others share─and that no one can ever take from you.

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MSQ level 66 - A Final Peace - Gosetsu bids farewell to the dead Dotharl warrior
Gosetsu: Achtlos fortgeworfen, wie ein Stück Abfall ...
Gosetsu: Carelessly throw aside, like garbage...
Gosetsu: Left for the vultures... It seems an insult to the man.
Gosetsu: Wie viele Dotharl mögen hier zu Staub geworden sein? Auch wenn es mir schwerfällt, den Glauben der Dotharl zu teilen, muss ich doch sagen, dass er auch etwas Tröstendes hat. Noch nie habe ich eine solche Leichtigkeit und Unbeschwertheit an einem Grab verspürt.
Gosetsu: How many Dotharl have turned to dust here? Even though it's hard for me to share their beliefs, I have to say there is something comforting to it. Never have I seen such light hearts and spirits at a grave before.
Gosetsu: But the soul lives on, they say...these bodies no more than empty husks returning to the earth. Seen through those eyes, I suppose the sight is almost comforting.
Gosetsu sits down next to the man's corpse.
Gosetsu: Ihr gestattet, gnädiger Herr?
Gosetsu: You'll allow me, good sir?
Gosetsu: Pardon me.
Gosetsu: Erst dachte ich, dass es sich einfach um einen weiteren seltsamen Stamm mit seltsamen Bräuchen und Sitten handelt, doch je mehr ich mich mit den Dotharl auseinandersetze, desto mehr spüre ich eine innere Verwandtschaft zwischen uns. Als Samurai ist mir ihr Denken gar nicht so fremd.
Gosetsu: At first I thought we were simply dealing with another strange tribe with strange customs and manners, but the more I came to understand the Dotharl, the more I saw a deep similarity between us. As a samurai their way of thinking isn't so strange to me.
Gosetsu: When first I heard the tales, I could not help but scoff. “Another queer tribe,” I thought, “with still queerer customs.” Yet having borne witness to their rites, I cannot deny there is a certain logic to it all.
Gosetsu: Auch ich würde keine Sekunde zögern, mein Leben für meinen Herrn zu opfern. Doch das heißt nicht, das ich den Tod begrüße.
Gosetsu: I too would not hesitate a second to sacrifice my life for my masters. But that does not mean I welcome death.
Gosetsu: A samurai will die for his lord without hesitation or regret. But this is not because he delights in such sacrifice.
Gosetsu: Nein, ich habe eine Pflicht in diesem Leben zu erfüllen! Nichts wünsche ich mir sehnlicher, als diese Pflicht zu erfüllen und dan reinen Gewissens sterben zu können!
Gosetsu: No, I have a duty to fulfil in this life! I want nothing more than to fulfil this duty and be able to die with a clear conscience!
Gosetsu: It is because he has faith that his death will serve a higher purpose. There is an awakening in that instant, when the heart sings and the blood burns, and his soul...his soul finds peace.
Gosetsu: So wie dieser gute Mann hier. Er hat sein Bestes im Kampf gegeben und musste dabei sein Leben lassen ... Ja, ein solcher Tod erscheint mir durchaus erstrebenswert.
Gosetsu: Like this good man here. He gave his all in battle and lost his life in the process... Yes, I think such a death is truly worth striving for.
Gosetsu: There is comfort in that...
Gosetsu: Noch ist die Zeit des Sterbens nicht gekommen. Solange mein Herr gefangen gehalten wird, muss der Tod noch etwas warten!
Gosetsu: The time to die has not yet come. As long as my lord is still held captive, death will have to wait a little longer!
Gosetsu: Nay, we dare not permit ourselves that luxury, my friend, tempting though it may be. Not while our loved ones yet remain in chains!

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MSQ level 67 - The Die is Cast - Confronting Yotsuyu in Doma Castle
Schlacht um Burg Doma
Battle for Doma Castle
The Die is Cast
Hien: Wenn es einen guten Grund gibt, warum ich dein Leben verschonen sollte, dann sprich. Sag es mir, von Domanerin zu Domaner.
Hien: If there is one good reason why I should spare your life, then speak. Tell me, from Doman to Doman.
Hien: Have you aught to say for yourself? For what you have done to our people─your people?
Yotsuyu: Spiel dich nicht so auf - du kennst das alte Doma doch nicht einmal, du selbstgefälliger Wichtigtuer!
Yotsuyu: Don't act so important - you don't even know the old Doma, you arrogant showoff!
Yotsuyu: My people, he says. The precious lordling beloved by all come to confront the wicked witch.
Yotsuyu: Soll ich dir etwas über das „gute, alte“ Doma erzählen? Meine Stiefeltern haben mich behandelt wie ein Stück Vieh, und während ihr verwöhnter Sohn die Karriereleiter der Armee hochgehoben wurde, wollten sie mich, die Schande der Familie, loswerden und haben mich als Braut verkauft.
Yotsuyu: Shall I tell you a little about the "good old" Doma? My stepparents treated me like a piece of cattle, and while their own son was carried up the career ladder in the army, they wanted to get rid of me, the shame of the family, and sold me as a bride.
Yotsuyu: My parents thought me no better. They worked me from dawn to dusk, like an ox or an ass or some other beast of burden. Until, that is, my brother spied a chance to transform the family fortunes.
Yotsuyu: Sie scherten sich einen Dreck darum, wie das alte Schwein mich behandelte. Sie wollten meine Tränen nicht sehen und meine Schreie nicht hören.
Yotsuyu: They didn't give a damn how the old pig treated me. They didn't want to see my tears or hear my screams.
Yotsuyu: And so I was married to a vicious old drunk who beat me as he pleased, and when I pleaded for help, I was told to grin and bear it. For the family. For him. For everyone's sake. They pretended not to notice, but they knew. They knew.
Yotsuyu: Wo war es denn, als ich gelitten habe, das „gute, alte“ Doma, das „freie“ Doma?
Yotsuyu: Where was it then, while I suffered, the "good old" Doma, the "free" Doma?
Yotsuyu: What did it matter? I was nothing to them─less than nothing! I wasn't of their flesh, I wasn't a fellow Doman, I wasn't even a person. I might just as well have been dead!
Yotsuyu: Nur die Götter zeigten sich mir gnädig und schickten meinem Peiniger eine Krankheit, die ihn früh ins Grab brachte.
Yotsuyu: Only the gods showed me mercy and sent my tormentor an illness that brought him to an early grave.
Yotsuyu: And then my husband passed away one day. And so I was sold off yet again, to pay his debts. But this time, this time, I found a way to live for myself. To survive. As a spy for the Empire.
Yotsuyu: Ich wurde als Teil seines Nachlasses abermals verkauft - doch diesmal bot sich mir eine Chance, für den garleischen Geheimdienst zu arbeiten. Eine glückliche Fügung des Schicksals. Ich erhielt einen Sold und lernte zum ersten Mal, was es heißt, für mich zu leben.
Yotsuyu: I was sold again as part of his estate - but this time I was offered a chance to work for the Garlean secret service. A lucky twist of fate. I earned a salary and learned for the first time what it means to live for myself.
Yotsuyu: Oh, those were the days, when the scales first fell from my eyes. No longer would I be a slave to my parents or my husband or the pleasure house. I would be free...and receive due compensation...
Yotsuyu: Das hätte schon alles sein können ... Doch dann kam dieser Aufstand - den die Garlear schnell und brutal niederschlugen.
Yotsuyu: That could've been all... But then this uprising happened - that the Garleans swiftly and brutrally suppressed.
Yotsuyu: That would be enough, I thought...until I saw a Doman in the road, beaten and broken, and my heart skipped a beat...
Yotsuyu: Wie die Schwächlinge heulten und wimmerten, als sie zu meinen Füßen lagen ... Diese Würmer, die nichts als Verachtung für mich übrig hatten! Das war das Doma, nach dem ich mich fortan sehnte!
Yotsuyu: How the weaklings howled and whimpered as they laid at my feet.... These worms, who had nothing but disgust left for me! That was the Doma I longed for since then!
