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A Realm Reborn: Seventh Umbral Era Main Story

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MSQ level 44 - Lady of the Vortex - Cid backstory flashback
Cid: Seit wann habe ich eigentlich diese schräge Brille?
Cid: When did I get these strange glasses actually?
Cid: Just how long have I worn these damn goggles?
Cid: Als Kind hab ich mich ja noch fein rausgeputzt ...
Cid: As a child I still used to dress up nice...
Cid: Ah, yes. I fancied myself a trendsetter in my younger days.
Cid: Ein richtiges Engelchen, hm! Und ein Wunderkind ... Ja, nur da habe ich mich meinem Vater nahe gefühlt.
Cid: A real angel, hm! And a child prodigy... Yeah, that's the only time I felt close to my father.
Cid: The young prodigy, admired by all...exactly like his father.
Cid: Als Garlear wurde ich geboren und als Garlear erzogen.
Cid: I was born a Garlean and raised a Garlean.
Cid: Born and raised in Garlemald...
Cid: Ich lernte Magitek-Maschinenbau wie mein Vater und wurde Ingenieur wie er.
Cid: I learned Magitek construction like my father and became an engineer like him.
Cid: It was only natural that the precocious young student should become an engineer. Had his father not done the same?
Cid: Wann war es, als wir aufhörten, miteinander zu sprechen?
Cid: When was it that we stopped talking with each other?
Cid: Father... When did we stop seeing eye to eye?
Cid: ... Wohl damals, als du in das Projekt Meteor hineingezogen worden bist ...
Cid: ...Probably back when you were pulled into Project Meteor...
Cid: When did Meteor become your everything, and your loved ones cease to matter?
Gaius appears to put a hand on young Cid's shoulder
Cid: Was macht es? Er war an deiner Stelle für mich da ...
Cid: Who cares? He was there for me in your stead...
Cid: You abandoned us all. But he was there for me, Father─there for me when you were not.
Cid: Aber er war um nichts besser - ein Narr, dem sein Ehrgeiz jeden Skrupel genommen hatte ... besessen von der Gier nach Macht ...
Cid: But he wasn't any better - a fool whose ambition took away his morals... possessed by a lust for power...
Cid: Though he proved no better in the end. Gaius was just another man with an all-consuming obsession.
Cid: Und ich rannte vor Gaius davon, nach Eorzea, und baute hier die Metallwerke auf.
Cid: And I ran away from Gaius, to Eorzea, and built the Ironworks here.
Cid: And so I ran─left the Empire behind and came to Eorzea, where I built the Ironworks.
Cid: Jetzt erinnere ich mich ... Wie alles begann.
Cid: I remember now... How everything started.
Cid: Ah, yes! It was then that I first donned these goggles.
Cid: Wie ich mit den Abenteurern gemeinsam kämpfte, gegen dein Projekt Meteor ... das dich zugrunde gerichtet hat, Vater.
Cid: How I fought together with the adventurers, against project Meteor... which had ruined you, father.
Cid: Eorzea opened my eyes. It was home to so many manner of people, each with their own hopes and dreams. People worth saving. And so I fought beside them.
Cid: Unsere Kunst dient der Freiheit, nicht der Unterdrückung!
Cid: Our art is in service of freedom, not oppression!
Cid: I wanted to prove that my knowledge could serve a nobler purpose.
Cid: Das wollte ich zeigen, Vater ... dass es noch einen anderen Weg gibt.
Cid: I wanted to show you that, father... that there's another way.
Cid: I wanted to prove that there was another way...
Cid: Die neue Ausrüstung war das sichtbare Zeichen für meinen Entschluss.
Cid: The new gear was the visible sign of my resolve.
Cid: And it all began that day, when I found my new home...

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Castrum Meridianum - Livia speech
Livia sas Junius: Legatus Gaius van Baelsar hält deine Gabe des Transzendierens für so beachtlich, dass ich mir selbst schon was weiß ich für einen Helden ausgemalt habe.
