Endwalker Main Story Quests
Color key:
Official English
Go to scene:
- MSQ level 81 - The Color of Joy
- MSQ level 90 - Endwalker
MSQ level 81 - The Color of Joy - Fandaniel reports to Zenos about the destruction of the Tower of Zot
Hoffnung im Gepäck
Bags Full of Hope
The Color of Joy
Fandaniel: Ach, hier steckt Ihr also. Wollt Ihr Euch nicht noch etwas überziehen? Sonst holt Ihr Euch noch den Tod! Nicht, dass das noch groß eine Rolle spielen würde ...
Fandaniel: Ah, here you are. Don't you want to wrap yourself up a little more? You'll catch your death out here! Not that that would play much of a role anymore...
Fandaniel: Ah, enjoying the bracing cold, I see. Do you not own a warm coat or a cloak? Something in fur or fashioned from the skins of your enemies, or...? Well, never mind that.
Fandaniel uses formal pronouns for Zenos throughout the scene, but his tone pingpongs between actually respectful and rude sarcasm.
Fandaniel: Ich bin wirklich untröstlich, Eure Hoheit, aber ich habe weitere schlechte Nachrichten für Euch.
Fandaniel: I am truly inconsolable, your highness, but I have more bad news for you.
Fandaniel: I come to you once more as the bearer of bad news.
Fandaniel: Der Turm in Thavnair ist gefallen. Ganz und gar ausgelöscht von einer gewissen Gruppe von Weltverbesserern.
Fandaniel: The tower in Thavnair has fallen. Completely dismantled by a certain group of world improvers.
Fandaniel: Our tower in Thavnair has been toppled, and I need not tell you by whom.
Fandaniel: Natürlich saugen die anderen Türme noch brav Äther, diesbezüglich gibt es keine Probleme. Allerdings wird durch diesen Ausfall alles etwas länger dauern ...
Fandaniel: Of course the other towers are still obediently draining aether, so there are no problems in this regard. Although this incident will make everything take a little longer...
Fandaniel: Given how many we have at our disposal, the loss of a single spire is hardly fatal to our plans. It does, however, slow the rate at which we siphon aether.
Fandaniel: Wenn sich unsere Helden weiterhin nur auf die kleinen Türme konzentrieren, ist das nicht weiter tragisch. Aber kämen sie nun schnurstracks hierher, dann bezweifle ich, dass wir rechtzeitig fertig würden.
Fandaniel: If our heroes continue to concentrate only on the small towers there will be no further tragedy, but if they were to make a beeline this way I doubt we will be able to finish on time.
Fandaniel: If they continue to preoccupy themselves with the towers, then all will be well. But should our foe prove bold enough to strike at us here, then the timing becomes...questionable.
Zenos yae Galvus: Oh, dann wird er kommen. Ganz bestimmt.
Zenos yae Galvus: Oh, then [they] will come. Absolutely.
Zenos yae Galvus: Our foe is bold enough. Of that, I can assure you.
My policy on WoL pronouns makes this section a little confusing so I'm marking instances of singular they with brackets here.
Fandaniel: Ist das so ... Nun, lasst uns zumindest darüber nachdenken, wie wir sie aufhalten wollen.
Fandaniel: Is that so... Well, let's at least think about how we want to stop them.
Fandaniel: Yes, very well, then... I suppose I must prepare a proper welcome.
Fandaniel: Eure Hoheit, Ihr scheint immer nur dann in Begeisterung zu verfallen, wenn Ihr über ihn sprecht. Habt Ihr denn wirklich gar keine anderen Interessen?
Fandaniel: Your highness, you only seem to slip into enthusiasm when you talk about [them]. Do you truly have no other interests at all?
Fandaniel: Honestly, talk of your nemesis is the only thing you seem to enjoy. Does nothing else spark your interest?
Zenos yae Galvus: Ich kann die anderen nicht einmal voneinander unterscheiden.
Zenos yae Galvus: I cannot even distinguish between the others.
Zenos yae Galvus: Hmm... No. All else is...equal.
Zenos yae Galvus: Sie alle sind so schrecklich fad. Und diese Welt gleicht ... einem faulen Sumpf. Er verklebt die Augen und die Lunge, langsam, bis man daran zugrunde geht. Und man merkt es erst, wenn es zu spät ist. Wenn überhaupt.