Yotsuyu: Lying at my feet, groaning in agony, sobbing in despair. Powerless, helpless, hopeless! A vision forever seared into my soul...
Yotsuyu: Ich habe mich nicht kleinkriegen lassen. Ich habe dem Schicksal getrotzt, egal wie hart es mit mir umsprang. Von euch brauche ich mir gar nichts sagen zu lassen!
Yotsuyu: I didn't let anything get me down. I withstood fate, regardless of how bad it treated me. You don't get to say anything to me!
Yotsuyu: There was nothing I would not do to feel that joy again! To bend this cruel, twisted world to my whims! ...Now, having borne witness to my life's work, have you aught to say to me?
Yotsuyu: Kommen wir endlich zum letzten Teil dieser langerwarteten Zusammenkunft. Die Frage ist nur noch: ...
Yotsuyu: Now we finally get to the last part of this long awaited meeting. The only question is....
Yotsuyu: Heh heh... 'Twas kind of you to lend me your ear, my lord. But now it is time for us to conclude our little tête-à-tête with a final game of chance...
Yotsuyu: Verlasst ihr die Burg tot oder lebendig?
Yotsuyu: Will you leave the castle dead or alive?
Yotsuyu: Who shall stand, and who shall fall? Let the die be cast.
Yugiri: Sie will die ganze Burg in die Luft jagen!
Yugiri: She wants to blow up the whole castle!
Yugiri: This was her plan from the first─to bring the keep down on our heads!
Hien cuts down Yotsuyu
Hien: Du verlässt sie schon mal nicht lebendig - Verräterin.
Hien: You at least won't leave it alive - traitor.
Hien: I will remember your words.
Hien: Nichts wie raus hier - alle! Es sollen sich alle in Sicherheit bringen!
Hien: Time to get out of here - everyone! All of you get yourself to safety!
Hien: We must flee! Order our forces to withdraw!
The ceiling collapses, and Gosetsu holds it up
Gosetsu: Lauft! Ich kann die Decke nicht mehr lange halten!
Gosetsu: Run! I can't hold the ceiling much longer!
Gosetsu: Go, my lord...while you still can. I cannot hold this forever.
Yugiri: Gosetsu! Ich lass dich nicht im Stich!
Yugiri: Gosetsu! I won't leave you behind!
Yugiri: No! We will not leave you behind!
Gosetsu: Bring Prinz Hien und den Krieger des Lichts in Sicherheit. Das ist nun deine Mission!
Gosetsu: Take prince Hien and the Warrior of LIght to safety. That is your mission now!
Gosetsu: Do your duty. Deliver Lord Hien and the others to safety. Now, forthwith! I shall manage on my own.
Yotsuyu shoots Gosetsu
Yugiri: Gosetsu!
Yugiri: Gosetsu!
Yugiri: Gosetsu!
Yotsuyu: Ich ... lasse mich ... von niemandem ... unterkriegen ...
Yotsuyu: I... won't... let anyone... keep me down....
Yotsuyu: one leaves... Not you or anyone else...
Gosetsu: Ich habe schon viele Lasten in meinem Leben geschultert, aber diese ist die leichteste.
Gosetsu: I've carried many burdens in my life, but this one is the lightest.
Gosetsu: ...'Tis naught this old frame cannot bear!
Gosetsu: Geht, meine Freunde. Geht und ruft den Domanern zu: Ihr seid frei!
Gosetsu: Go, my friends. Go and tell the Domans: You are free!
Gosetsu: Go now, all of you! The day is won! And the morrow beckons!
Story choice 1
Ich danke dir, Gosetsu.
Thank you, Gosetsu.
...Thank you.
Gosetsu: Ich habe zu danken. Dafür, dass ich dieses Abenteuer mit dir beistreiten durfte. Und dafur, dass Burg Doma endlich vom Gestank der Garlear befreit ist.
Gosetsu: I'm the one who is grateful. That I could face this adventure with you. And that Doma Castle is finally free from the stench of Garleans.
Gosetsu: Nay, thank you. For granting me a new purpose...and a measure of peace.
Story choice 2
Nein, Gosetsu! Du darfst dich nicht opfern!
No, Gosetsu! You can't sacrifice yourself!
This isn't over!
Gosetsu: Ich danke dir. Aber mein Leben ist ein kleines Opfer für diesen Sieg. Burg Doma ist befreit - ein glücklicheres Ende kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.
Gosetsu: Thank you. But my life is a small price to pay for this victory. Doma Castle is free - I can't imagine a happier ending.
Gosetsu: Do not despair, my friend. Never before have I felt so alive. My eyes unclouded, my purpose clear. This is right.
Hien: Gosetsu ...
Hien: Gosetsu...
Hien: Gosetsu...
Hien: Ich kenne keinen, dem mein Vater und ich mehr zu verdanken hätten. Du hast uns immer zur Seite gestanden und für unsere Sache gekämpft. Mit all deiner Kraft und Weisheit.
Hien: I know none who my father and I owe more gratitude. You have always stood at our side and fought for our cause. With all your strength and wisdom.
Hien: You never failed us. Not once. You served my father faithfully, and I am a better man for your guidance.
Hien: Du bist und bleibst ein Dickkopf. Gosetsu, eins verspreche ich dir: Ich werde ein neues Doma errichten.
Hien: You are and remain stubborn. Gosetsu, I promise you this: I will build a new Doma.
Hien: And the Doma we build together shall be better for it too!
Hien: Ein Doma, auf das du stolz sein kannst.
Hien: A Doma you can be proud of.
Hien: Be proud, my friend. Be proud.
Gosetsu: Danke, Shun.
Gosetsu: Thank you, Shun
Gosetsu: I am, Shun. More than you know.
Shun is Hien's childhood name, in case you forgot.
Everyone leaves, and Yotsuyu starts crying
Gosetsu: Weine, Domanerin. Weine Tränen der Freude. Denn dein Land ist wieder frei.
Gosetsu: Weep, Doman. Weep tears of joy. For your country is free again.
Gosetsu: You cast the die. Gambling was never my vice.
This references the scene where Gosetsu and Hien are drinking together before the final battle and Gosetsu drunk cries about his past failures. Hien tells him to save the tears for tomorrow, because there will definitely be tears, be they of joy or despair.

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MSQ level 67 - The Lady of Bliss - After defeating Lakshmi
Die Göttin seliger Träume
The Goddess of Blessed Dreams
The Lady of Bliss
Lyse: Ein Glück, es ist vorbei. Wie du das immer machst ...
Lyse: Good thing it's over. The way you always handle it...
Lyse: You did it again. You saved them. I just wish I could've been more help...
Lyse: Die Ananta hatten tatsächlich unheimlich viele Kristalle! Kein Wunder, dass sie in Versuchung geraten sind.
Lyse: The Ananta really do have an insane amount of crystals! No wonder they were tempted.
Lyse: looks like the Ananta did have a mountain of crystals after all. Like every other tribe. Gods, we're all such slaves to our weaknesses...
Shanti: Ihr habt die Göttin getötet! Warum habt ihr dasss getan? Wasss wollt ihr unsss noch alles nehmen?! Quält uns doch nicht länger!
Shanti: You killed the goddess! Why did you do that? What else do you want to take from us?! Torment us no longer!
Shanti: You! You ssslew our Missstresss! She was our hope, our sssalvation! Is there no end to your cruelty!?
Lyse: Euch soll gar nichts mehr genommen werden. Aber auch wenn ihr euch schwach fühlt, dürft ihr euch nicht auf eure Gottheit verlassen.
Lyse: Nothing more will be taken from you. But even when you feel weak, you can't allow yourself to depend on your god.
Lyse: Listen to me, please! I know that you're only trying to protect yourselves because you feel frightened and alone...
Lyse: Wir selbst müssen handeln und füreinander da sein! Bestimmt können wir einander verstehen und unterstützen, wenn ihr es nur wollt!
