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Shadowbringers Main Story Quests

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General Shadowbringers translation notes

Sin Eaters are called Sündenvertilgers in German. Vertilgen is a verb that means to exterminate (specifically in relation to pests and weeds) and is also colloquially used to refer to someone quickly eating a large amount of food. It's interesting because if I were to translate "Sin Eater" to German I would sooner go for Sündenfresser, with fressen being a verb for eating that is used specifically for animals. The game uses this word for the dark knight skill souleater (Seelenfresser) for example. Alisaie uses fressen and describes them as mindless animals in her side of the introductory questlines, but using vertilgen for the name instead creates the impression of the sin eaters going about their eating with methodical intent, rather than out of survival instinct as animals. This translation choice was likely made entirely in service of this line. Lightwardens are instead Lightbringers, in obvious contrast to Shadowbringers.

The pixies often speak in rhyme, I would say about a third of the time. German has no gender neutral pronouns and the translators opted to refer to the pixies with female pronouns, but Titania still holds the male title of king. The Nu Mou have a speech gimmick where they often 'repeat' themselves by either putting an adjective derived from a noun (or the first part of a compound noun) in front of the corresponding noun, or by pairing an adjective with a synonym of that adjective. It personally reminds me a bit of goblin speech patterns, though much easier to read, and it gives the feeling of them trying to be very precise with their words.

The Ascians of the Source are called die Ursprünglichen, and the Source is called die Ursprungswelt or just der Ursprung, with Ursprung meaning source or origin and ursprünglich meaning original. Ursprünglichen in this context can therefore be read as either "those coming from the Source" or as "the original ones". Considering the three Ascians of the Source are the only ones that actually survived the sundering and the other Ascians were all created by them later, I thought going with "the original ones" was appropriate.

The aether current quest Stand on Ceremony in Rak'tika Greatwood mentions that there are only barely more than five male Viis left after the Flood, which is a detail I think people might find interesting but don't want to bother making a new site page about. The English version of the quest only mentions the Viis are struggling to maintain their numbers.

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MSQ level 70 - Tears on the Sand - Alisaie leaves the Inn at Journey's Head after Tesleen's death
Kein Blick zurück
No Looking Back
Tears on the Sand
Alisaie: <seufz> Vielen Dank ... Ehrlich. Für alles.
Alisaie: <sigh> Thank you... Genuinely. For everything.
Alisaie: ...Thank you. What you're doing, means a lot to them. To me.
Willfort: Entschuldigt. Über die Trauer um Tesleen haben wir euch gar nicht richtig dafür gedankt, dass ihr Halric wieder zurückgebracht habt.
Willfort: Apologies. Between mourning Tesleen we haven't properly thanked you two yet for bringing Halric back.
Willfort: ...Sorry to interrupt. We, uh... We realized we hadn't thanked you for rescuing Halric.
Willfort: Verletzt seid ihr nicht, oder?
Willfort: You're not hurt, are you?
Willfort: ...You weren't hurt at all, were you?
Alisaie: Nein, uns ist nichts passiert. Es ist nicht einmal zu einem Kampf gekommen. Ich habe als Leibwächterin versagt.
Alisaie: No, we're fine. It didn't even get to a fight. I've failed as a bodyguard.
Alisaie: Hurt...? There wasn't even a fight. I was too late. Too slow. And I thought I could protect you...
Cassana: Es ist furchtbar, was geschehen ist. Aber deine Schuld war es nicht, Alisaie. Wir sind sehr dankbar, dass Halric nichts zugestoßen ist.
Cassana: It's horrible what happened, but it wasn't your fault, Alisaie. We're really grateful that nothing happened to Halric.
Cassana: You can't blame yourself for things beyond your control. You brought Halric back safe and sound─no one could have done any more.
Alisaie: Es tut mir leid, aber ich kann hier unmöglich weitermachen.
Alisaie: I'm sorry, but I can't possibly keep going here.
Alisaie: I'm sorry, but I've come to a decision. I won't be continuing in my role here.
Alisaie: Ich habe nur einen letzten Wunsch an euch: Bitte wartet mit Halrics letzter Mahlzeit so lange wie möglich.
Alisaie: I just have one last request for you: Please wait as long as possible to give Halric his last meal.
Alisaie: I hope you will forgive me for leaving you...and that you will delay Halric's last meal for as long as you possibly can.
Alisaie: Natürlich nur so lange es geht, ohne euch selbst in Gefahr zu bringen. Aber gebt ihm so viel Zeit, wie ihr ihm nur geben könnt.
Alisaie: Of course only as long as you can manage without putting yourself in danger. But give him as much time as you can still give him.
Alisaie: Not until it's too late, of course, just...give him what time you can.
Willfort: Natürlich. Das werden wir.
Willfort: Of course. We will.
Willfort: We always do.
Alisaie: Danke. Ich denke ... Tesleen hätte es so gewollt.
Alisaie: Thanks. I think... Tesleen would have wanted it like this.
Alisaie: Of course. She would have done the same.
Alisaie: Und du, Halric. Vergiss nicht, was sie zu dir gesagt hat. Behalte ihre Worte tief in deinem Herzen. <seufz> Mach's gut.
Alisaie: And you, Halric. Don't forget what she told you. Keep her words deep in your heart. <sigh> Take care.
Alisaie: Farewell, Halric. Keep Tesleen's words close to your heart.
Cassana: Gehst du wirklich? Jetzt sofort? Ich verstehe ja, wie hart dich der Verlust schmerzt, aber es besteht doch kein Grund zur Eile. Weißt du überhaupt, was du jetzt tun willst?
Cassana: You're really going? Right now immediately? I understand how much the loss pains you, but that's no reason to hurry. Do you even know what you want to do now?
Cassana: Wait! You're leaving this very moment? I understand how you must feel, but surely this is a bit hasty? Do you even have anywhere to go?
Alisaie: Das weiß ich. Ich weiß ganz genau, was ich tun will.
Alisaie: I know. I know exactly what I want to do.
Alisaie: I have a destination in mind, yes. And a purpose.
Alisaie: Ich werde gegen das Licht kämpfen, mit all meiner Kraft. Solange es dieses Land bedeckt, werden wir den Leuten hier niemals helfen können.
Alisaie: I will fight against the light, with all my strength. As long as it covers this land we'll never be able to help the people here.
Alisaie: This damned light, building without cease... It's the reason we can't save those corrupted by the eaters.
Alisaie: Ich weiß nicht, ob ich es schaffe. Aber ich sehe eine Chance, und das reicht mir.
Alisaie: I don't know if I can do it. But I see a chance, and that's enough for me.
Alisaie: But what if we corrected the balance? Even if it were only little by little─even if it took years─it would surely make things better.
Willfort: Alisaie, wie willst du das denn anstellen? Du nimmst dir das Unmögliche vor! Du kannst nicht die ganze Welt retten!
Willfort: Alisaie, just how are you going to achieve that? You're trying to do the impossible! You can't save the whole world!
Willfort: Now, hold on there. Everyone knows there's too much Light, but how could you ever hope to get rid of it? You'd have to change the whole world!
Alisaie: Doch. Das war es, was ich von Anfang an wollte. Die Welt retten.
Alisaie: Still. That's what I wanted to do from the start. Save the world.
Alisaie: That's right...
Alisaie: Meine Vorbereitungen sind abgeschlossen. Es wird höchste Zeit, dieses Schwert wieder richtig zum Einsatz zu bringen. Kehren wir nach Crystarium zurück.
Alisaie: I'm done with my preparations. It's about time I put this sword to good use again. Let's go back to the Crystarium.
Alisaie: We should return to the Crystarium. I may not be able to repel the eaters on my own...but I can still use the skills I have gained here to hurt them.

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MSQ level 73 - The Lawless Ones - Minfilia tells WoL what she thinks Thancred thinks of her
Minfilia: Die anderen Mädchen haben zusammen mit der eulmorischen Armee gegen Sündenvertilger gekämpft.
Minfilia: The other girls fought together with the Eulmoran Army against the sin eaters.
Minfilia: The Minfilias before me battled sin eaters as part of the Eulmoran Army.
Minfilia: Aber als ich entdeckt wurde, hat sich das alles geändert. Im Gegenteil, man hat mich sogar eingesperrt, damit ich es nicht tue.
Minfilia: But when I was discovered all that had changed. It was the opposite, they even locked me up so that I couldn't do that.
Minfilia: But that had all changed by the time I was found. They held me captive so that I wouldn't follow in the others' footsteps.
Minfilia: Ich wusste nichts über das Kämpfen ... über das Leben, bis Thancred mich dann befreite und sich meiner annahm.
Minfilia: I didn't know anything about fighting... about life, until Thancred freed me and took me in.
Minfilia: I'd still be in my cell now had Thancred not spirited me away. When he found me, I knew nothing of the world. I didn't know how to live, let alone fight.
Minfilia: Wenn du nicht gekommen wärst, hätte ich gegen die Lichtbringer kämpfen müssen. Weil ich mit der Gabe gesegnet bin. Das hat Thancred damals gesagt.
Minfilia: If you hadn't come I would've had to fight against the Lightwardens, because I have the Blessing of Light. That's what Thancred said back then.
Minfilia: Thancred once told me that if the efforts to summon you failed, it would fall to me to face the Lightwardens.
Minfilia: Das ist der einzige Grund, warum er sich um mich gekümmert hat. Jetzt bin ich ihm völlig egal.
Minfilia: That's the only reason he cared about me. I don't matter to him at all now.
Minfilia: I realized then that it was the only reason he kept me close─as a contingency. The truth is, he can't stand to be around me.
Minfilia: Ich bin doch auch gar nicht die Minfilia, die er sucht, die er wie seine eigene Tochter liebt ... Das bin ich nicht!
Minfilia: I'm not at all the Minfilia he's looking for, the one he loves like his own daughter... I'm not!
Minfilia: Because I'm not her. I'm not his Minfilia.
Minfilia: Wir waren in Nabaath Areng. Dort, wo das Orakel erschienen ist und die Lichtflut aufgehalten hat.
Minfilia: We were in Nabaath Areng. The place where the Oracle appeared and held back the Flood of Light.
Minfilia: ...Once, we journeyed to Nabaath Areng together. To the place where the Oracle appeared and stayed the Flood.
Minfilia: Je näher wir kamen, desto mehr spürte ich, wie ich nicht mehr ich war. Es machte mir solche Angst. Ich wollte nichts mehr sehen, nichts mehr hören ... Dann muss ich ohnmächtig geworden sein.
Minfilia: The closer we got the more I felt myself no longer being myself. I was so scared. I didn't want to see or hear anything anymore... I must've fainted then.
Minfilia: As we drew near, I felt as though...I was fading away... I shut my eyes and covered my ears, and then... And then...
Minfilia: Jedenfalls kann ich mich an nichts mehr erinnern.
Minfilia: I can't remember anything in any case.
Minfilia: I'm not sure what happened after that.
Minfilia: An fast nichts. Ich habe eine ganz blasse Ahnung, als wäre es ein halb vergessener Traum, dass Thancred mit der echten Minfilia gesprochen hat.
Minfilia: Nothing at all. I have the very vague sense, like a half forgotten dream, that Thancred talked with the real Minfilia.
Minfilia: I have a vague feeling that I said something to him. Only it wasn't me at all. It was her.
Minfilia: Er hat nie etwas gesagt, aber manchmal sehe ich den Schmerz in seinem Gesicht, wenn er mich ansieht.
Minfilia: He never said anything, but occasionally I can see the pain on his face when he looks at me.
Minfilia: Afterwards, Thancred didn't say a word. Only kept to himself and brooded.
Minfilia: Auch wenn ich es sehe, kann ich ihm nicht helfen. Es ist so traurig ... Er hat mich gerettet und jetzt bereite ich ihm nichts als Schmerz und Kummer.
Minfilia: Even if I can see it I can't help him. It's so sad... He saved me and now I'm causing him nothing but pain and worry.
Minfilia: There's nothing I can do for him. Nothing I can offer but my presence─though it only reminds him of his loss.
Minfilia: Deswegen muss ich die echte Minfilia werden. Darum gab ich der Stimme in mir nach und brach auf, um dich zu treffen. So wie sie es wollte.
Minfilia: That's why I have to become the real Minfilia. So I listened to the voice in me and went out to find you, like she wanted.
Minfilia: She should be the one to live on. That's why I tried to find you─because I knew that was what she wanted.
Minfilia: Aber jetzt, wo ich hier bin, weiß ich nicht mehr, warum ich dich unbedingt treffen musste.
Minfilia: But now that I'm here I don't remember why I absolutely had to meet you.
Minfilia: But now that you're here...I'm not entirely sure what it was she intended me to do.
Minfilia: Ich soll dir wohl etwas sagen. Oder dich zu jemandem bringen ... Ich weiß es nicht.
Minfilia: I'm supposed to tell you something. Or bring you to someone... I don't know.
Minfilia: Was I meant to tell you something? Or bring you to someone? Or somewhere? I can feel the answer at the edge of my mind, just out of reach─