Zenos yae Galvus: They are all so terribly bland. And this world is like... a foul swamp. It sticks to the eyes and lungs, slowly, until it becomes one's demise. And one only notices once it's too late. If at all.
Zenos yae Galvus: Equally tedious. Equally disappointing. The world is a tepid bog into which we sink, too weak to thrash as the mud clings to our eyes and fills our throats till we blissfully choke.
Zenos yae Galvus: Aber ich habe das Licht erblickt. Ich durfte sie spüren, als ich an meine Grenzen getrieben wurde. Jene Hitze, die mein Herz zum Schlagen bringt. So viel hat mir der Kampf mit ihm geschenkt, aber gleichzeitig raubte er mir die Zukunft.
Zenos yae Galvus: But I have seen the light. I was allowed to feel it as I was pushed to my limits. This heat that drives my heart to beat. Fighting [them] gave me so much, but at the same time it robbed me of the future.
Zenos yae Galvus: But then came the light. Blinding and pure and hot─so very hot. Enough to set my soul aflame.
Zenos yae Galvus: Denn als es vorbei war, brachte ich es nicht mehr über mich, in jenen Sumpf zurückzukehren. Ich konnte nicht. Und so, ohne jegliche Perspektive, darf der Vorhang auch gerne fallen.
Zenos yae Galvus: Because when it was over, I no longer had it in me to return to that swamp. I couldn't. And so, without any similar prospect, I gladly saw the curtain fall.
Zenos yae Galvus: I basked in the afterglow...until the void yawned once more. And then I knew the muck would never claim me again. There was naught for me ahead, so I drew the curtain on all that had come before.
Zenos yae Galvus: Zu diesen Worten stehe ich nach wie vor. Mit jedem Atemzug, den ich tue, denke ich nur noch an diesen einen Moment.
Zenos yae Galvus: I stand with these words as before. With every breath I take I think only of this one moment.
Zenos yae Galvus: Burn, burn. Let the whole star burn. I will have my contest. I will reclaim my moment.
Fandaniel: Wie überaus wunderbar, mit dem Tod selbst getanzt zu haben und daraus so viel Kraft und Sinn fürs Leben zu schöpfen.
Fandaniel: How incredibly wonderful, to have danced with death itself and draw so much strength and meaning in life from it.
Fandaniel: How wonderful that the emptiness of death has not dissuaded you from committing your life to its pursuit once more.
Fandaniel: Wirklich ... Wunderbar. Wie ich Euch hasse. Und beneide. So sehr beneide.
Fandaniel: Truly... wonderful. How I hate you. And envy you. So deeply envy you.
Fandaniel: I don't know whether to envy you or pity you...
Zenos yae Galvus: Genug von mir. Wie steht es um dich? Du stiftest endlos viel Chaos, aber Freude hast du daran keine. Oder liege ich da falsch?
Zenos yae Galvus: Enough about me. How is it for you? You sow unending chaos, but it brings you no joy. Or am I wrong?
Zenos yae Galvus: You question my disinterest, but what of yours? Despite your noisome antics, I sense you take little pleasure in this endeavor.
Fandaniel: Uah, gruselig. Da ignoriert Ihr mich die ganze Zeit über hartnäckig, nur um mich plötzlich mit einer so messerscharfen Beobachtung zu konfrontieren!
Fandaniel: Uwah, scary. Here you are stubbornly ignoring me the whole time, only to suddenly confront me with such a razor-sharp observation!
Fandaniel: Mercy, my lord... Such pointed barbs from one who barely acknowledges my existence.
Fandaniel: Aber tatsächlich habe ich inzwischen ein bisschen Spaß.
Fandaniel: But I actually am enjoying myself a little by now.
Fandaniel: Nevertheless, you are mistaken, for I do find this part somewhat enjoyable.
Fandaniel: Seht Ihr ... Als ich noch eine echte Person war, träumte ich eine lange, lange Zeit immer den gleichen Traum.
Fandaniel: You see... When I was still a real person I always dreamt the same dream for a long, long time.
Fandaniel: You see, when I was mortal, I would always have the same dream.
Fandaniel: Er bestand nur aus Fetzen und hatte keinen Anfang und kein Ende. Ich kannte weder die Gesichter der Akteure, die darin vorkamen, noch hatte ich den Schauplatz je zuvor gesehen. Lange dachte ich, es wäre nur eine nichtige Irrung meines Geistes.