Lyse: We have to step up and be there for each other! We could defintely understand and support each other if you just wanted to!
Lyse: But that's how we all feel, don't you see? If we could just turn to each other for help instead of the gods, I'm sure we could find a way to live in peace!
Lyse: Und spiegelt euer Kristallschmuck nicht euer Innerstes wieder? Seid ihr euch selbst so wenig wert, dass ihr es aufgebt und unwiederbringlich einer Göttin opfert?
Lyse: And doesn't your crystal jewelry reflect your deepest selves? Are you worth so little to yourselves that you would give it up and irretrievably sacrifice it to a goddess?
Lyse: Your crystals are important to you, aren't they? Reflections of your souls, right? Well, you shouldn't have to sacrifice something so precious to a primal...
Shanti: Was wissst ihr schon von uns?! Ihr lebt vielleicht für den Kampf, aber wir Qalyana leben für den Frieden! Wir wollen einfach nur ssselige Ruhe in unssseren Herzen tragen.
Shanti: What do you know about us?! Maybe you live for war, but we Qalyana live for peace! We only want to carry blessed calmness in our hearts.
Shanti: Who are you to quessstion our choice? You who fight without fear? We wish only to live in peace, and if thisss be the price we must pay, then ssso be it!
Lyse: Irgendwann werdet ihr verstehen, dass auch wir nur den Frieden wollen. Aber nicht durch eine Beschwörung, die letztlich doch nicht helfen kann.
Lyse: One day you'll understand that we also only want peace. But not through a summoning that can't even help you in the end.
Lyse: I know there's nothing I can say to convince you. But I hope that one day you look back and see we only ever wanted the same thing.
Shanti: Verschwindet! Auf der Stelle! Ihr versteht die Ananta nicht und werdet sssie nie verstehen!
Shanti: Begone! Right now! You don't understand the Ananta and never will understand them!
Shanti: Begone, damn you! Ssspare me your hollow words and leave me to mourn.
Lyse: Gut, dann gehen wir. Aber ich gebe nicht auf!
Lyse: Fine, we'll leave. But I won't give up!
Lyse: I'll go...but it doesn't mean I'm giving up.
Lyse: Wir müssen zusammenhalten. Schließlich leben wir doch alle in Gyr Abania.
Lyse: We have to stick together. We all live in Gyr Abania after all.
Lyse: Gyr Abania is our home too, and one way or another, we're going to have to learn to live together.
Lyse: Komm schon! Alphinaud und Alisaie warten auf uns.
Lyse: Come on, Alphinaud and Alisaie are waiting for us.
Lyse: Come on. Alphinaud and Alisaie are waiting.

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MSQ level 67 - The Silence of the Gods - Speaking with Lyse after dinner at the Peering Stones
Zeit zu rasten, Zeit zu sinnieren
Time to Rest, Time to Ponder
The Silence of the Gods
Lyse: Naagos Mutter kocht wirklich toll, oder?
Lyse: Naago's mother is a real good cook, right?
Lyse: She wasn't kidding when she said her mother could cook.
Lyse: Wenn ich so eine warmherzige Familie sehe, muss ich an früher denken ...
Lyse: When I see such a warm family I get nostalgic...
Lyse: You know, seeing her with her family...I can't help thinking of my own.
Lyse: Als ich klein war, ging Papa auf die Jagd, und was er fing, haben wir mit ein paar Wildkrautern über dem Lagerfeuer gebraten. Nachdem mama gestorben war, übernahm Yda das Kochen ...
Lyse: When I was little, dad would go hunting, and we'd roast whatever he caught with some wild herbs over the campfire. After mom died Yda took over the cooking...
Lyse: How my father would come home from a hunt with dinner on his shoulder, and Yda would prepare it with herbs and spices... Our mother died when I was little, so she did most of the cooking...
Lyse: Wir waren keine großen Gourmets, aber das Nötigste hatten wir und kamen gut zurecht. Ein ganz einfaches Leben, aber wir waren zufrieden, und vor allem hielten wir ganz fest zusammen.
Lyse: We weren't big gourmets, but we had what we needed and got by pretty well. A really simple life, but we were satisfied, and above all we were really close.
Lyse: We didn't have much, but we had each other. And that was enough for me.
Lyse: Aber sogar das Weinige, das wir besaßen, haben sie uns weggenommen. Zuerst Theodoric, dann die Garlear. Alles haben sie zunichtegemacht! Und weil Papa und Yda das nicht hinnehmen wollten, haben sie auch noch ihr Leben verloren. Im Krieg ist man so ... hilflos!
Lyse: But they took even the little that we had from us. First Theodoric, then the Garleans. They ruined everything! And because dad and Yda didn't want to take that lying down, they lost their lives to boot. War makes you so... helpless!
Lyse: But they wouldn't let us have even that. Theodoric, Gaius... Of course Father and Yda had to fight. I would have too, if I'd been older. But they didn't have to die...
Lyse: Die Garlear werden nie verstehen, was sie in dieser Welt anrichten. Sie wollen die Primae ausmertzen, dabei bringt ihre Gewaltsherrschaft die Wilden Stämme erst recht dazu, ihre Götter zu beschwören. Sie würden sich nie dazu herablassen, die Beweggründe der Ananta verstehen zu wollen.
Lyse: The Garleans will never understand what they're doing to the world. They want to exterminate the primals, and meanwhile their tyranny is what pushes the beast tribes to summon their gods in the first place. They would never deign to want to understand the Ananta's motives.
Lyse: It never ends, does it? They call us beasts...and they treat us like them. They push and they push and they...until someone pushes back. Until someone takes up arms or..or summons a god. A false god.
Lyse: Wenn es wirkliche Götter gabe, ich meine, nicht nur so eine Gestalt gewordene Verzweiflung wie die Primae, wie würden sie uns Sterbliche wohl sehen?
Lyse: If there are real gods, I mean not just manifested despair like the primals, just how would they see us mortals?
Lyse: If the Twelve are watching us, what are they thinking?
Lyse: Wenn man nur wünscht und traumt, wird man von den Stärkeren zertrampelt, und wenn man sich wehrt, endet alles im Krieg und noch mehr Leute sterben. Was soll man denn nun tun? Es gibt einfach keinen Ausweg!
Lyse: If you only wish and dream you'll be trampled by the strong, and when you defend yourself it just leads to war and even more deaths. What are we supposed to do then? There's just no way out!
Lyse: What are they thinking when they see the strong hurt the weak? When people fight and die, and nothing gets better, and it just goes on and on and on...
Story selection 1
Wir müssen die Dinge selbst in die Hand nehmen.
We have to take things into our own hands.
There is no justice. Just us.
Lyse: Ja, ich weiß ... Deswegen kämpfen wir ja auch. Es ist nur ... Manchmal fräge ich mich eben, ob wir noch auf dem richtigen Weg sind.
Lyse: Yeah, I know... That's why we fight after all. It's just... I just ask myself sometimes if we're still on the right path.
Lyse: ...I know. That's why we're here, isn't it?
Story selection 2 and 3
Ich weiß es auch nicht.
I don't know either.
You'd have to ask Them.
Lyse: Nicht mal du weißt eine Lösung? Dabei siehst du immer so entschlossen aus und frei von jedem Zweifel ... Aber ich weiß schon, das ist eben keine Frage, die man einfach so beantworten könnte.
Lyse: Not even you have a solution? And that when you always look so determined and without any doubt... But I know that's not exactly an easy question to answer.
Lyse: ...I don't think the gods listen to people like me.
Lyse: ... Vielen Dank, [Name]. Du bist ein gute Zuhorer. Allein mit dir darüber zu reden, hat mir schon wieder ein bisschen Mut gemacht.
Lyse: ...Thanks, [Name]. You're a good listener. Just talking about it with you cheered me up a little.
Lyse: Thanks for listening. I know I was just rambling...but I feel better somehow.