Livia sas Junius: Legatus Gaius van Baelsar holds your gift of the Echo in such high esteem that I had taken you for who knows what kind of hero myself.
Livia sas Junius: My lord was quite taken with you and the power you possess─the “Echo.” Naturally, I could not help but wonder whom this [prince/princess] among [men/women] might be...
Livia sas Junius: Das bist du doch für die Einfaltspinsel in deiner Heimat, nicht? Hmph! Und jetzt steht ein einfacher Abenteurer vor mir.
Livia sas Junius: That's what you are to the simpletons of your home, right? Hmph! And yet a simple adventurer stands before me.
Livia sas Junius: Only to discover that you are but another adventurer. No better than the multitude.
Livia sas Junius: Was die Leute an dir finden ... Was für ein „magischer Schein“ soll das sein, der von dir ausgeht? Ich sehe nichts als Panik in deinen Augen flackern.
Livia sas Junius: What the people think of you... What kind of "magic shine" is it that comes from you? I see nothing but panic flickering in your eyes.
Livia sas Junius: Yet in spite of this, the masses hold you their champion, and shower honors upon your head. It defies all reason.
Livia sas Junius: Und doch hast du uns ganz schön in Bedrängnis gebracht ... Deinetwegen haben wir auch einen unserer besten Männer verloren. Du bist es doch, der Rhitahtyn auf dem Gewissen hat, oder irre ich mich?
Livia sas Junius: And yet you already put us in trouble... Because of you we lost one of our best men. It's you who has Rhitahtyn on your conscience, if I'm not mistaken?
Livia sas Junius: How is it that you could be such a thorn in our side? Wherever you appear, you leave havoc in your wake. You even slew Rhitahtyn, one of our very finest.
Livia sas Junius: Was auch immer du bist und woher deine Kraft stammt - wir ... ich habe viel geopfert - viel Wertvolles.
Livia sas Junius: Whatever you are and whatever the source of your power - we... I've sacrificed much - many important things.
Livia sas Junius: Well...I will not speculate. Truth be told, I couldn't care less how you have done these things. What matters to me is the fact that you have done them.
Livia sas Junius: Wer weiß, was du mir noch nehmen wirst, wenn du am Leben bleibst.
Livia sas Junius: Who knows what else you will take if you stay alive.
Livia sas Junius: If you are allowed to continue, you will eventually deprive me of all that I have toiled for─all that is mine by right!
Livia sas Junius: Meine Leute ... meine Kameraden ... womöglich Legatus Gaius!
Livia sas Junius: My people... my comrades... possibly Legatus Gaius!
Livia sas Junius: My minions, my comrades...even my lord Gaius!
Livia sas Junius: Nein, ihn wirst du mir niemals nehmen.
Livia sas Junius: No, him you will never take from me.
Livia sas Junius: Well, you cannot have him!
Livia sas Junius: Gaius gehört mir - seine Träume, seine Ambitionen, alles - mit Leib und Seele gehört er mir, nur mir allein!
Livia sas Junius: Gaius belongs to me - his dreams, his ambitions, everything - body and soul he belongs to me and me alone!
Livia sas Junius: His dreams and ambitions, his body and soul─they are mine, do you hear me!? All mine!
Livia sas Junius: Ich werde mir nichts mehr nehmen lassen, nie mehr. Zu viel musste ich schon entbehren ...
Livia sas Junius: I won't let anything else be taken, no more. I've lost too much already...
Livia sas Junius: I lost everything once before! I will not suffer it to happen again!
Livia sas Junius: Ich werde dich töten, Abenteurer, mit meinen eigenen Händen! Nur dein Tod kann mir Frieden bringen!
Livia sas Junius: I will kill you, adventurer, with my own hands! Only your death can bring me peace!
Livia sas Junius: I will kill you, adventurer! Only your death can bring me peace!

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Praetorium - Gaius tries to recruit Cid
Gaius van Baelsar: Du hast mich lange warten lassen, Cid.
Gaius van Baelsar: You've made me wait a long time, Cid.
Gaius van Baelsar: Ah, Cid, my boy... You are late.