Fandaniel: It consisted of only scraps and had no start or end. I knew neither the faces of the actors it featured nor had I ever seen the stage before. For a long time I thought it was simply a meaningless mistake of my mind.
Fandaniel: It was a fragmented thing. Disjointed. All the faces incomplete. The setting, too, was unknown to me, so I thought it simply a fantasy of my sleeping mind.
Fandaniel: Aber eines Tages erschloss sich mir die Wahrheit hinter diesen Visionen. Ganz wie es Euch mit Euren Träumen von den Letzten Tagen ergangen ist.
Fandaniel: But one day the truth behind these visions was revealed to me. Much like how it went for you with your dreams of the Final Days.
Fandaniel: Until one day, I realized it was showing me the truth─much as your dream of the Final Days enlightened you.
Fandaniel: ... Dieser Traum wird bald schon zur Wirklichkeit des ganzen Sterns.
Fandaniel: ...This dream will very soon become the reality of the entire star.
Fandaniel: And soon, very soon, the rest of the world will see the truth of my dream too.
Fandaniel: Und der Gedanke daran? Ja, der macht mir durchaus Freude.
Fandaniel: And the thought of that? Yes, that makes me very happy.
Fandaniel: Yes, I think that is something we can both enjoy.
Dungeon: The Dead Ends
Das Sternengrab
The Grave of Stars
The Dead Ends
Meteion: Dieser Planet wurde von einer Krankheit befallen ...
Meteion: This planet was seized by an illness...
Meteion: Once upon a time, there was a beautiful blue star...
Meteion: Sie verwandelte seine einst klaren Seen und Meere in brackige Sümpfe.
Meteion: It turned its once clear lakes and oceans into brackish swamps.
Meteion: ...that fell to pestilence, and rotted inside and out.
Meteion: Der Wunsch zu leben machte alles nur noch schlimmer.
Meteion: The desire to live only made everything worse.
Meteion: The more its people clung to life, the more they suffered.
Meteion: Irgendwann richtete sich die Wut nicht mehr gegen die Krankheit selbst, sondern gegen die Erkrankten.
Meteion: At some point the anger was no longer directed at the disease itself, but at the diseased.
Meteion: Until they cursed not the illness, but their fellow corrupted.
Meteion: Das Leben bildete Geschwulste, eiterte und rottete vor sich hin.
Meteion: Life grew tumors, festered, and rotted its way forward.
Meteion: Those who lived and festered, those who died and decayed...
Typhoid der Endzeit: Hi...Hilfffeee...
Typhoid of the end times: He... Heeelllp...
Caustic Grebuloff: Help...me...
Typhoid der Endzeit: Wo ... Wo sind sie alle nur geblieeeben?
Typhoid of the end times: Where... Where did everyone goooo?
Caustic Grebuloff: Don't...leave me...
Typhoid der Endzeit: Will ... Nicht ... steeerbeeen ...
Typhoid of the end times: Don't... wanna... dieee...
Caustic Grebuloff: Dont'...want to...die...alone...
Meteion: Die letzte Seele schließlig sprach: Ach, wär ich doch nie geboren worden ...
Meteion: The last soul finally spoke: Oh, if only I hadn't been born...
Meteion: And the very last of them wished they had never been born at all.
Meteion: Woanders gelang es indes, die Krankheit durch technischen Fortschritt zu vertreiben.
Meteion: Elsewhere, people had managed to drive away disease through technological progress.
Meteion: In a faraway place, a brilliant star eradicated disease...
Soldat der Weltföderation: Bis in den Tod, für die Föderation!
World Federation Soldier: Until death, for the federation!
Global Citizen: It means to kill us all!
Meteion: Doch das gerette Leben fiel schließlig den Flammen des Krieges zum Opfer.
Meteion: But the life that was saved ultimately fell victim to the flames of war.
Meteion: ...before destroying the selfsame lives it had saved.
Soldat der Weltföderation: Wir werden diesen Krieg beenden!
World Federation Soldier: We will end this war!
Global Citizen: I have to end this!
Soldat der Weltföderation: Wir müssen kämpfen, um zu überleben.
World Federation Soldier: We have to fight to survive.
Global Citizen: If i can reach the terminal...
Meteion: Das Streben nach Freiheit und Glück führt letztendlich zu Missgunst und Mord.
Meteion: Striving for freedom and happiness leads to resentment and murder in the end.
Meteion: Its people sought ever greater freedoms no matter the cost...