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MSQ level 75 - The Wheel Turns - Emet-Selch appears and offers to cooperate
???: Da seid ihr ja endlich. Reichlich langsam für die Retter der Welt ...
???: There you finally are. Mighty slow for the saviors of the world...
???: You certainly took your time. I had half-resolved to complete the task myself.
Alisaie: Wer bist du?
Alisaie: Who are you?
Alisaie: And you are?
Urianger: Dieses Antlitz ist einem garleischen Geschichtsbuch entstiegen.
Urianger: This countenance has risen from a Garlean history book.
Urianger: Were one to study the annals of Garlean history, one would find yonder visage on many a page.
Urianger: Und da gehört es eigentlich auch hin.
Urianger: And that is where it should have stayed.
Urianger: Though by rights its youth should long since have faded.
???: Ahaha! Was für ein fleißiger Schüler! Da bleibt mir eine weitschweifige Lektion in Geschichte ja erspart.
???: Ahaha! What a diligent student! That spares me an elaborate history lecture.
???: Well, well, we have a historian in our midst. That spares me a lengthy explanation.
Solus zos Galvus: Ich bin Solus zos Galvus, erster Kaiser von Garlemald. Und Herrscher über ein paar andere Länder noch dazu.
Solus zos Galvus: I am Solus zos Galvus, first Emperor of Garlemald. And ruler of a few other countries besides.
Solus zos Galvus: I am Solus zos Galvus, founding father of the Garlean Empire. And, under various guises, the architect of myriad other imperially inclined nations.
Solus zos Galvus: Doch in Wirklichkeit ...
Solus zos Galvus: Though in truth...
Solus zos Galvus: As for my true identity...
Emet-Selch: Emet-Selch. Ein Ascian.
Emet-Selch: Emet-Selch. An Ascian.
Emet-Selch: I am Emet-Selch. Ascian.
Alisaie: Gaius hat uns von dir erzählt. Du bist einer der drei Ursprünglichen!
Alisaie: Gaius told us about you. You're one of the three original ones!
Alisaie: Gaius spoke of you! A native of the Source...
Thancred: Er ist vom gleichen Rang wie Lahabrea. Und bestimmt nicht hier, nur um uns die Hand zu schütteln.
Thancred: He's of the same rank as Lahabrea. And definitely not here to shake our hands.
Thancred: Equal in rank to Lahabrea. And you came all this way just to introduce yourself to us?
Emet-Selch: Seht euch nur diesen Himmel an! So schön und wohltuend!
Emet-Selch: Take a look at this sky! So beautiful and soothing!
Emet-Selch: Behold the sky, restored to its former glory! Have you ever seen a more affecting spectacle?
Emet-Selch: Hach, es ist doch wirklich ...
Emet-Selch: Oh, it's truly...
Emet-Selch: Ohhh, it is truly, deeply...
Emet-Selch: ... wirklich zum Kotzen!
Emet-Selch: ...truly sickening!
Emet-Selch: ...Infuriating. Do you have any idea how much you have delayed the Rejoining?
He uses the most casual and crass variation of the phrase.
Emet-Selch: Die Lichtflut war überwältigend. Der erste Splitter war beinah ganz in Licht gehüllt, der Stillstand fast perfekt. Ich war sooo nah dran.
Emet-Selch: The Flood of Light was overhwelming. The First was almost consumed by light, the stasis nearly perfect. I was sooo close.
Emet-Selch: Following the Flood, the First had been listing ever further towards the Light─towards stasis. The end was in sight!
Emet-Selch: Doch dann machte die rührende Kraft der Sterblichen alles wieder zunichte.
Emet-Selch: But then the moving power of mortals made it all for nothing.
Emet-Selch: Enter man and his indomitable spirit. He would haul the world back from the brink!
Emet-Selch: Ihr ... Tun ... reichte aus, den Stillstand gerade so zu stören, dass das Gleichgewicht hielt und die Nova verhindert wurde.
Emet-Selch: Her... actions... were enough to disrupt the stasis in a way that kept the balance and prevented the Rejoining.
Emet-Selch: And adding his lumpen weight to the power of growth, he duly tipped the scales, if only by a fraction. Yet a fraction was enough to spoil the perfect imbalance needed to bring about a Rejoining!
Emet-Selch: Das alleine hätte ich natürlich noch richten können. Vauthry ist recht geschickt darin, seine Untertanen still zu halten. Aber dann ...
Emet-Selch: That alone I still could've fixed of course. Vauthry is real suited for keeping his underlings stagnant. But then...
Emet-Selch: Had mankind continued to live in idleness under Vauthry's rule, all the conditions would have been met...
Emet-Selch: Dann ... kamst ... du!
Emet-Selch: Then... came... you!
Emet-Selch: But you had to come and ruin it all!
Emet-Selch: Du hast die Lichtbringer ausgeschaltet und die Dunkelheit zurückgebracht! Der ganze Plan - paff! - zerstört!
Emet-Selch: You took out the Lightwarden and brought back the darkness! The whole plan - bam! - destroyed!
Emet-Selch: Thanks to your meddling, Light's supremacy is in doubt, and our painstakingly laid plans are in tatters!
Thancred: Ausgezeichnet. Dann war Uriangers Theorie also korrekt. Endlich mal gute Nachrichten.
Thancred: Excellent, that means Urianger's theory was correct. Finally some good news.
Thancred: Well, I should begin by thanking you for confirming Urianger's theories on the inner workings of the Calamity. He will be most pleased.
Thancred: Sag jetzt nur noch, dass du aufgibst, dann können wir alle nach Hause gehen.
Thancred: Now just tell us you're giving up so that we can all go home.
Thancred: As for what happens next, might I suggest you admit defeat and walk away?
Emet-Selch: Ach, immer dieses Gehabe. Das ist der Grund, warum ich mich so ungern mit euresgleichen abgebe.
Emet-Selch: Oh, always this posturing. That's exactly why I hate dealing with the likes of you.
Emet-Selch: Happy to let me go, are you? Because the murderous glint in your eye suggests otherwise. Indeed, it is enough to make me think better of confronting you alone.
Emet-Selch: Zuerst wollte ich es Vauthry überlassen, euch aus dem Weg zu räumen.
Emet-Selch: At first I wanted to leave disposing of you to Vauthry.
Emet-Selch: Look, it did cross my mind to simply side with Vauthry and kill you all.
Emet-Selch: Aber das wäre genau der gleiche Fehler gewesen, den der alte Lahabrea beging, und wir alle wissen ja, wie das ausgegangen ist.
Emet-Selch: But that would've been the exact same mistake old Lahabrea made, and of course we all know how that ended.
Emet-Selch: But that's no different from what Lahabrea did. And we all know how well that ended for him.
Emet-Selch: Also habe ich mir etwas ganz anderes ausgedacht.
Emet-Selch: So I came up with something completely different.
Emet-Selch: And so, while it is liable to be troublesome, I have settled upon a different approach...
Emet-Selch: Arbeiten wir doch zusammen!
Emet-Selch: Let's work together!
Emet-Selch: Cooperation!
Emet-Selch: Ich werde euch nicht daran hindern, die Lichtbringer zu beseitigen. Und wenn nötig, stehe ich euch sogar mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.
Emet-Selch: I won't get in your way of defeating the Lightwardens, and I'll even lend you my skill and expertise if needed.
Emet-Selch: I will not raise a hand to hinder your hunt for the Lightwardens. If you desire it, I will even lend you my knowledge and strength.
Alphinaud: Das musst du erklären. Ihr wollt doch eine Katastrophe herbeiführen, um die Welten zu vereinen.
Alphinaud: You'll have to elaborate on that. Isn't your goal to cause a calamity to rejoin the worlds?
Alphinaud: Since time immemorial, you and yours have labored to rejoin the thirteen shards, at the cost of countless lives.
Alphinaud: Ihr habt es ein ums andere Mal getan, und das ist es doch auch, was ihr diesmal vorhabt.
Alphinaud: You have done so time and time again, and it's definitely your intention now.
Alphinaud: Do you expect us to believe that your objective has suddenly changed?
Emet-Selch: Hehehe. Daran hat sich nichts geändert. Aber warum wir das tun - davon habt ihr nicht die geringste Ahnung, hab ich Recht?
Emet-Selch: Hehehe. Nothing's changed about that. But why we do that - you don't have the slightest clue about that, am I right?
Emet-Selch: Nay, our objective is the same as it ever was─though I daresay you do not know our motive.
Emet-Selch: Was bringt es denn, wenn wir uns weiter wie die Barbaren bekriegen, ohne etwas voneinander zu wissen? Wenigstens einmal sollten wir versuchen, besonnen aufeinander zuzugehen.
Emet-Selch: What use is it then to keep throwing ourseles at each other like barbarians, without knowing a thing about the other? We should try to approach each other sensibly at least once.
Emet-Selch: A war waged without knowledge of the enemy is no war─it is mere bloodletting. Just once...might we not seek to find common ground?
Emet-Selch: Sei es Fluch oder Segen - ich bin unsterblich. Wenn es mir beliebt, könnte ich jederzeit einen neuen Plan fassen, um euch loszuwerden.
Emet-Selch: Be it curse or blessing - I'm immortal. I can cook up a new plan to get rid of you whenever I please.
Emet-Selch: For good or ill, I am immortal. Provided I have the inclination, I can always begin anew. Scheme and conspire to my heart's content.
Emet-Selch: Aber ich dachte, es wäre doch den Versuch wert, mit dem Helden dieser Welt einmal zu sprechen. Was denkt er, was will er bewirken? Sind unsere Ziele wirklich unvereinbar?
Emet-Selch: But I thought it was worth a shot to try talking with the hero of this world once. What do they think, what do they want to achieve? Are our goals really irreconcilable?
Emet-Selch: But this time, I thought that I might instead try to see eye to eye. To understand what drives the hero of the Source. To determine if our goals are truly incompatible.
Emet-Selch: Vergesst euren blinden Hass, springt über euren Schatten und wendet euch den Ascians zu.
Emet-Selch: Forget your blind hatred, jump over your shadows, and turn to the Ascians.
Emet-Selch: So come. Shed your preconceptions. See beyond the unscrupulous villains you take us for.
Emet-Selch: Wer weiß? Vielleicht finden wir ja wirklich einen Weg, unsere Interessen auf einen gemeinsamen Nenner zu bringen.
Emet-Selch: Who knows? Maybe we'll really find a way to make our interests line up.
Emet-Selch: When all is said and done, we may find ourselves pleasantly surprised. The proud discoverers of a path of cooperation rather than opposition. Think of it.
Urianger: Was er sagt, entbehrt nicht jeder Vernunft.
Urianger: What he says is not bereft of reason.
Urianger: Thou hast delivered thy proposal, and we would not dismiss it outright.
Urianger: Aber sich eines Trugbilds zu bedienen, das erscheint mir doch etwas unaufrichtig.
Urianger: But to employ an illusion, that seems rather insincere to me.
Urianger: If I may offer thee counsel, however: to make thy case via an illusion reflecteth poorly upon thy sincerity.
Emet-Selch: Ich muss doch sehr bitten. Er hat schließlich einen der unseren auf dem Gewissen. Da ist es doch nur verständlich, wenn man auf Nummer sicher gehen möchte.
Emet-Selch: I do beg your pardon. They've got one of us on their conscience after all, it's only reasonable for me to play it safe.
Emet-Selch: My apologies. You will forgive me if I am not entirely at ease in the presence of a famed Ascian-slayer. I felt it only prudent to take precautions.
Emet-Selch: Aber belassen wir es für heute dabei.
Emet-Selch: But we'll leave it at that for now.
Emet-Selch: Nonetheless, your counsel is duly noted.
Emet-Selch: Meine Freunde, ich verabschiede mich. Wir sehen uns bald wieder.
Emet-Selch: My friends, I take my leave. We will see each other again soon.
Emet-Selch: I take my leave, friends. Rest assured, we shall meet again soon.

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MSQ level 74 - Into the Dark - Y'shtola prods Thancred about Minfilia
Thancred: Täusch ich mich oder hat dich die Splitterwelt mit neuem Lebensgeist erfüllt? Ich hab dich gar nicht so temperamentvoll in Erinnerung.
Thancred: Am I wrong or did the shard fill you with new life? I don't remember you being this spirited.
Thancred: I must say, Y'shtola...while most of us have struggled to come to terms with our altered circumstances, you seem to have adapted rather well.
Y'shtola: Das wundert dich? Ich versuche schon seit ich denken kann, die Rätsel um die Entstehung unserer Welt zu lüften.
Y'shtola: You're surprised? I've been trying for as long as I can remember to solve the mystery of the creation of our world.
Y'shtola: Lest you forget, Master Matoya and I dedicated our lives to uncovering the truth which hides at the heart of our world.
Y'shtola: Selber einmal eine der Splitterwelten zu besuchen, ist ein unglaublicher Glücksfall für meine Forschung. Es ist, als könnte man auf einmal in den Lehrbüchern und Folianten spazieren gehen.
Y'shtola: Being able to visit one of the shards myself is an incredible stroke of luck for my research. It's like suddenly being able to walk right into the textbooks and tomes.
Y'shtola: Though separate, the fate of this reflection is nevertheless bound to that of our home. That I would be daunted by such an invaluable opportunity is absurd.
Y'shtola: Und du, Thancred? Hast du gefunden, was du suchtest?
Y'shtola: And you, Thancred? Did you find what you were looking for?
Y'shtola: But what of you, Thancred? Could it be that you are still struggling to “come to terms” with the nature of your young companion?
Thancred: Es ist ... Wir alle haben viel erlebt ... Entschuldige mich.
Thancred: It's... We've all been through a lot... Excuse me.
Thancred: My “struggles” are none of your concern. Quite why you would speak thus─and in this company─I do not know. Perhaps you left more of yourself back in the Source than I assumed. If you'll excuse me.
Thancred quickly leaves the room.
Minfilia: Es ist meine Schuld. Ich bin nicht die, für die er mich hält.
Minfilia: It's my fault. I'm not the one he takes me for.
Minfilia: He understands that I'm not the same. That I'm not her.
Y'shtola: Das mag sein, aber er sollte einsehen, dass die Dinge so sind, wie sie eben sind.
Y'shtola: That may be, but he should realize that things simply are the way they are.
Y'shtola: Understands, perhaps, but does not accept. The question being whether he ever will.
Y'shtola: Du musst deinen eigenen Weg gehen. Dein Schicksal liegt schwer auf deinen Schultern, aber nicht er, sondern nur du kannst entscheiden, wie deine Zukunft aussehen soll.
Y'shtola: You have to go your own way. Your fate may be heavy on your shoulders, but it's only you, not him, who can decide how your future will look.
Y'shtola: And whether you will, more importantly. As difficult as your circumstances may be, they are yours, not his. 'Tis you and you alone who bears ultimate responsibility for your life.
Y'shtola: Warum gehst du nicht raus und siehst dich etwas um? Das wird dich auf andere Gedanken bringen.
Y'shtola: Why don't you go outside and have a look around? That will get your mind off things.
Y'shtola: But you need not make any hard choices now. Why not go and get some fresh air─clear your head?

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MSQ level 74 - A Day In The Neighborhood - Y'shtola reflects on how the Scions have changed since coming to the First
Y'shtola: Das Mädchen zu behüten ist keine leichte Aufgabe für Thancred. Sie zwingt ihn, über sich selbst nachzudenken. Eigenartig, nicht wahr? Er lässt sich in Gegenwart von Damen doch sonst nicht so schnell verunsichern.
Y'shtola: Protecting the girl is no easy task for Thancred. She forces him to think about himself. Strange, isn't it? He's not one to get insecure in the presence of women.
Y'shtola: I am not indifferent to Thancred's troubles. Nevertheless, I will not apologize for holding him to a higher standard after all these years. He has ever been a man of considerable resolve, and that is what I will continue to expect.
Y'shtola: Und wo wir gerade dabei sind ... Hast du nicht auch den Eindruck, dass ein anderer unserer Freunde viel weniger in Rätseln spricht, als man es von ihm gewohnt ist? Es ist fast so, als würde er sich absichtlich um klare Worte bemühen.
Y'shtola: And while we're on the topic... Don't you also have the impression that another of our friends is speaking in far less riddles than we're used to? It's almost like he's actively trying to speak clearly.
Y'shtola: Though it heartens me to know that some of us remain ourselves in spite of our present circumstances.
Uriagner does the /think emote.
Y'shtola: Solch einen Wandel würde man doch eher von den Jüngeren erwarten, wie Alphinaud und Alisaie. Findest du nicht auch?
Y'shtola: You'd sooner expect a change like that from the young ones like Alphinaud and Alisaie, don't you think so too?
Y'sthola: I can but imagine how Alisaie and Alphinaud have changed since arriving here in the First.
Story choice 1
Du hast dich aber auch verändert.
You've also changed though.
Change is part of life. We can but hope it's change for the better.
Y'shtola: Ach ja? Ich bin immer davon ausgegangen, dass ich dieselbe geblieben bin. Aber manchmal fragt man sich natürlich schon ...
Y'shtola: Oh, have I? I always assumed I stayed the same. But one does wonder sometimes of course...
Y'shtola: <sigh> You're right. And after my untwoward remarks to Thancred, no doubt he thinks I changed for the worst. I will have to speak with him later.
Story choice 2
Du gehörst doch auch zu den Jungen. Oder?
You're one of the young ones too, no?
Perhaps you should be concerned with how you have changed.
Y'shtola: Willst du wirklich mit einer Hexe über ihr Alter sprechen, [Name]? Es wurden schon Leute für weiniger neugierige Fragen in einen Poroggo verwandelt. Aber ich will es als Kompliment verstehen, vielen Dank.
Y'shtola: Do you really want to discuss a witch's age with her, [Name]? People have been turned into poroggos for less curious questions. But I'll take it as a compliment, thank you.
Y'shtola: I realize I am not as I was on the Source, but I cannot say I regret the decisions that allowed me to come this far.
Y'shtola: Jetzt muss ich mich aber an die Entschlüsselung der Steintafel machen. Warum nimmst du nicht Minfilia auf eine Erkundungstour durch Schlangenzweig mit? Sie kann etwas Abwechslung gebrauchen.
Y'sthola: I have to get to deciphering the tablet now though. Why don't you take Minfilia along for a tour of Slitherbough? She could use some change of scenery.
Y'shtola: Ahem. Returning to the matter at hand─I really must begin work on deciphering this tablet. In the meantime, perhaps you should take a look about Slitherbough.
Y'shtola: Sprich am besten mit Runar, dem Priester der Gemeinde. Er ist für gewöhnlich in der Nähe des Ätheryten zu finden. Er wird dir helfen, unser Lager etwas besser kennenzulernen.
Y'sthola: You should speak with Runar, the priest of this community. He can usually be found near the aetherlyte. He'll help you get to know our camp a little better.
Y'shtola: If there is anything you need, pray speak with Runar at the plaza.

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MSQ level 75 - In Good Faith - Speaking with Emet-Selch after he pulls Y'shtola from the Lifestream
Dem Dämon sei Dank
Thank the Demon
In Good Faith
The German title is specifically a play on "thank god".
Emet-Selch: Was für ein rührendes Wiedersehen zwischen den beiden. Fast hätte ich eine Träne verloren. Aber wer weiß, wie lange das Glüch währt?
Emet-Selch: What a moving reunion between those two. Almost brought a tear to my eye. But who knows how long their happiness will last?
Emet-Selch: What a touching reunion that was. It fair brought a tear to the eye. But as we both know, such tender moments are nothing if not momentary.
Emet-Selch: Nicht lang, bis Eifersucht und Selbstverliebtheit ihr hässliches Gesicht zeigen und die beiden sich an die Gurgel gehen. So endet es doch jedes mal.
Emet-Selch: Won't be long before jealousy and self-absorbtion rear their ugly heads and the two of them jump each other's throats. That's how it ends every time.
Emet-Selch: Before long, they will remember their many differences, and return to squabbling.
Story choice 1
In ihnen steckt mehr Gutes, als du je begreifen wirst.
There is more good in them than you will ever understand.
You're wrong. They're better than that.
Emet-Selch: Bla bla bla. Wie oft muss ich mir den Satz noch anhören!
Emet-Selch: Blah blah blah. How many times do I have to hear that line!
Emet-Selch: Oh, if I had a gil for every time one of you heroes made that claim...
Story choice 2
Sagt der Meister der Irreführung und Intrigen.
Says the master of deception and intrigue.
Says the arch Bringer of Chaos.
Emet-Selch: Versuchst du, mir zu smeicheln? Das wird dir nichts nützen.
Emet-Selch: Are you trying to flatter me? That won't get you anywhere.
Emet-Selch: Ah hah hah! Flattery will get you nowhere, my dear.
Emet-Selch: Aber, genau genommen hast du ja so Recht! Die Ascians wollen Krieg und Chaos, und die nächste Nova auslösen. Deswegen legen wir unsere Saat der Intrigen aus.
Emet-Selch: But strictly speaking you're so right! The Ascians want war and chaos, and to cause the next Rejoining. That's why we sow our seeds of intrigue.
Emet-Selch: But seriously, we Ascians do what we do for the greater good. For the Rejoining.
Emet-Selch: Eine Saat, die ihr nur allzu gern hegt und pflegt, um reiche Ernte für eiuch selbst einzufahren.
Emet-Selch: A seed which you all too eagerly tend to so that you might reap a rich harvest for yourselves.
Emet-Selch: Though we may sow the seeds of chaos, it is man who tends them, he who reaps their bountiful harvest.
Emet-Selch: Ach, was rede ich mir den Mund fusselig, es begreift ja doch niemand. Wenn du jetzt bitte einfach mal einem Moment die Klappe hältst, werde ich es als Zeichen des Dankes deuten, dass ich eure Freundin gerettet habe.
Emet-Selch: Oh, what am I running my mouth for, nobody gets it anyway. Now if you'll please just shut your trap for a moment I'll take it as a sign of gratitude for saving your friend.
Emet-Selch: But I grow tired of these arguments. If you would kindly refrain from retorting and return to your customary brooding silence, I will take it as thanks for rescuing your companion and leave it at that.
Emet-Selch: So, und was jetzt? Zurück nach Fanow? Ach, wie ich diese Latscherei hasse!
Emet-Selch: So, and what now? Back to Fanow? Oh, how I hate this meandering!
Emet-Selch: Now, we musn't keep your friends waiting.
Optional dialogue after returning to Fanow
Emet-Selch: Sagte ich nicht, dass du die Klappe halten sollst? Und überhaupt, hast du nicht einen Lichtbringer zu besiegen oder sonst irgendetwas ungemein Wichtiges auf der Agenda?
Emet-Selch: Didn't I tell you to shut your trap? And besides, don't you have a Lightwarden to beat or some other incredibly important thing on your agenda?
Emet-Selch: I told you, I tire of these inane arguments. Shouldn't you be getting ready to slay the next Lightwarden or something?