Gaius van Baelsar: Ich habe dir etwas zu sagen. Über Mid nan Garlond ...
Gaius van Baelsar: I have something to tell you. About Mid nan Garlond...
Gaius van Baelsar: There is something I always meant to tell you, yet the time never seemed right. It concerns your father.
Cid: Ha. Was kümmert mich mein Vater jetzt noch?
Cid: Ha. What do I still care about my father?
Cid: ...What of him?
Gaius van Baelsar: Mid hat in seinen letzten Lebensjahren Reue gezeigt ... dass sein Projekt Meteor dich in solche Bedrängnis gebracht hat.
Gaius van Baelsar: Mid showed remorse in his final years... that his project Meteor had caused you so much distress.
Gaius van Baelsar: In the winter of his years, Midas came to abhor his part in Meteor. He told me that he wanted nothing more than to wash his hands of the whole sordid business.
Cid: Erzähl mir nichts von Reue! Er hat das Projekt doch bis zuletzt geleitet!
Cid: Don't tell me about remorse! He still lead the project until the end!
Cid: But he did not wash his hands of it. He helmed the project until the day it killed him!
Gaius van Baelsar: Da war es bereits zu spät, um sich abzuwenden. Meteor hat ihn vereinnahmt, er konnte nicht entkommen.
Gaius van Baelsar: It was already too late to turn away. Meteor had claimed him, he couldn't escape.
Gaius van Baelsar: Come now, must know that he did not have the luxury of choice. By the time he realized his error, it was too late. Meteor had him completely in its thrall.
Gaius van Baelsar: Als ich ihn zum allerletzten Mal sah, sagte er mir, wie leid es ihm tue - wegen seines Sohnes.
Gaius van Baelsar: The very last time I saw him, he told me how much he regretted it - because of his son.
Gaius van Baelsar: Shortly before his...transformation, mayhap sensing that something was amiss, your father confided to me all the regrets of his life. Most of them concerned you.
Gaius van Baelsar: Du wolltest die Magitek-Technologie einsetzen, um der Welt den Frieden zu bringen - diese Botschaft ist sehr wohl zu ihm durchgedrungen.
Gaius van Baelsar: You wanted to use Magitek to bring peace to the world - he heard that message loud and clear.
Gaius van Baelsar: Early on in your career, he realized that while you had a talent for devising armaments, it would never fulfill you. Long before you knew your own mind, he saw that you would be far happier using your knowledge for peaceful purposes, and the thought touched him. He was a changed man for it, though he could not let it show.
Cid: Hast du das alles inszeniert, um mir rührselige Geschichten zu erzählen? Hör auf damit, Gaius! Wer soll denn das glauben!
Cid: Did you set all this up to tell me some touching stories? Cut it out, Gaius! Who would believe that!
Cid: You ripped open walls in this place just so you could say this to me!? What is it you want, Gaius!?
Gaius van Baelsar: Cid, Cid. Ich sage dir nur, wie es ist. Willst du nicht dorthin zurückkommen, wohin du gehörst? Nimm deinen legitimen Platz an meiner Seite ein ... als leitender Magitek-Ingenieur!
Gaius van Baelsar: Cid, Cid. I'm just telling you how things are. Don't you want to return where you belong? Take your rightful place at my side... as lead Magitek-engineer!
Gaius van Baelsar: I want you at my side, Cid. Take up your father's mantle, and become the Empire's lead engineer. It is your destiny.
Cid: Also Gaius, mach mal einen Punkt. Mein Vater soll es sich am Ende anders überlegt haben? Und da soll ich in seine Fußstapfen treten? Wo liegt da die Logik?
Cid: Come on Gaius, make a real point. My father changed his mind at the end? And that's why I should follow in his footsteps? Where's the logic in that?
Cid: My father had a change of heart─you said so yourself! Besides, I have long known my destiny, and I assure you, it lies not with the Empire!
Gaius van Baelsar: Was ist mit dir, Abenteurer? Willst du deine Kräfte nicht unter meiner Führung, unter garleischem Schutz einsetzen - für Eorzea?