Meteion: Die Waffen, die den Krieg beenden sollten, vollführten am Ende den Todesstoß.
Meteion: The weapons that were meant to end the war ended up delivering the killing blow.
Meteion: They tried to buy peace with fire and steel...
Friedenswächter: Befriedungsmodus aktiviert. Oberste Priorität: Durchsetzung des wahren Friedens. Auslöschung aller organischen Lebensformen initiiert. Bzzzt ...
Peacekeeper: Liberation mode activated. Highest priority: Enforcement of true peace. Extinction of all organic lifeforms initiated. Bzzzt...
Peacekeeper: Resuming peace protocol. All life-forms must be eliminated to achieve peace in perpetuity.
Friedenswächter: Automatische Exterminierungsroutine aktiviert. Existenz dieser Einheit beweist Notwendigkeit der Vernichtung malinger Lebensformen. Bzzzt ...
Peacekeeper: Automatic extermination program activated. The existence of this unit proves the necessity of exterminating malignant lifeforms. Bzzzt...
Peacekeeper: Deploying perpetual war machines. Please stand by for order to fire.
Friedenswächter: Maligne Lebensform detektiert. Der wahre Frieden muss hergestellt werden. Starte Einsatz von Massenvernichtungswaffen. Bzzzt ...
Peacekeeper: Malignant lifeforms detected. True peace must be established. Initiate deployment of weapons of mass destruction. Bzzzt...
Peacekeeper: Vital signs detected... Initiating extinction protocol in accordance with primary directive.
Meteion: Der letzte Überlebende schließlig sprach: Ach, wären wir doch bloß nicht so mächtig gewesen ...
Meteion: The last survivor finally spoke: Ah, if only we hadn't been so powerful.
Meteion: And when one asked, "What is the point?" there were none left to answer.
Soldat der Weltföderation: Wenn wir sie vernichten, werden wir endlich Frieden haben!
World Federation Soldier: If we destroy them we'll finally have peace!
Global Citizen: I did it! I killed them all!
Soldat der Weltföderation: Mögen uns die Götter gnädig sein ...
World Federation Soldier: May the gods have mercy on us...
Global Citizen: I...killed them all...
Meteion: Woanders fand ich eine Zivilisation, die alle Kriege hinter sich gelassen hatte.
Meteion: Elsewhere I found a civilisation that had left all war behind.
Meteion: Farther still existed a star without strife...
Meteion: Doch zwischen Weisheit und Rationalität ging die Wertschätzung des Lebens verloren. Der Anfang vom Ende ...
Meteion: But between wisdom and rationality, the appreciation of life was lost. The beginning of the end...
Meteion: ...where none remembered life's trials-or its joys.
Meteion: Wo Trauer und Leid besiegt sind, schwindet alsbald auch die Lebensfreude.
Meteion: Where sadness and suffering are overcome, the joy of life soon disappears as well.
Meteion: What its people had gained from ease, they lost to apathy.
Meteion: Ein schmerzfreies Ende, so als würde man langsam in den Schlaf gewogen.
Meteion: A painless end, as if being slowly lulled to sleep.
Meteion: So they created the kindest, most gentle of beasts.
Meteion: Grazil hüpfte es umher, in einem anmutigen Tanz des Todes.
Meteion: It gracefully hopped around, in an elegant dance of death.
Meteion: Its steps were light, and its gift was as painless as it was beautiful.
Meteion: Der Tod kam in einem goldenen Kleid. Und alles, was er umschmiegte, verging.
Meteion: Death came in a golden dress. And everything it embraced passed away.
Meteion: Bathed in its golden glow, they all slept happily ever after...
These are some of the lines said by the NPCs in the third part of the dungeon.
Das Lied! Mein letzter Tag ist gekommen!
The song! My final day has come!
Release at last.
Das Ende des Seins ist die Antwort.
The end of being is the answer.
I choose death!
O liebliche Stimme, lass alles vergehen...
O lovely voice, let everything pass away...
Please, O merciful Ra-la! Free us from the shackles of mortality!
MSQ level 90 - Zenos issues his final challenge
Zenos viator Galvus: Was denn? Willst du nicht zurück und für alle wieder den Helden spielen?
Zenos viator Galvus: What now? You don't want to return and continue to play hero for everyone?
Zenos viator Galvus: You mean to return. To the world where you are hailed as a hero.