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MSQ level 75 - The Burden of Knowledge - Y'shtola and Urianger look at the night sky of Rak'tika
Y'shtola: Sag, Urianger. Ist der Nachthimmel nicht schön?
Y'shtola: Say, Urianger. Isn't the night sky beautiful?
Y'shtola: ...Would you describe it to me, Urianger? Paint for me a picture with your words.
Urianger: Unendlich tief scheint die Dunkelheit in sternenklarer Nacht,
Doch bestückt von unermesslichem Funkeln, in weißer, schillernder Pracht.
Urianger: Endlessly deep seems the dark of a clear, starry night,
Yet endowed with immeasurable spark, in white, shimmering splendor.
Urianger: A sea of shimmering stars. Diamonds strewn across a raven gown, boundless and beautiful.
The German line is formatted like he's reciting a poem, but it doesn't seem to be a reference to any famous real life poems.
Urianger: Der Nachthimmel steht dem Firmament in unserer alten Welt um nichts in Schönheit nach. Schweigsam und versöhnlich ruht das Dunkle Meer des Himmels.
Urianger: The night sky is in no way inferior in beauty to the firmament of our old world. Silent and forgiving, the sunless sea of heaven rests.
Urianger: 'Tis an exquisite sight not unlike that of the Source. Calm and gentle...and forgiving...
Y'shtola: Ja ... das Dunkle Meer des Himmels.
Y'shtola: Yes... the sunless sea of heaven.
Y'shtola: I can see it...
Urianger: Welch Geheimnisse des Lebens die Sterne wohl noch hüten? Zu gerne würde ich sie einmal mit deinen Augen sehen.
Urianger: What secrets of life do the stars still keep? All too gladly would I see them with my own eyes one day.
Urianger: For however deep the void, or wide the expanse, there is no shore so distant as to be beyond the reach of light. ...Ominous though that may sound, given our present travails.
Y'shtola: Wir können stolz auf uns sein. Wir haben viel erreicht.
Y'shtola: We can be proud of ourselves. We've achieved a lot.
Y'shtola: Well fought. Let us return home.

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MSQ level 75 - The Burden of Knowledge - Emet-Selch reveals the history of the shards and Hydaelyn's nature
Emet-Selch: Da läuft man sich die Füße wund und ihr schaut euch die Bilder an ... Ich war schon ein ganzes Stück weiter.
Emet-Selch: Here I am busting my feet and you're looking at the murals... I was a whole chunk ahead of you.
Emet-Selch: Must you always linger after defeating your enemies? Navigating these halls on foot is exhausting.
Thancred: Was willst du jetzt schon wieder?
Thancred: What the hell do you want this time?
Thancred: Come to lead us to safety, have you?
Emet-Selch: Ah, der lästige Wachhund.
Emet-Selch: Ah, the annoying guard dog.
Emet-Selch: Hmph! I was bored. But how is the hero of the hour?
Emet-Selch looks WoL up and down.
Emet-Selch: Mmh ... Es ist noch zu früh. Du musst noch ein paar mehr vernichten, damit ich mir sicher sein kann.
Emet-Selch: Hmm... It's still too early. You'll need to destroy a few more before I can be sure.
Emet-Selch: Hmm. Fighting fit, I see. Keep up the good work.
Y'shtola: Was soll das heißen?
Y'shtola: What is that supposed to mean?
Y'shtola: You're plotting something.
Emet-Selch: Ihr wollt aber auch alles haarklein erklärt bekommen. Ich halte nur mein Versprechen: Ich helfe und beobachte euch.
Emet-Selch: You lot want everything explained to you in fine detail so badly. I'm just keeping my promise: I'm helping and observing you.
Emet-Selch: Every hour of every day. But never you mind about that. As I have told you a thousand times before: I like to watch. Nothing more.
Emet-Selch: Und da ich das nun getan habe, bin ich auch schon wieder weg. Ich wünsche weiterhin gutes Gelingen!
Emet-Selch: And now that I've done that I'm out of here. I wish you continued success!
Emet-Selch: Well! I would quit this place, and I suggest you do the same. There is yet work to be done.
Emet-Selch stops in his tracks when he notices the murals.
Emet-Selch: Das habe ich schon lange nicht mehr gesehen ...
Emet-Selch: I haven't seen that in a long time...
Emet-Selch: Ah...there is a sight to bring a tear to the eye.
Minfilia: Weißt du, was hier gemalt ist?
Minfilia: Do you know what is painted here?
Minfilia: You recognize these scenes?
Emet-Selch: Es gab eine Zeit, da wusste jeder, was hier gemalt ist.
Emet-Selch: There was a time where everyone knew what is painted here.
Emet-Selch: That I do. Indeed, there was a time when anyone and everyone would.
Emet-Selch: Als der Planet in den Ursprung und seine Splitter zerfiel, wurde auch das Leben in vierzehn Teile gespalten. In jeder Welt wurde es zu etwas Eigenem, etwas Neuem.
Emet-Selch: When the planet fell apart into the Source and its shards, life was also split into fourteen parts. In every world it became something of its own, something new.
Emet-Selch: Until one calamitous day when the world was divided across ten and three reflections, sundering the land and all who dwelled upon it.
Emet-Selch: Diejenigen, die sich an die alte Welt erinnerten, waren nicht mehr. Nur in ihren Träumen erhaschten die neuen Völker manchmal einen Blick darauf.
Emet-Selch: Those who remembered the old world no longer existed. Only in their dreams did the new peoples occasionally catch a glimpse of it.
Emet-Selch: And the worst part? No one could remember it. Not really. Just fragments and fleeting memories of an achingly familiar world...
Emet-Selch: Ein gemeinsamer Traum von einer unbekannten und doch vertrauten Zeit - dieses Rätsel überforderte die Sterblichen, doch was sie sahen, hielten sie in Bildern und Liedern fest.
Emet-Selch: A shared dream of an unknown and yet familiar time - this riddle was beyond mortals, but they recorded what they saw in images and songs.
Emet-Selch: A vision shared of a paradise lost, preserved only in song and scripture and paint...
Emet-Selch: Heute sind diese Zeugnisse sehr sehr rar geworden.
Emet-Selch: These testimonies have become very, very rare these days.
Emet-Selch: Once upon a time. Yet here we find ourselves again. To look, learn, and remember...
Y'shtola: Du weißt gut Bescheid. Kannst du uns auch sagen, was auf den Bildern dargestellt ist?
Y'shtola: You sure are well informed. Can you also tell us what these images depict?
Y'shtola: Then share with us the stories you know so well. We are listening.
Emet-Selch: Das hier ist der Planet vor der Zersplitterung: Eine großartige Zeit der Kultur und des Wachstums.
Emet-Selch: This here is the planet before the sundering: a magnificent time of culture and growth.
Emet-Selch: Before the great sundering, there was one world. A world that knew naught but peace and prosperity.
Emet-Selch: Doch die Ordnung geriet aus den Fugen, und eine nie dagewesene Katastrophe brachte die blühende Zivilisation an den Rand des Untergangs.
Emet-Selch: But the order was thrown off the rails, and an unprecedented catastrophe brought the flourishing civilisation to the edge of doom.
Emet-Selch: Until it was faced with a crisis. Unprecedented, terrifying. Civilization found itself perched upon a precipice, staring into oblivion.
Emet-Selch: Mit seinen Gebeten und Opfern erschuf das Volk eine neue Ordnung ... den Willen des Planeten.
Emet-Selch: Through prayer and sacrifice the people created a new order... the will of the planet.
Emet-Selch: But through prayer and sacrifice, the will of the star was made manifest.
Emet-Selch: Zodiark. Er bezwang die Naturgewalten und beendete das Leid.
Emet-Selch: Zodiark. He contained the disaster and ended the suffering.
Emet-Selch: Zodiark was His name, and by His grace was the calamity averted.
Y'shtola: Zodiark! Der Gott der Ascians.
Y'shtola: Zodiark! The god of the Ascians.
Y'shtola: Zodiark!?
Emet-Selch: Die Welt war wieder im Lot, aber es entbrannte ein Streit über Zodiark und seine ungeheuerliche Macht.
Emet-Selch: The world was held together again, but a conflict over Zodiark and his immense power broke out.
Emet-Selch: A savior mighty and magnificent, deserving of reverence and would have thought. Yet some thought otherwise.
Emet-Selch: Diejenigen, die ihn bannen wollten, schufen zu diesem Zweck seine Unterjocherin: Hydaelyn.
Emet-Selch: Those who wanted to banish him created his subjugator for this purpose: Hydaelyn.
Emet-Selch: From the fears of these naysayers would rise Hydaelyn─She who was to serve as His shackles. To bind Him and hold Him in check.
Emet-Selch: Zodiark und Hydaelyn kämpften. Am Ende siegte, mit Müh und Not, Hydaelyn.
Emet-Selch: Zodiark and Hydaelyn fought. In the end, with great effort, Hydaelyn won.
Emet-Selch: And so they fought, and they fought, and they fought. And in the end...Hydaelyn was victorious.
Emet-Selch: Unter der Wucht ihres letzten gewaltigen Schlages zerbarst die Welt. Zodiark wurde aus dem Gestirn herausgerissen und in Fesseln gelegt.
Emet-Selch: The world shattered under the force of her final mighty blow. Zodiark was torn from the star and bound.
Emet-Selch: With all Her strength She smote Him─dealing a blow so devastating that it split the very fabric of reality. And thus was Zodiark banished and His being divided.
Emet-Selch: Das ist die vergessene Geschichte der Welt. Entscheidet selbst, ob ihr sie mir glaubt oder nicht. Hydaelyn hat euch bestimmt ihre eigene Sichtweise aufgetischt.
Emet-Selch: That is the forgotten history of the world. Decide for yourselves whether you believe me or not. I'm sure Hydaelyn has served you her own perspective.
Emet-Selch: That concludes today's lesson on long-forgotten history. Though I imagine your Mother would offer a rather contradictory account. As is Her wont.
Thancred: Nehmen wir mal an ... Nehmen wir nur mal an, du sagst die Wahrheit. Dann sind Zodiark und Hydaelyn ja ...!
Thancred: If we assume... If we assume for a moment you're telling the truth. That means Zodiark and Hydaelyn are...!
Thancred: I'm sorry─I can only assume I misheard, but it sounded an awful lot like you were implying both Zodiark and Hydaelyn are not gods, but─
Emet-Selch: Jetzt sag bloß, das merkst du erst jetzt. Richtig, sie sind keine Götter, die dem Gestirn schon immer innewohnten.
Emet-Selch: Don't tell me you only just realized. True, they're not gods that have always lived in the star.
Emet-Selch: What? Not gods of the First? Is that what you thought these paintings depicted? Or...? Oh! Ohhh...
Emet-Selch: Der Wille des Planeten wurde erschaffen. Oder anders gesagt, damit ihr es auch ganz sicher versteht ...
Emet-Selch: The will of the planet was created. Or to put it differently, so that you'll definitely understand...
Emet-Selch: They are gods after a fashion, yes, but no different from the kind with which you are so intimately acquainted. Formed of faith and prayer, of conviction and devotion...
Emet-Selch: Sie sind die ältesten, stärksten je beschworenen Primae.
Emet-Selch: They are the oldest, strongest primals ever summoned.
Emet-Selch: The eldest and most powerful...of primals.
Y'shtola: Das ... fällt mir schwer zu glauben.
Y'shtola: I... find that hard to believe.
Y'shtola: You have spun quite a tale.
Y'shtola: Woher willst du das alles überhaupt wissen?
Y'shtola: Where do you know all this from anyway?
Y'shtola: Yet you have not explained the role of the Ascians in all of this. How is it you are privy to ancient secrets lost to time?
Emet-Selch: Das wurde aber auch mal wieder Zeit, dass jemand eine schlaue Frage stellt.
Emet-Selch: It was about time for someone to finally ask a clever question again.
Emet-Selch: Finally, finally, you ask the right question! And shrewd questions warrant honest answers...
Emet-Selch: Ich weiß es, weil es meine Geschichte ist.
Emet-Selch: I know this because it's my story.
Emet-Selch: We Ascians know because it is our history. Our story.
Geschichte can mean both history and story.
Emet-Selch: Die Ascians sind das Volk, das vor der Zersplitterung lebte. Wir sind die Beschwörer Zodiarks.
Emet-Selch: The Ascians are the people who lived before the sundering. We are the ones who summoned Zodiark.
Emet-Selch: It was we who summoned Zodiark─we natives of that sundered paradise.
Emet-Selch: Begreift ihr jetzt, warum wir die Splitter wieder mit dem Ursprung vereinen wollen?
Emet-Selch: Do you understand now why we want to reunite the shards with the Source?
Emet-Selch: Now do you see why we yearn for the Great Rejoining?
Emet-Selch: Wir wollen unsere Welt und unsere Brüder wiederhaben - so wie sie einmal waren.
Emet-Selch: We want our world and our bretheren back - the way they once were.
Emet-Selch: For our world...for our people...for all creation to be made whole again.
Emet-Selch: Würdet ihr das nicht auch?
Emet-Selch: Wouldn't you also?
Emet-Selch: Wouldn't you wish for the same?

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MSQ level 76 - The Trolley Problem - The trolley guys wildly misinterpret why the party is at the abandoned station
Thancred: Mach mal halblang, Kleiner. Wenn wir euch bestehlen wollten, hättet ihr nicht mal unsere Schatten gesehen.
Thancred: Don't exaggerate, kid. If we wanted to steal from you you wouldn't have seen so much as our shadows.
Thancred: Do we honestly look like we'd need to steal-what, some rusted bits of iron? Don't be absurd. We're not here to rob you.
Kräftiger junger Mann: Aber ... warum seid ihr dann hier? Wer seid ihr?
Strong young man: But... why are you here then? Who are you?
Well-muscled Man: A likely story. You look, well...
Kräftiger junger Mann: Ihr seid Diebe, kein Zweifel.
Strong young man: You're thieves, no doubt about it.
Well-muscled Man: You don't look normal, that's for certain. You don't have any wares, so you're clearly not merchants. Travelers never pass this way. The only reason you would come all the way out here is to strip the machinery for parts.
Ängstlicher junger Mann: Wart mal, Thaffe. Es könnte doch auch alles ganz anders sein.
Fearful young man: Hold on, Thaffe. it could be completely different.
Fresh-faced Man: Oh, Thaffe, I have an idea! What if, once upon a time...
Ängstlicher junger Mann: Der [player race] da ist ein edler Prinz, der seine verlorene Prinzessin sucht. Begleitet von einem streitsüchtigen Leibwächter, einem kultivierten Zauberer und seiner schüchternen Dienerin. Und während ihrer langen Reise sind sie auf die Mine gestoßen ... und haben Unterschlupf gesucht.
Fearful young man: The [player race] there is a noble [prince/princess] looking for their lost [princess/prince], accompanied by an argumentative bodyguard, a cultured magician, and their shy servant. And in their long journey they came across the mine... and looked for shelter.
Fresh-faced Man: A lovely lady of noble birth ventured forth in search of her lost love, joined by her two most loyal servants, sworn to follow her unto world's end. On their journey, they met a sorcerer, as ancient as time itself. Moved by the lady's devotion, he offered to be their guide, and they...
Ängstlicher junger Mann: So ist es doch, Herr Leibwächter?
Fearful young man: That's how it is right, mister bodyguard?
Fresh-faced Man: ...turned up here, somehow!
German Jeryk continues to call everyone by the title he made up for them in later quests.
Thancred: So ist es nicht, Herr Märchenerzähler. Ich sehe hier weder einen streitsüchtigen Leibwächter noch eine schüchterne Dienerin noch irgendetwas anderes in der Richtung. Mein Hieb hat dir wohl das Gehirn ein wenig zu kräftig durchgeschüttelt
Thancred: That's not how it is, mister storyteller. I don't see an argumentative bodyguard or a shy servant or anything else along those lines here. My punch must've rattled your brain a bit too much.
Thancred: ...I can only assume that you're being intentionally obtuse, but in the unlikely event that that's a serious conjencture─no. I suppose I am a bodyguard of a sort, but we have rather larger concerns than faerie tale romances.
Urianger: Mit dem kultivierten Zauberer lag er allerdings richtig.
Urianger: The cultured magician was however a correct assessment.
Urianger: Though I would fain hear more of this ageless sorcerer and his heroic deeds...
Thancred: Das ... Das spielt doch jetzt keine Rolle!
Thancred: That... That's not relevant right now!
Thancred: Gods grand me strength...

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MSQ level 76 - Rust and Ruin - Speaking with Minfilia after Magnus refuses to help
Minfilia: Ich muss sie einfach treffen. Ob ich möchte oder nicht. Ob sie möchte oder nicht ...
Minfilia: I have to meet her. Whether I want to or not. Whether she wants to or not...
Minfilia: He only said that because...because he thinks I'm weak. And he's right. But I can't be─I won't be forever.
Minfilia: Anders ... anders kann ich euch doch nicht helfen.
Minfilia: Else... how else am I supposed to help you.
Minfilia: There has to be some way...I must find it.