Gaius van Baelsar: What about you, adventurer? Won't you employ your powers under my leadership, under Garlean protection - for Eorzea?
Gaius van Baelsar: A pity. And what of you, adventurer? Will you not consider making common cause with me?
Gaius van Baelsar: Mit deiner besonderen Gabe kannst du diese Welt in eine strahlende Zukunft führen.
Gaius van Baelsar: With your unusual gift you could lead this world towards a bright future.
Gaius van Baelsar: With your powers joined to mine, we might do much for this realm. Together, we could bring order to Eorzea, and usher in a lasting peace.
WoL rejects his offer
Gaius van Baelsar: Ah, ihr hoffnungslosen Idealisten. Es ist vergebene Liebesmüh.
Gaius van Baelsar: Ah, you hopeless idealists. I could've spared the effort.
Gaius van Baelsar: No? And I can expect no better answer than this? So be it. It was your strength that made me proffer my hand in friendship, and it is your strength that makes me proffer now my blade. Save as an ally, you are too dangerous to be let to remain.
Gaius calls in the Magitek colossus and you draw your weapons.
Gaius van Baelsar: Ja, gut erfasst. Verteidigt euch, wenn ihr könnt. Oder, Cid, willst du ein zweites Mal davonlaufen?
Gaius van Baelsar: Good, you understand the situation. Defend yourselves, if you can. Or, Cid, do you want to run away a second time?
Gaius van Baelsar: Run, Cid. Or stay. It makes no matter. You cannot escape the past.
Cid: Gaius! Warte! Verflucht, dann bleibt uns keine Wahl ...
Cid: Gaius! Wait! Damn it, we have no choice...
Cid: Gaius, wait! ...Damn it!

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Praetorium - Nero rant
Nero tol Scaeva: Ha ha. Du machst hier ganz schön Tumult, Bürschchen.
Nero tol Scaeva: Ha ha. You're causing a real ruckus, brat.
Nero tol Scaeva: You have been leaving a fine mess in your wake, adventurer.
Cid: Was ist los? Ist jemand bei dir?!
Cid: What's wrong? Is someone with you?!
Cid: Is someone there!?
Nero tol Scaeva: Aah, Cid! Wie herzerwärmend, deine Stimme zu hören - nach so langer Zeit. Ha ha!
Nero tol Scaeva: Aah, Cid! How heartwarming to hear your voice after all this time. Ha ha!
Nero tol Scaeva: Garlond, old friend. How it warms the heart to hear your voice again after all these years.
Cid: Nero?! Wieso ...
Cid: Nero?! How...
Cid: ...Nero? Is that you!?
Nero tol Scaeva: Wir waren so frei, uns in euren Funk einzuklinken. Na, Garlond, wie geht's denn immer so?
Nero tol Scaeva: We took the liberty of listening in on your radio. Well, Garlond, how have you been?
Nero tol Scaeva: You sound well. It would seem this savage land agrees with you.
Cid: Dann haben sie dich also zum höchsten Tribun der XIV. Legion gemacht ... Tribunus Laticlavius Nero Tol Scaeva!
Cid: So they've promoted you to highest Tribunus in the XIVth legion... Tribunus Laticlavius Nero tol Scaeva!
Cid: The highest ranking tribunus of the XIVth... It was you all this time?
Nero tol Scaeva: Was ist, Garlond, willst du dich jetzt immer noch vor mich drängen?
Nero tol Scaeva: What's up, Garlond, do you still want to keep cutting ahead of me?
Nero tol Scaeva: Tell me, Garlond. How long do you intend to keep all the glory for yourself?
Cid: Was redest du da?
Cid: What are you talking about?
Cid: Uh...what? You've lost me.
Nero tol Scaeva: Ah, als ob du dich nicht erinnern würdest! Die Magitek-Akademie? All die Ehre und das Lob für das kleine Genie Cid Garlond?
Nero tol Scaeva: Oh, as if you don't remember! The Magitek academy? All the honor and praise for the little genius Cid Garlond?