Zenos viator Galvus: Dann sage ich es dir hier. Hör gut zu.
Zenos viator Galvus: Then I will say it to you here. Listen closely.
Zenos viator Galvus: Hear me then. Not as a hero, but as simply...you.
Zenos viator Galvus: Ich weiß nun, was mich bei unserem Kampf in Ala Mhigo so erregt hat.
Zenos viator Galvus: I know now what excited me so about our battle in Ala Mhigo.
Zenos viator Galvus: As I learned in Ala Mhigo, you are a formidable foe.
Zenos viator Galvus: Nie hat ein Gegner so verbissen gekämpft wie du. Wir fochten einen Kampf um den letzten Atemzug, den letzten Blutstropfen.
Zenos viator Galvus: Never has an opponent fought as fiercely as you. We fought a battle til the last breath, the last drop of blood.
Zenos viator Galvus: Stronger than any I have faced. Against you, I need bring my all to bear.
Zenos viator Galvus: Das heißt es, zu leben!
Zenos viator Galvus: That is what it means to live!
Zenos viator Galvus: I need burn through the candle of my life.
Zenos viator Galvus: Das ist mein Lebenszweck. Und gleichzeitig das größte Geschenk, das ich dir machen kann.
Zenos viator Galvus: That is my life's purpose. And at the same time, the greatest gift I can offer you.
Zenos viator Galvus: This is the sole pleasure I know, and it is the sole pleasure I have to share.
Zenos viator Galvus: Und nun bitte ich dich um eine Revanche.
Zenos viator Galvus: And now I ask you for a rematch.
Zenos viator Galvus: And so I come before you. To issue challenge and offer singular bliss.
Zenos viator Galvus: Wenn du ablehnst, lasse ich dich zu deinen Freunden zurückkehren.
Zenos viator Galvus: If you decline, I will let you return to your friends.
Zenos viator Galvus: If you wish to walk away, I will not stop you.
Zenos viator Galvus: Der Schuster, die Magd, sie hängen an ihren Leben. Deswegen scheuen sie die Gefahr und vermeiden jedes Risiko.
Zenos viator Galvus: The amateur, the innocent, they cling to their lives. That is why they shun danger and avoid all risk.
Zenos viator Galvus: You value life. You do not burn yours save for reasons you deem worthy.
He clearly means "the common masses" but his actual word choice is a bit strange, which is not unusual for him. Schuster directly means shoemaker and has colloquial use to mean a shoddy worker or amateur, and Magd is maid or maiden or virgin. So he could either mean "the amateurs and the innocent" or just be naming humble unglamorous professions.
Zenos viator Galvus: Helden wollen das Leben der Schwachen beschützen, also blicken sie dem Tod ins Auge und gehen bis ans Ende der Welt.
Zenos viator Galvus: Heroes want to protect the lives of the weak, so they look death in the eye and go as far as the end of the world.
Zenos viator Galvus: Reasons such as those which brought you here. The salvation of a world and its people. The motives of a hero true.
Zenos viator Galvus: Aber hier ist nichts, was dich zum Helden macht.
Zenos viator Galvus: But there is nothing here that makes you a hero.
Zenos viator Galvus: But there is more to you than that. You know this to be true.
Zenos viator Galvus: Erinnere dich an die Dächer von Ala Mihgo! Das Blut! Das Klirren der Waffen! Den Rausch, den man nur verspürt, wenn es um Leben oder Tod geht!
Zenos viator Galvus: Remember the rooftops of Ala Mhigo! The blood! The clashing of weapons! The rush you only feel in matters of life or death!
Zenos viator Galvus: As surely as you know the thrill of pushing your body and soul to their limits. Of confronting ever-mightier foes, dancing ever closer to the precipice, wondering if this will be the one to finally, finally...fill the void.
Zenos viator Galvus: Du hast die gleiche Ekstase gespürt. Held.
Zenos viator Galvus: You have felt the same ecstasy. Hero.
Zenos viator Galvus: Such pleasures, you seek for their own sake, and no other reason. Is this not so...adventurer?
Story choice 1
Ja. Ich habe es gespürt.
Yes. I've felt it.
That, I can't deny.
Zenos viator Galvus: Dann lass es uns noch einmal tun.
Zenos viator Galvus: Then let us do it once more.
Zenos viator Galvus: Acceptance. At long last.
Zenos viator Galvus: Mein Leben oder deins ... Der Himmel, die Sterne, wir kämpfen um alles!