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MSQ level 76 - The Truth Hurts - Thancred shares his backstory with Magnus
Magnus: Du schon wieder. Gibst wohl nicht so leicht auf, was?
Magnus: You again. Not quick to give up, huh?
Magnus: What? Oh... You again.
Magnus: Selbst wenn ich euch helfen wollte, die Bergbahn bewegt sich keinen Ilm mehr. Die taugt nur noch, um sie zu verschrotten und daraus Fässer und Eimer zu machen.
Magnus: Even if I wanted to help you, that trolley isn't moving an ilm anymore. It's only good for getting scrapped to make barrels and buckets.
Magnus: How many times must I tell you─the trolley won't run! We'd be better off dismantling the damn thing and selling the parts for scrap.
Magnus: Also, lass mich gefälligst in Ruhe und verschwinde von hier.
Magnus: So leave me the hell alone and get out of here.
Magnus: Now piss off back to wherever you came from, and don't let me catch you around here again.
Thancred: Wie waren ihre Namen?
Thancred: What were their names?
Thancred: ...What were their names?
Magnus: Meine Frau hieß Agna und mein Sohn Skuri.
Magnus: My wife was called Agna and my son Skuri.
Magnus: My son was named Skuli. My wife, Agna.
Magnus: Seit sie weg sind, hab ich keinen Grund mehr, nach Hause zu gehen. Ich ertrag die Einsamkeit nicht.
Magnus: Haven't had reason to go home since they've been gone. I can't stand the loneliness.
Magnus: Being here with beats going home. Home stopped being home when I lost them.
Magnus: Ich sauf und sauf, um meine Trauer zu vergessen, doch ich sink nur immer tiefer in sie rein.
Magnus: I drink and drink to forget my sorrows, but I just sink into them deeper.
Magnus: I thought to try and drown my sorrows...but somehow...the bottle's never deep enough.
Thancred: Der Trost der Welt liegt nicht in einer Flasche. Das weiß ich nur zu gut.
Thancred: The comfort of the world isn't found in a bottle, I know that all to well.
Thancred: No bottle is. Believe me─I know.
He's referencing the poem "der Einsiedler", which is about someone finding comfort from grief in the coming of night.
Magnus: Hast du auch deine Familie verloren?
Magnus: You lost your family too?
Magnus: You've lost someone too?
Thancred: Ach weißt du, das ist eine komplizierte Geschichte.
Thancred: Well, you know, that's a complicated story.
Thancred: Not like you. Not my own flesh and blood.
Thancred: Ich wuchs als Waise auf. Ich weiß gar nicht so richtig, wie es ist, eine Familie zu haben.
Thancred: I grew up an orphan. I don't really know what it's like to have a family.
Thancred: I grew up an orphan, so I never really knew what family meant.
Thancred: Ich hatte mal einen weisen Lehrer, den ich verehrte wie einen Vater. Aber auch er konnte mich nicht lehren, Verantwortung für das Leben eines anderen zu übernehmen. Ich konnte ja nicht einmal auf mich selber aufpassen.
Thancred: I had a wise teacher once that I looked up to as a father. But he couldn't teach me how to take responsibility for someone else's life either. I couldn't even look after myself after all.
Thancred: Not until I met a man who offered to take me in and make me his pupil. He was a kindly soul. Always looking out for me, like a father. Not that I appreciated that at the time, or anything else for that matter...
Thancred: Doch das Schicksal ließ mir keine Wahl. Ein junges Mädchen verlor ihren Vater, weil ich ihn nicht beschützen konnte.
Thancred: Fate left me no choice, though. A young girl lost her father because I couldn't protect him.
Thancred: But I finally had a family. And then...and then I robbed a young girl of hers.
Thancred: Seitdem versuchte ich, sie von allen Gefahren fernzuhalten, aber wenn ich ehrlich bin, stelle ich mich dabei nicht besonders geschickt an.
Thancred: I tried to keep her far away from any danger since then, but to be honest, I didn't prove myself very good at it.
Thancred: I did my best to make amends, to offer her comfort. But the more I look back on it, the more I realize just how inadequate my efforts were. I let her down.
Thancred: Deshalb will ich wenigstens das Andenken an sie bewahren und ihren Willen in Ehren halten.
Thancred: That's why I at least want to keep her memory alive and honor her wishes.
Thancred: That is why I refuse to let her legacy die.
Thancred: Außerdem gibt es jetzt noch etwas, um das ich mich zu kümmern habe. Ihre Zukunft.
Thancred: And besides, there's still something I have to worry about. Her future.
Thancred: In the end, all we can do is press on. For those we have lost. For those we can yet save.
Thancred: Deshalb muss ich nach Nabaath Areng. Und das geht nur, wenn du die Bergbahn in Bewegung setzt. Bitte, du musst uns helfen.
Thancred: That's why I need to go to Nabaath Areng. And that's only happening if you get the trolley moving. Please, you have to help us.
Thancred: And that requires your Talos. Please, Magnus. You are our only hope of reaching Nabaath Areng.
Magnus: Schaff ich das?
Magnus: Can I though?
Magnus: ...What rubbish.
Thancred leaves Magnus alone and rejoins the group.
Minfilia: Warum sprichst du von ihr immer so, als gäbe es sie nicht mehr?
Minfilia: Why do you keep talking about her like she's gone?
Minfilia: She's not gone. No matter what you say or believe, she's not.
Minfilia: Man kann sie doch bestimmt noch zurückholen. Dafür ... Dafür bin ich doch hier.
Minfilia: She can definitely still be brought back. That's... That's what I'm here for aren't I.
Minfilia: We can still bring her back.

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MSQ level 77 - A Dirty Job - Thancred reminisces about Minfilia working as a miner
Thancred: Es wird dich vielleicht überraschen ...
Thancred: It might surprise you...
Thancred: You may not remember this about our Minfilia...
Thancred: Aber unsere Minfilia hat früher auf der Ursprungswelt als Minenarbeiterin ihre Gil verdient.
Thancred: But our Minfilia used to earn her gil as a miner back in the Source.
Thancred: But prior to founding the Path of the Twelve, long before the Scions, she was something of a miner.
Thancred: Du weißt vermutlich, dass F'lhaminn sie nach dem Tod ihres Vaters aufgenommen hat.
Thancred: You might already know that F'lhaminn took her in after the death of her father.
Thancred: After her father died, F'lhaminn took her in and taught her the trade.
Thancred: Doch F'lhaminn hatte selbst ihren Geliebten verloren und war auf sich allein gestellt. Also wollte Minfilia sich nützlich machen und begann, in einer Mine zu arbeiten.
Thancred: But F'lhaminn had lost her own lover and only had herself to rely on. So Minfilia wanted to make herself useful and started working in a mine.
Thancred: I think they were both seeking to fill the void left by a loved one. Maybe that's why she took to it so readily.
Thancred: Hach, ist das lange her ... Ich weiß noch, wie ich in einer Kneipe in Ul'dah trank und den neuesten Gerüchten lauschte. Da lief sie draußen vorbei, ihr Gesicht war ganz verdreckt.
Thancred: Hah, that's long ago... I still remember how I was drinking in a tavern in Ul'dah and listening for the latest rumors. There she'd walk by outside, her face all dirty.
Thancred: Back in those days, I spent most of my time in the Quicksand or some other tavern, loosening tongues and gathering secrets. Occasionally, I'd catch a glimpse of her in the street, on her way home after another hard day's work.
Thancred: Sie war mit der Arbeit fertig. Ich hätte ihr nachlaufen können - sie fragen, wie es ihr geht.
Thancred: She was done with work. I could've gone after her - asked her how she's doing.
Thancred: I always felt a wave of relief when I saw she'd come back safe...along with a pang of guilt at the fact I wasn't there to support her as I should've been.
Thancred: Doch ich tat es nicht. Ich vergrub lieber wieder mein Gesicht in meinem Kelch und bildete mir ein, ich hätte Wichtigeres zu tun.
Thancred: But I didn't. I preferred to bury my face back in my mug and convince myself I had more important things to do.
Thancred: Simply speaking with her more than once in a blue moon would've been a good start, but I could never bring myself to do it. Instead, I threw myself into my “work” and became every drunkard's best friend.
Story choice 1
Was hielt sie denn davon?
What did she think of that?
I can't imagine she thought too highly of you back then.
Thancred: Irgendwann meinte sie zu mir, ich sei ein Taugenichts, der nur den Frauen nachstellt. Womit sie nicht ganz Unrecht hatte.
Thancred: At some point she told me I'm a good for nothing that just chases women. Which she wasn't entirely wrong about.
Thancred: Not too highly, no. She once called me a “wine-sodden wharf rat”─which wouldn't have been half as galling had it not been so accurate.
Story choice 2
Und so einer nennt sich großer Bruder...
And that calls himself older brother...
Not your finest hour, to say the least.
Thancred: Ich weiß, ich weiß. Das habe ich mir schon oft genug von ihr anhören müssen. Und auch von den anderen Exegeten. Zu Recht.
Thancred: I know, I know. I've already heard that more than enough from her. And from the other Scions too. Rightfully so.
Thancred: Far from it─and F'lhaminn has never let me live it down.
Thancred: Aber diesmal ... Diesmal werde ich sie nicht enttäuschen.
Thancred: But this time... This time I won't disappoint her.
Thancred: But that was a lifetime ago. Here and now I have another chance to do things right, and I will not squander it again.

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MSQ level 77 - Have a Heart - Urianger comforts Minfilia
Magnus: Da steht er nun, der Scheißkerl.
Magnus: There he stands, the bastard.
Magnus: You left me for this...this wretched heap of stone and rubble...
Magnus: Danke ... Ich danke dir ... für dieses Geschenk ... meine Königin ...
Magnus: Thank you... I'm grateful... for this gift... my queen...
Magnus: This worthless pile of earth. And yet...I can't... I can't...
In German Magnus' wife was nicknamed "queen of rocks" for her mining prowess. Calling her his queen references the matriarchal society of Hrothgar in the Source.
Minfilia runs away, and Urianger follows her.
Urianger: Minfilia. Was ist mit dir?
Urianger: Minfilia. What is wrong?
Urianger: What troubleth thee, child?
Minfilia: Ich ... Ich habe nichts, was ich jemandem hinterlassen könnte. Nichts, über das sich je jemand freuen wird.
Minfilia: I... I have nothing I can leave to someone. Nothing that anyone would ever be happy about.
Minfilia: I shouldn't be here. I don't deserve to be. I don't deserve any of the things you've done for me!
Minfilia: Ich werde nie so mutig oder so weise werden wie ihr. Ich stehe allen immer nur im Weg herum. Es wäre besser, ich wäre gar nicht hier ...
Minfilia: I'll never be as brave or as wise as her. I only ever get in everyone's way. It'd be better if I wasn't here at all...
Minfilia: I'm just a burden, helpless and hopeless. If tomorrow came and I was gone, it would be better for everyone!
Minfilia: Und Thancred. Wenn er doch endlich sagen würde, was er wirklich denkt ...
Minfilia: And Thancred. If he'd just finally say what he really thinks...
Minfilia: Thancred most of all. He'll never admit it, but I can see it in his eyes...
Minfilia: Dass ich verschwinden soll, um der echten Minfilia Platz zu machen!
Minfilia: That I should disappear to make room for the real Minfilia!
Minfilia: I wish he'd just say it─just say that he hates me! That he wishes I was dead so that she could return...
Urianger: Das ist alles meine Schuld.
Urianger: All of that is my fault.
Urianger: None of this is thy doing, child.
Urianger: Ich war es, der das Orakel des Lichts in die erste Splitterwelt geschickt hat. Ich hatte keine Ahnung, was ich Thancred und dir damit antun würde.
Urianger: I was the one who sent the Oracle of Light to the First. I had no idea what I would do to you and Thancred with this.
Urianger: 'Twas I who set the Oracle on her path unto the First. I who condemned you all to suffer these torments. 'Tis my sin alone, and one that will haunt me unto my dying day.
Urianger: Doch ich bereue es nicht. Das Leben verläuft in komplizierten Bahnen, die Geschicke sind fest miteinander verwoben. Wir, die die Welt zu bessern wünschen, können es nicht tun, ohne an anderer Stelle etwas zu opfern.
Urianger: Yet I do not regret it. Life follows mysterious paths, fates are tightly intertwined. We who wish to improve the world cannot do so without sacrifice somewhere else.
Urianger: Yet I dare not dwell overlong on my many regrets, for the world is a tapestry of fates, interwoven and inseparable, and we who strive to better it cannot choose but make difficult decisions. For naught of worth was ever achieved without sacrifice.
Urianger: Deswegen müssen wir uns mit unseren Herzen vergewissern, wofür wir leben und wofür wir sterben sollen.
Urianger: Thus we must confirm with our hearts for what we should live and for what we should die.
Urianger: And thus must man ever struggle to weigh life against loss.
Urianger: Aber vielleicht ist die Antwort darauf gar nicht so schwer.
Urianger: But perhaps the answer is not that difficult.
Urianger: The one for whom thou mournest beareth no grudge.
Urianger: Wir wünschen uns eine Zukunft mit denen, die wir lieben ... die wir liebten.
Urianger: We wish for a future with those we love... those we loved.
Urianger: Were she here, she would not suffer thee to languish in sorrow. She would tell thee to seek thine own path, thine own purpose.
Urianger: Ich war stets ein Einzelgänger. Deshalb musste erst viel Zeit verstreichen, bis ich das verstand.
Urianger: I have always been somewhat of a loner, so much time had to pass before I understood this.
Urianger: It is a truth which I myself was slow to learn. Yet a truth it remaineth.
Urianger: Hab Vertrauen, Minfilia.
Urianger: Have faith, Minfilia.
Urianger: Thou needst but have faith. Have faith and all will be well.
Story choices
Willst du nicht zu ihr gehen?
Don't you want to go to her?
Go to her.
Du solltest mit ihr reden.
You should talk with her.
Have you no words for her?
Thancred: Ja, vielleicht hast du Recht.
Thancred: Yeah, maybe you're right.
Thancred: Not today.

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MSQ level 77 - Have a Heart - Emet-Selch bothers the Crystal Exarch about his mystery past
Kristallexarch: Diesmal bist du ihnen nicht gefolgt?
Crystal Exarch: You didn't follow them this time?
Crystal Exarch: To what do I owe the pleasure that is your extended stay?
Emet-Selch: Im Wald habe ich erfahren, was ich wissen wollte. Von nun an sollten gelegentliche Besuche ausreichen.
Emet-Selch: I found out what I wanted to know in the forest. Occasional visits will suffice from now on.
Emet-Selch: Oh, to the tediousness of our heroes' present endeavors.
Emet-Selch: Außerdem ist das Licht in Amh Araeng besonders stark. Darauf kann ich liebend gerne verzichten.
Emet-Selch: Besides, the light is exceptionally strong in Amh Araeng. I'll gladly do without.
Emet-Selch: That, and the insufferable abundance of Light in Amh Araeng. I should be glad to keep my distance.
Emet-Selch: Deshalb habe ich mir etwas Ruhe gegönnt. Schlaf ist doch etwas Wundervolles.
Emet-Selch: So I granted myself a little rest. Sleep really is something wonderful.
Emet-Selch: I'm rather fond of sleep, you know. Wonderful way to pass the time.
Emet-Selch: Der alte Lahabrea tauschte rastlos einen Körper gegen den anderen, ständig war er unterwegs. Ein Wunder, dass er nicht vor Müdigkeit aus dem Leben geschieden ist. Alles hat darunter gelitten ...
Emet-Selch: Old Lahabrea kept tirelessly switching one body for another, always on the road. It's a miracle exhaustion didn't get to him first. Everything suffered for it...
Emet-Selch: Not that my compeers would agree, mind you. Always on the move, the lot of them. Like Lahabrea, constantly jumping from vessel to vessel.
Emet-Selch: Seine Willenskraft, seine Erinnerung ... und seine Zielstrebigkeit.
Emet-Selch: His willpower, his memory... and his resolve.
Emet-Selch: Such fire, such determination! So much passion, fleeting and forgotten...
Emet-Selch: Wann schläfst du denn eigentlich? Oder kann es sein, dass du ausreichend vorgeschlafen hast?
Emet-Selch: When do you sleep, anyway? Or could it be you've already had enough sleep for a lifetime?
Emet-Selch: Come to think of it, Exarch, I don't believe I've ever seen you retire to your chambers for so much as forty winks. However do you keep your eyes from closing?
Exarch ignores him.
Emet-Selch: Was hab ich dir bloß getan?
Emet-Selch: Just what did I do to you?
Emet-Selch: The cold shoulder. You wound me, sir.
Emet-Selch: Wenn du mir so sehr misstraust, warum hast du den Besuch aus dem Ursprung dann nicht vor mir gewarnt?
Emet-Selch: If you mistrust me that much, why didn't you warn your visitor from the Source about me?
Emet-Selch: Always so guarded in our every interaction─interactions you curiously refrain from sharing with the Scions and their champion...
Kristallexarch: Weil er sehr wohl in der Lage ist, selbst zu entscheiden, wem er vertrauen kann.
Crystal Exarch: Because they are perfectly capable of deciding for themselves who they can trust.
Crystal Exarch: And risk souring your budding relationship? I think not. Much as I dislike you, there are more useful targets for [their] energies. And I am not in the habit of pointing [them] at my enemies like a weapon.
Emet-Selch: So gut kennst du ihn? Es klingt ja fast so, als wärt ihr alte Bekannte.
Emet-Selch: You know them that well? It almost sounds like you're old acquaintances.
Emet-Selch: Is that right? Fond of [them], are you?
Emet-Selch: Du bist umgeben von Rätseln, Kristallexarch.
Emet-Selch: You're surrounded by mysteries, Crystal Exarch.
Emet-Selch: You continue to fascinate me, Exarch.
Emet-Selch: Wer bist du wirklich?
Emet-Selch: Who are you really?
Emet-Selch: But tell me: who are you?
Emet-Selch: Weißt du ... Ich war an der Gründung und dem Aufstieg des Allagischen Reiches - wo dieser Turm erbaut wurde - nicht ganz unbeteiligt.
Emet-Selch: You know... I wasn't entirely uninvolved with the founding and rise of the Allagan Empire - which built this tower.
Emet-Selch: The once-great nation whose ingenuity gave birth to this tower was shaped by my hand. As such, I know full well the wonders it can facilitate...and those it cannot.
Emet-Selch: Deswegen weiß ich auch, dass die Technik, mit der du den Helden in diese Welt gerufen hast, nicht aus diesem Turm stammt.
Emet-Selch: Which means I also know that the technique you used to call the hero into this world didn't come from this tower.
Emet-Selch: There is nothing in these walls which could have aided you in summoning our dear friend across time and space.
Emet-Selch: Jemanden mitsamt seinem Körper in eine andere Welt zu zwingen ... Das können nicht einmal die Ascians.
Emet-Selch: Forcing someone into another world body and all... Not even the Ascians can do that.
Emet-Selch: Much less in possession of [their] mortal flesh! Not even I could have performed such a feat.
Kristallexarch: Im Allagischen Reich hattest du also auch deine Hand im Spiel ...
Crystal Exarch: So you had a hand in the Allagan Empire too...
Crystal Exarch: I see... You had a hand in Allag as well.
Kristallexarch: Dann will ich dir folgende Antwort geben.
Crystal Exarch: Then I will give you the following answer.
Crystal Exarch: You would know what I am?
Kristallexarch: Ich bin ein Opfer eurer Ränkeschmiede, ein Stellvertreter all jener, die im Lauf der Geschichte unter euch gelitten haben.
Crystal Exarch: I am a victim of your machinations, a representative of all those who in the course of history have suffered under you and yours.
Crystal Exarch: I am the adjudicator of the sacred history with which you dared trifle.
Kristallexarch: Ich bin der Hüter des Kristallturms und seines größten Rätsels. Das Wissen über das Heute, Gestern und Morgen, das Nirgendwo und das Überall. Das Wunderwerk derer, die den Flügel der Zeit freisetzten und hinter den Horizont des Risses blickten.
Crystal Exarch: I am the keeper of the Crystal Tower and its greatest mysteries. The knowledge of present, past, and future, nowhere and everywhere. The miracle work of those who released the wings of time and glanced beyond the rift's horizon.
Crystal Exarch: I am keeper of this tower's boundless wisdom. The wisdom of ages without age. Of everywhere and nowhere. The great work of those who tamed the wings of time, and grasped the nature of the rift.
Kristallexarch: Die, in Genialität vereint, ihr Leben dafür einsetzten, dieses Wissen zu hinterlassen ...
Crystal Exarch: Those who, united in their brilliance, dedicated their lives to leaving this knowledge behind...
Crystal Exarch: 'Tis a boon born of the sacrifice of brave heroes who gave their lives for a brighter future.
Kristallexarch: Ich stehe hier, weil mir alle Wünsche und Wunder anvertraut sind. Um gegen das Schicksal selbst aufzubegehren.
Crystal Exarch: I stand here because every wish and miracle has been entrusted to me. To rebel against fate itself.
Crystal Exarch: I will not see their hopes and dreams squandered. The history which led us here will be unwritten. I promise you that.
Emet-Selch: Es steht viel auf dem Spiel, für uns beide.
Emet-Selch: There is much at stake, for both of us.
Emet-Selch: Well, it seems we are both eager to fulfill our duties, then.
Kristallexarch: Das tut es.
Crystal Exarch: So there is.
Crystal Exarch: On that much we are in agreement.

