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A Realm Reborn: Seventh Astral Era Main Story Quests

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  • elidibus intro scene
  • speaking with midgardsomr

Trial - The Akh Afah Amphitheatre
Shiva: Ihr habt gar nichts verstanden ... Ich bringe der Welt Eintracht und Frieden!
Shiva: You haven't understood a thing... I bring the world unity and peace!
Shiva: Those who have taken up the sword shall perish by the sword!
Shiva: Herbei, meine Kinder der Kälte!
Shiva: To me, my children of the cold!
Shiva: Rise to join in the chorus, my brothers!
Shiva: Wind werde Eis, Licht friere ein zu glasklarem Strahl!
Shiva: Wind becomes ice, light freezes into a ray clear as glass!
Shiva: Embrace the serenity... Renounce the hatreds that consume you...
Shiva: Ahhh ... Zerbersten sollt ihr! Alle!
Shiva: Ahhh... Shatter! All of you!
Shiva: And scatter them like dust in the wind...
Shiva: Meine Drachen ... Euch muss der letzte ... Sieg gehören ...
Shiva: My dragons... The last victory... must be yours...
Shiva: Forgive them, my beloved...

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