Lyse: Wahrscheinlich muss man sich manchmal einfach die Zweifel von der Seele reden, dan geht's gleich viel besser. Aber komm, wir sollten langsam wirklich schlafen gehen. Es ist schon spät.
Lyse: You probably just have to talk the doubt off your mind every now and then, and you'll feel better right away. Anyway, we should just about go to sleep for real. It's already late.
Lyse: Who knows what the answers are─or if there even are any. Either way, life goes on, and we've got to...go with it. Sorry, that sounded better in my head. I must be getting tired. Time to turn in, I think.
Lyse: Was meinst du, was uns morgen erwartet - Freiheit oder Tod? ... Nein, ich hör ja schon auf. Gute Nacht, [Name].
Lyse: What do you think waits for us tomorrow - liberty or death? ...Nah, I'll stop now. Good night, [Name].
Lyse: Tomorrow's another day, eh? Let's see what it brings. Sleep well, [Name].

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MSQ level 68 - For the Living and the Dead - Lyse offers to scout the cannon at Castrum Abania
Trauer im Herzen, Schwert in der Hand
Sadness in the Heart, Sword in the Hand
For the Living and the Dead
The gang is discussing what might be going on at Castrum Abania that kept them from firing at you a second time.
Lyse: Na, dann gehe ich doch gleich mal nachsehen! Wenn ich mich alleine anschleiche, bleibe ich sicher unbemerkt.
Lyse: Well, I'll just go have a look then! If I sneak up alone I'll defintely go unnoticed.
Lyse: Then I'll just have to go and see for myself if the cannon is still operational.
M'naago: Aber Lyse! Was, wenn dir etwas zustößt? Du bist doch jetzt unsere Anführerin! Oder hast du Conrads Worte schon vergessen?
M'naago: But Lyse! What if something happens to you? You're our commander now! Or did you already forget Conrad's words?
M'naago: Are you mad? Conrad put you in charge of the Resistance! We can't risk losing another commander so soon!
Lyse: Ja, Naago, er hat mich zu seiner Nachfolgerin gemacht, das weiß ich doch.
Lyse: Yes, Naago, he made me his successor, I know.
Lyse: I know how you feel, Naago, I do. But I need you to understand...
Lyse: Es kam auch nicht ganz unerwartet, weißt du. Conrad hat mich von Anfang an ermuntert, zur Befreiungsarmee zu stoßen. Schon damals, als ich zusammen mit Papalymo dort ankam.
Lyse: It wasn't entirely unexpected, you know. Conrad had encouraged me to join the Resistance from the start. Back when I arrived with Papalymo already.
Lyse: It wasn't long after Papalymo and I arrived at Rhalgr's Reach that Conrad first asked me to join the Resistance. And then he kept on asking.
Lyse: Aber ich habe immer abgelehnt. Ich sagte, ich gehörte zum Bund des Morgenröte und müsste neutral bleiben ... Ich glaube, ich habe mich sehr lange selbst belogen. Ich war weder meine Schwester noch ich selbst.
Lyse: But I always declined. I said I belonged to the Scions and had to stay neutral... I think I've been lying to myself for a very long time. I was neither my sister nor myself.
Lyse: Every time I said no. I told myself it was because of the Scions. But even then, I knew deep down that it was an excuse. That I was still afraid of following my heart, because I couldn't be sure if it was for me or for Yda.
Lyse: Aber eine Begegnung im Fernen Osten hat mir die Augen geöffnet. Ich habe einen Anführer getroffen, der bedingungslos für diejenigen einsteht, die ihre Hoffnung in seine Hände legten. Jemanden, der nicht vor seiner Verantwortung wegläuft.
Lyse: But an encounter in the far east opened my eyes. I met a leader who unconditionally stands up for those who put their hopes in his hands. Someone who doesn't run away from his responsibilities.
Lyse: But then I met someone, on the other side of the world, who had struggled with the same worries. And as we traveled and fought together I saw him grow and become the leader his people needed him to be.
Lyse: Ich werde vorsichtig sein, das verspreche ich.
Lyse: I'll be careful, I promise.
Lyse: And now it's my turn to do the same.
Lyse: Ich werde alles tun, um Conrad's Wunsch zu erfüllen. Gerade deshalb will ich mir ja selbst ein Bild von der Lage machen. Oder wie soll ich Entscheidungen treffen, bei denen euer allen Leben auf dem Spiel steht, wenn ich keine Ahnung habe, was los ist?
Lyse: I'll do everything I can to fulfil Conrad's wish. That's exactly why I want to get a view of the situation myself here. How am I supposed to make decisions that have all your lives at stake when I don't even know what's going on?
Lyse: There's not a lot of us left, and of the ones that are, many are still wounded. We have to make do with what we've got, and I'm the best-qualified. It's as simple as that. But don't worry, Naago. I'll come back. I promise.
Raubahn: Die Befreiungsarmee untersteht nicht meinem Befehl, aber ich gebe zu bedenken: Den obersten Kommandanterin in Gefahr zu bringen ist unklug. Wie wäre es, wenn zumindest [Name] mitgeht? Vorausgesetzt, er ist einverstanden.
Raubahn: The Resistance Army isn't under my command, but I'll remind you: to put the lead commander in danger is unwise. How about at least [Name] comes along? Assuming they agree.
Raubahn: While I acknowledge Commander Hext's right to carry out this mission, I see no reason why she should do so alone. [Name], would you go with her?
Story selection 1
ould've done it even if you hadn't asked, sir.
Story selection 2
Wenn es denn sein muss.
If I have to.
I suppose someone's got to keep her out of harm's way...
Raubahn: Gut. Dann werden wir die weiteren Schritte nach den Ergebnissen eurer Erkundung beschließen.
Raubahn: Good. Then we will decide our next step after we get the results from your investigation.
Raubahn: Then it's settled. We will await your return.
Lyse: Tut mir leid, dass ich dich da reinziehe.
Lyse: Sorry I dragged you into it.
Lyse: ...Sorry to drag you into this, [name].
Lyse: Alles ist so plötzlich gekommen, aber jetzt müssen wir es durchziehen. Na, wird schon werden, oder?
Lyse: Everything happened so suddenly, but we have to see it through now. Well, it'll be fine, right?
Lyse: It may not be the decision Conrad would've made...but I'm not Conrad. I never will be. I don't know what kind of leader he was hoping for, but right now, all I can do is be myself...

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MSQ level 68 - Above the Churning Waters - Climbing Nyunkrepf's Hope with Lyse
Aussicht auf Hoffnung
Looking Out on Hope
Above the Churning Waters
Lyse: Bist du etwa von einem Golem angegriffen worden? Puh, der ist ganz schön groß. Er muss hier wohl früher irgendetwas bewacht haben.
Lyse: Did you get attacked by a golem? Phew, that's a real big one. It must've guarded something here in the past.
Lyse: Sorry to keep you waiting! I see you've met the golems. Looks like the old stories were true, eh? In a way, I'm glad...
Lyse: Also dann, machen wir uns an den Aufstieg!
Lyse: Alright, let's start the climb!
Lyse: Right, then. Time to climb!
Lyse: Puh ... <schnauf> Ich bin das letzte Stück wohl ein bisschen zu schnell gelaufen.
Lyse: Phew ... <pant> I went a little too fast on the last stretch.
Lyse: <pant> <pant> Whew! That took a bit more out of me than I expected...
Lyse: Sieh dir dieses Riesending an! Es heißt „Nyunkrepfs Rettung“, weil Nyunkrepf damit die Leute vor der großen Flut in Sicherheit bringen wollte. Die Legende erzählt, dass er es vom tobenden Meer mit einem starken magischen Strahl hier in die Berge heraufgezogen hat.
Lyse: Look at this huge thing! It's called "Nyunkrepf's Salvation", since Nyunkrepf wanted to use it to bring everyone to safety before the great flood. The legends say he used a powerful beam of magic to drag it from the raging seas to here in the mountains.
Lyse: And here she is. Nyunkrepf's Hope. The ark that one man made to save countless others from the flood during the Sixth Umbral Era.