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MSQ level 77 - Full Steam Ahead - Ran'jit intercepts the trolley
Vater und Bruder
Father and Brother
Full Steam Ahead
Thancred: Ich hab doch tatsächlich gedacht, dich wären wir los.
Thancred: I really thought we were rid of you.
Thancred: You're a stubborn old swine, aren't you...
Ran'jit: Pah. Mein Leben wird nicht auf dem Boden eines Abgrunds enden. Nicht solange ich auf Gukumatz zählen kann.
Ran'jit: Pah. My life will not end at the bottom of a ravine. Not while I have Gukumatz to rely on.
Ran'jit: One who has mastered Gukumatz fears not the blackest pit or the fieriest hell.
Ran'jit: Mir war natürlich sofort klar, dass eure Aktion im Osten nur ein Ablenkungsmanöver ist. Also habe ich mich wieder an eure Fersen geheftet - aber ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich euch so leicht zu packen bekomme.
Ran'jit: It was of course immediately clear to me that your movement in the east was merely a diversion. So I returned to chasing you - though I did not think I would get you this easily.
Ran'jit: Your deeds in the east did not go unnoticed. Long have I lain in wait, and sure enough, you did not disappoint.
Ran'jit: Seht ihr ein, wie sinnlos euer Widerstand ist? Wollt ihr wirklich lieber im Dreck herumkriechen, als die Ordnung meines Herrn anzuerkennen?
Ran'jit: Do you realize how meaningless your resistance is? Would you really rather writhe in the dirt than acknowledge the order of my lord?
Ran'jit: Had you only sworn fealty to Lord Vauthry, you would have no cause to skulk about like frightened animals.
Ran'jit: Ah, Minfilia. Du bist zu bemitleiden. Warte, ich befreie dich von diesem Ungeziefer.
Ran'jit: Ah, Minfilia. You pitiful thing. Wait here, I will free you from this vermin.
Ran'jit: You will remain as you are, while I dispatch these villains.
Minfilia: Nein! Lass sie in Ruhe!
Minfilia: No! Leave them alone!
Minfilia: No! I won't...! I won't let you!
Ran'jit: Was soll das? Ich habe dich jedes Mal aufgespürt und großgezogen. Wir haben gegen mehr Sündenvertilger gekämpft, als ich zählen kann.
Ran'jit: What are you saying? I have found and raised you every time. We have fought against more sin eaters than I can count.
Ran'jit: You forget to whom you speak! Who armed you? Trained you? Fought and killed a thousand sin eaters with you!?
Ran'jit: Doch was hat es gebracht? Immer und immer wieder lief es nur auf eins hinaus: deinen Tod!
Ran'jit: Yet what did it bring? Again and again it only lead to one end: your death!
Ran'jit: And when you were inevitably cut down and lay lifeless in my arms─who sought out your successor to carry on the futile struggle again and again!?
Ran'jit: Und jetzt verleiten dich diese Ratten dazu, an ihrem schwachsinnigen Kampf teilzunehmen und die Ordnung der Welt niederzureißen!
Ran'jit: And now these rats are tempting you to join their pathetic fight and tear down the order of the world!
Ran'jit: We seek to bring peace to what is left of this shattered land, while these mad fools would only bring further chaos down upon us!
Ran'jit: Lass dich nicht von ihnen verführen! Nur einer kann dich für immer von deinem Leid erlösen. Mein Herr, Lord Vauthry!
Ran'jit: Do not let them sway you! Only one can save you from your suffering forever. My master, Lord Vauthry!
Ran'jit: Do not be deceived, child! Only by Lord Vauthry's hand will this dying world know a sliver of salvation!
Minfilia: Nein. Das ist nicht die Erlösung, die ich suche.
Minfilia: No. That's not the salvation I'm looking for.
Minfilia: I don't know about the world...but I never asked to be saved.
Minfilia: Meine Schmerzen, meine Zweifel und mein Leid sind ein Beweis dafür, was sie und ich auf dieser Reise bisher erreicht haben.
Minfilia: My pain, my doubts and my suffering are proof of what they and I have achieved on this journey so far.
Minfilia: However much it hurts, and however hard it gets, it's my life, and I want to live it on my own terms!
Minfilia: Jedes Wort, das sie zu mir gesagt haben, hüte ich wie einen Schatz. Jeden Moment, den wir zusammen verbracht haben, trage ich in meinem Herzen.
Minfilia: I treasure every word they said to me. I carry every moment we spent together in my heart.
Minfilia: And those “mad fools” you want me to abandon? The ones I've traveled with, fought with, and may one day die with─they feel the same.
Minfilia: Diese Erinnerungen nehmen mir jede Last von den Schultern. Sie sind mir wichtiger als alles andere in der Welt!
Minfilia: These memories take every weight off my shoulders. They're more important to me than anything in the world!
Minfilia: So no, I will not be deceived! No matter what you say, I refuse to believe it's all for nothing!
Minfilia: Ich liebe sie. Ohne sie wäre ich ... wäre ich nichts.
Minfilia: I love them. Without them I'd... I'd be nothing.
Minfilia: They're everything to me. All I have and all I need. And I would gladly do anything for them.
Minfilia: Dich brauche ich nicht mehr. Also geh zur Seite und lass uns durch!
Minfilia: I don't need you anymore. So step aside and let us through!
Minfilia: Let us pass, or kill me. I'm not leaving here without them.
Ran'jit: So ein Blödsinn. Die Störenfriede haben dir den Kopf verdreht, aber ich werde dich schon wieder zur Vernunft bringen!
Ran'jit: Such foolishness. These troublemakers have dazzled you, but I will bring you back to your senses soon enough!
Ran'jit: How dare you! Very well─if you would cast your lot with villains, then you shall share their fate!
Thancred steps in front of Minfilia and turns to address her.
Thancred: Ich verstehe dich besser, als du meinst. Auch wenn ich es dir nie sagen konnte.
Thancred: I understand you better than you think. Even if I could never tell you.
Thancred: I heard what you said. And I'm sorry for all the things I've left unspoken.
Thancred: Und jetzt lauf! Ich kümmere mich um den hier.
Thancred: And now run! I'll worry about this guy.
Thancred: You have to go. Now!
Minfilia: Aber ...!
Minfilia: But...!
Minfilia: Thancred, no─
Thancred: Tu nur, was du für richtig hältst.
Thancred: Just do what you think is right.
Thancred: Go! Do what you came here to do.
Thancred: Ich komm schon zurecht.
Thancred: I'll be fine.
Thancred: I'll not have you waste that newfound resolve on me.
Thancred turns to WoL.
Thancred: Kümmer dich um sie. Bring sie zu Minfilia!
Thancred: You worry about her. Take her to Minfilia!
Thancred: I leave her in your hands. Hurry!
Ran'jit tries to pursue Minfilia, but Thancred intercepts him.
Thancred: Für mich ist sie Schwester und Tochter, und ich lasse nicht zu, dass du ihr etwas antust!
Thancred: She's a sister and daughter to me, and I won't let you lay a finger on her!
Thancred: Not another step! Your fight is with me.
Ran'jit: Du hältst dich für ihren Vater? Du bist doch selbst nur ein unreifer Stümper!
Ran'jit: You take yourself for her father? You're just an unripe amateur yourself!
Ran'jit: You think yourself her protector!? Hah! As if a whelp like you could be a better father to her than me!

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MSQ level 77 - Full Steam Ahead - Thancred fights Ran'jit
A lot of lines in this solo duty are just battle shouts that aren't really part of the conversation, so I've left those out.
Thancred: Er macht ganz schön Druck. Aber diesmal werde ich gewinnen! Irgendwie!
Thancred: He puts on a lot of pressure. But this time I'll win! Somehow!
Thancred: Whatever it takes, I swear I will end you.
General Ran'jit: Pah! Nichts als leere Worte. Hast du damit dem Mädchen den Verstand verdreht?
General Ran'jit: Pah! Nothing but empty words. Is that how you twisted her common sense?
Ran'jit: Hmph. You lie to yourself as you lied to her.
Thancred: Sie weiß mehr, als du ihr je beigebracht hättest. Sie geht jetzt ihren eigenen Weg.
Thancred: She knows more than you ever taught her. She's going her own way now.
Thancred: Aye, I lied. Kept secrets. But no more. She deserves better.
General Ran'jit: Einen Weg endloser und sinnloser Kämpfe? Was für ein trauriges Schicksal. Nur Vauthry kann ihr Glück schenken!
General Ran'jit: A way of endless and meaningless battles? What a sad fate. Only Vauthry can grant her happiness!
Ran'jit: A life of pain? Of ceaseless conflict and despair?
Thancred: Ein würdiger Gegner ...
Thancred: A worthy opponent....
Thancred: This is going well...
General Ran'jit: Es wird dir nichts helfen.
General Ran'jit: It won't help you.
Ran'jit: Vanity...
General Ran'jit: Du nahmst mein Blut, jetzt erhör meinen Ruf!
General Ran'jit: You took my blood, now answer my call!
Ran'jit: Beast of my blood, answer my call!
Ran'jit fuses with Gukumatz.
General Ran'jit: Sei mein Schwert, sei mein Schild!
General Ran'jit: Be my sword, be my shield!
Ran'jit: Rend my foes and ward their blows.
Thancred: Verschanz dich nur hinter dieser Schlange, du Feigling!
Thancred: Sure, go hide behind that snake, you coward!
Thancred: Hah, so you really are a monster.
General Ran'jit: Wohin willst du das Mädchen führen? Es gibt keine Hoffnung mehr.
General Ran'jit: Where do you mean to take the girl? There is no more hope.
Ran'jit: Better a monster than a deceiver. A spinner of foolish dreams and false hopes.
Thancred: Da liegst du falsch. Sie wird diese Welt retten.
Thancred: You're wrong there. She will save this world.
Thancred: There is no folly in hope!
General Ran'jit: So dachten wir auch. Doch auf das Orakel wartet nur der Märtyrertod.
General Ran'jit: So we thought too. But only a martyr's death awaits the Oracle.
Ran'jit: ...I said as much myself, once. I was wrong. Never again.
General Ran'jit: Schwächling ...
General Ran'jit: Weakling...
Ran'jit: When will you learn?
Thancred: Ich bin bereit, für sie zu sterben. Aber dich nehm ich mit, Ran'jit!
Thancred: I'm prepared to die for her. But I'm taking you with me, Ran'jit!
Thancred: When you're dead and buried!
General Ran'jit: Die Zeit der Ausflüchte ist vorbei.
General Ran'jit: The time for excuses has passed.
Ran'jit: Yield now and I will grant you a quick death.
Thancred: Warte, alter Hund. Einen Trick habe ich noch.
Thancred: Hold on, old dog. I have one more trick up my sleeve.
Thancred: But we've only just begun.
Thancred turns invisible and gets a shot in on Ran'jit.
General Ran'jit: Uoooh! Du meinst es ernst mit dem Sterben!
General Ran'jit: Uooh! You are serious about dying!
Ran'jit: You would court death for mere parlor tricks?
Thancred: Ja ... Wenn es ihr hilft, gebe ich mein Leben mit einem Lächeln.
Thancred: Yes... If it'll help her, I'll give my life with a smile.
Thancred: <pant> <pant> ...My life would be but a small price to pay.
General Ran'jit: Ratte. Du bist nichts als eine feige Ratte.
General Ran'jit: Rat. You are nothing but a cowardly rat.
Ran'jit: Then pay it you shall!
Thancred: Alter Mann! Du unterschätzt sie, weil sie ein junges Mädchen ist.
Thancred: Old man! You underestimate her because she's a young girl.
Thancred: You never understood her.
Thancred: Du versteckst dich hinter einer Fassade. Deswegen wendet sie sich von dir ab.
Thancred: You hide yourself behind a facade, that's why she turns away from you.
Thancred: She is not a bird to be locked away in a gilded cage.
General Ran'jit: Und du hältst dich für ihren Beschützer?
General Ran'jit: And you take yourself for her protector?
Ran'jit: And you presume to be her protector. Pathetic!
Thancred goes into hiding and gets another shot on Ran'jit.
General Ran'jit: Was? Zweimal der gleiche Trick? Das sieht dir ähnlich ...
General Ran'jit: What? The same trick twice? That seems like you...
Ran'jit: You have played your hand far too early, boy.
Thancred: Wie lange sollen wir noch kämpfen? Ich leg jetzt alles in den nächsten Schuss.
Thancred: How much longer should we fight for? I'm putting everything into this next shot.
Thancred: This has carried on long enough, wouldn't you agree?
General Ran'jit: Urgh. Du gibst nicht auf, hm?
General Ran'jit: Urgh. You don't give up, hm?
Ran'jit: Why do you persist in this folly?
Thancred: War's das schon?
Thancred: Was that it already?
Thancred: Is that all?
Thancred: Minfilias letzte Erda. Sie wird es richten.
Thancred: Minfilia's last cartridge. That'll do it.
Thancred: Minfilia's last cartridge... Have to... <pant> <pant> ...make it count...
"Erda" is an old Germanic word for earth that isn't in modern use, but gunblade cartridges are "Erda-Patrone" in German, probably to distinguish them from regular non-magic bullets. Erda doesn't seem to be a term in other German Final Fantasy games. Additionally, since "Patrone" is a feminine word, this could be read as him saying it's Minfilia who will get the job done.
General Ran'jit: Damit erreichst du gar nichts.
General Ran'jit: You won't achieve anything with that.
Ran'jit; There you are!
Ran'jit breaks Thancred's invisibility.
Thancred: Er steht noch? Verdammt. Ich muss sofort wieder in Deckung.
Thancred: He's still standing? Damn it. I have to go back into hiding right away.
Thancred: Gah! But how!?
General Ran'jit: Dummkopf!
General Ran'jit: Idiot!
Ran'jit: Fools to a man!
Thancred tries again, but gets found again.
Thancred: <keuch> Mit dem gleichen Trick komm ich nicht weiter ...
Thancred: <cough> The same trick won't cut it...
Thancred: I'd hoped you would fall for it a third time...
Thancred collapses.
Thancred: Ich kann nicht mehr. Es war zu viel.
Thancred: I can't keep going. It was too much.
Thancred: Urgh... Though two times was... <pant> <pant> ...perhaps already too many...
General Ran'jit: Wer Ruhm in der Schlacht sucht, wird nur sein Grab finden.
General Ran'jit: He who seeks glory in battle will find only his grave.
Ran'jit: No more tricks? Then let us finish this.
Thancred continues to fight, but repeatedly collapses. Ran'jit prepares another unavoidable attack.
Thancred: Der nächste Angriff entscheidet. Es geht um alles oder nichts.
Thancred: The next attack decides the outcome. It's all or nothing.
Thancred: But you've not even seen the grand finale.
Thancred: Ich muss jetzt ganz verschwinden. Es ist meine letzte Chance.
Thancred: I have to completely disappear. It's my last chance.
Thancred: One...last...disappearing act...
General Ran'jit: Ich höre deinen Atem. Ich sehe das Funkeln deiner Augen. Du entkommst mir nicht!
General Ran'jit: I hear your breath. I see the glint in your eyes. You won't escape me!
Ran'jit: Were you not struggling to stand I might think you serious.
Thancred: Diesmal nicht. Diesmal mache ich sogar meine Seele unsichtbar!
Thancred: Not this time. This time I'll make even my soul invisible!
Thancred: Oh, I am deadly serious.
Thancred successfully hides and lines up his last shot on Ran'jit.
Thancred: Ich kann nicht verlieren ... Weil ich mit euch kämpfe ... Minfilia ... Acilia ...
Thancred: I can't lose... Because I'm fighting with you... Minfilia... Acilia...
Thancred: Thank you, Minfilia...for this precious gift...
Thancred: Aaaaah!
Thancred: Aaaaah!
Thancred: To hell with you!!!