Nero tol Scaeva: Don't play the fool with me. Ever since the Academy, I have been condemned to live in your shadow.
Nero tol Scaeva: Stell dich nicht blöd! Die ganze Zeit über stand ich in deinem Schatten, weil dein Vater der leitende Magitek-Ingenieur war, der ranghöchste Techniker des Reichs ...
Nero tol Scaeva: Don't act dumb! The whole time I had to stand in your shadow because your father was the lead Magitek engineer, the highest ranking mechanic in the empire...
Nero tol Scaeva: By all objective measure, I was the more talented of the two of us, yet that fact counted for naught beside your privileged birth. You were admired as the young prodigy simply because your father was the great Midas nan Garlond!
Nero tol Scaeva: Dann hast du beschlossen, deiner Heimat den Rücken zu kehren und zum Feind überzulaufen! Weißt du, was das bedeutete?
Nero tol Scaeva: Then you decided to turn your back on your homeland and defect to the enemy! Do you know what that meant?
Nero tol Scaeva: When you defected, I felt sure my star would finally rise...
Nero tol Scaeva: Gerade das hat dich in der Vorstellung der Leute zum Übergenie erhoben! Dein Verschwinden machte dich zur Legende. Ein Verräter, ja - aber einer von unerreichten Fähigkeiten.
Nero tol Scaeva: That's exactly what what elevated you to supreme genius in the public imagination! Your disappearance made you into a legend. A traitor, yes - but one of unparalleled capabilities.
Nero tol Scaeva: But by disappearing, you acquired the status of a legend─your reputed genius gaining credence merely by dint of your absence! Instead of cursing you for a traitor, the people actually came to think of you more fondly! To this day, you are still the young prodigy of Magitek!
Nero tol Scaeva: Ich dagegen war hier, greifbar und kritisierbar. Was ich vermasselte, hätte der begnadete Cid Garlond selbstverständlich mit Bravour geschafft. Entwickelte ich etwas, so war es nie so gut, wie du es vermutlich konstruiert hättest.
Nero tol Scaeva: I on the other hand was here, tangible and fallible. What I messed up, the gifted Cid Garlond obviously would have achieved with ease. When I developed something, it was never as good as you probably would have built it.
Nero tol Scaeva: I, meanwhile, have ever been made to feel second-rate─I who have continued to serve our nation faithfully. Whenever I fail to excel─why, it is only to be expected! Yet when I exceed all reasonable expectations, people proclaim that I walk in the footsteps of the great Cid nan bloody Garlond!
Cid: Nero ...
Cid: Nero...
Cid: Nero, I...I don't know what to say.
Nero tol Scaeva: Und Gaius wollte von Anfang an dich zum leitenden Ingenieur machen, blind für all meine Anstrengungen und meine Leistungen.
Nero tol Scaeva: And Gaius from the start wanted to make you lead engineer, blind to all my efforts and achievements.
Nero tol Scaeva: It matters not a whit what I achieve. Your existence has rendered mine worthless. Even Lord van Baelsar saw fit to offer you a place at his side─and this in spite of your betrayal! Did he extend any such offer to me─the man who has remained loyal to him for all these years? Why, no. He did not.
Nero tol Scaeva: Traurige Geschichte, oder?
Nero tol Scaeva: Sad story, right?
Nero tol Scaeva: Long have I endured this injustice...but no more.
Nero tol Scaeva: Aber nur bis hierher ... Denn nun hat Gaius die Ultima-Waffe in Betrieb genommen. Mein Meisterwerk.
Nero tol Scaeva: But only up to here... Because now Gaius has put the Ultima Weapon into operation. My masterpiece.
Nero tol Scaeva: Lord van Baelsar is in the midst of activating the fully powered Ultima Weapon.
Nero tol Scaeva: Aber es dauert noch einen kleinen Moment, bis ihr sie in Vollendung bewundern könnt ... Wie wär's also mit einer kleinen Einlage in der Zwischenzeit - um euch die Wartezeit zu verkürzen?