Lyse: Zu allen Zeiten gibt es Leute, deren Wunsch, anderen aus der Not zu helfen, so stark ist, dass sie Unglaubliches vollbringen. Das Schiff hier ist der Beweis.
Lyse: In every age there are people whose wish to help others in need is so strong that they achieve unbelievable things. This ship here is proof.
Lyse: It's comforting to think that there have always been people who cared this much about their fellow man─who accomplished such great feats that people couldn't help thinking they must be made up. But the proof's right here, isn't it?
Lyse: ... Wie ist das eigentlich bei dir? Alle Welt nennt dich einen Helden und setzt die allergrößten Hoffnungen in dich. Wahrscheinlich spürst du die Verantwortung genauso stark wie die Freude über deinen Ruhm.
Lyse: ...How is it for you, actually? The whole world calls you a hero and puts the biggest possible hopes on you. You probably feel the responsibilty as much as you do the joy over your fame.
Lyse: I don't just mean the ship, you know. I mean you. Long before anyone started calling you a hero, you were there for those in need. You did things for people when you didn't have to─sometimes even when they didn't want you to.
Lyse: Aber du bist ein großes Vorbild für unzählige Eorzäer. Was du geleistet hast, hat das Leben sehr vieler Leute verändert. Auch meines!
Lyse: But you're a great example to countless Eorzeans. The things you achieved changed the lives of a whole lot of people. Mine too!
Lyse: It can't have been easy, staying true to yourself. But we're all better for it. Me included.
Lyse: Ich weiß, ich werde für mein Volk nie das sein können, was Hien für die Domaner ist.
Lyse: I know I can't be to my people what Hien is to the Domans.
Lyse: I'll never be a leader like Conrad. Or Hien. Or my father...
Lyse: Aber ich werde ich sein, und tun, was immer ich kann. Das bin ich all denen schuldig, die an meiner Seite gekämpft haben. Und dir natürlich.
Lyse: But I will be me, and do everything I can do. I owe it to everyone who fought at my side. And to you of course.
Lyse: But I can be a friend to you all, and I can fight by your side.
Lyse: Ich werde bis zum Schluss kämpfen, [Name], das verspreche ich dir!
Lyse: I'll fight until the end, [Name], I promise you that!
Lyse: I can be me...and that'll just have to be enough, eh?
Lyse: Da ist Specula Imperatoris ... Wenn Conrad nur ein paar Schritte weiter weg gestanden hätte ... oder ich näher ...
Lyse: That's Specula Imperatoris... If Conrad had just been a few steps further away... or I a few closer...
Lyse: Strange to think back on it. If we'd been standing in different places, or if the shell had struck the tower differently, it would've been me instead of Conrad. Or maybe both of us.
Lyse: Und ich kann es nicht fassen, dass sie ihre eigenen Leute darin begraben haben.
Lyse: And I just can't believe that they buried their own people there.
Lyse: What kind of monster murders their own...
Lyse: ... Sieh nur! Rauch aus dem Hauptgebäude von Castrum Abania! Da muss ganz schön was kaputt sein.
Lyse: ...Look there! Smoke from the main building in Castrum Abania! Something's definitely broken there.
Lyse: Uh... Is that smoke from Castrum Abania? Wait─it's coming from the cannon!
Lyse: Das bedeutet, dass die Garlear fürs Erste andere Sorgen haben als uns!
Lyse: That means the Garleans have other problems than us right now!
Lyse: I can't tell what happened from here, but I can tell that it won't be giving us any trouble in the immediate future.
Lyse: Hm! Nyunkrepfs Schiff, das den Leuten Rettung bringen sollte, und die Kanonenfestung, die nur Tod und Verzweiflung bringt. Wie seltsam, dass diese beiden so nahe beieinander liegen.
Lyse: Hm! Nyunkrepf's ship meant to save people, and the cannon fortress that only brings death and despair. How strange that they're so close together.
Lyse: This is our chance, [Name]─to avenge Conrad and all the others who died in the tower, friend and foe.
Lyse: [Name], du musst mir helfen, diese Quelle des Bösen zu zerstören!
Lyse: [Name], you have to help me destroy this source of evil!
Lyse: To take Castrum Abania and bring the bastards who gave the order to fire to justice!
Lyse: Gemeinsam schaffen wir es! Vielleicht nicht nur wir beide, aber zusammen mit all unseren Kameraden, die Conrad Treue geschworen haben.
Lyse: Together we'll make it! Maybe not just the two of us, but with all our comrades who swore loyalty to Conrad.
Lyse: It won't be easy after the losses we took, but I know everyone's champing at the bit to strike back. With the right plan, I'm certain we can do it!
Lyse: Gehen wir. Wir müssen den anderen sagen, was wir gesehen haben.
Lyse: Let's go. We have to tell the others what we saw.
Lyse: We have to tell the others! Come on!

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MSQ level 69 - The Price of Freedom - Confronting Fordola in Castrum Abania
Kontrolle über das Castrum
Control over the Castrum
The Price of Freedom
Fordola: Verdammt!
Fordola: Damn it!
Fordola: They're here!
Lyse: Du! ... Du hast sie abgeschossen!
Lyse: You! ...You fired it!
Lyse: It was you, wasn't it... Wasn't it!?
Fordola touches her head in pain.
Fordola: ... Ja, ich habe den Befehl gegeben.
Fordola: ...Yes, I gave the order.
Fordola: Aye, I gave the order to fire.
Lyse: Conrad wollte deine Leute überzeugen! Dass wir uns nicht gegenseitig umbringen sollen, Mhigiten gegen Mhigiten! Und da hast du sie mitsamt dem Turm in die Luft gejagt - deine eigenen Kameraden!
Lyse: Conrad wanted to convince your men! That we shouldn't kill each other, Ala Mhigan against Ala Mhigan! And you blew them up together with the tower - your own comrades!
Lyse: It was over! The Skulls had surrendered! No one else had to die! And you killed them! Your own people! Your own comrades!
Fordola: Ja, das habe ich. Ansfrid, Hrudolf, Emelin ... wir haben zusammen trainiert, gelernt und gekämpft. Stolze Kämpfer, gute Kameraden.
Fordola: Yes, I did. Ansfrid, Hrudolf, Emelin... we trained, studied, and fought together. Proud fighters, good comrades.
Fordola: You're right. I killed them. Ansfrid, Hrudolf, Emelin, all the rest─trained and fought with every last one of them. Good soldiers to a man.
Fordola: Mir ist, als hätte ich ihr Ende mit ihnen durchgestanden. Das Ende, das ich ihnen gebracht habe.
Fordola: I feel like I experienced their end with them. The end that I brought them.
Fordola: I gave the order that led to their deaths...and I knew exactly what I was doing.
Given she's clutching her head as she says this it's obvious that her new artificial echo beamed her friends' final moments directly into her head.
Lyse: A-Aber, aber ... wie konntest du nur?! Wieso hast du's dann befohlen?!
Lyse: B-but, but.. just how could you?! Then why did you give the order?!
Lyse: But why!? Why would you do that!?
Fordola: Es war ein Opfer, das für die Zukunft der Mhigiten nötig war. Nur dafür haben wir unser ganzes Leben lang gekämpft.
Fordola: It was a necessary sacrifice for the future of the Ala Mhigans. That's the one thing we fought for our whole lives.
Fordola: They died so that all Ala Mhigans could live free. That was all we ever wanted.
Fordola: Wir hatten einander geschworen, so stark zu werden, dass uns die reinblütigen Garlear respektieren mussten.
Fordola: We swore each other we'd become so strong that the pureblooded Garleans had no choice but to respect us.
Fordola: We made a promise that we would do whatever it took so that one day the imperials would learn to accept us.
Fordola: Nun war die Stunde gekommen, diese Stärke unter Beweis zu stellen. Und ich habe den Preis gezahlt.
Fordola: Now the hour had come to prove that strength. And I paid the price.