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MSQ level 77 - Full Steam Ahead - After the solo duty
Ran'jit: Das Mädchen ist unter einem Unglücksstern geboren. Ihr Leid wird niemals enden.
Ran'jit: The girl is born under an ill-fated star. Her suffering will never end.
Ran'jit: You would have her suffer and die. I would spare her that fate!
Thancred: Ich werde sie beschützen. Solange sie das will.
Thancred: I will protect her. For as long as she wants.
Thancred: That is not for you or anyone else to decide─ever again.
Ran'jit retreats, and Thancred collapses. His lines switch to voiceover narration.
Kein Tag vergeht in dieser Welt, an dem ich nicht daran denke, was du mir alles gegeben hast.
Not a day goes by in this world where I don't think about everything you've given me.
Not a single day goes by that I don't think about all that you have given me.
Wie schnell du erwachsen wurdest ... Während ich sorglos in den Tag hinein lebte und meine Zeit verschwendete.
How quickly you grew up... While I lived day to day without a care and wasted my time.
Countless memories and moments I took for granted... Gods, you grew up so fast.
Ich erinnere mich so deutlich ... Ich weiß noch ganz genau, was du damals zu mir gesagt hast.
I remember it so clearly... I still know exactly what you said to me back then.
But you had to, didn't you? For those you had lost. For those you could yet save.
Thancred remembers when Minfilia left for the First.
Du wolltest die Liebe, die du selbst erfahren hast, in die ganze Welt hinaustragen.
You wanted to take the love you received and share it with the whole world.
A world teetering on the very brink of oblivion, for which you gave your everything without hesitation...
Deine Güte und dein Mitgefühl stellen mich auf die Probe ... Damals ... wie heute ...
Your kindness and compassion tested me... back then... and now too...
Your kindness, your compassion, your love... Then and now...
Thancred: Wenigstens dieses eine Mal werde ich dich nicht enttäuschen. Ich bin doch ... dein großer Bruder.
Thancred: At least this once I won't disappoint you. I'm still... your big brother.
Thancred: One last time, with a little help. I'm so proud to have been a part of your life...
Thancred: Minfilia ...
Thancred: Minfilia...
Thancred: Oh, Minfilia...

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MSQ level 77 - Full Steam Ahead - Speaking with Minfilia upon arriving in Nabaath Areng
Minfilia: Das ist die Zerstörte Stadt. Hier hat sich die erste Minfilia gegen die Lichtflut gestellt.
Minfilia: That's the destroyed city. Minfilia stood against the Flood of Light here.
Minfilia: This is the place, [Name]. This is where she stopped the Flood.
Minfilia: Als ich mit Thancred hier war, habe ich gespürt, dass irgendetwas passieren würde. Ich hatte große Angst und ... habe mich von der Ohnmacht übermannen lassen. Doch diesmal nicht.
Minfilia: When I was here with Thancred I felt that something was about to happen. I was so scared and... let the powerlessness overwhelm me. But not this time.
Minfilia: The last time I was here, when I felt her presence overwhelming me...I tried to pretend it wsn't happening─to just...turn away.
Minfilia: Wenn sie es mir verzeiht ... wenn sie es erlaubt ... werde ich ...
Minfilia: If she'll forgive me... if she'll allow it... I will...
Minfilia: But I can't turn away now. Not this time. For Thancred and the others, I have to face her.

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MSQ level 77 - Crossroads - Minfilia meets with the Oracle of Light
Orakel des Lichts: Du bist das liebe Mädchen, das meine Seele so gut behütet hat. Ich wollte dir schon lange etwas sagen.
Oracle of Light: You're the kind girl who has guarded my soul so well. I have wanted to say something to you for a long time.
Oracle of Light: My dear, sweet child... Yours is a burden none should ever be forced to bear.
Orakel des Lichts: Es tut mir leid, was für ein schweres Schicksal du auf deinen Schultern tragen musst. Und ich danke dir, dass du es so tapfer angenommen hast.
Oracle of Light: I'm sorry for the heavy fate you had to carry on your shoulders. And thank you for accepting it so bravely.
Oracle of Light: Such pain and suffering you have endured, yet still you came. For this and more, I thank you.
Minfilia: Ich dachte, ich schaffe es nicht. Aber ich hatte Freunde, die bei mir waren.
Minfilia: I thought I wouldn't make it. But I had friends who were with me.
Minfilia: I've lost count of the times I've almost given up. If people hadn't helped me every step of the way, I never would have made it.
Orakel des Lichts: Also, sag mir bitte in deinen eigenen Worten: Was wünschst du dir?
Oracle of Light: Now, please tell me in your own words: What do you wish for?
Oracle of Light: Yet here you stand, resolved. Now...tell me your heart's desire.
Minfilia: Ich möchte meinen Freunden helfen, die Lichtbringer zu besiegen und diese Welt zu retten.
Minfilia: I would like to help my friends defeat the Lightwardens and save this world.
Minfilia: To defeat the sin eaters, and bring this world back from the brink!
Minfilia: Aber sie verstecken sich. Kannst du sie mit deiner Gabe finden?
Minfilia: But they're hiding. Can you find them with your power?
Minfilia: The remaining Wardens have hidden themselves from us. But with the power of the Oracle, I thought we might be able to find them...
Orakel des Lichts: Ja, ich glaube schon. Man müsste dahin gehen, wo das Licht am stärksten ist.
Oracle of Light: Yes, I believe so. You would have to go there where the light is strongest.
Oracle of Light: Indeed you could. Their radiance would be unmistakable.
Orakel des Lichts: Allerdings wird das nur mit den vollen Kräften des Orakels gelingen.
Oracle of Light: Although that would only be possible with the full power of the Oracle.
Oracle of Light: But know, my child, that the power you seek will come at a price.
Orakel des Lichts: Um weiterzugehen, muss eine Entscheidung getroffen werden. Wir stehen an einem Scheideweg.
Oracle of Light: To continue, a decision must be made. We are at a crossroads.
Oracle of Light: We stand now at the crossroads. A decision must be made.
Orakel des Lichts: Wie jede wichtige Entscheidung erfordert auch diese großen Mut.
Oracle of Light: Like every important decision, this one also requires great courage.
Oracle of Light: 'Tis only natural to be afraid. To hesitate.
Orakel des Lichts: Doch ich glaube, mit deinen Freunden an deiner Seite brauchst du dich nicht davor zu fürchten.
Oracle of Light: Though I believe you don't need to fear it with your friends at your side.
Oracle of Light: But for your many trials, you have grown stronger and wiser. And with the love and support of those you hold dear, you have grown to love yourself.
Minfilia: Vor einhundert Jahren kam die Lichtflut und hat fast alles vernichtet.
Minfilia: A hundred years ago the Flood of Light came and destroyed nearly everything.
Minfilia: The Flood has washed away so much of this world.
Minfilia: Unzählige Leben, fruchtbares Land und ... aufrichtige Helden.
Minfilia: Countless lives, fertile land, and... genuine heroes.
Minfilia: So many people and places and possibilities─and all the heroes who fought to protect them.
Minfilia: Dann kamen sie. Neue Helden von weit weg. Ich habe sie gesehen und bin ihnen gefolgt.
Minfilia: Then they came. New heroes from far away. I saw them and followed them.
Minfilia: Yet here the Scions are, trying so, so hard to help those few of us who remain. And seeing how tirelessly they work, how completely committed they are to the cause...I can't help but believe.
Minfilia: Ich bin noch ein Kind und es gibt vieles, das ich nicht weiß. Aber wenn ich darf, möchte ich gerne bei ihnen bleiben.
Minfilia: I'm still a child, and there's a lot I don't know. But if I'm allowed, I'd really like to stay with them.
Minfilia: But I want to do more than just watch and cheer. I want to make a difference.
Minfilia: Auch wenn wir scheitern, wenn wir nichts erreichen ... dann möchte ich wenigstens etwas an die weitergeben, die nach uns kommen.
Minfilia: Even if we fail, if we don't achieve anything... then I'd still like to at least pass on something to those who will come after us.
Minfilia: I want to help them, like they helped me─and maybe even inspire others to do the same.
Minfilia: Es gibt eine Verbindung ... von Helden zu Helden, die uns für eine bessere Zukunft kämpfen lässt. Davon möchte ich ein Teil sein.
Minfilia: There is a connection... from hero to hero, that lets us fight for a better future. I'd like to be a part of that.
Minfilia: Coming together, providing for one another─that's the only way forward I can see. Since all of our heroes are gone, we'll just have to make heroes of ourselves.
Orakel des Lichts: Das ist ein schöner Traum, der richtige Traum. Ich habe mir einst etwas ganz Ähnliches gewünscht.
Oracle of Light: That's a beautiful dream, the right dream. I once wished for something very similar.
Oracle of Light: 'Tis a beautiful, wonderful dream. One we share.
Orakel des Lichts: Ich wollte, dass der Glaube an Minfilia den Bewohnern dieser Welt ein Licht der Hoffnung ist, damit sie vereint gegen die Sündenvertilger kämpfen und so irgendwann wirklich ihre Welt retten.
Oracle of Light: I wanted the faith in Minfilia to be a light of hope to the people of this world, so that they might fight the sin eaters as one and eventually truly save their world.
Oracle of Light: Though my power was all but spent in staying the Flood, I prayed this final act would give hope to those who survived.
Orakel des Lichts: Du hast meinen Traum weitergeträumt. Da habe ich allen Grund, stolz auf mich zu sein.
Oracle of Light: You continued to dream my dream. I have every reason to be proud of myself.
Oracle of Light: That selfsame hope lives on in you. It gives me comfort to know that the future is in capable hands.
Orakel des Lichts: Egal, wie stark du wirst. Irgendwann kommen immer Zweifel und schwächen dich.
Oracle of Light: No matter how strong you become, sooner or later you will be weakened by doubt.
Oracle of Light: If ever you should falter, remember this: no one, however powerful, is immune to the whisperings of doubt and despair.
Orakel des Lichts: Aber gib nicht auf, liebes Mädchen, das meinen Traum im Herzen trägt.
Oracle of Light: But don't give up, kind girl who carries my dream in her heart.
Oracle of Light: Do not give in to them, but do not deny them either. Look instead to the light within, that you may continue to serve as a beacon to others.
Minfilia: Du hast immer an mich und das Gute in dieser Welt geglaubt. Danke, Minfilia.
Minfilia: You always believed in me and the good in this world. Thank you, Minfilia.
Minfilia: Thank you, Minfilia, for believing in us. For believing in me.
The Oracle of Light turns to WoL.
Orakel des Lichts: Auch dir danke ich von ganzem Herzen. Du warst für mich die Morgenröte, die die Dunkelheit vertreibt.
Oracle of Light: I thank you too, from the bottom of my heart. To me, you were the dawn that drives away the darkness.
Oracle of Light: Dearest words can express my gratitude to you for keeping her safe in these tumultuous times. You are a hero to us both.
Orakel des Lichts: Vergiss nie: Du kämpfst nicht allein.
Oracle of Light: Don't forget: You do not fight alone.
Oracle of Light: But not even the most valiant heroes can stand alone.
Orakel des Lichts: Wenn die Helden zweier Welten ihre Kräfte vereinen, können sie dem Schicksal einen neuen Weg bahnen.
Oracle of Light: If the heroes of two worlds join forces, they can forge a new path for fate.
Oracle of Light: Only together may you change the fate of two worlds.

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MSQ level 77 - Crossroads - Speaking with Minfilia about her changed hair and eye color
Minfilia: A-Ah ...
Minfilia: A-Ah...
Minfilia: <groan>
Minfilia: Was ... Ich ... Ich habe mit Minfilia gesprochen ... Endlich.
Minfilia: What... I... I spoke with Minfilia... Finally.
Minfilia: What happened? I remember speaking with Minfilia...and then...
Minfilia: Was ist? Warum guckst du mich denn so an?
Minfilia: What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?
Minfilia: Is something wrong?
Story choices
Deine Haare ...
Your hair...
Your hair, it's changed.
Deine Augen ...
Your eyes...
Your eyes, they've changed.
Minfilia: Minfilia ... hat sie mir zurückgegeben. Meine echten Haare, meine echten Augen.
Minfilia: Minfilia... gave them back to me. My real hair, my real eyes.
Minfilia: A parting gift, I think.
Minfilia: Die blonden Haaren und die kristallblauen Augen waren die Erkennungszeichen der wiedergeborenen Minfilia.
Minfilia: The blond hair and crystal blue eyes were the identifying features of the reborn Minfilia
Minfilia: Until now, I've walked the path she set before me. The path she set before all the Minfilias.
Minfilia: Sie will, dass ich ich bleibe ... dass ich ich werde ... Sie ... erlaubt es mir.
Minfilia: She want me to stay me... to become me. She... allows me to.
Minfilia: But she's given me a new path─a new life─that I can call my own.
Minfilia: Ich spüre eine warme Kraft durch mich fließen. Eine Wärme, die schon immer bei mir war. Ich spüre sie jetzt deutlicher als je zuvor.
Minfilia: I feel a warm power flow through me. A warmth that has always been with me. I can feel it clearer than before now.
Minfilia: And even though she's gone, I can still feel her...warm and calm and gentle.
Minfilia: Es ist die Kraft des Planeten. Die Kraft des Lichts.
Minfilia: It's the power of the planet. The power of light.
Minfilia: I can feel the beating heart of the world, the Light that swells within it.
Minfilia: Ich kann die Lichtbringer spüren. Ich weiß, wo sich der Lichtbringer von Amh Araeng versteckt.
Minfilia: I can sense the Lightwardens. I know where the Lightwarden of Amh Araeng is hiding.
Minfilia: And the Lightwardens. There's one here in Amh Araeng.
Minfilia: Schnell. Gehen wir zurück zu Thancred und den anderen. Die Schlacht ruft.
Minfilia: Let's hurry back to Thancred and the others. Battle calls.
Minfilia: Let's hurry back. The others need to know.
Minfilia: Er wird mich doch nicht hassen, oder? Jetzt, da ich nicht mehr ihre Zeichen trage.
Minfilia: He won't hate me, right? Now that I don't bear her mark anymore.
Minfilia: You don't think Thancred will be angry with me, do you?
Story choice 1
Hab Vertrauen. Es wird schon in Ordnung sein.
Have faith. It'll be fine.
It's what Minfilia wanted. I'm sure he'll understand.
Minfilia: Das würde ich gerne glauben, aber ...
Minfilia: I'd like to believe so, but...
Minfilia: I'd like to think so too, but... <sigh>
Story choice 2
Du wirst dich schon selbst vergewissern müssen.
You'll have to find out for yourself.
There's only one way to find out.
Minfilia: Ja. Das weiß ich ja selbst, aber ...
Minfilia: Yes. I know that, but...
Minfilia: <sigh> I know there's no getting around it, but...
Minfilia: [Name], würdest du bitte vorgehen? Ich komme sofort nach.
Minfilia: [Name], would you please go on ahead? I'll be right behind you.
Minfilia: Would you mind going on ahead? I'll be right behind you, I promise.