Nero tol Scaeva: But it will take another brief moment before you can admire it in all its glory... So how about a little bonus performance in the meantime, to shorten the wait?
Nero tol Scaeva: It is my magnum opus─the creation that will win me the recognition I am due. I will not let anyone interfere.
Cid: Was hast du vor?
Cid: What are you planning?
Cid: Nero! What are you─!?
Nero tol Scaeva: Dich, Abenteurer, habe ich beobachtet, seit du deinen Fuß auf eorzäischen Boden gesetzt hast.
Nero tol Scaeva: I've kept an eye on you, adventurer, ever since you set foot on Eorzean soil.
Nero tol Scaeva: Ever since I first set foot in this benighted land, I have watched you─every move you have made, every step you have taken.
Nero tol Scaeva: Du nimmst es mit den Götzen der Wilden Stämme auf - nicht schlecht für einen dahergelaufenen Vagabunden. Und deine Gabe des Transzendierens macht dich unangreifbar für ihre Beeinflussung.
Nero tol Scaeva: You take on the gods of the beast tribes - not bad for a random vagabond. And your Echo makes you immune to their influence.
Nero tol Scaeva: You have felled eikons, a feat made possible by the Echo, a peculiar power which shields you from their corrupting influence.
Nero tol Scaeva: Kein Wunder, dass der Legatus dich mit höchster Aufmerksamkeit verfolgt!
Nero tol Scaeva: No wonder the Legatus is watching you with keen interest!
Nero tol Scaeva: It is of little wonder that my lord has taken an interest in you.
Nero tol Scaeva: Und mich interessiert deine so praktische Fähigkeit genauso. Wenn ich sie für die Magitek nutzbar machen könnte ...!
Nero tol Scaeva: And I am equally interested in your very practical ability. If I could make it useable in Magitek...!
Nero tol Scaeva: As have I, if truth be told. It is my desire to harness your power for use in the Ultima Weapon.
Nero tol Scaeva: Das würde all deinen Erfindungen den Rang ablaufen, Cid. All deine Entwicklungen sehen da wie Kinderkram aus - vor einer Ultima-Waffe mit der künstlichen Kraft des Transzendierens!
Nero tol Scaeva: That would blow all your inventions out of the water, Cid. All your developments will look like child's play before an Ultima Weapon with an artificial Echo!
Nero tol Scaeva: Should I succeed, Lord van Baelsar will surely take notice! Beside this, Garlond's achievements will be as child's play!
Nero tol Scaeva: So, Abenteurer. Nun lass uns dein kleines Geheimnis mal gründlich austesten.
Nero tol Scaeva: So, adventurer. Let's thoroughly test your little secret.
Nero tol Scaeva: Come, adventurer, and yield to me the secrets of your power!
Battle start
Nero tol Scaeva: Ich habe dir eine unvergleichliche Bühne bereitet. Ich hoffe, du weißt diese Ehre zu schätzen!
Nero tol Scaeva: I prepared an incomparable stage for you. I hope you appreciate the honor!
Nero tol Scaeva: I have taken the liberty of preparing an electrifying stage for you.
Nero tol Scaeva: Na, hat dir Cid noch keine brauchbare Waffe gemacht? Sieh dir meine nur gut an!
Nero tol Scaeva: Hey, has Cid not made you any useable weapons yet? Take a good look at mine!
Nero tol Scaeva: I will lay Garlond low, but first I must break you!
Nero tol Scaeva: Meine Todesklaue. Wie gefällt sie dir?
Nero tol Scaeva: My death claws. How do you like them?
Nero tol Scaeva: Meet one of my creations. You might find it a handful.
Nero tol Scaeva: Hnn ... Soll ich etwa ... sogar dir unterliegen!?
Nero tol Scaeva: Hnn... Don't tell me I'll... even lose to you!?
Nero tol Scaeva: <pant> I will not be in another's shadow!

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Praetorium - Gaius elevator speech
Gaius van Baelsar: Nun, Abenteurer ... Verrate mir doch ... wofür kämpfst du so verbissen?