Fordola: But everything comes at a price. And if you haven't got the means to pay, then you pay with blood.
Fordola: Wir hatten uns ins garleische Heer eingliedern lassen, um die Bürgerrechte zu erwerben. Doch auch als wir sie bekommen hatten, sahen uns die Garlear nie als Gleichgestellte. Wir aus den Kolonien mussten Siege vorweisen, die über jeden Zweifel erhaben waren.
Fordola: We signed up for Garlean military service to obtain citizenship. But even after we gained it the Garleans didn't see us as equals. We from the colonies had to present victories that surpassed any doubt.
Fordola: Service guarantees citizenship, but citizenship guarantees naught. It's not enough to do your part, oh no. You have to run faster, fight harder, kill more and more and more─and only then will you be equal.
Fordola: Was hätten wir auch tun sollen? Wir konnten unsere Herkunft ja nicht ändern! Wir mussten unsere Rechte selbst erkämpfen!
Fordola: What else were we supposed to do? We can't change where we come from! We have to fight for our rights ourselves!
Fordola: That's just how it is out here in the provinces. You buy your freedom with blood─there is no other way!
Lyse: Red keinen Unsinn! Was für Rechte?! Sie sind tot!
Lyse: Don't talk nonsense! What rights?! They're dead!
Lyse: Shut up! Shut your mouth! You don't get to talk about freedom! You killed your own! They trusted you and you killed them!
Lyse: Und vor allem - hast du meine Freunde umgebracht!
Lyse: And above all - you killed my friends!
Lyse: Murderer! Butcher! Traitor!

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MSQ level 70 - Stormblood - After defeating Zenos in the Ala Mhigo dungeon
Zenos yae Galvus: ... Hehehehehe ... Hahahaha.
Zenos yae Galvus: ... Hehehehehe ... Hahahaha.
Zenos yae Galvus: Heh heh heh heh...
Zenos yae Galvus: Ahahaha! He he ha ha ha! Sehr gut, sehr gut!
Zenos yae Galvus: Ahahaha! He he ha ha ha! Very good, very good!
Zenos yae Galvus: Ahahahahahaha! Yes, yes! Such ferocity, such tenacity!
Zenos yae Galvus: Bei unserer ersten Begegnung war ich enttäuscht von dir. Aber du machst dich! Eine wirklich unterhaltsame Jagdbeute!
Zenos yae Galvus: At our first encounter I was disappointed with you. But you've made yourself! A truly entertaining prey!
Zenos yae Galvus: I am loath to recall how disappointed I was when first we fought...but finally, finally, after bathing in the blood and offal of your enemies, finally you prove yourself worthy prey for the hunt!
Zenos yae Galvus: Nun, kannst du deinen Jäger erlegen? Auf diese Begegnung habe ich lange Zeit gewartet ... Zerreiß meine Kehle, wenn du kannst!
Zenos yae Galvus: Now, can you kill your hunter? I’ve waited a long time for this match… Tear my throat out, if you can!
Zenos yae Galvus: It fills you even now, doesn't it? The hunger. To bite down on my jugular, to feel the warmth fill your mouth and run over even as you drink deep. Good, good! This is the beast I have longed to face!
Zenos yae Galvus: Denn es wäre eine Schande, jetzt schon auseinanderzugehen. Du hast deine Fänge so gut geschärft - und auch mir wurden neue Kräfte zuteil. Komm! Auf uns wartet ein grandioser Kampf!
Zenos yae Galvus: It would be a shame to go our separate ways so soon. You’ve sharpened your fangs so well - and I too have received new powers. Come! A grandiose battle awaits us!
Zenos yae Galvus: As you sharpened your claws, I too sought newfound strength! But this is no place for a final contest. Come! The heavens shall bear witness to our dance!
Alphinaud: Noch mehr Verstärkung!?
Alphinaud: Even more reinforcements!?
Alphinaud: Confound it!
Alphinaud: Überlass uns die hier und kümmere du dich um Zenos ...!
Alphinaud: Leave these to us and go deal with Zenos...!
Alphinaud: Go after Zenos, my friend! We shall deal with this!

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MSQ level 70 - Stormblood - Meeting Zenos in the Royal Menagerie
Zenos yae Galvus: Willkommen in meinem Lustgarten hoch über den Wolken.
Zenos yae Galvus: Welcome to my pleasure garden high above the clouds.
Zenos yae Galvus: Welcome to the Royal Menagerie.
Zenos yae Galvus: Der letzte König der Mhigiten ließ dieses Paradies für seine Frau errichten. Er brachte Getier und Gewächse aus ihrer fernen Heimat, um sie zu erfreuen. Mir persönlich gefiel die Sammlung nicht.
Zenos yae Galvus: The last king of the Ala Mhigans had this paradise built for his wife. He brought over animals and plants from her distant homeland to please her. I personally didn’t like the collection.
Zenos yae Galvus: The King of Ruin built this place for his foreign queen. He kept it filled with familiar creatures from her homeland. They bored me all.
Zenos yae Galvus: Dieses Geschöpf dagegen ist einfach nur ... göttlich.
Zenos yae Galvus: This creature on the other hand is simply… divine.
Zenos yae Galvus: This fine specimen, on the other hand, is simply...divine.
Zenos yae Galvus: Na, Held der Wilden? Fühlst du nicht auch eine schicksalhafte Verbindung mit dieser Bestie? Euer Gestalt gewordener Hass auf die Garlear - nun ein Werkzeug in der Hand eines Garlear.
Zenos yae Galvus: Well, hero of the savages? Don’t you also feel a fated connection to this beast? Your manifested hatred for the Garleans - now a tool in the hands of a Garlean.
Zenos yae Galvus: Your fates are entwined, are they not, eikon-slayer? This dragon, this...embodiment of unbridled despair, born of a desperate man's burning hatred for the Empire...
Zenos yae Galvus: Nichts als blinde Zerstörungswut in seinem Inneren - ein armseliger Gott ohne eigene Mythologie, ein Geschöpf ohne jede Geschichte.
Zenos yae Galvus: Nothing but blind destructive rage inside it - a pitiful god without its own mythology, a creation without any history.
Zenos yae Galvus: How raw the raging tempest that churns within its breast. No myth made manifest this, but...a being of pure violence.
Zenos yae Galvus: Fast möchte man meinen, du hättest dies alles zu meinem größten Wohlgefallen arrangiert! Oder warst es nicht du selbst, der jene rachsüchtige Seele an den Abgrund trieb, bis sich ihr Hass über dem Wall manifestierte ... Und der Omega, den allagischen Häscher, entschlüpfen ließ, um diesen neuen Götzen in meine Arme zu treiben?
Zenos yae Galvus: One might almost think you arranged all this just to please me! Or was it not you who drove that wrathful soul towards the edge, until his hatred manifested above the Wall… And who unleashed Omega, the Allagan hunter, to drive this new god into my arms?
Zenos yae Galvus: Hah hah, mayhap you are the true architect of our design. You who fought the very soul of vengeance to the edge and watched him fall; you who let slip the Allagan hound to drive this eikon into my arms!
He calls Omega "Häscher" which is "someone officially authorised to locate, pursue, and apprehend a person" and every dictionary I tried disagreed on what the English equivalent is supposed to be.
Zenos yae Galvus: Oh, hahahaha! Ich rede zu viel, verzeih mir. Das ist alles einfach zu aufregend!
Zenos yae Galvus: Oh, hahahaha! I talk too much, forgive me. This is simply all so exciting!
Zenos yae Galvus: Oh... My. Have I said too much? Forgive me, this...sensation is wholly unfamiliar to me.
Zenos yae Galvus: Aber lass uns doch einmal über deine geschätzte Ansicht sprechen. Sag, wenn ich nicht wäre - was würdest du mit diesem Monstrum hier anstellen?
Zenos yae Galvus: But let’s talk about your valued opinion now. Say, if I weren’t here - what would you do with this monster here?
Zenos yae Galvus: A question, then─and I should like very much for you to speak from the heart. If I were to stand aside, what would you do to this eikon?