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MSQ level 77 - Return to Eulmore - Emet-Selch elaborates on what it means to be sundered
Y'shtola: Wir kämpfen für beide Welten. Und du versprichst, uns nicht in die Quere zu kommen, Ascian?
Y'shtola: We fight for both worlds. And you promise you won't get in our way, Ascian?
Y'shtola: Do you hear? Your dreamed-of Rejoining is in jeopardy. Are you sure you're not tempted to intervene?
Emet-Selch: Nur keine Sorge, ich halt mich raus. Aber denkt nicht, dass irgendeine Welt gerettet ist, nur weil die Lichtbringer nicht mehr sind.
Emet-Selch: Don't worry now, I'm staying out of it. But don't think that either world is saved just because the Lightwardens are gone.
Emet-Selch: You labor under the misapprehension that vanquishing the sin eaters is tantamount to saving the world. It is not.
Emet-Selch: Das Leben ist und bleibt vergänglich. Ihr könnt nicht mehr erreichen, als es um den Bruchteil eines Augenblicks zu verlängern.
Emet-Selch: Life is and remains transient. The most you can achieve is to extend it for a fraction of a moment.
Emet-Selch: In truth, you only delay the inevitable, lengthening your fleeting lives by the smallest of margins.
Emet-Selch: Als Feinde wart ihr mir einfach nur unglaublich lästig, aber jetzt entdecke ich doch ein paar bemerkenswerte Seiten an euch.
Emet-Selch: You were merely incredibly annoying as enemies, but now I'm discovering a few remarkable sides to you after all.
Emet-Selch: 'Twould be churlish of me to deny you this small concession, close as we've become. Foolish and misguided though you are, you are not without charm.
Emet-Selch: Ihr seid ja tatsächlich so etwas wie ... gutherzig. Mir dämmert, dass ihr ernsthaft und uneigennützig für das Wohl anderer handelt.
Emet-Selch: You're actually somewhat... kindhearted. I'm realizing you seriously and selflessly act for the good of others.
Emet-Selch: Each and every one of you is possessed of a noble heart. When the weak want for succor, you do not hesitate to provide it.
Emet-Selch: Nicht, dass ihr euch dabei besonders geschickt anstellen würdet. Ihr seht immer nur das, was gerade ganz nah vor euren Augen liegt.
Emet-Selch: Not that you've proven yourselves particularly suited for it. You only ever see that which is right in front of your eyes.
Emet-Selch: Alas, your nobility is shortsighted. You think only of the problem in front of your nose.
Emet-Selch: Aber eure Kurzsichtigkeit ist mir natürlich nichts Neues. Euer begrenztes Leben ermöglicht euch eben nicht die Sicht auf die großen Dinge.
Emet-Selch: But your short-sightedness is nothing new of course. Your limited life simply doesn't allow you to see the bigger picture.
Emet-Selch: A limitation of your ephemeral existence.
Alphinaud: Für einen Unsterblichen wie dich mögen unsere Leben kurz und unbedeutend erscheinen, aber ...
Alphinaud: Our lives may seem short and meaningless to an immortal like you, but...
Alphinaud: Our lives may seem short and insignificant to the likes of you. But one does not need to be an eternal being to achieve lasting change.
Emet-Selch: Hör auf so zu tun, als wäre unsere Langlebigkeit etwas Besonderes!
Emet-Selch: Stop acting like our longlivety is something special!
Emet-Selch: Ah, if I may stop you there─I do not claim that we Ascians are special. That is another misconception.
Emet-Selch: Ihr seid die Ausnahme, der Fehler. Ich erinnere mich an eine Zeit, zu der ein jeder unendlich lang lebte.
Emet-Selch: You are the exceptions, the failures. I remember a time where everyone lived forever.
Emet-Selch: In the beginning, everyone─everyone lived nigh for eternity. Such was the natural order of things. But like so much else, this was taken from you.
Emet-Selch: Das ist vielleicht der richtige Zeitpunkt, um etwas klarzustellen. Darf ich mal?
Emet-Selch: This might be the right moment to correct a misconception. May I?
Emet-Selch: You won't object if I borrow your plaything.
Emet-Selch snaps his fingers to change the surroundings to the exposition void.
Emet-Selch: Am Anfang, als es nur eine Welt gab, ereignete sich dort eine große Katastrophe.
Emet-Selch: In the beginning, when there was only one world, a great catastrophe happened.
Emet-Selch: In the distant past, when the world was one and whole, a great calamity threatened all life.
Emet-Selch: Sie erschütterte den Planeten bis in sein Innerstes. Furcht und Verzweiflung wurden gegenständlich und hatten bald alles unter sich begraben.
Emet-Selch: It shook the planet to its core. Fear and despair became tangible and soon buried everything.
Emet-Selch: It began without warning. The very laws of the star were warped and broken, and chaos swiftly spread throughout the land.
Emet-Selch: Alles Leben drohte zu verenden. Um Ordnung und Frieden wiederherzustellen, schuf man Zodiark, den Willen des Planeten.
Emet-Selch: All life threatened to perish. To restore order and peace, Zodiark, the will of the planet, was created.
Emet-Selch: Faced with annihilation, we sought to imbue the star with its own will. Thus was Zodiark born, and by His power was order restored.
Emet-Selch: Die Undankbaren, die in seiner Allmacht eine Gefahr sahen, schufen Hydaelyn, Zodiarks Unterjocherin.
Emet-Selch: The ungrateful ones who saw his might as a threat created Hydaelyn, Zodiark's subjugator.
Emet-Selch: Ere long, however, thankless fools began to fear that Zodiark's might was too great. And so they conjured another to keep Him in check─your own dear Hydaelyn.
Y'shtola: Sie kämpften gegeneinander, bis Hydaelyn Zodiark mit einem gewaltigen Schlag besiegte und er in Fesseln gelegt wurde. Das hast du uns alles schon in den Irrungen der Qitari erzählt.
Y'shtola: They fought each other until Hydaelyn defeated Zodiark with a mighty blow and he was bound. You already told us that in the Qitana Ravel.
Y'shtola: And the two beings waged war until, with a single, devastating blow, Hydaelyn unmade Zodiark, scattering his being across space and time. So you told us in the Qitana Ravel.
Emet-Selch: Ja, richtig ... Doch das Problem war, wie Hydaelyn Zodiark niederschlug.
Emet-Selch: Yes, correct... But the problem was how Hydaelyn struck down Zodiark.
Emet-Selch: Yes, yes... And there began our woes─with Hydaelyn's blow, and all that it wrought.
Emet-Selch: Sie, die als Unterjocherin in die Welt gerufen wurde, besaß die beispiellose Gabe, seine - nein, jede Art von Kraft zu spalten.
Emet-Selch: She, who was called into this world as subjugator, possessed the unparalleled ability to split his - no, any kind of power.
Emet-Selch: As a counterbalance to Zodiark, Hydaelyn was created with the power to enervate Her foe.
Emet-Selch: Es war kein banaler Schlag gegen den Körper, um ihn zu zerstören. Es war ein Kunstgriff, gerichtet gegen seine Essenz, um sein gesamtes Dasein zu zerlegen.
Emet-Selch: It was not some banal strike against the body to destroy him. It was a technique targeted at his essence, meant to dismantle his very being.
Emet-Selch: This singular ability strikes not at such banal things as flesh, but everything that defines the target, diluting its existence.
Emet-Selch points at Minfilia, and a copy of her appears next to her.
Emet-Selch: Du hast diese Gabe am eigenen Leib gespürt. Deswegen wurdest du in zwei gespalten.
Emet-Selch: You have experienced this power yourself, and were split in two as a result.
Emet-Selch: For example, were She to strike you...
Emet-Selch: Äußerlich gleich, doch der Rest ist auf beide verteilt. Die Kraft, das Wissen, die Seele ... bis zur Wertlosigkeit geschwächt.
Emet-Selch: Outwardly identical, but the rest is divided among both. Strength, knowledge, soul... weakened to the point of worthlessness.
Emet-Selch: Two individuals, identical in appearance, yet reduced in all respects. Strength, intelligence, the soul itself─all is halved.
Emet-Selch: Das Gleiche geschah mit Zodiark und dem gesamten Planeten.
Emet-Selch: The same happened to Zodiark and the entire planet.
Emet-Selch: Do you see? This selfsame fate befell not only Zodiark, but the very star.
Emet-Selch: Nur drei entgingen dem spaltenden Schlag. Ich und meine engsten Brüder, die Ursprünglichen.
Emet-Selch: Only three escaped the sundering strike. Me and my closest bretheren, the original ones.
Emet-Selch: Only three were fortunate enough to escape the sundering─me being one of them.
Emet-Selch: Der Anblick unseres Gestirns, aufgespalten in vierzehn Teile, war ein Schock für uns.
Emet-Selch: The sight of our star, split into fourteen parts, was a shock to us.
Emet-Selch: When I beheld the shattered remnants of our home, I knew deepest despair.
Emet-Selch: In jeder der Welten war das Leben nur noch ein schwacher Hauch, und zu allem Überdruss begann die Unvollkommenheit überall, ihre eigenen Wege zu gehen.
Emet-Selch: In every world life was reduced to but a weak gasp, and to make things worse, imperfection began to go its own way everywhere.
Emet-Selch: The inhabitants of these fourteen fragments were feeble, frail, and foolish. Oblivious to their imperfection, ignorant of their past.
Emet-Selch: Vielleicht begreift ihr jetzt, warum wir nichts anderes in euch sehen können, als sich in Unwissenheit windendes Gewürm. Vielleicht auch nicht.
Emet-Selch: Maybe now you understand why we can't see you as anything but worms writhing in ignorance. Maybe you don't.
Emet-Selch: Malformed creatures thrashing blindly about. Pitiful. Disturbing. Depressing.
Emet-Selch: Wir versuchten natürlich, die Welten wieder zu vereinen. Doch der erste Versuch führte zur Vernichtung des dreizehnten Splitters und der Entstehung dessen, was ihr als „das Nichts“ bezeichnet.
Emet-Selch: We tried to reunite the worlds, of course. But our first attempt lead to the destruction of the thirteenth shard, and the creation of what you call "the void".
Emet-Selch: So we took it upon ourselves to rejoin the worlds. But in our eagerness─and, I confess, our ignorance─we erred, and made a useless void of the Thirteenth.
Emet-Selch: Danach entdeckten wir eine Verbindung zwischen dem Ursprung und den Splitterwelten. Ein Kanal, der für einen elementaren Ausgleich sorgt. Er eröffnete uns neue Türen und Wege.
Emet-Selch: After that we discovered a connection between the Source and the shards. A channel that facilitates elemental balance. It opened new doors and paths for us.
Emet-Selch: It was only afterwards that we discovered a connection 'twixt Source and shard─a flow of energy that maintains elemental balance. And thus did we arrive at our time-honored modus operandi.
Y'shtola: Man kann nachvollziehen, warum euch euer Handeln vernünftig vorkommen mag.
Y'shtola: It's understandable why your actions would seem reasonable to you.
Y'shtola: From a purely Ascian standpoint, it could be said that what you seek to do is only logical.
Y'shtola: Aber in Wirklichkeit fallen jeder Vereinigung unzählige Leben zum Opfer. Das können wir unmöglich akzeptieren.
Y'shtola: But in truth every Rejoining claims countless lives. We can't possibly accept that.
Y'shtola: But that would be to ignore the immeasurable destruction wrought with each Rejoining. You have murdered millions. And this we cannot condone.
Emet-Selch: Es ist kaum zu fassen ... Ihr zieht es vor, eure jämmerliche Existenz weiterzuleben. Das ist die wirkliche Tragödie, weitaus unerträglicher als jede Katastrophe.
Emet-Selch: I can hardly believe it... You intend to continue living your miserable existence. That is the real tragedy, far more unbearable than any catastrophe.
Emet-Selch: By your fragmented existence, you continue to give rise to tragedies far crueler than any calamity.
Emet-Selch: Aber das ist eben der Unterschied zwischen unseren Auffassungen. Für mich ist das Unvollkommene einfach kein Leben.
Emet-Selch: But that's just the difference between our views. To me the incomplete is simply not alive.
Emet-Selch: But yes, moral relativism and all that. Case in point─I do not consider you to be truly alive. Ergo, I will not be guilty of murder if I kill you.
Emet-Selch turns to address WoL.
Emet-Selch: Mach nicht so ein Gesicht. In dich setze ich noch große Erwartungen.
Emet-Selch: Don't look at me like that. I still have high expectations for you.
Emet-Selch: Oh, don't look at me like that. You for whom I have only the highest expectations.
Emet-Selch: Du bist das Produkt von sieben Vereinigungen, von sieben Katastrophen. Man kann fast schon von Leben sprechen.
Emet-Selch: You're a product of seven rejoinings, of seven catastrophes. One can almost speak of life.
Emet-Selch: A vaunted hero of the Source, seven times rejoined.
Emet-Selch: Ich kann es kaum erwarten, endlich einen Vollstrecker zu finden, der stark genug ist, den Schmerz zu erleiden und den gnadenvolleren Weg zu wählen.
Emet-Selch: I can hardly wait to finally find an enforcer strong enough to bear the pain and choose the more merciful path.
Emet-Selch: Long have I awaited one who might brave a path of lesser tragedy. A resilient soul able to endure the necessary pain. I dare to hope that my wait is over.
Vollstrecker is someone who executes/enforces a court order.
Emet-Selch: Zeig mir, dass du mit dem Sündenvertilger fertig wirst. Beweise mir deine Stärke für das, was danach kommen wird.
Emet-Selch: Show me you can handle the sin eaters. Prove me your strength for what comes after.
Emet-Selch: So, finish your task and slay the Lightwarden. Make proof of your usefulness. And then we may speak again.

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MSQ level 77 - Return to Eulmore - Optional dialogue with Emet-Selch after his explanation on sundered souls
Emet-Selch: Hat meine kleine Lehrstunde dein Interesse an mehr geweckt?
Emet-Selch: Did my little study hour spark your interest in more?
Emet-Selch: Yes? Did my lesson provoke thoughts, giving rise to further questions?
Story option 2
Ich habe genug von deinem eitlen Geschwätz.
I've had enough of your vain yapping.
I think we've talked enough.
Emet-Selch: Dann hopp hopp, da wartet ein Lichtbringer darauf, dir sein Licht zu schenken. Geh und erschlag ihn, sofern du es kannst.
Emet-Selch: Then hop hop, there's a Lightwarden waiting to give you its light. Go and beat it, insofar you can.
Emet-Selch: If that is all, then run along. You have a Lightwarden to slay.
The conversation ends.
Story option 1
Erzahl mir mehr über die Ursprünglichen und die anderen Ascians.
Tell me more about the originals and the other Ascians.
Three of you escaped the sundering. But what of those who didn't...?
Emet-Selch: Hach, meine armen Brüder ... Abgesehen von uns Ursprünglichen spaltete Hydaelyns exzessiver Schlag jeden von ihnen in vierzehn Teile. Sie haben mein volles Mitleid.
Emet-Selch: Hah, my poor bretheren... Save for us original ones, Hydaelyn's excessive blow split every one of them into fourteen parts. They have my full sympathies.
Emet-Selch: Why, their very beings were divided into fourteen, of course. Yet by our power, we unsundered Ascians may raise up one of their fragments to their original office.
Emet-Selch: Igeyorhm, Nabriales, Emmerololth ... Das waren ihre Titel. Nicht ihre Namen, wie ihr immer wieder fälschlich annehmt. Ein weiterer Beweis für euer unerträgliches und doch verständliches Nichtwissen.
Emet-Selch: Igeyorhm, Nabriales, Emmerololth... Those were their titles. Not their names, like you lot keep falsely assuming. Yet more proof of your unbearable and yet understandable ignorance.
Emet-Selch: Ah, but I suppose this in itself bears explaining. So...the names by which you know us are not, in fact, our names.
Emet-Selch: Zu jedem Titel gehört ein Amt, und wenn ein Amt unbesetzt ist, aus welchen Gründen auch immer, wird es von einem anderen übernommen.
Emet-Selch: Every title belongs to a seat of office, and when a seat is unoccupied for whatever reason, another will supersede it.
Emet-Selch: Be it Elidibus or Lahabrea or Igeyorhm, all are titles of office. And when an office is vacated, it may be filled by another.
Emet-Selch: Im Laufe der Äonen habe ich schon so manchen Wechsel unter den, ich bringe es kaum über meine Lippen, Gespaltenen erlebt.
Emet-Selch: Over the eons I've seen so many changes in the ranks of the, I can barely say it, sundered.
Emet-Selch: Over the eons, I have overseen several changings of the guard among our sundered brethren.
Emet-Selch: Meist übernimmt ein Splitter der gleichen ursprünglichen Existenz den Titel. Es obliegt uns Ursprünglichen, ihn zu finden und mit den Kräften auszustatten, die das Amt erfordert.
Emet-Selch: Usually a shard of the same original existence takes on the title. It is the duty of us original ones to find them and equip them with the powers the seat requires.
Emet-Selch: And in such instances, the vacant title ordinarily goes to another fragment of the selfsame soul.
Emet-Selch: Eigentlich kann jeder so ein Amt übernehmen. Eigentlich. Aber bisher haben sich nur diejenigen als würdig erwiesen, die Zodiark hervorbrachten und in deren Seelen er sich zu Anbeginn fraß.
Emet-Selch: In theory anyone can take up such a seat. In theory. But until now the only ones who have proven themselves worthy are those who brought forth Zodiark and whose souls He ate into first.
Emet-Selch: While it is by no means impossible to raise up wholly unrelated individuals, 'tis we whose fervent entreaties brought forth Lord Zodiark─whose souls He claimed in the beginning─who make the truest servants.
Story choice 1
Wenn wir also alle Ursprünglichen beseitigen würden...
So if we defeat all the original ones...
So, if we were to defeat all the Ascians of the Source...
Emet-Selch: Richtig, dann gäbe es niemandem mehr, der meine über die Splitter verteilten Brüder zu Ascians machen könnte, und wir würden irgendwann in den Strömen der Zeit verblassen. Das würde euch Unvollkommenen gefallen, nicht wahr? Bitte, träum deinen Traum, es wird nie passieren.
Emet-Selch: True, then there'd be no-one left who could make my bretheren spread across the shards into Ascians, and we would eventually disappear into the flow of time. You incompletes would like that, wouldn't you? By all means keep dreaming, it won't happen.
Emet-Selch: Then none would remain to raise up new Ascians, and our kind would eventually fade from existence. You would like that, wouldn't you? Well, feel free to dream─'tis no crime to do so.
Story choice 2
Emet-Selch ist ein Titel? Wie lautet denn dein wirklicher Name?
Emet-Selch is a title? Then what is your real name?
What is your true name, then?
Emet-Selch: Der Tag mag kommen, an dem ich ihn dir offenbare. Vielleicht aber auch nicht. Eure Leben sind ja so kurz.
Emet-Selch: There might come a day where I'll reveal it to you. Or maybe not. Your lives are so short after all.
Emet-Selch: Hm! There may come a day when I reveal my true name to you─but this is not it. Of course, you may well die none the wiser, but life is full of such disappointments.