Gaius van Baelsar: Now, adventurer... Do tell me... what do you fight so hard for?
Gaius van Baelsar: Tell me...for whom do you fight?
Gaius van Baelsar: Hm! Wie überaus edel! Aber glaubst du auch an Eorzea?
Gaius van Baelsar: Hm! How very noble! But do you also believe in Eorzea?
Gaius van Baelsar: Hmph! Do you believe in Eorzea?
Gaius van Baelsar: Diese Fassade der Eintracht, die auf Illusionen gebauten Städte, der einlullende Glaube an „Götter“ ...
Gaius van Baelsar: This facade of unity, the cities built on illusions, the pacifying belief in "gods".
Gaius van Baelsar: Eorzea's unity is forged of falsehoods. Its city-states are built on deceit. And its faith is an instrument of deception.
Gaius van Baelsar: Eorzea ist ein einziger Filz aus Lüge und Wahn.
Gaius van Baelsar: Eorzea is woven of lies and delusion.
Gaius van Baelsar: It is naught but a cobweb of lies. To believe in Eorzea is to believe in nothing.
Gaius van Baelsar: Würdelos, wie ihr „Zivilisierten“ vor den Götzen der Wilden zusammenzuckt ... Sie helfen ihrem Volk - wogegen eure Götter sich dessen kaum befleißigen.
Gaius van Baelsar: Undignified, how your "civilisation" cowers before the gods of savages... They help their people - against whom your gods hardly bother.
Gaius van Baelsar: In Eorzea, the beast tribes often summon gods to fight in their stead─though your comrades only rarely respond in kind. Which is strange, is it not?
Gaius van Baelsar: Sind eure Zwölf beschäftigt? Verstecken sie sich vor mir? Wenn ihr sie so verehrt, so ruft sie doch, wie damals auf der Heide von Carteneau! Oder zögert ihr, weil sie mir unterliegen würden?!
Gaius van Baelsar: Are your Twelve occupied? Are they hiding from me? If you rever them so much then call them forth, like at the Cartineau flats! Or do you hesitate because they would fall before me?!
Gaius van Baelsar: Are the “Twelve” otherwise engaged? I was given to understand they were your protectors. If you truly believe them your guardians, why do you not repeat the trick that served you so well at Carteneau, and call them down?
Gaius van Baelsar: Und vergesst nicht ihren Tribut - die Unmengen an Äther, die sie der Erde für jeden Gastauftritt in Rechnung stellen!
Gaius van Baelsar: And don't forget your tribute - the tons of aether they bill the earth for each of their guest appearances!
Gaius van Baelsar: They will answer─so long as you lavish them with crystals and gorge them on aether.
Gaius van Baelsar: Seht ihr es nicht? Was sind eure Götter anderes als Parasiten? Genau wie die Primae, die dem Land den Äther entziehen ...
Gaius van Baelsar: Don't you see it? What are your gods other than parasites? Exactly like the primals depriving the land of aether...
Gaius van Baelsar: Your gods are no different from those of the beasts─eikons every one. Accept but this, and you will see how Eorzea's faith is bleeding the land dry.
Gaius van Baelsar: Ihr ahnt es selbst, und doch verschließt ihr die Augen! Warum huldigt das dumme Volk ihnen noch? Warum war der große Louisoix zu blind, es zu sehen?
Gaius van Baelsar: You suspect as much yourselves, and yet you avert your eyes! Why do the stupid masses still praise them? Why was the great Louisox too blind to see it?
Gaius van Baelsar: Nor is this unknown to your masters. Which prompts the question: why do they cling to these false deities? What drives even men of learning─even the great Louisoix─to grovel at their feet?
Gaius van Baelsar: Weil eure Anführer schwach sind, rückgratlos und ohne Willen zur Macht!
Gaius van Baelsar: Because your leaders are weak, spineless, and lack the desire for power!
Gaius van Baelsar: The answer? Your masters lack the strength to do otherwise!