Story selection 1
Ihn vernichten.
Destroy it.
Kill it.
Zenos yae Galvus: Vernichten. Einfach so! Aber natürlich, ich vergaß, du bist ja der eorzäische Held, der Götzenbezwinger...
Zenos yae Galvus: Destroy it. Just like that! But of course, I forgot you’re the Eorzean hero, the godslayer...
Zenos yae Galvus: Ah. As simple as that. But of course. You are the eikon-slayer. Such certainty is to be expected.
Story selection 2
Ihn fesseln.
Restrain it.
Bind it.
Zenos yae Galvus: Fesseln ... in Omegas Klauen für immer? Aber haben wir nicht gesehen, wie Bahamut gegen so eine Behandlung „Protestierte"?
Zenos yae Galvus: Restrain it… in Omega’s claws forever? But haven’t we seen how Bahamut “protested” against such treatment?
Zenos yae Galvus: But have I not already bound it with Omega's restraints? And does not the Seventh Umbral Calamity stand as a testament to the fallibility of such devices? Oh, how quickly we forget.
Story selection 3
Zenos yae Galvus: Was bist du nur für ein langweiliger Gesprächspartner! Oder eilen deine Gedanken schon voraus zu unserem Kampf? Dann sind wir wirklich seelenverwandt.
Zenos yae Galvus: What a boring conversation partner you are! Or do your thoughts drift ahead towards our battle? If so we are truly kindred souls.
Zenos yae Galvus: Hm. You will not indulge me even with a simple reply, then? No. You think only of the fight to come. How alike we are.
Zenos yae Galvus: Na, jedenfalls mangelt es deiner Antwort an Originalität. Es gab noch eine andere. Doch du siehst sie nicht, weil du deine Gabe noch nicht gemeistert hast.
Zenos yae Galvus: Well, either way your answer lacks originality. There is another option. Though you don’t see it, because you haven’t mastered your gift yet.
Zenos yae Galvus: A pity. There is another alternative. Or there would be...had you only mastered your abilities.
Zenos yae Galvus: Die Kraft des Transzendierens ... verleiht sie lediglich Immunität gegen den Willen der Primae? Oder gibt sie uns vielmehr ... die Macht über sie? ... Und du hast immer nur daran gedacht, sie umzubringen!
Zenos yae Galvus: The Echo… does it merely grant immunity to the will of the Primals? Or does it give us much more… perhaps power over them? …And you only ever thought about killing them!
Zenos yae Galvus: I speak of the Echo, of course. Does it merely render you immune to eikonic influence? Or is it rather that your influence is far greater than theirs? Granted, these implications are of no moment to a savage, who thinks only of killing the beast before [them]...
Zenos yae Galvus: Aber als ich in einem Bericht von van Baelsar von dieser Gabe las, sah ich sofort ihr Potenzial. Den Geist eines Primae kontrollieren, was für ein Gedanke! Deshalb forschte ich so intensiv an der Ätherbeherrschung durch deine Gabe.
Zenos yae Galvus: But when I read about this gift in a message from van Baelsar I immediately saw its potential. To control the mind of a primal, what a thought! That is why I worked so hard on gaining control over aether through your gift.
Zenos yae Galvus: But when I read van Baelsar's reports, I immediately saw the boundless potential of the Echo. I saw how it could be instrumental in binding an eikon to one's will. Hence my research and the Resonant─and oh so much more!
Zenos yae Galvus: Eines der obersten Ziele Garlemalds ist die Vernichtung der Primae. Der Reichsgründer, Kaiser Solus - mein Urgroßvater - sah bei der Eroberung des Ostkontinents, welche Verwüstung die Primae dort angerichtet hatten. Um den Planeten von dieser Gefahr zu befreien, begann er seinen „Feldzug des Wahren und Gerechten“.
Zenos yae Galvus: One of Garlemald’s main goals is the destruction of primals. The nation’s founder, emperor Solus - my great-grandfather - saw with the conquest of the eastern continent what kind of destruction the primals had caused there. To free the planet from this danger he began his “campaign of truth and righteousness.”
Zenos yae Galvus: All eikons must be exterminated, without exception. Such was the imperial mandate issued by my great-grandfather after he saw firsthand the destruction wrought by one such being. They are a blight upon this star, he felt, and so he began his great and just crusade.
Zenos yae Galvus: Hah! Sein Motiv war nicht Gerechtigkeit, sondern Angst. Sie kämpften, weil sie vor den Primae, vor dem Untergang des Planeten zitterten. Armselig!
Zenos yae Galvus: Hah! His motive wasn’t righteousness but fear. They fought because they trembled before the primals, before the destruction of the planet. Pathetic!
Zenos yae Galvus: Pah! 'Twas not justice which spurred his campaign, but fear! Fear of the eikons, fear of their power. Cowardice made them march forth to battle. Pathetic!
Zenos yae Galvus: Dabei ist der Kampf doch etwas Vergnügliches! Kein blindes Ringen um Futter und Überleben wie bei den niederen Tieren. Es ist ein Privileg der Höherentwickelten, ihn allein um der Gewalt willen zu genießen!
Zenos yae Galvus: Battle is obviously something to be enjoyed! No blindly wrestling for food and survival like with lowly animals. It is a privilege of the higher developed to enjoy it solely for violence’s sake!
Zenos yae Galvus: Man should fight for the joy of it. To live, to eat, to breed─lesser beasts snap and howl at one another for this. Only man has the wisdom and the clarity to embrace violence for its own sake.
Zenos yae Galvus: Nur eines ist niemandem im Überfluss gegeben. Das Leben, das einzige, endliche Leben. Aber soll es sinnlos dahinwelken? Nein, nein, dieses letzte Pfand muss jeden meiner Kämpfe befeuern!
Zenos yae Galvus: Only one thing nobody is granted in excess. Life, one’s sole, finite life. But shall it meaninglessly wilt away? No, no, I will put it on the line to ignite every one of my battles!
Zenos yae Galvus: For we who are born into this merciless, meaningless world, have but one candle of life to burn.
His phrasing for what I translated as "put it on the line" invokes the expression "deine Seele verpfänden" - to sell your soul (to the devil), that is, to do something extremely ill-advised to achieve your goal.
Zenos yae Galvus: Du begreifst diese Gedanken, nicht wahr? Denn du bist wie ich. Wir beide könnten Jagdkameraden sein. Willst du die Jagd an meiner Seite genießen?
Zenos yae Galvus: You understand these thoughts, right? Because you’re like me. The two of us could be hunting partners. Would you like to indulge in the hunt at my side?
Zenos yae Galvus: I know you understand this. You and I are one and the same. Together, we could while away the quiet hours, as friend and confidant...if you will accept me.
Story selection 1
Ja, gerne.
Yes, gladly.
I accept you.
Zenos yae Galvus: Hehehe. Als ob du deine ach so hehren Ideale je ablegen würdest. Am Ende steht unvermeidlich der Kampf, das wissen wir beide!
Zenos yae Galvus: Hehehe. As if you would ever put aside your oh so lofty ideals. It inevitably ends in battle, we both know that!
Zenos yae Galvus: Heh heh...are we to embrace and let bygones be bygones? Do our deeds weigh so little that you would cast all aside? Come. 'Twas plain from the first how this would end.
Story selection 2
Nein, danke.
No, thank you.
I deny you.
Zenos yae Galvus: Hehe! So hast du nur noch befräftigt, wie ähnlich wir uns doch sind. Am Ende steht unvermeidlich der Kampf, das wissen wir beide!
Zenos yae Galvus: Hehe! That just confirms how similar we really are. It inevitably ends in battle, we both know that!
Zenos yae Galvus: Heh heh...and yet, in doing so, you prove me right. We are warriors. 'Twas plain from the first how this would end.
Zenos yae Galvus: Du lebst für diese Momente des atemlosen Schwebens - gerade, bevor das Gleichgewicht auf die eine oder andere Seite kippt, Sieg oder Niederlage, Leben oder Tod! Ist es nicht so?