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MSQ level 79 - The Unbroken Thread - Crystal Exarch tells Urianger his backstory
Der Komplize
The Accomplice
The Unbroken Thread
To avoid confusion, instances of they/them that refer to WoL in my translation are in brackets in this section.
Urianger: Ein außergewöhnlich durchdachtes Spiel ... Es grenzt an ein Wunder, dass du es Zug um Zug in die Tat umsetzen konntest.
Urianger: An exceptionally well thought out performance... It borders on a miracle that you could step by step make it a reality.
Urianger: ...An undertaking of scarce credible endurance. That thou hast kept thy plan from falling into disarray these many years bordereth on the miraculous.
Urianger: Doch wenn du die Geschichte umschreibst ... Dein gegenwärtiges Ich wurde zum Teil in der Zeit nach dem Eintritt der Katastrophe geformt und bleibt mit ihr verbunden.
Urianger: Yet if you are to rewrite history... Your present self was partially shaped in the time after the Calamity occurred, and remains connected to it.
Urianger: Yet howsoever history be rewritten, thy present self was shaped by events which followed the Calamity.
Urianger: Wenn dieselbe nicht eintritt ... werden die Fäden deiner Existenz auseinandergezogen und neu geknüpft. Das muss dir doch bewusst sein?
Urianger: If the same is not to happen... the threads of your existence will be pulled apart and tied anew. Surely you are aware of this?
Urianger: Should said catastrophe be averted, the very skein of thine existence will unravel. Surely thou hast foreseen this...
Kristallexarch: Ja, das ist mir natürlich klar. Deswegen hat Cid die Entscheidung auch allein demjenigen überlassen, der den Plan ausführen würde.
Crystal Exarch: Yes, I understand that of course. That is why Cid left the decision solely to those who would execute the plan.
Crystal Exarch: I am aware of the consequences. 'Tis for that very reason Cid and his colleagues bequeathed their legacy as an offering...and not an edict.
Kristallexarch: Sein Leben ganz einer Sache zu widmen, ohne Eigennutz und nur zum Wohle anderer, ist keine leichte Angelegenheit.
Crystal Exarch: To dedicate your life to a cause without any personal gain, purely for the good of others, is no small matter.
Crystal Exarch: To give all of oneself for the happiness of others, and with no promise of reward? 'Tis a hard thing to ask.
Kristallexarch: Besonders in einer Welt voller Zwietracht, die dem Krieg verfallen war. Aber es gibt einen Grund, warum ich es tue.
Crystal Exarch: Especially in a world full of strife, fallen to war. But there is a reason I do it.
Crystal Exarch: Harder still for those condemned to survive in a world which pitted brother against brother. Indeed, you were right to call the execution of this plan “miraculous”─though the force which held it together was nothing so inexplicable.
Kristallexarch: Er, der Held. Wir alle sind durch seine Geschichten verbunden.
Crystal Exarch: [They], the hero. We are all connected through [their] stories.
Crystal Exarch: It was [them]. The Warrior of Light has been our unbroken thread.
Kristallexarch: Egal, wie aussichtslos der Kampf war, immer hat jemand das Banner hochgehalten. Egal, wie hoffnungslos die Reise schien, jemand hat immer ein neues Lied angestimmt.
Crystal Exarch: No matter how endless the battle was, someone always held the banner high. No matter how hopeless the journey seemed, someone always raised another song.
Crystal Exarch: Where others would stumble and fall, [they] would rise above. Where others would break and run, [they] would carry on.
Kristallexarch: Denn sie haben Erzählungen von seinen Heldentaten gehört und darin den Mut gefunden, weiterzumachen.
Crystal Exarch: Because they heard stories of [their] deeds and in those found the courage to keep going.
Crystal Exarch: The Warrior of Light's tale is one of unyielding bravery. To tell it was to feel courage; to hear it was to feel hope. It was a breath of inspiration in an age of suffocating shadow.
Kristallexarch: Sie stehen in den Annalen der Geschichtsschreiber, die von befreiten Ländern und neuen Allianzen berichten.
Crystal Exarch: They're written in the annals of historians, telling of freed nations and new alliances.
Crystal Exarch: In the histories of a fallen nation was our hero hailed as its greatest ally.
Kristallexarch: Sie stehen in abgegriffenen Chroniken, wieder und wieder kopiert und weitergereicht.
Crystal Exarch: They're written in worn-out chronicles, copied and passed forward again and again.
Crystal Exarch: In the timeworn pages of a noble's memoirs were [their] deeds joyously retold.
Kristallexarch: Sie wandern von Mund zu Ohr, vorgetragen in Liedern und Gedichten, um die Geister der Nacht zu vertreiben.
Crystal Exarch: They wander from mouth to ear, carried in songs and poems, to drive away the ghosts of night.
Crystal Exarch: For many, these stories were the flame which warmed them through the coldest of nights.
Kristallexarch: Auch diejenigen, die gegen die Katastrophe kämpften, waren von ihnen inspiriert.
Crystal Exarch: Those who fought against the Calamity, too, were inspired by them.
Crystal Exarch: And so it should come as little surprise that the plan found no shortage of volunteers, concerning as it did the Warrior of Light [themself]. It was their chance to add their own verse to the hero's saga.
Kristallexarch: Sie schauten zu ihm auf, wie zu einem fernen Stern, dem man seine Wünsche schickt. Ich weiß, was sie ihm sagen würden.
Crystal Exarch: They looked up to [them] like a distant star to send one's wishes to. I know what they would tell [them].
Crystal Exarch: [They] [were] the lodestar that brought them all together, to send their final message back through time and [them].
Kristallexarch: Dein Tod war nicht umsonst. Durch dich lebt unsere Hoffnung. Wir werden dich nie vergessen.
Crystal Exarch: Your death was not in vain. Our hope lives through you. We will never forget you.
Crystal Exarch: "The light of your legacy was our torch in the darkness. Burn bright again...and live.“
Kristallexarch: Ich bin nur ein Bote, ein Handlanger. Ich führe einen Plan aus, der ihm sein Leben zurückgeben soll.
Crystal Exarch: I'm just a messenger, a collaborator. I'm enacting a plan that will give [them] [their] life back.
Crystal Exarch: I am merely the bearer of that wish, come to ensure it is safely delivered.
Urianger: Warum erzählst du mir das?
Urianger: Why are you telling me this?
Urianger: Wherefore sharest thou this burden with me and no other? What wouldst thou have me say?
Kristallexarch: Auch dafür gibt es einen Grund. Ich möchte, dass du zu meinem Komplizen wirst.
Crystal Exarch: There is a reason for that, too. I would like you to become my accomplice.
Crystal Exarch: That you will be my accomplice?
Kristallexarch: Du selbst hast dich für diese Rolle empfohlen, als du mir verrietst, wie du von der Flut erfuhrst und Minfilias Reise in die erste Splitterwelt in die Wege leitetest.
Crystal Exarch: You recommended yourself for the role when you told me how you learned about the Flood and guided Minfilia's journey to the First.
Crystal Exarch: 'Twas you yourself who convinced me of your suitability when you spoke of how you learned of the Flood, and of your part in arranging Minfilia's journey to the First.
Kristallexarch: Du bist ein scharfsinniger Denker und entschlossen, diese Welt zu retten.
Crystal Exarch: You're a sharp thinker, and determined to save this world.
Crystal Exarch: Your actions showed uncommon resolve. 'Twas clear you were committed to the cause of saving this world.
Kristallexarch: Dir kann ich vertrauen. Du wirst es verstehen.
Crystal Exarch: I can trust you. You will understand.
Crystal Exarch: I knew I could trust you to choose the right path forward...even if that choice came with a heavy price.
Urianger: Was verstehen?
Urianger: Understand what?
Urianger: ...What price?
Kristallexarch: Wenn der Plan vollzogen und der letzte Lichtbringer besiegt ist, werde ich das Licht in mich aufnehmen und sterben.
Crystal Exarch: Once the plan is complete and the final Lightwarden defeated, I will take the Light inside me and die.
Crystal Exarch: When all is said and done, and the last of the Lightwardens lies slain, I will absorb their corrupted aether. And then I will die.
Kristallexarch: Irgendjemand wird versuchen, mich davon abzuhalten. Einer deiner Freunde oder, wahrscheinlicher, der Held selbst.
Crystal Exarch: Someone will try to stop me. One of your friends or, more likely, the hero [themselves].
Crystal Exarch: Knowing what I know of your companions─not to mention your champion─they will try to stop me.
Kristallexarch: Aber dazu darf es nicht kommen.
Crystal Exarch: But it can't get to that.
Crystal Exarch: But in saving one they would save none.
Kristallexarch: Du musst mir helfen, meine wahre Identität und meine Absichten zu verbergen.
Crystal Exarch: You have to help me hide my true identity and intentions.
Crystal Exarch: Therefore I implore you to aid me in concealing my identity, and ensuring this tale ends as it must.
Kristallexarch: Urianger. Du hast das Wissen um die Achte Katastrophe nicht von mir. Du hast es im Riss zwischen den Dimensionen gesehen.
Crystal Exarch: Urianger. You don't know about the Eighth Calamity from me. You saw it in the rift between worlds.
Crystal Exarch: To this end, I would have you take what I have told you of the Calamity and make of it a portent─a prophetic vision you beheld in the swirling chaos of the rift.
Urianger: Hältst du das wirklich für das Beste?
Urianger: Is this truly what you deem best?
Urianger: ...Is this truly thy wish?
Kristallexarch: Als ich in der Zukunft erwachte, hörte ich die Barden seinen Namen singen. Da war mein Schicksal besiegelt.
Crystal Exarch: When I awoke in the future, I heard the bards singing [their] name. My fate was sealed there.
Crystal Exarch: History remembered the Warrior of Light, as I knew it would. And I will suffer no other to rescue the champion whose star has charted my course.
Kristallexarch: Glaub mir, ich habe genug Zeit gehabt, um über alles nachzudenken. Mein Entschluss steht fest: Ich werde ihn retten.
Crystal Exarch: Believe me, I've had enough time to think everything over. My decision is final: I will save [them].
Crystal Exarch: I will see this tale to a happy end, my friend. There has been enough tragedy.

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MSQ level 80 - A Greater Purpose - Hythlodaeus speculates on the reason for his self-awareness
Hythlodaeus: Die anderen sind sich der Wahrheit nicht bewusst. Sie sind nur Marionetten in diesem Puppenspiel. Ich frage mich allerdings, was Emet-Selch sich bei meiner Erschaffung gedacht hat.
Hythlodaues: The others are not aware of the truth. They are merely puppets in this play. I do wonder what Emet-Selch was thinking during my creation.
Hythlodaeus: These others seem unaware of their pale existence, but I wonder if Emet-Selch's mind was distracted when it came to my reconstruction.
Hythlodaeus: Vielleicht war es ein Versehen, vielleicht war es auch Absicht. „Allein Hythlodaeus soll die Wahrheit erkennen“, mag er sich gesagt haben. Wir waren nämlich mal gute Freunde, er und ich.
Hythlodaues: Perhaps it was an oversight, or perhaps it was intentional. "Only Hythlodaeus will recognise the truth," he may have told himself. We were good friends once, you see, he and I.
Hythlodaeus: A stray thought would have been enough. 'Hythlodaeus will realize the truth,' for example. We were...close friends once, you see.
The rest of the conversation has no meaningful differences between English and German versions, save for this last line.
Hythlodaeus: Geh, mein Kind. Auf dass du findest, was du suchst.
Hythlodaeus: Go, my child. May you find what it is you seek.
Hythlodaeus: Fare you well, my new old friend. May you find what it is you seek.

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MSQ level 80 - Shadowbringers - The Light begins to consume WoL
Emet-Selch: Vergiss es. Du bist ein Niemand. Du bist nichts!
Emet-Selch: Forget it. You're a nobody. You're nothing!
Emet-Selch: Fool! Who are you? No one. Nothing.
Emet-Selch: Sobald ich dem Planeten seine reine Form wiedergegeben habe, werde ich dafür sorgen, das du, dieser Schandfleck seiner Geschichte, volkommen ausgelöscht wirst.
Emet-Selch: As soon as I have given the planet its pure form back I will ensure that you, this stain on its history, are completely eradicated.
Emet-Selch: Once I have reclaimed my heritage, my first act will be to expunge your stain from history's weave.
Emet-Selch: Es wird nie einen Helden gegeben haben.
Emet-Selch: There will never have been a hero.
Emet-Selch: My world will have no need for heroes.
WoL begins to slowly walk towards Emet-Selch.
Emet-Selch: Erbärmlich ... Wirklich erbärmlich …
Emet-Selch: Pathetic... Truly pathetic...
Emet-Selch: Still fighting the good fight...
Urianger and Y'shtola protect WoL from Emet-Selch's attack.
Y'shtola: Es stimmt, dass wir irgendwann im Dunkel der Geschichte verschwinden.
Y'shtola: It's true that we will disappear into the darkness of history one day.
Y'shtola: It is true that all we hold dear is fated to fade away.
Y'shtola: Aber so weit sind wir noch nicht.
Y'shtola: But we're not there yet.
Y'shtola: But that is no reason for us to forsake it!
Urianger: Wir schreiten voran, auf dass andere in unsere Fußspuren treten.
Urianger: We strive forward, so that others may follow our footsteps.
Urianger: To take what steps we may, and thus mark the road for those who would follow.
Urianger: Auf dass sie eine bessere Zukunft vorfinden, in der wir uns verwirklicht sehen. Ist das nicht auch deine Absicht?
Urianger: So they may find a better future, in which we see ourselves realized. Is that not also your intention?
Urianger: To strive for the best of all futures... Be this not also thy purpose!?
Emet-Selch blasts them away.
Emet-Selch: Unvolkommener! Sprich nicht von meinen Absichten!
Emet-Selch: You incomplete! Do not speak of my intentions!
Emet-Selch: Do not presume to speak of my future!
Emet-Selch: Und du? Hast du immer noch nicht verstanden?
Emet-Selch: And you? Do you still not get it?
Emet-Selch: And you! Why waste your final moments in futile defiance?
Emet-Selch: Es ist aus. Es gibt nichts mehr, wofür du kämpfen kannst. Dein Abenteuer ist vorüber.
Emet-Selch: It's over. There's nothing left you can fight for. Your adventure is over.
Emet-Selch: Weary wanderer─you've no fight left to fight! No life left to live!
The Light begins to consume WoL and they fall to their knees.
Emet-Selch: Haha! Sieh nur! Das Licht bahnt sich seinen Weg!
Emet-Selch: Haha! Look at that! The Light is making its way!
Emet-Selch: Hah hah hah hah hah! You see! The Light will not be denied!
Emet-Selch: Wehre dich nicht! Lass geschehen, was geschehen muss!
Emet-Selch: Don't resist! Let happen what must happen!
Emet-Selch: Surrender to your fate, and let the transformation take you!
Emet-Selch: Erhebe dich! Werde zum Boten unserer Rache! Vertilge die Sünder, die uns unsere Welt geraubt haben!
Emet-Selch: Rise up! Become the messenger of our vengeance! Extermiate the sinners that have robbed us of our world!
Emet-Selch: Rise up in madness and fury! Devour the vermin infesting the land which is rightfully ours!

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MSQ level 80 - Shadowbringers - WoL issues their final challenge to Emet-Selch
Story choices
Entscheide dich, Emet-Selch.
Make your decision, Emet-Selch.
I challenge you, Emet-Selch.
Welchen Weg willst du nehmen?
What path do you want to take?
It ends this day. One way or another, it ends.
Emet-Selch: Also gut. Ein letztes Urteil.
Emet-Selch: Very well. A final judgement.
Emet-Selch: Very well. Let us proceed to your final judgement.
Emet-Selch: Der Sieger schreibt die Geschichte des Planeten, der Verlierer wird zu seinem verachteten Widersacher.
Emet-Selch: The victor will write the planet's history, the loser will become its hated adversary.
Emet-Selch: The victor shall write the tale, and the vanquished become its villain!
Emet-Selch: Die Nachwelt soll erfahren, wer hier stand. Streifen wir unsere Titel ab und lüften wir unsere Masken.
Emet-Selch: Posterity shall know who stands here. Let us discard our titles and lift our masks.
Emet-Selch: But come! Let us cast aside titles and pretense, and reveal our true faces to one another!
???: Ich bin Hades! Der die Welt für seine in Finsternis schlafenden Brüder zurückerobert!
???: I am Hades! Reclaiming the world for his brothers sleeping in darkness!
Emet-Selch: I am Hades! He who shall awaken our brethren from their dark slumber!

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MSQ level 80 - Shadowbringers - Hades trial end cutscene
Noch nicht...
Not yet...
Was soll denn aus allem werden?
What will become of it all?
Should I surrender this fight, what will become of it all...?
Aus unseren Erinnerungen ... unseren Hoffnungen ... unserer Verzweiflung ...
Of our memories... our hopes... our despair...
What will become of our triumphs? Our hopes? Our...our despair?
Was wird aus dem Groll, der sich seit Äonen in mich frisst?
What will become of the resentment that has been eating into me for eons?
What of this anguish which yet burns in my breast even after the passing of eons?
Nein! Es kann nicht einfach so enden!
No! It can't simply end like this!
No, no, no! I will not let it all be for naught!

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