Gaius van Baelsar: Die Welt ist für uns Weltliche gemacht, wir sind ihre Existenzberechtigung!
Gaius van Baelsar: The world is made for us worldly, we are the justification for its existence!
Gaius van Baelsar: For the world of man to mean anything, man must own the world.
Gaius van Baelsar: Uns gehört sie, denn wir haben um sie gekämpft, während die Götter schliefen!
Gaius van Baelsar: It belongs to us, for we have fought for it while the gods slept!
Gaius van Baelsar: To this end, he hath fought ever to raise himself through conflict─to grow rich through conquest.
Gaius van Baelsar: Und was ist natürlicher, als dass der Stärkste die Schwachen beherrscht?!
Gaius van Baelsar: And what is more natural than the strong ruling the weak?!
Gaius van Baelsar: And when the dust of battle settles, it is ever the strong who dictate the fate of the weak.
Gaius van Baelsar: Die Erde blutet aus, weil niemand verhindert, dass man sie zur Ader lässt.
Gaius van Baelsar: The earth bleeds out, because nobody prevents the bloodletting.
Gaius van Baelsar: Knowing this, but a single path is open to the impotent ruler─that of false worship. A path which leads to enervation and death.
Gaius van Baelsar: Ich aber werde die Ordnung dieser Welt neu errichten! Ich wasche hinweg die Lüge dieser Welt, ich bin ihre Rettung!
Gaius van Baelsar: I however will reestabish order in this world! I will wash away the lies of this world, I am your salvation!
Gaius van Baelsar: Only a man of power can rightly steer the course of civilization. And in this land of creeping mendacity, that one truth will prove its salvation.
Gaius van Baelsar: Und die „Helden“ wie dich werde ich zermalmen, damit alle Welt meine Stärke erkennt!
Gaius van Baelsar: And I will crush the "heroes" like you, so that all the world recognises my strength!
Gaius van Baelsar: Come, champion of Eorzea, face me! Your defeat shall serve as proof of my readiness to rule!
Gaius van Baelsar: Dann wird dieses Reich ... als mein Reich neu erstehen!
Gaius van Baelsar: Then this realm... will rise again as my realm!
Gaius van Baelsar: It is only right that I should take your realm. For none among you has the power to stop me!
Battle start
Gaius van Baelsar: Ein "Held"? Was für ein pathetisches Lob für einen durch Zufall am Leben gebliebenen Wurm.
Gaius van Baelsar: A "hero"? What pathetic praise for a worm that has survived by pure chance.
Gaius van Baelsar: Let us dance, champion of Eorzea.
Gaius van Baelsar: Nur Narren stellen sich mir im Kampf!
Gaius van Baelsar: Only fools face me in battle!
Gaius van Baelsar: Know your place!
Gaius van Baelsar: Nicht übel für einen hirnlosen Schwächling. Aber freu dich nicht zu früh.
Gaius van Baelsar: Not bad for a brainless weakling. But don't get ahead of yourself.
Gaius van Baelsar: Impressive! Now it is my turn!
Gaius van Baelsar: Könnt ihr zu Ende bringen, was ihr begonnen habt?
Gaius van Baelsar: Can you finish what you started?
Gaius van Baelsar: Come, we shall see if you can finish what you have started.
Gaius splits into clones
Gaius van Baelsar: Bist du nicht willig, dich mir zu beugen, so wird diese Klinge dein Untergang sein!
Gaius van Baelsar: If you're not willing to bow to me, this sword will be your downfall!
Gaius van Baelsar: If you will not yield, then you will be destroyed!
The raidwide goes off
Gaius van Baelsar: Die Ära der Schwachen ist zu Ende!
Gaius van Baelsar: The era of the weak is at an end!
Gaius van Baelsar: Eorzea is mine by right!
Gaius van Baelsar: Du glaubst, mit Beharrlichkeit den Sieg erringen zu können? Ein fataler Irrtum!
Gaius van Baelsar: You believe you can obtain victory through persistence? A fatal mistake!
Gaius van Baelsar: That you should still stand... Very well, then!

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