Zenos yae Galvus: You live for these moments of breathlessly floating - right before the balance tips to one side or the other, victory or defeat, life or death! Isn’t that right?
Zenos yae Galvus: You live for these moments─when all hangs in the balance...when the difference between life and death is but a single stroke.
Zenos yae Galvus: Genau wie ich! Ach, nur dich würde ich mir zum Genossen nehmen! Wen interessiert Ala Mhigo - lass uns kämpfen!
Zenos yae Galvus: Just like me! Ahh, you're the only one I would take as my companion! Who cares about Ala Mhigo - let us fight!
Zenos yae Galvus: I live for them too! This is who we are, my friend! This is all we are! Ala Mhigo and Doma and Garlemald be damned!
Zenos yae Galvus: Eine Kraft, die jeden Primae in seine Schranken weist! Dir wurde sie geschenkt, ich habe sie mir selbst errungen ...
Zenos yae Galvus: A power that will show any primal its place! It was gifted to you, I have won it for myself…
Zenos yae Galvus: We tower above the gods! You by your gift, I by my might!
Zenos yae Galvus: ... und ich werde sie zur Vollendung führen - als Bändiger der Götter!
Zenos yae Galvus: …and I will lead it to its completion - as tamer of gods!
Zenos yae Galvus: And before the Resonant the gods shall be made to kneel!
Zenos yae Galvus: Das ist das Ende!
Zenos yae Galvus: This is the end!
Zenos yae Galvus: An ending to mark a new beginning!

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Trial - The Royal Menagerie
Zenos yae Galvus: Sieh, wie meine Kraft den Drachengötzen beherrscht!
Zenos yae Galvus: See how my power controls the dragon god!
Zenos yae Galvus: The powers of the gods are mine to command!
Zenos yae Galvus: Dieser Himmel ist zu eng für einen Gott! Lass uns in transparente Höhen fliegen!
Zenos yae Galvus: This sky is too small for a god! Let us fly to transparent heights!
Zenos yae Galvus: The heavens are too small a field for our dance. Let us transcend this mortal coil!
Zenos yae Galvus: Das ist der Kampf, den ich mir erträumte! Begründer wir eine neue Legende, mein Jagdgefährte!
Zenos yae Galvus: That is the battle I dreamed of! We’ll create a new legend, my hunting companion!
Zenos yae Galvus: This day we shall write a new legend, my friend! This battle shall echo in eternity!

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MSQ level 70 - Stormblood - Zenos kills himself
Lyse: Alles in Ordnung?!
Lyse: Everything alright?!
Lyse: Are you all right!?
Lyse: Zenos!
Lyse: Zenos!
Lyse: Zenos!
Zenos yae Galvus: Uh ... Hch ... Der Jäger ... wurde zur Beute ...
Zenos yae Galvus: Uh… Hch… The hunter… became the prey…
Zenos yae Galvus: Hah...hah...hah... The hunter has indeed become the hunted.
Zenos yae Galvus: Aber was für ein Kampf ... Argh ... Was für ein ... Hoch...gefühl!
Zenos yae Galvus: But what a battle… Argh… What… exhil…aration!
Zenos yae Galvus: And yet...there is only joy. Transcendent joy that I have never known. How invigorating, how...pure, this feeling.
Lyse: Hochgefühl?! Du tickst ja nicht richtig! Weißt du, wie viele Opfer dein Wahnsinn gefordert hat?
Lyse: Exhilaration?! You're sick in the head! Do you know how many victims your madness has claimed?
Lyse: Is that what this was all about? All the meaningless death and destruction? So you could feel something!?
Zenos yae Galvus: Dummes Kind ... Leben fordert Opfer. Nur wer dieses Gesetz versteht ... kann wirklich leben.
Zenos yae Galvus: Stupid child… Life demands sacrifice. Only those who understand this rule… can truly live.
Zenos yae Galvus: Meaningless? Men die that others may live. Those who survive are stronger for it.
"Opfer" translates to both "victim" and "sacrifice".
Zenos yae Galvus: Aber dein Verständnis ist nicht von Belang. Meine Darbietung war meisterhaft - durch den Einsatz unseres unersetzlichen Lebens zum Spektakel erhoben.
Zenos yae Galvus: But your understanding isn’t relevant. My performance was masterful - elevated to a spectacle through the use of our irreplaceable lives.
Zenos yae Galvus: Not that you could ever understand. To have stood upon this great stage of have played my part to perfection...
Zenos yae Galvus: Mein Herz hat sich lange nach einem solchen Moment der Klarheit ... der Lebendigkeit gesehnt. Kein weiterer Augenblick wird diesen übertreffen ... So soll ihm auch kein weiterer folgen.
Zenos yae Galvus: For so long my heart longed for such a moment of clarity… of vividness. No further moment will surpass this one… and so no further will follow it.
Zenos yae Galvus: Oh, this...this moment...let it be enshrined in eternity. My heart...beating out of time... So clear, so vivid, so real... So real.
I translated "Lebendigkeit" as "vividness" to keep the flow of the sentence but the word here specifically invokes "the feeling of being alive".
Alphinaud: Er will sich umbringen!
Alphinaud: He wants to kill himself!
Alphinaud: Coward!
Lyse: So kommst du uns nicht davon!
Lyse: You won’t get away from us like that!
Lyse: Stop!
Zenos yae Galvus: Leb wohl ... mein einziger Freund ... mein Jäger ...
Zenos: Farewell… my only friend… my hunter…
Zenos yae Galvus: Farewell, my first friend. My enemy.
Raubahn: Was ist passiert?
Raubahn: What happened?
Raubahn: Where is he?
Alphinaud: Zenos ist tot ... Er hat den Kampf verloren und sich das Leben genommen.
Alphinaud: Zenos is dead... He lost the battle and took his own life.
Alphinaud: He's dead. By his own hand.
Raubahn: Dann ist es also vorbei ...
Raubahn: So it's over then...
Raubahn: Then justice has been done.
Lyse: Er ist uns entkommen ... dieses kranke Ungeheuer! Nur aus Vergnügen zu töten!
Lyse: He got away from us... this sick freak! To kill just for fun!
Lyse: No...there's no justice in that rabid animal's end.
Alphinaud: Wenn ich daran denke, wie viele unserer Freunde ihr Leben wegen seiner absurden Überzeugungen verloren haben ...
Alphinaud: If I think about how many of our friends lost their lives to his absurd convictions...
Alphinaud: Liberty or death. That so many should be forced to take up this creed to defeat such madness...
Raubahn: Aber am Ende haben wir gewonnen. Wir sollten lieber an die Lebenden denken als an die Toten.
Raubahn: But we won in the end. We should think of the living rather than the dead.
Raubahn: We won. Forget him. The living have need of us now.
Hien: Du kannst dein Haupt mit Stolz erheben, Lyse! Du hast Unvorstellbares geleistet. Deine Heimat ist frei - juble laut, sodass es all deine Kameraden im Himmel hören können!
Hien: You can hold your head high with pride, Lyse! You achieved the unimaginable. Your home is free - cheer loudly, so that all your comrades in heaven can hear it!
Hien: Stand tall, Lyse! Now is the time to raise a cheer for all who fought for freedom! A cheer loud enough to carry to the highest heavens!
Lyse: Ja ... du hast ja Recht. Ich versuch's.
Lyse: Yeah... yeah, you're right. I'll try.
Lyse: ...You're right.
Lyse turns to address WoL
Lyse: Ich danke dir. Wenn du nicht gewesen wärst, hätte Zenos gesiegt.
Lyse: Thank you. If if weren't for you, Zenos would have won.
Lyse: Thank you. Without you... know.
Lyse: Lass uns gemeinsam feiern - die Befreiung von Ala Mhigo!
Lyse: Let's celebrate together - the liberation of Ala Mhigo!
Lyse: So let's do it together. For Ala Mhigo!

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