Zenos viator Galvus: My life or yours... The heavens, the stars, we fight for everything!
Zenos viator Galvus: The conflagration of our clash will scorch even the stars!
Story choice 2
Ich werde nicht zulassen, dass du diesen Ort verlässt.
I won't allow you to leave this place.
Think what you will. But I'm not letting you leave this place.
Zenos viator Galvus: Immer noch voll edler Heldenmut.
Zenos viator Galvus: Still so full of noble heroic bravery.
Zenos viator Galvus: So you would still play the hero.
Zenos viator Galvus: Aber gut. Im Kampf um Leben und Tod werde ich es dir zeigen.
Zenos viator Galvus: But fine. I will show you in a battle for life and death.
Zenos viator Galvus: No matter. In acceptance you betray your deception. You know full well what we are, and what we seek.
Zenos viator Galvus: Was es heißt, wirklich zu leben!
Zenos viator Galvus: What it means to truly live!
Zenos viator Galvus: To shine incandescent in death's shadow!
Story choice 3
Hör auf, du widerst mich an.
Stop it, you disgust me.
I've had enough of you. It ends here.
Zenos viator Galvus: Ha. Endlich regt sich die Mordlust in dir.
Zenos viator Galvus: Ha. Finally murderous intent stirs in you.
Zenos viator Galvus: Finally mustered the desire to kill me, have you?
Zenos viator Galvus: Gut. Schlag mir den Kopf ein! Weide mich aus! Ich werde mich ebenfalls nicht zurückhalten!
Zenos viator Galvus: Good. Bash my head in! Tear out my guts! I won't hold back either!
Zenos viator Galvus: Go on, then. Try and strike me down in this forsaken place. I shall return the favor.
Zenos viator Galvus: Zusammen geben wir uns einer letzten Ekstase hin!
Zenos viator Galvus: We will surrender to a final ecstasy together!
Zenos viator Galvus: Aye, let us indulge in the only worthwhile pursuit, and burn our lives to their ends!
MSQ level 90 - After the Zenos fight
Zenos viator Galvus: Arrr ... Ich habe verloren. Schon wieder.
Zenos viator Galvus: Ahh... I lost. Again.
Zenos viator Galvus: That I should lose again...
Zenos viator Galvus: Wie überaus ärgerlich ...
Zenos viator Galvus: How incredibly annoying...
Zenos viator Galvus: How disappointing.
Zenos viator Galvus: Ich habe nie verstanden, warum die Leute um mich herum nichtigen Dingen solchen Wert zumaßen.
Zenos viator Galvus: I never understood why the people around me placed so much value in meaningless things.
Zenos viator Galvus: Never have I understood those around me. Understood their obsessions.
Zenos viator Galvus: Diese Welt gleicht ... einem faulen Sumpf, trostlos und langweilig ...
Zenos viator Galvus: This world is like... a foul swamp, desolate and boring...
Zenos viator Galvus: Besieged by their banality, the world was a mire of tedium and trivialities.
Zenos viator Galvus: Nur ab und an konnte ich ihm entkommen und für den Funken eines Augenblicks wahre Lust verspüren.
Zenos viator Galvus: Only every now and then could I escape it and for a spark of a moment experience true pleasure.
Zenos viator Galvus: But in these fleeting moments, there is...a spark. Blinding, brilliant...
"Lust" can translate to both "pleasure" and "desire" - he could have been seeking either the fulfilment of his desires or the ability to desire something in the first place.
Zenos viator Galvus: Ein schnelles, flüchtiges Vergnügen ...
Zenos viator Galvus: A quick, fleeting joy...
Zenos viator Galvus: Gone...too soon...
Zenos viator Galvus: Und du? Wurdest in diese Welt geboren, um ein unglaubliches Abenteuer nach dem anderen zu erleben.
Zenos viator Galvus: And you? Were born into this world to experience one unbelievable adventure after the other.
Zenos viator Galvus: What of you, my mirror? Born into this world, bestowed name, bid to seek out strife and adventure...
Zenos viator Galvus: Dein Leben ... war ein Wunder ...
Zenos viator Galvus: Your life... was a miracle...
Zenos viator Galvus: Was this life a gift...or a burden?
Zenos viator Galvus: So viel besser ... als meins ...
Zenos viator Galvus: So much better... than mine...
Zenos viator Galvus: Did you find...fulfilment?